Pastor Ralph Posted July 26, 2012 Report Posted July 26, 2012 Q4. (2 Samuel 6:16, 20-23) What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? What effect might it have on your spiritual life? How can you find healing from the bitterness? What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife’s preferences? Quote
IvoryEagle Posted October 27, 2012 Report Posted October 27, 2012 What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? Lost her father and her brothers. Torn away from a man who loved her to play seven to a man she did not understand. Did not understand a man who had only known "the common life." Royalty was her birthright and her life. How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? All of the above caused her to feel bitter. Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? No. What effect might it have on your spiritual life? I am not bitter; I understand accountability and I understand choices; mostly,I understand God. How can you find healing from the bitterness? Stay in prayer and expectation. What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife's preferences? He would have died internally as it would have gone against who he was. He would not have emerged as "a man after God's own heart." It woiuld have severely impacted his legacy of love for God. Quote
Raph Posted October 29, 2012 Report Posted October 29, 2012 Q4. (2 Samuel 6:16, 20-23) What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? Michal is so bitter at David I think because of loosing the status our being the first wife; she is now the seventh. And it seems the love she had to David before had faded. How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? Her bitterness causes her to think David is trying to show his body to slave girls; not understanding that David was just praising the Lord. Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? No. What effect might it have on your spiritual life? Being bitter can make me fail to praise the Lord as required. How can you find healing from the bitterness? One can find healing from the bitterness by understanding that you are wrong and then asking God for forgiveness and direction. What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife's preferences? If David could have conformed his worship expression to his wife's preferences, he could have annoyed the Lord and he coud have suffered the consequences. Quote
hanks Posted October 30, 2012 Report Posted October 30, 2012 Q4. (2 Samuel 6:16, 20-23) What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? What effect might it have on your spiritual life? How can you find healing from the bitterness? What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife's preferences? Everyone, except Michal, is happy and rejoicing. Her bitterness towards David might be as a result of his harem – she was his first wife, and might by now, be jealous of all David’s other wives. Also she is called Saul’s daughter (v20) instead of David’s wife perhaps indicating that her attitude towards David was the same as her father’s. This bitterness could perhaps also have resulted in her indifference towards God, and she therefore sees little value in praising God and the actions of David. I can honestly say I have never been bitter towards God about anything. On the contrary I have only been most grateful for what He has done in my life and the lives of my family. Fortunately the Holy Spirit has helped me realise long ago that I must, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6). David was by nature an extrovert and I cannot imagine him not giving full outing to expressing his joy in praising and worshipping God. He was truly excited and Michal would only have dampened his enthusiasm. Quote
Delivered Posted October 30, 2012 Report Posted October 30, 2012 Q4. (2 Samuel 6:16, 20-23) What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? Michal looked out a window and saw David leaping and dancing before the LORD, and in her heart she despised the actions of the king, it is sad, she did not have the JOY of the LORD in her heart, she looked and saw David was not wearing his kingly robe, a robe that would display to the people, honor and prestige of the royal family, instead he wore a robe and ephod of fine linen, he was dressed the same as the others. During the days of her father King Saul, Israel did not enquire of the ark of God, so I wonder if this distain her father had for the ark of God was also that of Michal. The heart tells us so much about a person, and her heart looked upon the kings dancing as being much UNDIGNIFIED for a king, her heart did not understand, the dance was not for the PEOPLE, it was praise to GOD. What happened to Michal is something that could happen to any of us, when our hearts do not hunger after the things of God, and in its place we look for the approval of man. What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife's preferences? I would rather ask, what would have happened if Michal would have conformed to the expression of praise as David did? Her heart would have wanted to sing the praises of God; she would have found the true JOY of the LORD. