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Q2. (2 Samuel 11) How can a “man after God’s own heart” do something so ugly, so despicable as this – first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up? What does this teach us about our human condition? What is our problem as humans? How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

  • 3 months later...

How can a "man after God's own heart" do something so ugly, so despicable as this -- first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up? HE IS HUMAN, HE IS A MAN, HE IS POWERFUL!!

What does this teach us about our human condition? THE FLESH RULES!


How can David ever recover his integrity after this? GOD HAS A PLAN!!


2Samuel 11: How can a "man after God"s heart"do something so ugly so despicable as this-first adultry and then murder by proxy to cover it up?

When Eve she was tempted, Eve made a judgment in her will, which was: (1) "that the tree was good for food." This is the "**** of the flesh." Her flesh was touched first. (2) "It was pleasant to the eyes." This is the "**** of the eyes." Her body and soul were also deceived so as David when he was looking at Bathsheba.

What does this teach us about our human condition?

Colssians 3v5: put to death,therefore,whatever belongs to your earthly nature.

What is our problem as human?

We allow ourself to be controlled by our human nature.

How can David ever recover his intergrity after this?



Q2. (2 Samuel 11) How can a "man after God's own heart" do something so ugly, as despicable as this -- first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up?

I see how easy it is to fall out of the grace of God when one does not stay in obedience to his word.

David was busy trying to stay alive, and when he was at rest he still had the great responsibility of being king and war was all around him.

David's calling by God was that of being a Great War Leader and king, and David’s heart was to be that for God.

Life can lose its meaning when all a person knows is that of war and death, allowing the things or stress of life to take first place instead of God's holy laws, laws that teach us right from wrong.

When David inquired of the LORD, it had to do with that of WAR, or that of staying alive, that is how David went about doing the will of God.

I believe America and many in the church have lost its heart for God as we allow the things of this world to take first place instead of God's holy laws, we have lost the meaning of life as we murder innocent babies while still in the womb, and our hearts do not understand how despicable this is to God.


We all have to fight the flesh. Sometimes it takes running from the temptation.

Our human condition is one depraved, sinful, one who needs a saviour.

We are born in sin.

It will take time with those around him, but he needed to confess & repent.


Q2. (2 Samuel 11) How can a "man after God's own heart" do something so ugly, so despicable as this -- first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up? What does this teach us about our human condition? What is our problem as humans? How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

Oh Dear! How can David do this? What can man not do. Man's heart is desperately wicked, who can know it. I think David let down his guard just a little and then he willingly went down the path of sin even to murdering an innocent man in his own army who is serving David. This kind of reminds me of Ahab wanting that piece of land. AHH it is so hard when you deal with someone who has more honor than you and won't just capitulate.

We so willingly think it's just a small thing. No one will find out. However God knows and He does not brush sin under the carpet like we do. He exposes it in all its ugliness and filth.

The human conditon without Christ is filled with ugliness and filth. There is no good apart from Christ our Righteousness.

Our problem as humans. Hmmm We think we are so smart when we are rotten inside.

David never recovers fully from this. The consequences follow him all the days of his life. He lives with the knowledge of what he did all his days. He also knows the mercy, love and refuge of God.

We need Christ everyday, every minute.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q2. (2 Samuel 11) How can a "man after God's own heart" do something so ugly, so despicable as this -- first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up? What does this teach us about our human condition? What is our problem as humans? How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

David, a man after God's heart could do such an ugly thing because he allowed his evil passion to blind him at the moment of lustful temptation.

We are all human and therefore vulnerable. We sometimes or often do this kind of miss- judgement, allowing our **** to do the wrong thing to blind us from seeing the terrible consequences This is a big lesson to us that evil seems pleasant only at the peak of the temptation. After yielding to it,follows the bitter consequences.

David might have not recovered his integrity in the eyes of man but in the eyes of God, it takes only genuine heart felt confession and repentance for God to forgive and forget the sin.


Q2. (2 Samuel 11) How can a “man after God’s own heart” do something so ugly, so despicable as this – first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up? What does this teach us about our human condition? What is our problem as humans? How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

David was also human and sins as we do. We are all about me. He finally got on his knee to ask for repentance.


Q2. (2 Samuel 11) How can a “man after God’s own heart” do something so ugly, so despicable as this – first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up?

