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Uzzah is struck down because he touched the Ark of the Lord. The Lord's wrath has broken out against Uzzah and this caused David to be angry out humiliation and possibly confusion.


Q1. (2 Samuel 6:1-10) Why does God strike Uzzah? Why is David so angry?Because he reaches out and touches the Ark. David's anger burned against God's judgement when Uzzah stumbled.


Q1. (2 Samuel 6:1-10) Why does God strike Uzzah? Why is David so angry?

God had earlier given specific instructions on how to carry the Ark of the Covenant. The Levites were the ones who were suppose to carry the ark, the poles were to be put through the little ringlets at the bottom of the ark, and then the poles were to be placed on the shoulders of these specially chosen men – the Levites. God struke Uzzah dead because he carried the Ark wrong and ended up touching the side of the ark. Whether he knew better to touch it or not doesn't matter, he touched it.

David is angry because of several reasons. His happy occasion has gone wrong and had resulted in disaster. He had worked hard getting everything together to move the ark and it went wrong. Intentions good, but he was running a little ahead of God. He had asked council of everything else from God, he should have checked this out a little further.

  • 2 weeks later...

Why does God strike Uzzah?

1. God struck Uzzah because he had touch the Ark of God when the oxen stumbled

Why is David so angry?

2. David was angry because God took his wrath out on Uzzah. David felt he had good intentions and that he was misunderstood. Also, David was humilitated.

  • 2 weeks later...

God struck Uzzah dead because he touched the Ark. Only the Levites had the authority to touch the Ark.

David probably became angry for one of two reasons. David feels his motives are right in bring the Ark into the city,so he can't understand why God would bring judgment. Also David has been humiliated in front of 30,000 onlookers. The national celebration he had planned for the Ark's return has turned into a disaster. :angry:


Q1. (2 Samuel 6:1-10) Why does God strike Uzzah? Why is David so angry?

I believe God struck Uzzah because his touching to the Ark was an act of of irreverence for the Holy thing. God establish for His people how holy things are to be handled and His people are expected to do likewise. In this instance how to handle that which is holy was the lesson to be learned.

I believe David was angry because under his instructions the Ark was being brought to Jerusalem and the death of Uzzah was attributed to him obeying David. David now stood embarrassed and responsible for this death.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q1. (2 Samuel 6:1-10)

Why does God strike Uzzah?

Why is David so angry?

a. David did not consult with the Lord God on how to transport

the Ark of God. So it was in the open, uncovered. When Uzzah

touched the Ark to steady it The Lord Struck Uzzah down.

b. David was angry because he had moved the Ark with

the best of intentions. He loved the Lord and wanted God

worshipped. David was pubically humiliated in front of 30,000

people. The celebration ended in disaster.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (2 Samuel 6:1-10) Why does God strike Uzzah?

This is clearly an act of irreverence in the sight of many people. God is God and wanted to show people that this movement was not properly done. We have read in the past how David consulted the Lord in all his battles, but here he doesn't he simply applies he method which he has already seen and heard of. We can see that this was a colossal error. For such an important event, David has not consulted the Lord and he pays the price of humiliation before thousands of people.

This is a warning to all of us, regarding anything important in life, any communication is important. If we want it to go well we must pray before it begins, or as it is unfolding. And we would be best to keep on praying, continually Perhaps this can be done in the form of calm breathing and focusing on serving the person or persons before us.

For me this will continue to be a new habit I need to develop

Why is David so angry? -- He didn't consult the Lord and is humiliated. A great lesson for all of us, especially me.


The Arc is/was sacred. Today in 2013 this is not something we'd expect to happen. The right ceremonial way to do anything so important should have been studied ... easy for us to say after the fact. It cost Uzzah his life, but I hope he is in heaven as he tried to 'fix' a mistake by the King of Isreal.

Since David seemed ready to consult the Lord on battle issues, it would have been better to do such for moving the Arc. God humiliates us when we need to be humiliated. We may not like it when it happens, but do we see shy God is doing it? I myself need to be more prayerful, and more humble. It just sems like we can never pray enough to always be sure of the will of God.

  • 2 months later...

2a)God striked Uzzah because against God’s instructions for how the Ark was to be moved &handled,he took hold of the Ark when the cattle pulling the new cart with Ark on it stumbled,probably to stop it falling. This was similar to how heathen Philistines carried Ark on a cart.Uzzah ignored instructions if knew them &did not enquire of the Lord how to carry it.

b)David is angry because of God’s punishment for Uzzah touching Ark even though he was seeking to bring it to Jerusalem for it to be at the religious&political centre of Israel.David may have been angry at himself for not finding out earlier how Ark should have been carried by the Levites with poles etc which would have secured it more.He could have been fearful at what God would do next.The national celebration had ended in disaster&it could have looked to some onlookers as if should the Ark have been moved,even David’s relationship with God in question,was he worthy to be in God’s presence.