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted October 31, 2012 Report Posted October 31, 2012 Q4. (2 Samuel 6:16, 20-23) What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? I think they've simply fallen out of love. He still loves her bu the's no longer in love with her, and vice versa. Michal was the former king's daughter and when David fell out of favor with Saul she was given to one of Saul's loyal noblemen. It would seem that Michal was extremely attractive and desirable from a worldly perspective. How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? Michal had been bitter at David for some time, I reckon. Taken from her luxurious lifestyle as she'd been and reunited with David whom she once loved deeply and now perhaps didn't really love any more, Michal saw her husband dancing and in her eyes making a fool of himself and being appreciated by the slave girls who in her eyes were almost beneath her notice, and despised him for that. Maybe the slave girls were actually touching David and showing him affection. I think that's likely. He would have been still in the prime of his life and a handsome man and the girls would have relished the opportunity to be in close contact with their king in such circumstances. That would have really rankled Michal. Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? It's hard not to be, when I prayed to God for years to help me save my marriage and yet still it ended in divorce. When I had a job that allowed me to support my family and work injuries and other circumstances ended that. People were responsible for all that's happened, but God still has sovereign control. All that time I was a church-going Bible believing Christian and it's only natural to feel let down when one's way of life is altered significantly for the worse, when it was a humble kind of life anyway, to begin with. I wasn't a company director or anything, I was a truck driver. Most of the time I'm OK with my life's circumstances but every now and then I do tend to blame God somewhat. I know that God prunes every tree so it bears better fruit but he seems to have taken a chainsaw to me. What effect might it have on your spiritual life? Any bitterness harbored towards God, or man for that matter, will hinder my service and usefullness to God. I'm aware of that and know that I need to forgive people for wronging me and to forgive God for what I perceive to be His heavyhandedness. How can you find healing from the bitterness? Prayer and Bible reading and just trying to submit to God are the ways I try to come to terms with everything. There are times, I'll confess, that I scream out to God to just give me a break sometimes . . . to ask Him to not let everything always be so unrelentingly hard. I'm involved full-time in the music industry and despite the Spirit in me being greater than the spirit of those in the world, I see people with a quarter of my talent rocketing past me while I'm going backwards. I'm not even on a level playing field with them. With that going on constantly I really struggle in my Christian life, to think that God doesn't even care enough to see that I make a living. I rely on God to supply my needs but I'm only ever supplied with the bare minimum I need to survive, despite my working my guts out. Give us this day our daily bread indeed. There's never much left for tomorrow, and when I do have some money left from week to week a major expense will occur that drains my account bare again. I have to learn to be content with that and to thank God for His provision, no matter how meager it may be. Still, the people of Israel had to do that for forty years. What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife’s preferences? For starters there wouldn't be the model David provided for worshipping God in an unhibited way that God sometimes likes to see. We wouldn't have the praise centered worship we take for granted today either. Yahweh worship in Israel would have gone back to the old sacrifices and blood offerings without a sense of enjoying God's presence. Quote
Rhndwsh Posted October 31, 2012 Report Posted October 31, 2012 Because he was wearing his Royal King' clothing. Instead David was wearing a linen ephod which she was not to her stanards as a king; and absorbed in a joyful worship of his God, worship from the heart and with his arms, legs and feet. HE doesn't seem to care that it might seem undignified to anyone less alone Michal. Her bitterness misjudges her to question David about his behavior she feels is below the dignity of a king. He responds: " i will become even more undignified than this, and i will be humiliated in my own eyes....(6:22). She felt David distinguished himself, uncovering in the sight of the slave girls of his servant was vulgar. Her bitterness blinded her to the fact that David has the Lord in his heart and was dancing to worship and singing praise to the Lord his way of showing Him thanks. No i have not ever been bitter towards the Lord. Ask God for forgiveness and pray for Him to give you guidance in your healing process. Also ask him to take away the bitterness and forgive you for having bitterness towards him. This would show God that he doesn't have Him in his heart. He may be disobedient to The Lord which can result consequence. The Lord wants us to worship and praise him. This is how we show our love for him and giving thanks to our Lord Jusus Christ Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted October 31, 2012 Report Posted October 31, 2012 What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? She was a princes, she had a husband that truely loved her, she was used to be seen as a very important person. Then David took het back and she was now the wife of the king. She was proud., she