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I feel from what has been presented that there was very strong opposition of Paul's ministry in Thess.due to the fact that there were financial losses in the money made or given to temple. Theywere loseing members and Paul was gaining crowds in his congregation. Also with Paul proclaiming Jesus as another king those Jews opposed to Paul and his

teachings found ways to incite against Paul in what they claim is protecting the King( earthly ) one. It affords them a way

to agitate and drive them away and build up the temple membership and gain. Paul knows in his heart that Jesus is the tru)e king ( heavenly ) and knows he is preaching a message that will be unpopulaur but knows that he is willing to die

for Jesus and to get the message of salvation thru Jesus out to the multitudes...

No contravercy should not stop us from continuing on in our ministry. Satan wants the message Jesus has for the world

to be stopped. So even thru hard opposition we must suffer to get the Good news message of Salvation to as many as

will hear and believe.

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Q1. (Acts 17:1-10)

Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul's ministry in Thessalonica?

I think there was so much strong opposition to Paul's ministry in Thesalonica because many influential and well-off people were joining the Ministry thus the synagogues feared to they will loose financial support from these people.

Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him?

I think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against himm because he was responding to the call of God and that made him not to fear any human threat.

Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop?

A violent reaction to our minstry does not necessarily mean we should stop.


Acts 17:1-10) Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica? Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him? Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop?

This opposition seems to carry on through out the bible. If we could remember the Jewish leaders during Christ time opposed of His teachings. They are afraid of what the power of the Holy Spirit is doing for the people and that the truth is being revealed. Just as we are called Paul was also commanded by God to go to all nations and make disciples of men by preaching and teaching His Word. The truth sets men free if accepted and cause contrasting reaction to those who appose it. No violent reaction should not discourage but encourage us to continue because we are hitting a nail or better we are on target because people who live in sin does not want their lives revealed.


Q1. (Acts 17:1-10) Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica?

Traditionally Jews have been persecuted people. They're a minority group in most places. The last thing they needed was Paul preaching a radically new way of worshipping God. No doubt they'd heard of the trouble Paul's preaching had caused in other countries and they urgently needed to nip trouble in the bud before the city officials came down hard on them. In addition, as Pastor Ralph pointed out, if the people who converted to Christianity stopped attending synagogue the financial future of the synagogue would be threatened.

Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him?

Paul had devoted his life since his conversion to serving God and spreading the Gospel. Gotta admire that commitment.

Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop?

No. Satan will always try to derail every and any worthwhile ministry. That's what he does. Sometimes missionaries are ordered out of a country. In that case they have no choice but to go. But usually the more intense the opposition the more dangerous the ministry is to our enemy.


1 Thessalonians 1:4-5

1. Why is the holy spirits working so necessary to effective ministry? ans-Because God want to see his people really know him and what he is about.

2. what happens when the main power behind our ministry is will-power? ans- Then you will began to see the work of God come in to play.

3. what is the role of miracless in Pauls evangelism? What would happen if we saw miracles in evangelism in our day? What is hindering this? ans-For the gospel to be spreaded to the gentiles. We do see it, however some of us dont believe still. Those that see it, it has changed their lives. The only thing that is hindering us is us.


Q1. (Acts 17:1-10) Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica? Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him? Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop?

The people ( the Jews) were jealous because of the large number of people who responded to Paul's ministry. The new congregation was growing as Paul was teaching about another King, Christ the Messiah, quoting and explaining the scriptures.

Because of Paul's strong belief he called the people to remain steady in their faith and to keep doing good.

No - it makes our faith stronger in believing to spread the word of Our Savor.

Q1. (Acts 17:1-10)

Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul's ministry in Thessalonica?

Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him?

Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop?

