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Q1. (2 Samuel 7:1-7) Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple? What should have Nathan done instead? What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord? David’s heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right?

  • 3 months later...

Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple? ASSUMMING BECAUSE GOD HAS BEEN WITH DAVID; HE IS WITH DAVID ON EVERYTHING-BLANKET APPROVAL.

What should have Nathan done instead? INQUIRE OF GOD.

What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord? WRONG DIRECTIONS BY LEADERS COULD ENDANGER THE FOLLOWERS.

David's heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right? A TEMPLE NEEDS TO BE BUILD BUT THE TIMING IS NOT RIGHT OR THE PERSON.


Q1. (2 Samuel 7:1-7) Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple? What should have Nathan done instead? What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord? David's heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right?

Nathan believed that David was anointed by God and thus would have heard from God that was why he quickly told him to go ahead to do what was in his mind.

Nathan should have consulted God to verify if what David had in mind was from God.

They could utterly be wrong as their decision could be merely their own imagination

I think he knew that God needed a befitting structure for his dwelling. This a right thinking irrespective of whether he had some guilt of not starting with that before his palace was built.


Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple?

I believe Nathan doesn't disagree with David because the desire appeared to be a good thing, David's intentions were not corrupt. He perhaps knew that David had an intimate relationship with the Lord, a desire to please Him. Returning the Ark David demonstrated that he was a worshipper. He probably considered David’s love for the Lord, and in doing so he readily gave his approval.

He probably had heard that David sought the counsel of the Lord on a number of occasions and was successful by doing so. The unfortunate circumstance here is that Nathan was not speaking as God's direct representative, he did not provide counsel with the Lord's approval, therefore he was in agreement of his own accord as he agreed to David's desires.

What should have Nathan done instead?

Sought the counsel of the Lord, at a minimum drew lots.

What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord?

Not only would they be out of God's Will, the guidance they pass could cause others to be outside of God's Will.

David's heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right?

Listening to the Lord through Nathan, adhering to the Will of the Lord and not forgoing his own agenda.

I believe because we know how the upcoming chapters and verses read, that we can say David was partly right. At this point it was not the Lord's desire to have the temple built, He did not ask nor instruct that a temple should be built.


Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple?

Often when we as spiritual leaders are being asked a question we want to answer imeadiately. We want to think that we are so in touch with God we imeadiately know all the answers. espesially when the answer to the question seems obvious, such as in this case. It seems like a good idea, so why not, it seems like the right thing to do.

What should have Nathan done instead?

Just as with us when we are asked an answer, we should say "I think this is ok to do, but let me come back to you when i have an answer from God". We must make it clear when we share our own ideas and when we share God's will. There may be a big difference.

Nathat should have asked God after he talked to David and gave David God's Word. Instead of being corrected by God. I am so glad we serve a patient loving God Who is allow us to make mistakes so that we can learn as well. He is sactifying us through experience.

What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord?

We start a religion where we are in charge instead of having everybody more and more tuned in to receive the will of God. We are not teaching people to build a relationship with God and be in tune with Him, we are looking for ways to please God. Often we want to do good, but God is not interested in our actions, He wants our obedience, our submittive attitude. Out actions must be in obedience to God and in His will, not what we think will be good to do to help God.

David's heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right?

He wants to serve God. He wants to do stuff to show God respect. He is reaching out to God and wants to show his gratitude towards God. This is all very important, but he still had to learn not to follow his own ideas but God's will.

I still think part of the idea came from God, David just had to et clarity from God what his role was, what God wanted him to do.

We see throughout the Bible that father / son relationship is very important, even God the Father worked through God the Son. In this case David did the preparations so that his son could do the work. It was a father son project. We as fathers must learn to prepare our son's for their lives with love, guidelines and living an example.


Q1. (2 Samuel 7:1-7) Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple?

Time has passed and the LORD has given to David "REST", and in that rest we see the heart of David's is not truly content while the LORD'S PRESENCE is in a tent, and I believe Nathan's heart felt the same.

Because the word does not say that David went to Nathan the prophet to enquire from him of what to do, I see Nathan saying to David, "do what your heart tells you to do".

I belive Nathan understood who David was, he was the man whom the LORD had sought, a man after God's own heart, a HEART that would be agreeable to the folowing the will of God.


Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple? What should have Nathan done instead? What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord? David's heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right?

Nathan knew that David was a spiritual man who walked closely with God. Also David was his King. It is always good when we have godly leaders but we tend to assume that out leaders hear from God all the time. That was what Nathan assumed. He also assumed that just because God was with David, David could do whatever he wanted. Nathan should have prayed and waited on the Lord to see if God gave him the same instructions. When leaders and followers do not wait upon the Lord, they can make mistakes which can be costly. Disagreements and conflict may take place as a result. Some may even feel disillusioned and may choose to walk away from God. David's heart is partly right about building the temple because the ark of God was in a tent and David I am sure felt that the ark wa not appropriate (good/big/grand enough) for his God. Thus he wanted something much better to place the ark.