Despite his annointing and God's Spirit indweling him, David is still a mortal man. His flesh is still sinful. No one, no matter how Godly they are, never slips up. We're still fallable human creatures with a free will that God will never impinge upon. David let his fleshly desires get the better of him. It's hard to believe but it happens. Just consider all the current Christian leaders in our time who have fallen to the sins of adultery, theft (embezzlement), false witness (lying) etc. It happens. It seems that the more we get into God and into doing His will, the harder the enemy works to throw temptation at us to derail us. Every man has weaknesses. Remember Jimmy Swaggart who exposed Jim and Tammy Baker's embezzlement? I truly believe that in revenge Baker sent whore after whore at Swaggart until one of them got through to him and he commited adultery with her. She may not have been the best looking, but speaking as a man I can say for certain that every man has in his mind the ideal perfect woman locked away in his thoughts and we don't even realize it until we meet her in real life and they've got us, hook line and sinker. This episode in David's life was an attempt by Satan to destroy David's and God's Kingdom.

What does this teach us about our human condition?

It teaches us that we always have to be aware that we can be tempted, no matter how close our relationship to God may be. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. We are still mortal while we inhabit our tent of flesh. We can stumble and we will, like it or not.

What is our problem as humans?

The three big temptations are as follows: The **** of the eyes, the **** of the flesh, and the pride of life. It was with all three that Satan tempted Jesus. We as humans like to feel happy and satisfied. We seek satisfaction in any number of ways. The problem is that in this life most ways to achieve satisfaction are contrary to the will of God. We need to ask God to be our portion. God can satisfy every need. Most of the time though, we don't think He can and so we seek satisfaction and fullfillment in worldly pleasures. We are tempted in three ways, as listed above. The **** of the eyes tempts us to gather material possessions in order to feel satisfied and fullfilled. The **** of the flesh tempts us to seek pleasure in illicit sex, adultery, ***********, etc. The pride of life tempts us to seek worldly glory and worldy status, to compete in the dog eat dog world to become top dog, to gain an advantage over others no matter how we go about getting it, to put others down in an attempt to elevate ourselves, to seek the admiration and, if you will, the worship of others . . . to in effect become our own God of our own world. The pride of life, as the apostle John so correctly called it. That is our problem as humans.

How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

With great difficulty. I doubt David ever truly recovered all his integrity. The whole kingdom didn't know of his adultery but those close to him certainly did. I think we all have things in our life that we've done that taint others' perceptions of us and will always make us appear flawed in some way.

There's often nothing we can do to regain people's respect once we lose it due to a character flaw. People will always believe a leopard can't change his spots.


This shows us, no one is above sin. David should have been out fighting with his men. If David had been on the roof praying instead of looking, this might have been avoided.

David was taking his position as king to serious. He thought by covering it up all would be well. God never sleeps and knows and sees everything.

It does not matter to God if you are a king or a common man. All people will pay for their sins. No one is above sin and under the right condition and time we could fall, just as easy. It takes a person who keeps prayer a priority that can avoid many pitfalls.


The "man after God's own heart" has fallen and became harden to God's voice. David is guilty of adultery, But the cover-up is even worse. He is guilty of deliberate, premeditated murder which is evil in God's eyes.

Teaches us when we sin willfully that is something more than an inadvertent slip-up- we count ourselves as independ of God's rule.

We despise our Ruler. We are in rebellion.

Our problem as humans God's blessing can make us feel self- sufficient, arrogant, and spiritually dull to God's voice.

Unless we are very careful to remain humble and thankful. Don't let blessings make you spiritually soft.

Repentance: God will honor repentance, if we come with humility and turn away from sin. Psalm 51 can help you do this!

Mercy: Our God is merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in love and faithfulness.

(Exodus 34:607; Numbers 14:18; Psalms 86:15, 103:8)

You must trust your future into the hands of uh a God, even if you have sinned previously , Jesus is your savior!

**Remember we have each rebelled in our own way. We are sinners who desperately need a Savior! And Jesus is that Savior! Praise God.


Q2. (2 Samuel 11) How can a “man after God’s own heart” do something so ugly, so despicable as this – first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up?

David's heart was after God, but his will was after fulfilling his fleshly desires. He could do this evil thing because he is a member of the fallen human race! David was not filled with the Holy Spirit as believers are today, and yet the same evil is done by believers who love God. We are lost without Him!

What does this teach us about our human condition?

Our human condition is desperate for a Savior, Who is the only way of escape from a date with the second death!

What is our problem as humans?