There was strong opposition to Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica, as there was in other cities. Paul was preaching the doctrine of resurrection and telling people that Jesus is the promised Messiah. Many believed, and this was pulling people away from the synagogue’s toward Christian fellowship. The Jewish leaders became envious of Paul as this loss of members must have affected the finances of the synagogues. These unbelieving leaders then decided to spread untruths about Paul and Silas saying they were deceivers, and at the same time they used mob tactics to chase them out of town. Paul must have been a very brave man, and he needed to be if the Word was to spread in the early churches. He himself had reminded Timothy that to spread the gospel requires courage and boldness, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7). Potential trials and persecutions did not deter him; besides our Lord Jesus had chosen him to be the apostle to the Gentiles (Acts 9:15). I think if one knows the truth and we meet violent opposition or reaction to it, surely we are to defend it with all our might.


:wub: I think that their was strong oppostion,because for thing Paul

was telling the truth and even today people don't like hearing the

true.Because Paul knew taht he was preaching what God told

him to preach and he was in his well.No, we are to keep going

even strong than we was going because most of the time you

arehelping someone.


Q1. (Acts 17:1-10) Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul's ministry in Thessalonica?

The reason for the strong opposition to Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica according to Acts 17:5 was that the Jews were jealous of Paul. They were jealous of him, because he kept attracting large crowds.

Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him?

Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is a violent reaction against him, because he was telling the crowds about the good news of Christ. He believed what he was proclaiming about Christ, and wanted everyone to follow him. Paul was suffering for the cause of Christ and the fact that Christ also suffered only strengthen Paul’s desire for others to follow Christ.

Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop?

No!!! A violent reaction to our ministry does not mean we should stop. It only means that we should continue to follow God’s Word and Christ’s example to proclaim the Gospel to others for “all in Christ will suffer persecution”.

Matthew 28:18-20 - “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

1 Peter 2:21-25 – “For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.

2 Timothy 3:12 – “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.


Thessalonians was in flesh,and Paul's teaching was from spirit.It denotes the same opposition Jesus faced from the defeated.The opposition was from evil inside the minds of jealous ,insecure,money minded peoples.

Paul was born again person and to share gospel of Jesus was only aim of his saved life.

No,rather Violent reaction to a ministry is a sign of holy spirit......as they opposed the prophets and the only son of allmighty as well!


1. The Jews were jealous as Paul was making strong inroads regarding the conversion of Jews, Greeks and pagans to Christianity. As a result the people he converted left the synagogue which in turn lead to a substantial drain on the the Synagogues coffers.

2. Paul is aware that he has to continue preaching the gospel irrespective of what happens. This would be in response to the Lords command to gather the harvest. (Mathew 12: 30)

3. Not at all we have to carry on preaching Gods words under all conditions and to as many people as we can. It is our duty to spread the word of God whenever we have an opportunity.


1. The Jews were jealous as Paul was making strong inroads regarding the conversion of Jews, Greeks and pagans to Christianity. As a result the people he converted left the synagogue which in turn lead to a substantial drain on the the Synagogues coffers.

2. Paul is aware that he has to continue preaching the gospel irrespective of what happens. This would be in response to the Lords command to gather the harvest. (Mathew 12: 30)

3. Not at all we have to carry on preaching Gods words under all conditions and to as many people as we can. It is our duty to spread the word of God whenever we have an opportunity.


Q1. (Acts 17:1-10) Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica? Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him? Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop?

Strong opposition was due to diagreement over theology; compeition over potential converts; money; jealously, etc. All satanically motiviated to block the gospel.

Paul preaches the Gospel through the persecution because he is called to by Christ Jesus. Jesus told his disciples that they would be persecuted just as he was. Persecution is no reason to stop, but probably is the signal to keep going because you are hitting home.

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Q1. (Acts 17:1-10) Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica? Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him? Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop?

The mob causes disruption because it deny Caesar's decree and causes the Jews to be exiled from their home land.Paul continues preaching because he isn't going to allow anyone to stop him from preaching about Jesus. No if violent reactions were to stop us from preaching about Jesus then we would never tell anyone anything about Jesus.


