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Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.

bowing to the Lord

Worship through giving

giving of praise






lying prostate before HIM



Thanks giving


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Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.

1. God has given us a vision of an open door to heaven.

2. God is one on high and should be exalted as such.

3. That the Lord is like a precious gem and we should be boasting about His beauty.

4. The Lord should be elevated and treated as one would a king. He is the King of Kings.

5. Magnify the Lord with all your heart.

6. Exalt His name together.

7. Give Him everything you have. (surrender all)

8. Praise shall be continually; day and night.

9. Give honor, glory and thanks.

10. Praise Him for His mercy endures forever.

11. Fall down before Him.

12. Worthy to receive glory, and honor and power

13. That God is the God of Creation. Without Him we would not exists.

14. The only one worthy to open and read the scroll and loose its seals.

15. Praise Him with weeping.

16. Praise Him for He is as strong as a prevailing lion and as gentle as a lamb that was slain.

17. Worthy is the Lamb.

18. Praise Him with others.

19. Praise Him with harp and prayer.

20. Sing to Him a new song.

21. Shout with joy.

22. God is the one with power, riches, wisdom, and strength. Praise Him for His Spirit, who gives this to us.

23. Blessing to Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb forever and ever.

Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.

Lots of good stuff already written. Again I have read this question reflecting upon it also as a worship leader and songwriter in my church. How can we ever do him justice!

  • 2 months later...

Glory, The One, eternal, worthy, honor, power, creator, His will, His name, His authority, His lineage, prostrate, prayer, praise, His sacrifice, His blood, His atonement for our sins, His people, our authority, our priesthood, His riches, wisdom, The Amen.

  • 5 weeks later...

Everday we should bow before ou God Almighty and praise Him. Him who was and is and is yet to come. Jesus is the slain Lamb of God and the only One worthy to open the scroll and the seals. Praise be to our Lord and Savoir. Amen.

  • 2 months later...

Q.2 Worshiping with an attitude of listening. Acknowledging that God reigns. Clothed in White (concept of purity). Presence of the Holy Spirit (complete and perfect). Giving honor and thanks to God. God is worthy. We worship that God is the creator. God created us for His pleasure (Am I living a life that is pleasing to God?). He is worthy to open the book. He redeemed us. Being thankful -our prayers ascend to heaven. His blood cleanses us. Worshipful singing. Eternal worship - (Do I have a worshipful attitude during the week?). Amen- So be it. - (Acknowledging that God's Word is true and living a life of obedience).


seated on a throne

white robes, golden crowns

give glory and honor and thanks

worship the one who lives forever and ever

prayers of the saints

reign on earth

worthy is the Lamb to receive...honor and glory and blessing


fell down and worshiped

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

REV # 3> Q2.

Corporate worship

Reading the Word of God

Magnify the Lord with all your heart.

Exalt His name together.

Give Him everything you have. (Surrender all)

Praise shall be continually; day and night.

Give honour, glory and thanks

Worship the one who lives forever and ever

Prayers of the saints

Reign on earth

Worthy is the Lamb to receive...honour and glory and blessing

Blessing the Lamb

Giving thanks to God

Humbling themselves before God

Acknowledging God's worthiness to be praised

Weeping over the human condition

Playing musical instruments to honour and praise God

Offering bowls of incense to God




Greetings, in chapters 4&5 we learn how worthy and awesome is our God and so worthy of our Praise. we have to remember to worship Him in truth, the revelation of God in these chapters keep me on my knees when I am in prayer. Remembering everything listed already until we are face to face with Our Beloved.


Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more

We don't need 20 Examples just one:

When Jesus was asked, "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?" he replied, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind'

And this should be applied in all Christian Churches.

I believe, Lord God.

Help my unbelief so that I may experience the peace'

You long for me to know as I put my trust in You.



  • 4 months later...

Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.


Worship is a dialogue in which God and God's people speak with one another. We listen as God speaks to us in scripture, as the word is preached, and as Christ's presence comes close to us in Holy Communion.

We respond to God's love with our praises, our prayers, and the offering of our whole selves. When we gather for worship we desire to discern God's will so that we may carry it out in daily life.

To worship is to acknowledge God's worth in acts of praise as well as in daily life.

God calls us to worship as a personal and collective expression of our gratitude for what God has done and a longing to know more of God and God's purposes for our lives, our church and our world. Through worship we draw closer to God and find enriched.

There are no clear instructions in scripture for the leading of worship, nor is there an agreed formula for Baptist churches. However there are a number of concerns which have always been important for Baptists in worship:

  • 1 month later...
Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.

If I were to think of the splendor of god, I cannot imagine how beautiful and wonderful He is. The following are just some of the elements and concepts of worship:

1. The Lord our God is holy

2. He is almighty

3. He is who was, who is, and who is to come

4. He sits on the throne

5. He is alive forevermore

6. He is so worthy to receive glory, honer, and power

He created all things

He is worthy to open the scrolls

He is the Lamb who was slain

He made us kingdom of priests to serve Him

all living things in the universe worship Him

He is the Lion from Judah's tribe

He has won the victory

He is omnipotent

He is omnipresent

He is perfect

WE sing to Him in a loud voice

sing songs of glory and honor and thanks

Falll down before Him

Throw down our crown before His throne

  • 1 month later...