That is our problem...we're humans, with the gift of free will. Left to ourselves we are in a hopeless fallen condition with no choice but to sin with an eternity in hell....BUT GOD, sent a perfect, sinless, Lamb who paid the price for all of our sins and wickedness, and delivered us to a future in Heaven with Him forever.

How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

David moved past the place of regret which leads to despair and hopelessness, and allowed godly sorrow to lead him to repentance, which leads to forgiveness, healing, salvation, and deliverance. When the Lord took the child born of Bathsheba, he accepted that loss as the will of God, grieved and did not grow bitter toward the Lord. David knew the mercy of God, received it, and knew he was forgiven and cleansed.


Q2. (2 Samuel 11) How can a “man after God’s own heart” do something so ugly, so despicable as this – first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up? What does this teach us about our human condition? What is our problem as humans? How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

David was human. He was not immune to our human condition which is sinful. He was not immune to the sin of ****, or of denying his sin and creating deception to cover the sin up. In the end, he went even further than that and committed murder to cover his sin.

Our human condition is sinful. We fall into traps and give way to darkness and hiding our sin. We reject God's forgiveness either because we are afraid or we are too prideful to admit our sins and be in agreement with God that we do sin.

David can recover his integrity, by confessing his sin and repenting that he sinned against God. In this case, he paid a high price in discipline for not repenting right away. He had to be called out. It's best to confess right away.

In receiving forgiveness for the wrong we know we have done, God helps us to heal and become humble again and he reinstates us in good grace. Through Him, we can lift our heads again, not only loved, but considered the beloved of God.


Q2. (2 Samuel 11)

How can a "man after God's own heart" do something so ugly, so despicable as this - first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up?

What does this teach us about our human condition?

What is our problem as humans?

How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

David although being a man after God’s own heart, is like all of us, a sinner saved by Grace. He is therefore, like all of us, capable of doing these despicable sins. This teaches us that we have a great need for a Saviour to save us and get us out of this sin condition. We cannot do it on our own. We need to be “recreated”, that is made new creations with the help of the Holy Spirit and by our Lord Jesus Himself. We read this in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” Here we see David, the man after God's own heart, commit adultery and then murder the husband in a last-ditch effort to cover his own sin. But sin can never be successfully covered – we cannot hide our sins from God. Luckily for David our Lord is a loving God full of compassion, and David after repenting is forgiven of these sins. However, our Heavenly Father is also a just God and David had to pay dearly for his sins. As Charles Spurgeon said, "God does not allow his children to sin successfully.”


Q2. (2 Samuel 11)

How can a "man after God's own heart" do something so ugly, so despicable as this -- first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up?

A man can do this through the work of the devil. **** is the product of devil and that is what makes David to do all these evil things.

What does this teach us about our human condition?

This teaches us that our human condition can control us and lead us to committing evil things.

What is our problem as humans?

Our problem as humans is that, we ae prone to sin.

How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

Maybe David can recover his integrity after this by publicly confessing his wrong doings.


How can a "man after God's own heart" do something so ugly, so despicable as this -- first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up?

Simple answer he a human being. Sin is real, it is ugly, it is despicable, it is non biases, no one is immune to it, any human that follows their own will provides a greater opportunity to give into temptation, and to fail when trials are presented.

What does this teach us about our human condition?

If we place our own will before His Will we are subject to like out comes or worse.

What is our problem as humans?

Taking a verse out of context, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Basically we have the propensity to follow our own desires

How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

Just as we can when we have fell, turn from condemnation unto God / Christ, God is just, He is also merciful. I believe godly repentance is received by Him. David just as we will then have to receive His forgiveness, walk in the redemption and not under the cloak of unforgiveness. Lastly the people that the sin affected, well David / we have to place all in God's hand. for only God can touch their hearts. As God does His part David nor should we neglect to do our part. From the restored moment the child of God is to live with the hopes of reelecting His image.

Heaping coals of fire! People may not forget, but they are capable of forgiving.


Q2. (2 Samuel 11) How can a “man after God’s own heart” do something so ugly, so despicable as this – first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up?

David is a man, he has a human, flesh nature. Because Adam's invited sin into the world, ALL men are sinners. There is only one man whom ever walked the earth who was without sin, Jesus Christ!

What does this teach us about our human condition?

Human condition is weak, sinful. The flesh is weak but the Spirit is strong.

What is our problem as humans?

That's just it, we are "humans'. My pastor has a saying that goes like this and we must remind ourselves of this often. It's six simple yet very profound words. It simply goes like this: 'God is God and I'm not! Six simple words with a very profound meaning! GOD IS GOD AND I'M NOT!!!!