wanted to be known as high and mighty, and then David dissapointed her again, she was not 1st wife anymore, and she thought David was interested in the slave girls. It all worked on het to become bitter How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? When we want to see bad in someone we will, we misunderstand what people do just so that we can justify our anger towards that person Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? No What effect might it have on your spiritual life? If you are bitter towards God, you will never grow in your relationship, and you cant be sanctified. You will probably end up as one of the people Jesus said He doesn't know How can you find healing from the bitterness? Seek the Kingdom of God. Repent and ask for forgiveness. Fear God, love God and put His will 1st, not your selfish ideas What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife's preferences? He would have put hs wife 1st, and not glorified God properly Quote
JanMary Posted October 31, 2012 Report Posted October 31, 2012 Q4. (2 Samuel 6:16, 20-23) What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? Michal had been taken away from David and given to Paltiel who loved her and followed behind weeping as she was brought back to David, like someone else's baggage. She was now to share David with his other wives! She was in deep grief over that loss and the loss of her father Saul, and brother Jonathan...part of the grief process is anger. When she saw David rejoicing in God, instead of sharing in her grief and comforting her, I'm sure she was furious at both he and God. I still remember looking out of the hearse window while being driven to the cemetery for Dad's burial, and seeing people in cars going by, laughing and eating ice cream cones....and thinking "Our world has been stopped cold by grief and is it possible for others to feel joy?" How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? The anger stage of grief, when prolonged can become bitterness, where one implodes and all we see is ME and MY PAIN and seeking who to blame for it. In that state, all she saw was David "cavorting disrobed", rather than her husband worshipping his Lord and God! He returned to bless his household previous to his worship (v20), which went unnoticed and misunderstood by Michal. Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? What effect might this have had on your spiritual life? How can you find healing from the bitterness? Not any longer. After I became a Christian and realized that God is Sovereign, I secretly blamed Him for not protecting me from sexual, physical, verbal abuse, including death threats from my parents. It was buried in my subconscious, hidden even from me, until one day after He led me through a long period of grieving for all of my past pain, He showed me that I had been holding Him responsible for all of it. No wonder I had no joy, and little intimacy with Him. I was still afraid of Him and didn't trust that He really loved me and has my best good always in mind. At first I railed and shook my fist in anger for not protecting me. When I was spent, He literally sat on the side of my bed near me, and showed me that He cannot, in His Sovereignty barge in where He is not invited. We were not Christians, and He had been excluded from our lives. Then this sweet exchange: "I did not allow them to make good on their threats to kill you. I was with you every moment, even in your mother's womb. I have been with you through every pit of sin and darkness, waiting for the day when you would come to me. I know and understand completely, everything you have ever done! You are forgiven, and washed as white as snow! I love you with an everlasting love." Then I wept tears of joy for the first time in my life! I forgave Him (silly, since He does nothing wrong, but it was a release for me of the bitterness which I'd carried since I was a child.)and have never been the same! I rejoice in the Lord my Savior, and am enjoying intimate fellowship, and friendship with Him, and unhindered joyful worship. What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife’s preferences? He would Have moved to the place of pleasing Michal and his worship would have been fake and edited! His relationship with the Lord would have been stifled!!! We would not have had his Psalms to comfort and encourage us! Quote
joy irowa Posted November 1, 2012 Report Posted November 1, 2012 she didn`t liked the way david danced, exposing himself to the public as a king for to have healing from bitterness, you must begin to meditate on God`s word that would have changed david character as a praise leader. having the mind-set that people determines how he serve God Quote