Nathan thought because David, was God's chosen king and that God was wanting a permanant dwelling place David, was the man. He should have prayed and asked God, who should build it but I don't think it crossed his mind.

We should never make a discision out of any reason other than what the Lord would say. IT could be determinant to all involved if the wrong discision.

David had all the Temple blueprints, and knew all that had to be done for the temple to be a dwelling place for God.

God Bless Brother Mike


Q1. (2 Samuel 7:1-7) Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple?

Nathan has seen that God is with David in a very powerful way and I suppose he just assumes that this idea is one that God has inspired David to fulfill, without first seeking God's guidance before giving it his (and God's) blessing.

What should have Nathan done instead?

He should have told David that he would inquire of The Lord, even though it did seem right and proper to build a temple.

What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord?

It's pretty easy to get ahead of God's timetable and to go in directions God may not want us to go. Something I've found in my life is that things happen when they're supposed to happen. If we try to make them happen sooner the results will not be in everyone's best interest.

David’s heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right?

God does indeed desire a permanent dwelling place among his people Israel. However, they've only just established the kingdom five minutes ago. God's timetable requires more time to consolidate his Kingdom on earth before He is ready to have a temple built. David has been the warrior king who, with Divine help, conqured the territory which is now Israel. He has shed the blood of Israel's enemies far and wide. Such a man, no matter his devotion to God, is not the one to build God's temple. We read in Samuel and Chronicles how David gathered the building materials and set up everything so the temple could be built, but it was his son Solomon who would be annointed with Divine wisdom, who would carry out the building.


Nathan respected David and the plan sounded good to him.

He should have gone to inquire of the Lord first.

It is wasted time & energy if it isn't God's will. We don't ever want to go ahead of God!!

David's dream for a magnificent temple for God was good. It was just not His timing!! Yet, David, obeying God, could plan it & save materials for his son to use.


Q1. (2 Samuel 7:1-7)

Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple?

What should have Nathan done instead?

What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord?

David's heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right?

Nathan has given his approval to David without knowing the mind of God. He makes a hasty and wrong decision; he first needed to study the Word and pray about it before giving his approval. He had acted hastily without first consulting the Lord, and because of this hasty decision he has to admit to David that he was wrong and had made a mistake. We don’t know God’s plans but we do know that God is always right. So it was incorrect decision of Nathan. God did not want David to build the temple for He had given David the task of leading Israel and destroying its enemies. To do this David needed to be a warrior and as we read in 1 Chronicles 28:3, God did not want His Temple built by a warrior. “But God said to me, 'You are not to build a house for my Name, because you are a warrior and have shed blood.' God, however, did use David to collect the materials so that his son Solomon could begin working on the Temple when he becalm king. We see David’s heart is right, and that he dearly loves the Lord and feels God deserves the best and for this reason wants to build a temple to house the Ark. Perhaps he also has some feelings of guilt. He has been king for nearly 15 years and is living in luxury compared to the tent that houses the Lord. So David’s motives were right, but he was not the right person for the job.


Q1. (2 Samuel 7:1-7)

Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple?

Nathan was so quick to give David approval to build the temple because he was speaking in the flesh and not in the spirit. Nathan did not consult the Lord to hear what He wants, before giving approval to David. He just felt it is appropriate.

What should have Nathan done instead?

Nathan should have consulted the Lord to hear from Him whether what David was planning to do was proper and acceptable by Him.

What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord?

The danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord is to have such directions disapproved by the Lord.

David's heart is partlyright about building the temple though. Which part does David have right?

The part that David has right in that, the Lord deserves a better dwelling place, a temple, and not a tent.


Q1. (2 Samuel 7:1-7) Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple?

For the Lord is with David (Flesh is always quick to respond)

What should have Nathan done instead?

Ask the Lord

What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord?

It is a fall. We must always wait upon the Lord

David’s heart is partly right about building tlhe temple though. Which part does David have right?

the material for building the temple


Nathan was quick to give David an answer because: He spoke quickly in the flesh and he knew God was with David.

Nathan should have seek and answer from God before giving David his approval.

The danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord is: Most times it turns to be a disaster. I have experienced (disaster) in my life when I didn't wait for God's answer, also, I have experienced Great Results when I waited on the Lord's answer.

David's Heart was right, but it was not the time. The timing was for his son, Solomon.


Q1. (2 Samuel 7:1-7) Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple? What should have Nathan done instead? What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord? David’s heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right?

Nathan approves David to build the temple because he "assumes" that David has heard from God to undertake building a temple.

Nathan (like all of us) should never have "assumed" anything! He should have sought God's direction in it. If it was confirmed, then so be it, but in this instance, God had never instructed David to build Him a temple and would have been angry if he had done so on his own.

The danger of leadership approving major spiritual direction without waiting on God is the possibility of not being in God's will. If anything is not in God's will, it may not be fruitful and could actually turn out chaotic with multiple struggles.