  • 1 year later...

God strikes Uzzah because he touched the Ark, which was an un holy act. (a law is a law)


David is angry because God struck Uzzah and because he wasn't able to take the Ark with him to Jeruselem.  He was humiliated for making a big deal and celebration for no reason.


It seems like this is the first time David tries to do something without consulting God first even though it was done with good intentions it still wasn't what God wanted.  God wants David to learn that he has to consult with him on everything no matter if the significance is big or small.


This is a hard lesson for everyone to follow, we all like to think we are capable of making decisions on our own.

  • 2 months later...

Q1. (2 Samuel 6:1-10) Why does God strike Uzzah? Why is David so angry?

Uzzah touches the ark to protect it when it looks like it is in danger of falling. David is angry because of God's wrath on Uzzah, but it is unclear to me whether his anger is at God or at himself for allowing the ark to be touch, showing irreverence.

  • 2 years later...

Q1. (2 Samuel 6:1-10) Why does God strike Uzzah? Why is David so angry?

 God strikes Uzzah because only the Levites are to carry the ark.

David is angry because things did not work out right and because he himself is on prepared. 



  • 6 years later...

He showed disrespect for Gods holiness, he violated God specific instruction about the care of the Ark

David felt he had set the stage for the  anger God had against  Uzzah for touching the Ark

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (2 Samuel 6:1-10) Why does God strike Uzzah? Why is David so angry?

Uzzah had stretched out his hand to steady the Ark.  The Ark was not being transported in the way that God had instructed it to be carried.  God is certainly not One Who supports irreverence.  Uzzah's act is taken to be irreverent to the Lord.  

Two reasons are given in the notes, viz., misunderstanding and humiliation. 

David had wanted to bring the Ark, symbolizing God's presence,  to the capital city , to emphasize to all and sundry that the Israelites were a nation who served Yahweh.  So why would God bring judgment?  A misunderstanding.
David feels publicly humiliated. The national celebration he has planned in front of 30,000 onlookers has ended with disaster, as if God doesn't approve of moving the ark. In people's eyes, David's relationship with God is being questioned.

Not sure what the real factor is.  Could it possibly be that he is angry with himself for not heeding the instructions God gave as to how the Ark and everything pertaining to it , should be transported/moved.

  • 1 year later...

David was at a high point both in his political career and faith. David had (cleverly) submitted to pleblicite whether the ark should be returned. It appears that the people responded unanimously to bring it back. So, David felt he had God's will backing him up, that he was doing the right thing. He also knew that politically he was riding a high wave.

I wonder if anyone remembered the rules for moving the ark -- it's not like the priesthood and teaching was well disseminated at that time. My guess is that the men who moved the ark, including Uzzah, didn't know the rules and regulations that God had laid down. So they broke them. Unintentionally. (This could be wrong.)

The bible gives no hint as to David's reasoning or reason for his anger. 

If I were in David's shoes, I'd be mad, too. After all, David HAD consulted God on this. David HAD consulted the people. He had both God and the people's consent and enthusiasm for this project. It was pulling together the people as a nation ... a unifying experience. His heart was in the right place. How often do any of us do something from the right motives as pure as David's were at this moment? I don't think David had a scintilla of doubt that this was God's will.

And then, as if putting mere rules over his heart, God pulled the rug out from under David. He asserted His holiness and the rules regarding His holiness over David's good intentions and desire to serve Him faithfully. If this is His standard, will anyone meet it? If picayune-seeming rules and regulations are more important than intention and motivation, God Himself seems petty. I think this is the way David was thinking.

Was David wrong? Apparently so. There must have been more to this story. Perhaps the return of the ark had devolved into a jingoistic, patriotic event -- I'm writing this on the 4th July, a time of hamburgers and fireworks, not deep thoughts about the meaning and direction of the country -- and had lost it's religious undergirding? Perhaps Uzzah and the other men (who were spared) were flippant about the meaning of the ark's return, or enjoying the spectacle more than it's meaning ... perhaps the fireworks were more important than the reason for the event, celebration more important than the reason to celebrate ... partying more important than God?

It's difficult not to feel sorry for Uzzah, but if he were a rah-rah, firework-gazing patriot and not a humble and reverent believer in Yahweh, this sordid story makes sense.

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (2 Samuel 6:1-10)

Why does God strike Uzzah?

Uzzah has reached out and took hold of the ark of GOD, because the oxen stumbled. GOD strike Uzzah because of this irreverent act.

Why is David so angry?

The men of Beth Shemesh for looking in the ark the LORD's, the wrath had broken out against Uzzah. This recalls the severe punishment upon them.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (2 Samuel 6:1-10) Why does God strike Uzzah? He touched a Holy thing, even though it was an accident.

Why is David so angry? He's doing this great thing to restore God to the center of Israel and yet He killed someone for trying to keep the ark safe.

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