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Q3. (2 Samuel 15:1-6)

What are the elements of Absalom’s public relations campaign to win over the people to his side?

How effective is it?

What should David have done differently?

Which of David’s weaknesses does Absalom exploit?

a) Absalom's chariot and guards before him were to attract attention to himself.

He takes advantage, as crown prince. to advance himself in the eyes of the people,

He undermines David in public, is disloyal to David. Absalom is a fake and a

trouble maker in his attempt to replace David as king.

B) Absalom exaulted himself and manipulats the people. The campaigne

to be the people's king who loved the common man was all empty promises.

But his hypocrisy was enough to help him win his objective-the kinship.

c. David should have been among the people listening to Absalom.

But first of all he should have corrected and punished Absalom and

taught him God's ways as a child.

e) One of David's most serious weakness's was his inability/unwillingness

to discipline his own family, and his friends and officers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Q3. (2 Samuel 15:1-6) What are the elements of Absalom's public relations campaign to win over the people to his side? How effective is it? What should David have done differently? Which of David's weaknesses does Absalom exploit?

Absalom puts on big show with the chariot and runners before him; he is casting an image of someone who is high up.

David is showing moral weakness and indecision. His procrastination in accepting Absalom and then in mis judging him are near fatal errors. It is only God's favor and mercy that maintin David as the King, through all these errors.

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  • 2 months later...

3a)Absalom realises kingdom ready for new leader,&seeks i/ to promote himself e.g.acquires chariot,horses&50men body guard to run ahead of him,projecting to people he is great &impt man,as a crown prince he is comfortable with this power.ii/ to be subtly disloyal to David,undermining D’s justice sysrem for4yrs at city gate,advising people who were going to Jerusalem to seek appeals from David,that their appeals would be favoured,pointing out the weaknesses in David’s judicial system,saying if appointed he would bring justice.iii/using flattery&his appearance to steal the hearts of those who came to D asking for justice,by kissing them in manner David had done.iv/he campaigns to be the people’s king who loves the common man.

b)Absalom is merely acting as one with authority,his hypocrisy helps him on way to receive kingship,by receiving permission to move to Hebron his birthplace,from where he could start a rebellion.

c)David should have i/shown leadership and discipline.ii/been alert to Absalom’s lies/deceipt iii/challenged his undermine of David.iv/given conditions for Absalom’s return.v/created a more efficient justice system.vi/been more alert to views&actions of those around him&ord people.

d)Absalom exploited his weakness i/ family members acting at will without check or discipllne.ii/of not enquiring God’s will re Absalom’s return.iii/inability to keep in touch with common people/solders as might,wealth&nos of people to oversee grew.

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  • 1 year later...

(2 Samuel 15:1-6) What are the elements of Absalom's public relations campaign to win over the people to his side? How effective is it? What should David have done differently? Which of David's weaknesses does Absalom exploit?


Absalom used his physical attributes and charisma to make himself known and favored by the people, and it works for him.  If David had disciplined Absalom and made sure that the people knew this, he would have shown himself as a king who was still strong and decisive.  Absalom knew his father had a tender heart and was still grieving his brother but also still loved him.

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  • 2 years later...

Q3. (2 Samuel 15:1-6) What are the elements of Absalom’s public relations campaign to win over the people to his side? How effective is it? What should David have done differently? Which of David’s weaknesses does Absalom exploit?


  •  Absalom to build up a large household filled with servants. He had many chariots and horses and men in his bodyguard.
  •  he met the people outside off the city Gates and told them how wonderful he was and how he would help them if he were King.
  •  he undermined at the king bye suggesting that the king was not treating the people fairly.
  •  Absalom was overly nice to the people and pretended that he cared for them. mission


Absalom's mission is very successful for he is able to form an army which will drive King David of Jerusalem to be Fugitive in the desert.

Absalom is taken advantage off King David's love for him and off his inaction and sadness over the death of Amon.