Lion of Grace Posted November 1, 2012 Report Posted November 1, 2012 Q4. (2 Samuel 6:16, 20-23) What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? What effect might it have on your spiritual life? How can you find healing from the bitterness? What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife’s preferences? Michal is bitter at David because she is no longer considered important. She was raised as a princess but her family line no longer reigns. She is in a marriage without love, taken from another man who did love her, and the last thing she clings to is her "position" of being married to a king. But even that was questionable in her eyes when she saw David behaving like a commoner. In the end, she lost it all. She tried to get her worth from worthless ideas and things and it all failed her. Her bitterness causes her to misjudge what she sees because she allowed her anger over the years to become a damaging root within herself. I'm sure she brooded over all the things that had gone wrong in her life and it wasn't so much the dance that she despised, but she blamed David for all those things she was angry about. I think the dance was just an occasion for her bitterness to seep out and it was directed at David. Do I harbor bitterness towards God from anything in my past? I don't think so. I have done that though....wondering why my life took the turns it did sometimes. I've had to learn to forgive molesters from my early teen years and the downward spiral I went into because of that. I was devastated and took a nose dive into bitterness and hatred. That led to sin and covering over my pain and acting out in self hatred trying to further destroy my own life. I had to repent of the sins I did in that horrible time, though I know God had an understanding of my pain and devastation. I also questioned God when my 2nd daughter was stillborn. I was very angry for a time, but over years, I did see how God redeemed my pain and turned it for good. I just had to do a lot of forgiving during these periods. I had to forgive others and I had to forgive myself and I had to learn to cling to Him in times of trouble and not turn away from the hand that wanted to help me. I've been brought from the depths of severe depression and emotional turmoil, but I have deep gratitude towards God for the goodness, kindness and care He gave to me. I owe Him a great debt of gratitude. He's my lifeline....not the one who caused me pain. Bitterness is one of the most damaging things for our spiritual lives. It causes us to look inward and concentrate on "self" and not in a good way. We begin to feel sorry for ourselves and we become hard and unforgiving. We see all the negatives in life and begin to feel cheated in life and that causes our hearts to begin to hate and become revengeful. Unfortunately, that anger and discontent seeps out to others who are not deserving of it. Finding healing from bitterness comes when you find the love of God. When we are loved and forgiven, we begin to love others and forgive others. Our hearts are softened in this process. We become more patient and more aware of the pain of others (as opposed to only thinking about our own pain) and we can gain understanding even if people continue to hurt us. We no longer become angry at them, but empathize with their pain and reach out to help instead of becoming angry or resentful. We also learn that all of our worth comes in and through God, so all those times we are hurt, we turn to Him for healing and are built up in Him, not people. Our expectations of other people decrease and their behavior doesn't have such a profound effect on us anymore. David would not have been true to who God created him to be if he had conformed to Michal's expectations. He would have been bound by another person's "perspective" that would not have been true for himself. God saw David's heart in his worship and He accepted David's worship. David gave himself in abandoned praise to his God. If Michal didn't like it, that was fine, but David didn't need to be a "people pleaser" and change what he knew was acceptable to God. His heart of worship and the One accepting the worship was enough for him! He had a pure heart in his praise. Quote
haar Posted November 1, 2012 Report Posted November 1, 2012 Q4. (2 Samuel 6:16, 20-23) What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? What effect might it have on your spiritual life? How can you find healing from the bitterness? What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife's preferences? Mitchal was the first wife but now the 7th wife. She was relegated to the background. Furthermore, she in love with David when her father was king. But her father and all her household were no longer in control of the kingdom. These both combined to make Michal to resent David. She was so blinded by her resentment that she could not see David's genuine motive for the dancing- to praise and give the Most High God praise for making him king. I cannot recall when I had been bitter with God. There are times I did not understand why He allowed certain things to happen or seemed to ignore some earnest prayers repeatedly presented to Him.I however do not usually tarry long on this state of mind but quickly return to Him in praise. Quote
Travis63 Posted November 2, 2012 Report Posted November 2, 2012 What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? There are many possibilities, she fell out of love with him; in her mind she may have felt that David abandoned her, didn’t protect her from her father. She may have dwell on being a pawn manipulated by powerful men in her life, she was promised to David, given to another, then taken by David in a political move to legitimize his claim to the throne. She could have been She could have actually grown to love her husband of 8 or 9 years but now she’s with David against her will. It could have been that she’s not number one in David’s life and or she feels that he doesn’t love her. She could have been lonely, and now she lashed out. Her bitterness stems from somewhere, it has a root, its root in my opinion we can only speculate, the root cause simply could be that she was hurting or holding onto pain. All of the