David had it right in having a pure heart desiring God to have a permanent temple, but he did not have it right in if God WANTED a permanent temple at that time or WHO was to build the temple if he did want one.


Because he was speaking in the flesh and not in the spirit. Nathan did not consult the Lord to hear wants before giving David approval.

Nathan should have inquire of the Lord to hear what He had regarding building the temple.

The danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving directions without waiting upon the Lord is to have such directions disapproved by the Lord and mislead the followers toward wrong path of sin and danger.

The part that David has right in which; the Lord deserves a dwelling place, a temple, and not a tent.

Yes a temple needs to be built but not by David his timing was not right.


Q1. (2 Samuel 7:1-7) Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple?

David had brought the Ark back to Jerusalem after all those years and Nathan knew that God was with him....it sounded like a great idea! There was no reason to assume otherwise, since David was King and had the desire to build the temple.

What should have Nathan done instead?

Nathan should have checked with the Lord first, instead of just assuming it was the thing to do.

What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord?

Spiritual wild goose chases and wasted time and effort. Flesh endeavors never please God!

David’s heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right?

David's desire for a permanent home for the Ark was right, but God had not requested one to be built.


nathan believes that its good for the ark to be in a temple and not tent and David also brought the ark back to jerusalem

nathan would have inquired from God

it can lead to disaster/ problems

David have right to provide the materials


Q1. (2 Samuel 7:1-7) Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple?

He reacted to quickly to David's question without seeking God's will first. He assumed because David was a man of God, appointed by God to lead Israel that he was doing the right thing. He probably thought David had already inquired of God concerning this matter. We must never assume anything, nothing is absolute without first consulting the Lord and doing His will. We must seek God's direction in everything.

What should have Nathan done instead?

He should have inquired of the Lord, seek God's will in all things!!

What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord?

Instead of doing God's will they rely on their own will which could be disastrous for them, as well as the people they lead. According to God's will if disaster follows, it may cause the people whom they lead to lose faith or result in diminished faith of the follower as well as the leader. AGAIN: In ALL THINGS SEEK God's WILL!!!

David’s heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right?

David's intentions and his heart are in the right place. But, they are not in line with God's wishes.


Q1. (2 Samuel 7:1-7) Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple? What should have Nathan done instead? What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord? David’s heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right?

Because he served God,gone straight to God and then to David. David started building when if he had waited and talked to God then built


I think that the reason that Nathan was so quick to give David approval to build the temple is because he thought that David had been in communication with God and that God had already approved of such a plan. Buy Nathan should have gone to God himself and communicated with him and not give David a blank check.

The danger of leaders and followers too quickly giving approval to major spiritual directions without really waiting on the Lord because like David we think we know what the Lord wants. But instead it is usually want to put our own desires into place and not following God.

The part of David’s heart that was right is the part of wanting to please God.


Nathan knew David ws God's annointed King, and his heart was right with the Lord, but he should have asked God first before answering David. Without God's approval, you may be getting off the path he wants you to follow. David loved the Lord God with all his heart, mind and soul and wanted to build a temple that reflected his great love for God.


Nathan approves David most likely because of his many battle wins and because he may feel its "right". Perhaps they both should have sought the Lord further on the matter of building the temple. When Samuel anointed David years earlier, the Lord told him "men look at the appearance but He sees the heart". So when leaders and followers quickly take their own routes, it could be dangerous. Think about Uzzah and the ark fiasco(2Sam.6)

David was partly justified in his reasonig for building the temple:

a) A secure homeland for his people

b)A son who will build the temple anyway

c)Establish peace

d)An dverlasting kingdom

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (2 Samuel 7:1-7)

Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple?

Because he knew that God was with David and he maybe assumed that anything that came from David's mouth was from God. And maybe David thought that because Nathan the Prophet agreed he had no need to seek God's specific guidance.

What should have Nathan done instead?

He should have sought council from God also to see if it was in agreement with David's desire. We are all so quick to jump the gun with God. We are on a roll. It has to be a good think that I am wanting to do, surely God will bless it. Oops! Not so fast.

What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord?

If God is for it he will answer eventually. We need to be patient and wait. If you move on ahead with the plan without waiting on God there is a good chance that your work will be for naught.

David's heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right?

David is right in the fact that he will plan the design and gather the supplies for the building of the temple. I always tell my husband to get his stuff ready to work the night before he is to do a project for that is half of the work. David doing that and preparing the way for the building of the temple was as important as the actual building as time and work is concerned.



Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple?

1. Nathan knew that David had a spiritual annointing upon him from the Lord and felt that God was telling him what he wanted to do.

What should have Nathan done instead?

2. Nathan should have consulted with the Lord first.

What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord?

3. Because we often speak from the flesh and feel that because we are the leaders that whatever decisions we make is okay with the Lord ...instead we should seek consul and wait on the Lord.

David’s heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right?

4. That there need to be a temple to house the Ark.

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