There already are several great list posted. The reading and studying of rev 4-5 does show us how to worship the true living God. It also shows us that God wants to be worshiped in song, and in words and by His created beings. And that if we go to heaven we will be worshipping Him there.

  • 3 months later...

Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.

We worship by prayer,singing,fellow shipping with God. Giving all the glory to God. Bringing everything to God.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.

The L-rd is Holy.

He is the Almighty G-d.

The One who always was, and is and Who is still to come.

The twenty four elders fall down.

He is Worthy.

He has created everything for His pleasure.

"Every creature in Heaven and on earth and in the sea... sang: Blessing and honor and glory and power belong to the One sitting on the throne and to the Lamb forever and ever."

Thousands and millions of angels are around the throne singing (as well as the living beings and the elders).

The Lion of Judah is worthy to open the sealed scroll.

  • 4 months later...

Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5?

What I have learned about worship is very clear as Christ reveals the Father to me, I see the fearful God who sits on the throne (the God Christ taught us how to pray to, making the way for us to go boldly before Him) and the 24 elders in worship, (I see Israel represented by 12 tribes, the Old Testament saints, and the Gentile church, represented by the 12 apostles, falling before God in worship, casting their crowns.)

We Gentile believers have been reconciled to God through the Lambs blood, making a way for all to come before the Father, therefore we all will one day in worship cast our crowns before Him;

I can now picture myself before God Almighty, I a person who was once without any hope am now an heir to the throne room: It is possible because of the One who is worthy, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, in His mercy God sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts crying,

  • 2 months later...

The lists already posted include all the items that I was able to discover (plus several more that I did not think of). The theme repeated in several different ways is Praise to and adoration/worship of our Lord. A key feature of the imagery is the sheer Joy of the worshippers.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.

Elements and concepts of worship:

I love to worship with praise music because He loves music that glorifies Him as the King of Kings He comes to me in specific songs that He has brought to my attention

We worship Him in spirit, we give our body as a holy temple per what Paul wrote in ! conrithians

on His throne

We worship His grace, love, wisdom and strength to hold us together, only he is holy, holy, holy

We worship Him as being glorious beyond our thoughts

He is omnipotent and created and holds the universe together daily

He is omnipresent in all things as He is the foundation of life and energy of all things

He gave His life for His bride the church, this includes all the saints

HIs will shall be done in all of us, whether we like it or not

His resurrection and redemption of our sins from the atoning gift He gave to the Father, we were purchased by His blood. He is worshipped by angels and praised constantly for His worthiness

We need to feel His love and peace so that it is an honor to serve Him

We will reign through His victory on the cross, he said,

  • 4 months later...

Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.

Continual Worship

Bow Down

Sing in a loud voice

Fall Before Him

Lay crowns before Him

Use instruments and incense (prayers of the saint)

Sing new songs

We can't worship too much. Music is a wonderful introduction to worship and helps in worship. We need to be totally focused on the Lord. Each day as we receive compliments or praise from others, we need to offer it up before the Lord so that we do not become ego-inflated and think that what we do is of ourselves. All that we are and all that we ever hope to be is from the Lord. We can never praise Him too much for His gift of giving His life so that we might have eternal life. He is worthy of all our praise, adoration, and worship.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.

Insights that have been adopted by the Christian church from these chapters are worshipping God for who He is. He is worthy of our worship. We lught to worship God continuously. He is worthy to receive power, and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing. He is King of kings, and Lord of lords. Every creature in the heavens, in the seas, under the earth and on the earth worship the one true God who sits on the throne. Every tribe and every nation will bow and worship Him. All that we have we present to Him, He is worthy!

  • 1 month later...


These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church.

What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5?

Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship - or more.

We experience an attitude of worship when we begin to see God as He is and then respond to His presence. Revelation chapters 4 and 5 gives us an idea of what it will be like to be with our Lord, and to worship Him. In the meanwhile in most of our churches there is much genuine, deep, and heartfelt worship.

"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being." Rev 4:11

Reminds me of the hymn:

Thou Art Worthy

Thou art worthy, thou art worthy, thou art worthy, O Lord.

To receive glory, glory and honour, glory and honour and power.

For thou hast created, hast all things created, thou hast created all things;

And for thy pleasure, they are created, thou art worthy, O Lord.

  • 1 month later...

We worship God by coming before His throne, bowing down in humility on our knees or maybe even faces on the ground. We worship Him with songs and praise, with music with harp and incense, through singing.

And when we go to Heaven one day, we will continue to worship every moment.

  • 2 months later...

Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.

As part of their worship, it is written that they continually profess the holiness and might of God Almighty. They give glory, honor and thanks to God; they fall before the throne and cast their crowns before Him. They sing praises to Him and give Him the glory for all things that exist. They gave glory to the Lamb, for He was the only one worthy to open the scroll with the seven seals. They held harps and golden bowls of incense (prayers). They sang to the Lord a new song.


Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.

spontaneous praise - exalted praise - continual praise - thanksgiving - humility - weeping - singing - prayer - adoration. . .


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