King David should have chastise Absalom as soon as he heard of the young man's activities.


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  • 6 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (2 Samuel 15:1-6)

What are the elements of Absalom's public relations campaign to win over the people to his side?

How effective is it?

What should David have done differently?

Which of David's weaknesses does Absalom exploit?

Absalom begins by making the public very aware of him.  He and his entourage is often seen.  Chariots and horses and 50 men who run beside them.  He establishes himself.  Almost pointing out to the public that he was heir to the throne and was getting ready to present himself to them. Someone who looked regal, wealthy and fit for the position.  Not only does he play with their SIGHT, but goes further, by being at the gate very early and greeting the people that come from surrounding districts with problems to be sorted out by the king. He listens to them and shows sympathy.  In other words, he plays with their emotions.  He goes further by suggesting that he would help better if he had more power.  He softens them towards his sympathies by lending an ear.  HEARING.   He goes a step further by kissing their hands.  TOUCH

A clever, crooked, sly and 'typical' politician.  He certainly won their hearts.  

I do tend to agree with "Delivered".  Posted 19 Nov 2012.   I think the way David is reflected as a no good disciplinarian, is a bit off the mark.  David won the hearts of his people years ago by his fighting campaigns. They were basically at peace now.  The next king would have to win the people in a different way. I am sure David did not see Absalom's working as he did as trying a political overthrow.   I think that the events that happened through Absalom are because of David's sin.  He was forgiven, but the seed he had sown was now starting to bear fruit.

 I personally believe that David's remorse was real , and as he was forgiven, he too tried to forgive. Absalom played on that and the fact that David loved him.  

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  • 1 year later...

There is a part of me that cheers a candidate who seeks the approval of the people rather than cracks down on them from “above” with censorship, police acts, false accusations, propaganda, military repression and a biased judiciary. Absalom was a populist – this is good! He reached out to the people. But he did so dishonestly, which is the bane of all populist/PR campaigns. It caught up with him. When any candidate gets far from the truth, his campaign eventually implodes, though the pain it causes to society and the time it takes before he's exposed varies.

There is negative campaigning – telling people the flaws and weaknesses of your opponent – and positive campaigning – tooting your own horn. David did neither; Absalom did the first. Absalom was a expert negative campaigner. And, a dishonest one. In a situation when one side is negatively campaigning, the other side is forced to defensively tell his side of the story. If he does not, the people will be manipulated. David didn't sell himself. He didn't expose Absalom. He let the situation fester until it exploded. 

Anyone who runs campaigns knows that negative campaigning is far more effective than positive campaigning. Sad, but true. That's why losing candidates get desperate and start slinging half-lies and ugly accusations. It's the only chance. People respond to it and it does work. That's what Absalom did for four years. He negatively campaigned against his father while deceptively making himself look royal.

David was much better at becoming king than being king. He became a king through military prowess and loyalty to his soldiers.

Absalom was also good at becoming king, but did so via PR and nasty lies, not the truth. David was at least truthful (until the Bathsheba event).

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  • 1 month later...

Q3. (2 Samuel 15:1-6)

What are the elements of Absalom's public relations campaign to win over the people to his side?

Absalom provided himself with a chariot and horses and with fifty men to run ahead of him

How effective is it?

His retinue projects the intended message: Absalom is a very great and important man!

What should David have done differently?

Bring Absalom to order.

Which of David's weaknesses does Absalom exploit?

David who is corrupt and soft because of his wealth, his victories over all his enemies, his absolute power and from his lack of purpose. The once-righteous king has been compromised.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (2 Samuel 15:1-6) What are the elements of Absalom's public relations campaign to win over the people to his side? Judging the peoples' cases in their favor, kissing them, acting as if he understands their frustration with David's justice system.

How effective is it? Very

What should David have done differently? Intervened.

Which of David's weaknesses does Absalom exploit? His passivity.

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