above mentioned and perhaps more could be mentioned, “She despised him in her heart”. Despise is defined as to dislike somebody or something intensely and with contempt. The Scriptures provide the manifestations not the root cause; it acknowledges that she despised him. On the surface she says David was “as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovereth himself!” He was as someone who didn’t know better, a commoner, someone that was not of royalty. As someone may say today you can take a person from the ghetto, but you can’t take that ghetto out of them”. The person saying this could be jealous or envious. Michal likewise could have been jealous, jealous that David received notary attention and he ignored her, he gave more attention to others and things. Perhaps he didn’t show her any loving affection, that their relationship was cold and mechanical. How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? Because she is preoccupied with what she has placed before her eyes. Her mind is not a peace; her thoughts in this moment are not godly nor are they one God. She misjudges David’s action because she only sees through lens that are filled with what has caused her to despise him in her heart. Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? Not that I am aware of, if there is any bitterness or anything that is corrupt my prayers is that He brings it to remembrance and that I repent of / from it. What effect might it have on your spiritual life? If I were bitter towards God, or if I held something against Him, I too would be blinded by whatever it was that I was holding. This would form barriers between God and I. The barriers would prevent or cause me to be out of His Will, possibly to drift away. The drift could be for a moment, a season or the start of falling away. I perceive that Michal through life’s experiences grew more like Saul than David. If we are victims of some consequence, if someone has offended us, if we believe that God has hid His face from us, we still have the power to choose. Choose as Job did, yet will I praise Him, yet will I honor Him, yet will I obey Him, or we can be influenced by the circumstance prompt by self through many pitied thoughts. Or through the voice of someone an onlooker influenced by the evil one, or by the voice of the evil one himself. How can you find healing from the bitterness? In Him, in God (He is a Healer / Deliverer) through the process of love (Proverbs 10:12; Romans 13:10). What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife’s preferences? At this instance he would have provided an example that would not have lift the Lord up, that would not have glorified the Lord that would not have been an example that identified him as a worshipper of God. He would have placed the opinion of man above the Will of God. Quote
wjcargile Posted November 2, 2012 Report Posted November 2, 2012 Michal is no longer the proud daughter of being the king's daughter. She is now # 7 in the food chain. She is not seeing the joy of serving the Lord our God. She hates David. I am not bitter toward God of things in the past. As a matter of fact it hurts me when I see and hear people shaking their little bonney fisk in the Almighty God's face and telling Him they are angry at Him...God must have a sense of humor!!! It could have cause David to doubt God, however, this did not happen, he continued to worship and praise God. We can find healing from bitterness only by praying and asking God to remove this from our hearts. God has completely heal me from bitterness-Praise and glory to our Lord God Almighty. If David had conformed to his wife worship expression, he would have been a hypocrite and not expressed his true worship to our God. Quote
parkerslope Posted November 3, 2012 Report Posted November 3, 2012 What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? King Saul had given her to David as a wife years before and then Saul took her away from David and gave her to a close friend of his. Now that she is back with David, she has become the 7th wife in line and she is not liking it. How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? Bitterness causes the mind to be blurry and not recognize what is really happening. Some have said that bitterness causes blindness also. Her judgment in this case was blinded by the fact that she did not like to share him with the slave girls. Are you bitter towards God because of something in your past? NO What effect might it have on your spiritual life? If I would have had bitterness toward God, it would have killed my spiritual life and made my spirit feel guilty. How can you find healing from the bitterness? By forgiving God and be humble before him, confessing your wrong doing. Even confessing to a fellow believer would make much of the bitterness disappear. What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife's preferences? It would not have been true worship from his heart. It would have been empty - useless - vain. Our worship experience has to be from our heart. When someone else tells us how to worship, it becomes their worship and not ours. Quote