How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

Integrity with his people is easy, earthy. It is more about his stature ,his kingship, and his influence. BUT, his integrity with God, another story, God looks at the HEART of man. David must confess what he has done, and repent from his sins. He must cry out to God for his mercy, thank him for his grace,ask for forgiveness and repent, stay steadfast in God's will. He must cry out through a "Broken Hallelujah. Jeff Buckley's song "Broken Hallelujah " The last halleluiah he sings in the song is done so artfully. I can actually close my eyes and feel David's pain, see David visually, when I hear him wailing (crying out) hallelujah. It is powerful. David's heart was broken as well as God's by his sin and David is sorry that he broke God's heart, and repentant.


I think that even a “man after God’s own heart” could do such a thing as this is because he is a man. He thinks like a man and he knows that he has the power to do anything that he wants. He let his **** get the best of him. So in order not to get caught he has her husband killed to cover up the ****.

This teaches us that the human condition is not what it looks like all the time. We have to stay true to our morels. Our problem as humans is that when we have power over other people we want to exercise that power.

David can recover his integrity by asking for forgiveness from God.


Q2. (2 Samuel 11) How can a “man after God’s own heart” do something so ugly, so despicable as this – first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up? What does this teach us about our human condition? What is our problem as humans? How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

I think David did what he did because he's had so many successes he felt he could take what he wanted. Then again, David was but a man, flesh. As humans we want bad things when we encounter weak moments and David should have repented right then after his ungodly thoughts for Bathsheba, but truthfully we all feel bad after our faults are brought before us.


Q2. (2 Samuel 11)

How can a "man after God's own heart" do something so ugly, so despicable as this -- first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up?

Sin. Don't cast your eyes upon men they will fail you every time.

What does this teach us about our human condition?

We are morally corrupt. We are all sinners.

What is our problem as humans?

We are as filthy rags and will be until the time we are in Heaven. We do not honor God's love and commitments. We put ourselves above God by justifying our actions in attempting to work around God's command. Surely, we know better. Surely we do but we don't do what we should. We are way too slack in taking God's commandments and minimizing their intent.

How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

I'm not so sure that he can totally recover his dignity. For sure he must confess his sin and ask for forgiveness. The consequences of sin may not allow for his integrity to be recovered. There will be a price to pay. There will always be something there that reminds him of his sin with Bathsheba.


How can a “man after God’s own heart” do something so ugly, so despicable as this – first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up? What does this teach us about our human condition? What is our problem as humans? How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

We are weak when it comes to our flesh. We were born in sin and will continue to sin. It is God's grace and mercy that keeps us. David can recover, just as we all can, by repenting,

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (2 Samuel 11) How can a “man after God’s own heart” do something so ugly, so despicable as this – first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up?

David was able to do something so ugly, so despicable as this - adultery followed by murder by proxy, because he allowed sin to enter his heart; first he coveted another man's wife then he acted on it and finally to cover it all up he committed murder by proxy. One sin led to another, and another, and another, etc.

What does this teach us about our human condition?

God has promised to make a way of escape for us when temptation to sin arises, David's sinning teaches us to resist the devil and follow God's path to escape.

What is our problem as humans?

Our problem as humans is that Satan will always bring temptations to us.

How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

David's integrity can be recovered only by repenting and receiving God's forgiveness.

  • 4 weeks later...

:wub: This can be very easiest when you take your eyes off of

God, when you stop praying,reading his word,sending praises

up to him,it can be very easiest to get side track by different thing

thing that is not of God.

we are always being tempted by satan that is his jod,Daivid took

his eyes off of God,and sin got in his heart.He have to ask God for forgivness.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. (2 Samuel 11)

How can a “man after God’s own heart” do something so ugly, so despicable as

this – first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up?

What does this teach us about our human condition?

What is our problem as humans?

How can David ever recover his integrity after this?

a) David let his "****" rule, doing what he wanted. He should have asked

God to guid him. Then he put Uriah in a position where he would be killed.

David was trying to cover up his sin of adultry and compounded it with murder.

B) This teaches us that humans should trust and turn to God for help in life.

We constantly battle the desires of the flesh. Humans are sinful and depraved

and in need of God the Saviour.

c. We think we know what is best for us and we don't. When we ignore God's

will and choose to do our own will, most often it ends up BAD.

d) David should repent and ask God's forgiveness to recover his integrity.

David lived with the consequences of his actions for the rest of his life. But

he also knew God's mercy and love.

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