Paul faced opposition from the Jews and those who engaged in idolatry. Their belief was: (1) once dead that was it and (2) no one returned. Paul faced this opposition because he trusted in God, he kept the faith, and he looked toward the future for Christ's return. Additionally, Paul carried the gospel with the same intensity as he did during his persecution. I also believe the opposition felt their membership dwindling.

The miracles performed were a great help convincing others to join the faith. Today, there is much non-belief that miracles happen. I've heard people say things like that miracles don't happen and those who assert their believe are met with derision. All we need are three things: faith in God; hope in God's promises; and, love as we await Christ's return. And, we must remember God has all power in His hands. For example, we've heard of disasters across the world and all hope that anyone would be found alive is lost. But, someone is found beneath all of the debris alive. Miracle? I say yes!


Paul had an encounter with Jesus Christ and fully commited himself to Christ and determined to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ which did not simply came by words but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Jews and all others did not agree to these taechings filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit. added to this many a number left their old religion and started accepting and following the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. unbelief, hatred, and hardness of heart on account of the jews led to the opposition of Paul's ministry.


In galatains 2:20 we read Paul writes-- I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer i who live but Christ lives in me. The life i now live in the body, i live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me--- Paul commited his whole being to Christ and built a strong relationship with Christ. His love for Jesus was complete and his surrender to to the will of Christ was total. He realised his purpose was to live for the will of Christ and accomplish the purposes of Christ. Love for Christ and his one purpose of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ filled with the power of the Holy Spirit gave him immense strength against all the violent reactions he had to face while preaching the Gospel.

Violent reactions do not and should not stop us from fulfiling God's purposes. when we spent time in God's presence and receive his love and peace and courage we will be able to do whatever he has called to do joyfully. moreover when we are guided every moment by His Holy Spirit to do the work of the Lord-- violent reactions dont affect us instead they make us stronger and bolder and we are able to say-- ALL THINGS GOD WORKS FOR THE GOOD OF THOSE WHO LOVE HIM.


the opposition was so strong because before paul came there was a god in charge and paul coming to change the mindset of the people about the God almighty would not be easy, hence the opposition

pual has already declared in romans 1:16, and thus he was not moved

no, it means move on because we are to suffer for christ, we are more than conquerors


I think there was so much opposition to Paul's ministry in Thessalonica because, conversions to Christianity would have a strong impact on the synagague and its finances.

Paul kept preaching the gospel in spite of the violent action against him because Christ had chosen him to preach the gospel.

A violent reaction to our ministry doesn't always means we should stop. Often when ministry is effective in reaching the lost,the enemy will do all he can to discourage believers to stop sharing the gospel.


Q1. (Acts 17:1-10)

Q1.1 Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica?

It is interesting to note that the strongest opposition came from the Jews and that most of the converts to Christianity were Gentiles and working class. Jews had to find a crafty way to stop Paul because 1) their survival and positions were threatened, 2) they can't argue over the merit of Paul's reasoning and the truth in the Scripture which they claimed to live and die by, 3) they can't leave behind the fact that Jesus went up the cross at theirs and their ancestors' hands to save them and the entire humanity. The very scheme they crafted to drive Paul away and followed Paul to other places can not illustrate any better how wicked human hearts can be (anybody) when they are devoid of God and HIS commandants, including the 8th "...false testimony...".

Q1.2 Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him?

There is something unique to Paul. Yes, he had a direct encounter with Jesus who called on him in person to do his work. He was chosen and felt God's calling at every moment. He felt a vision of what is to come after this world. He imitated Christ and had joy in suffering for HIS sake.

Q1.2 Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop?

No, keep praying to HIM and seek HIM and HIS help in our ministry.


Q1. (Acts 17:1-10) Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul's ministry in Thessalonica? Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him? Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop?

Jealousy and a conflict of interest. They felt threatened by Jesus as He is revered as a King and they consider Caesar to be King. There is evident power and miraculous life-changing elements in the Gospel of Jesus and it left the Jewish leaders looking like powerless and hypocritical fools, not to mention the loss of the new christian converts from their community would cause social and financial devastation.