charisbarak Posted November 5, 2012 Report Posted November 5, 2012 Michal was a pawn in her father's hands. He had meant for her to be a downfall for David, but Michal had supported him so he could escape. In anger against David, Saul gave her to another man. Several years later, David asked for her back, but she had already made a family with another man & had to be separated from that relationship. I can see why she'd be bitter. She saw David as a man using her--not him praising the Lord with his body. No. If I had had bitterness it would short-circuit my spiritual relatonship with the Lord. Growth would really not take place. Forgiveness--confession to God--seeking to love the one who caused the bitterness. If he had, I would have been surprised. David was a worshipful man all his life. He wouldn't have been able to grow in his love for God and he probably wouldn't have been an effective ruler. Quote
Willard Posted November 7, 2012 Report Posted November 7, 2012 Michal has become to act priviliged and haughty. She sees with her physical eyes only, not with the loving heart of God. I'm not bitter toward God, to my knowledge, about anything in my past. I think if I were, it would be a wall between myself and God. Forgivness is the key to the door to unlocking anything betweeen us and God. Jesus is that door; prayer for forgiveness is the key. David would not have been worshiping in spirit and truth, if he had done as his wife, Michal, preferred. Quote
Old Jerry Posted November 8, 2012 Report Posted November 8, 2012 I think the thing that happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David is because he made her come back to him. She had a loving husband and was probably happy with him and David made her leave. I think that the bitterness caused her to misjudge what she sees because she is all wrapped up in herself. Therefore grudges David for everything that he does. I’m not bitter toward God about anything in my past. If I were it would affect my spiritual life because I have seen some Christians that do hold a grudge against God and they don’t even go to church anymore. I think that if David would have changed his worship expression to his wife’s preference that God wouldn’t have called him a man after his own heart. David was doing things God’s way and that is the reason that he was so great. Quote
Highohfaith Posted November 9, 2012 Report Posted November 9, 2012 Q4. (2 Samuel 6:16, 20-23) What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? Her status as David's wife has been greatly diminished, before her return to David, he had taken 7 other wives, leaving her at the 'back of the pack' so to say... She has not given David any children, while his other wives have been quite fertile. Perhaps part of her resentment towards David, and God is also that the Spirit of God had been taken from her father, Saul, when he disobeyed God. Her bitterness towards David and God is rooted in jealousy and greed and pride. How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? Her bitterness is her stumbling block. One cannot hear God's voice or know God's will if ones heart is blocked by the ungodly, sin of resentment and bitterness. I have learned this great lesson through my Christian walk. I used to be a bitter person. It is all about FAITH, perspective, and how we see others around us. Do we see others the way God sees them? If we have true faith God will show us how to overcome bitterness and resentment and how to fully love again! What effect might it have on your spiritual life? Before I was born of water and Spirit, I was angry and bitter all the time, don't get me wrong I still have my moments, that's for sure, but I don't hold onto them. Now I trust fully in God to show me the way to forgiveness. How can you find healing from the bitterness? Praying, praising and giving thanks. Humility. Staying faithful in the Word. Show God's love and mercy as God has shown us love and mercy 'and we love because He first showed us what love is" 1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Proverbs 17: 9 He who covers and forgives an offense seeks love, but he who repeats or harps on a matter separates even close friends. What effect might it have on your spiritual life? It will block us from knowing and receiving God's will. it will block our faith and stunt our growth in The Holy Spirit. Are you bitter towards God because of something in your past? Absolutely not, however, there once was a time that I was angry and bitter all the time. I forgive those who have hurt me in the past, and I take accountability for my own sins which led me away from God. Now I trust fully in God to show me the way to forgiveness. I KNOW my mistakes and trouble were caused by lack of submission to God's will, and I certainly don't blame Him for anything. He is my ROCK! How can you find healing from the bitterness? Praying for help to overcome through the will of God., staying firm in the Word God. Show God's love and mercy. We love because he first showed us what love is. Remember and visit the scene of Cavalry, hear Jesus' first spoken words from the cross. "Father forgive them for they know not what they do. and repeat them often." We MUST learn forgiveness. Anger and bitterness over my past is one of the factors that brought me to God. I was tired of being angry and prayed for Him to guide me. As, a result I was baptized in June of 2005 and my walk with Christ has been an awesome learning experience, now I learn for the True and Sovereign Teacher. What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife’s preferences? I can't say what would happen to David as only God knows. I feel his faith in God would be greatly diminished, extinguished. Instead of listening to God's voice, he would be listening to his wife's voice ( the voice of the world). Quote
