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Q3. (Psalm 51:16-17) How does one achieve a truly “broken and contrite heart”? What are the earmarks of this condition? How does this differ from “being sorry” for a sin? How does humility relate to this condition?

  • 4 months later...

God wants us to have Godly sorrow fully repenting for our sins, not because of what our loss is but because we have grieved the Lord with our sin.

We feel sorrow and remorse over our shame and regret having ever offended our Lord. God doesn't want us to use fakery but a sincere

Contrite humbling heart. A broken spirit! He wants us to humble ourselves in the site of the Lord. Only then will He lift us up forgiving us of our sins.

Anyone can apologize for something they did but a true repentant heart is broken and sorry and surrendered. True repentance is needed to allow the working of the Holy Spirit to help bring about a change attitude and heart.

Humility in contrast with a wounded spirit, those with a broken spirit are humble, acknowledge their wrongs, having genuine sorrow and a desire to repent and make things right with God and others.


Q3. (Psalm 51:16-17) How does one achieve a truly “broken and contrite heart”? What are the earmarks of this condition? How does this differ from “being sorry” for a sin? How does humility relate to this condition?

One achieves a truly “broken and contrite heart by deep repentance. The earmark of the condition is humiluty. It differs from "being sorry" for a sin because the repentant is truly sorrowful for sinning againt God.


Q3. (Psalm 51:16-17) How does one achieve a truly “broken and contrite heart”? What are the earmarks of this condition? How does this differ from “being sorry” for a sin? How does humility relate to this condition?

A truely broken heart is when you have gone way from God and gone past ever believing God could ever forgive me. A contrite heart is when everything you used as a crutch to explain why God has failed you becomes mute and you give up. The difference in wallowing in self pity and being truly sorry is at different ends of the spectum. To be contrite and truly repentant you must first know what you did, tell God about it totally, and no maniupliation drop your pride and ask God to forgive you, and realize it isn't within your power to do anything to accomplish this and only Jesus can. You accept God's forgiveness and your heart has been changed-become humble instead of proud and let God lead you

  • Pastor Ralph changed the title to Q3. Broken and Contrite Heart
  • 11 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 51:16-17) How does one achieve a truly “broken and contrite heart”? By hurting grievously for hurting God with our disobedience.

What are the earmarks of this condition? Admitting or confessing our sin. For me, it resulted in hiding/running away from God because I'm not worthy of His forgiveness.

How does this differ from “being sorry” for a sin? I think there's a lax repentance that may come from overly cocky christians that no matter what, Jesus forgives, so they give an empty "sorry" and move on without reflecting over their sin. Yes, that's true we have forgiveness and rectification, but that doesn't block us from punishment or repentance.

How does humility relate to this condition? We have to humble ourselves before God to truly pour out our souls the wrong we know we did.

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