This is one of the first group of christians and that must have been a real encouragement for Paul to see, especially since it is not what you would expect to see come about with that kind

of persecution. Paul had the example of Jesus and a great deal came out of His suffering and persecution, so I'm sure he expected opposition.

The truth usually hurts, so if there is no opposition to our ministry, I would first question if we are watering down the truth to avoid personal conflict. We need to always show love so that we are not the ones doing the provoking out of our own flesh.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q1. (Acts 17:1-10) Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica? Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him? Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop?

1) Anything new can cause opposition. The priests of the time did not want to hear it, because it would interfere their teachings and monies the received from the citizens. They just wanted them gone and would go to any length to make that happen.

2)Paul continues to preach because he is filled with Holy Spirit and can not stop. He wants everyone to hear and receive Jesus Christs' salvation.

3)No, a violent reaction does not mean we should stop speaking Gods word. We trust His word as true and he will protect as we should be willing to die for our faith.

p.s. My answer seems so weak in the light of everyone else's. I hope I can grow in understanding to where my answers sound as well thought out as yours.

  • 4 weeks later...

I think that the reason that there was so much opposition to Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica is because the Jewish synagogue was losing a lot of money when the people converted to Christianity.

Paul keeps preaching the gospel even though there is a lot of violent reaction against him because it was his calling. For Paul there was nothing else to do. God had put it on his heart and therefore loved teaching others about Him.

I think that a violent reaction to our ministry means we should continue on. It means that we are reaching the people even though they do not like it.


It's already been said of course.But Jealousy consumed the Jewish leaders who had fallen into a religious pit of self pride and self righteousness.

It reveals that they really didn't understand the scriptures and prophecies in Gods Word as well as they themselves believed. When the true gospel was being preached by Paul. They couldn't accept it, they were incensed by the fact that they were losing their following of the people to this new message of the Christ. One who would come in humility, suffer and die and rise after three days conquering sin and death in this way. What were they expecting though...?? A Messiah who would appear in great glory and lift hem up in glory as well. A Saviours message of humility and self sacrifice for the sake of others was too much for them to accept. So they fought Paul's teaching violently.

Paul wouldn't give up the cause in the face of such opposition. Why would he ? He knew Jesus was real, and who Jesus really was.

How can we today, cease to talk about this Saviour of the World he is our very life....eternally.

Mind you, I find it very hard to talk about Jesus Christ to my work mates. They're mostly very worldly guys and when I confess my faith to them I sense the sniggers behind my back. Imagine how Paul must have felt much of the time. But he obviously loved The Saviour so much....!!


Q1a) Why so much opposition to Paul's ministry in Thessalonica? - When the gospel is preached there will always be strong opposition because 1) not everyone believes the gospel of Jesus Christ... 2) the gospel is the truth of Christ and his Lordship. Past/Present & Future leaders will always have strong opposition to the gospel because it opens the believers heart & mind to the truth of a loving, merciful King "Christ" and in turn they will no longer be able to manipulate people to follow their law/ideas/morals. (Q1b) Paul keeps preaching the Gospel bcas of his faith and the power of the holy spirit. He knows that he was truly called by Christ to preach the truth, he is commissioned to be a witness for Christ and I believe that no matter the cost Paul knew there was an eternal reward waiting for him and he wanted others to experience a relationship with Christ just as he had. (Q1c) No a violent response to our ministry should not stop us but instead motivate us to continue ministering.


There was so much opposition because Paul had attracted a large number of gentiles and they were converted to Christianity. Many were working class and high ranking officials. That meant the synagogue would be effected by loosing alot of finances. Since his own conversion to Christianity Paul had been preaching the good news about Jesus Christ and the violence didn't matter to Paul because at one point in time he was causing violence against Christians. Paul knew that's what Jesus Christ called him to do. Even though we might have violence against our ministry, we should never stop preaching the gospel of Christ Jesus.

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