Highohfaith Posted November 9, 2012 Report Posted November 9, 2012 sorry, I almost posted again to the same question. By doing this, I think God is showing me just how important this lesson is, to receive his blessing through Pastor Ralph teaching. Thank you Pastor Ralph for bringing these lessons to us,I learn a lot from them. Quote
Semeion Posted November 12, 2012 Report Posted November 12, 2012 In defense of Michal, she could not help being Saul's daughter. Secondly, she could be bitter because David did leave her to escape( which she loved him and helped him achieve his escape-1 Samuel 18-19) Thirdly, her bitterness could be because when David left, he married a few more women then came back praising God in front of a harem with clothes disappearing off his body so...all in all Michal is not a happy camper. Unfortunately, Michal was seriously wrong for her actions because David loved God and showed it. I will be honest- I have been upset at God for many things in my life but after talking with my husband about some of my past issues, I find that we all have to decide to love the Lord no matter what since most debacles I got my own self in. If David worshiped as Michal wanted then she would be taking the place of the Lord.. not good. Quote
csreeves Posted November 12, 2012 Report Posted November 12, 2012 Q4. (2 Samuel 6:16, 20-23) What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? What effect might it have on your spiritual life? How can you find healing from the bitterness? What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife’s preferences? Michal was judgemental about how we worship God and became barren afterwards. I am not bitter cause it takes up too much energy and sin. The only healing comes from God. God would have been guilty of sin. Quote
Platoz Posted November 15, 2012 Report Posted November 15, 2012 Q4. (2 Samuel 6:16, 20-23) What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? She blames David for loosing so much in her life. She used to be the King's daughter. She used to be David 1st wife, now she was #7-low in rank. She remarried someone else after David went into exile and then David took her away from him when he gained his power as king. She thought David was responsible for her downward spiral. How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? She has let evil and nasty thoughts enter into her mind. Over time it has grown and became worse until David cannot do anthing that is not opposing to her. Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? I'm bitter at me for being so nonchalant about sin in my younger days. But, then I look at the change in my life and I am thankful. Work still in progress. What effect might it have on your spiritual life? It hinders my praise and thankfulness to God because my mind is thinking too much about the past. How can you find healing from the bitterness? Remember we are all sinners even on our best days. God has forgiven us. We can remember those times in our life but learn from them and grow from them. What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife's preferences? It would have short changed his praise and thankfulness to God. Quote
blezed Posted November 25, 2012 Report Posted November 25, 2012 What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? 1. Michal could be bitter at David because she was taken from Paltiel whom she had been with for quite a while to be given back to David. She was embarrassed at David dancing. Michal was no longer David's 1st wife. Michal was a king's kid and spoiled. How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? 2. She was unable to see the humbleness and graditute that David was showing to God. Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? What effect might it have on your spiritual life? 3. No. Whatever bitterness I might have had in the past went away as I grew more closer to God. How can you find healing from the bitterness? 4. Continue to stay in the word. It will heal you. What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife’s preferences? 5. He would have shown that he was more concerned about what others thought than him praising and woshipping God. Quote
Commissioned Posted December 9, 2012 Report Posted December 9, 2012 Q4. (2 Samuel 6:16, 20-23) What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? Michal is bitter at David because the kingdom was taken away from Saul and his household and given to David. Even though David was her husband, it appears that she still held a dislike for th fact that he reigned as \king over Israel and not her blood relative. How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? Because of her butterness she refuses to see any good in what David did as he praised God. Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? What effect might it have on your spiritual life? No, I'm not bitter towards God abount anything in my past. How can you find healing from the bitterness? You can find healing from bitterness by forgiving the person who caused the hurt. What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife’s preferences? If David had conformed his worship expression to his wife's preference would mean that he esteemed her above God. It is God's desire for His creation to worship Him with the freedom and free-will that He gave them. He wants us to worship Him in Spirit and in truth, with passion. Quote
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