lindogwala Posted September 10, 2013 Report Posted September 10, 2013 Personal courage is important because the gospel should be preached even under challenging and dangerous conditions. The preacher should not be stopped by challenges. Paul and Silas were beaten up but had courage to preach the gospel. When preachers are full of fear they bow to pressure from the opposition and challenges. God has called me to preach the gospel here where I live; after heavy attacks on my character and standing in the Body of Christ. My family is recovering from the attack. I knew that with prayer I will find courage to “forget what is in the past and press on focusing on my divine calling. It is happening. Quote
KatHudgins Posted September 8, 2014 Report Posted September 8, 2014 We are supposed to be sensitive and politically correct today. These two things are sending people to hell everyday. We need to stand up and tell people that the only way to God, the Father, is through Jesus Christ, His Son. We have to have the courage to tell people that sin is sin, no matter what. We need to yell from the roof tops that we need to ask forgiveness and repent from our sins. Most Christians do not want to make waves and are just scared of offending people. Offense is the devil's weapon. We are going to have to stand up in front of Jesus Christ one day and explain to Him why we did not obey His word and preach the gospel and save souls. Quote
WinstonY Posted October 14, 2014 Report Posted October 14, 2014 Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? Paul needed all of his personal courage and determination to carry on his ministry. He writes: I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. 24 Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods,once I was pelted with stones, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, 26 I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my fellow Jews, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false believers. 27 I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked.( 2 Corinthians 11.23-27) This is much more than we ever experience, but we also are persecuted by the world. Society and culture tends to try to make us embarrassed by being Christians. Our Christian morals are attacked from outside and inside. Courage is needed to proclaim the Lord. Congregations also need courage to act and respond to challenges of today's culture. Just like the early Christians had to decide between various religions- even different streams of Christianity we today need also to decide. The ancients had the apostles and a letter from Paul and the Holy Spirit. We have the canonized letters of Paul and the Holy Spirit that has been working powerfully in the world for the last 2000 years and continues to work and build the community both here and around the world. God is calling on me as well as all Christians to preach and serve in the power of the Holy Spirit and in the Love and support of Christ the Son and to proclaim the Lord in all situation and times. Quote
JoanG Posted April 24, 2015 Report Posted April 24, 2015 Personal courage is needed to follow Christ and to go out and preach his word for all to hear. You are not only battling your inner demons; you are also battling evil forces in the world and in other people. You need to stand strong against opposition. In an unhealthy congregation, people are afraid to fight the sinfulness of others. They allow evil to penetrate into all the corners, nooks and crannies of the building. They are afraid to fight this. They do not want to rock the boat of status quo. They are afraid to call those people to the carpet that are spreading this malice. Personally, God had called me to try to speak up and set things right with the congregation that I am in. He has put me up against people to try and reason with them. At times I have felt that I was banging my head against the walls. However, God has lead me to walk away to fill up my spiritual self on Sundays. But this has given me the courage to try and continue the fight in my home congregation. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted May 27, 2016 Report Posted May 27, 2016 Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? Personal courage and boldness is an important character trait needed to preach the gospel. With the help of the Holy Spirit we should go forth and declare the good news, regardless of the ridicule we may receive. The lack of courage for evangelism will result in a loss of new believers to the faith of Christ. A lack of courage will also cause a congregation from being healthy, because the leaders may not eant to be offending anyone. In today's age society demands we become politically correct. God calls me to be a witness for the gospel for others to have eternal life with God. To overcome shyness I must depend on the Holy Spirit to guide me in the correct thought and speech to lead someone into the faith. Quote
Dave Crouse Posted June 13, 2016 Report Posted June 13, 2016 Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? Jesus said to follow him meant taking up our cross. The cross is death to self through identification with Christ. To stand for Christ will mean persecution especially as we are close to Christs return as the devil knows his time is short. Many are facing death for their faith and we may also if we are truly His disciple. How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? Fear of man brings a snare. To care more about what people think about us than God is to fail both people and God. God sends us as sheep among wolves so to be wise as serpants but harmless as doves is to be prayerful so God can give opportunities to share our faith to those who need it. It is to be remembered fisherman do not chase fish but attract so actions mean more than words where words may be rejected love attracts and opens doors so we can be effective in evangelism. Ministries that meet needs have more success than street preachers. How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? A church that soft pedals the gospel and tries to make it acceptable to everyone cannot be used to convict of sin and bring souls to repentance which is necessary to be saved. What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? To not hide my faith in Christ and to show love to those who would oppose the gospel and intercede for them rather than condemn as Christ does for me. Quote
Dave Crouse Posted June 13, 2016 Report Posted June 13, 2016 Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? Jesus said to follow him meant taking up our cross. The cross is death to self through identification with Christ. To stand for Christ will mean persecution especially as we are close to Christs return as the devil knows his time is short. Many are facing death for their faith and we may also if we are truly His disciple. How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? Fear of man brings a snare. To care more about what people think about us than God is to fail both people and God. God sends us as sheep among wolves so to be wise as serpants but harmless as doves is to be prayerful so God can give opportunities to share our faith to those who need it. It is to be remembered fisherman do not chase fish but attract so actions mean more than words where words may be rejected love attracts and opens doors so we can be effective in evangelism. Ministries that meet needs have more success than street preachers. How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? A church that soft pedals the gospel and tries to make it acceptable to everyone cannot be used to convict of sin and bring souls to repentance which is necessary to be saved. What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? To not hide my faith in Christ and to show love to those who would oppose the gospel and intercede for them rather than condemn as Christ does for me. Quote
Dave Crouse Posted June 13, 2016 Report Posted June 13, 2016 Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? Jesus said to follow him meant taking up our cross. The cross is death to self through identification with Christ. To stand for Christ will mean persecution especially as we are close to Christs return as the devil knows his time is short. Many are facing death for their faith and we may also if we are truly His disciple. How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? Fear of man brings a snare. To care more about what people think about us than God is to fail both people and God. God sends us as sheep among wolves so to be wise as serpants but harmless as doves is to be prayerful so God can give opportunities to share our faith to those who need it. It is to be remembered fisherman do not chase fish but attract so actions mean more than words where words may be rejected love attracts and opens doors so we can be effective in evangelism. Ministries that meet needs have more success than street preachers. How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? A church that soft pedals the gospel and tries to make it acceptable to everyone cannot be used to convict of sin and bring souls to repentance which is necessary to be saved. What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? To not hide my faith in Christ and to show love to those who would oppose the gospel and intercede for them rather than condemn as Christ does for me. Quote
Dave Crouse Posted June 13, 2016 Report Posted June 13, 2016 Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? Jesus said to follow him meant taking up our cross. The cross is death to self through identification with Christ. To stand for Christ will mean persecution especially as we are close to Christs return as the devil knows his time is short. Many are facing death for their faith and we may also if we are truly His disciple. How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? Fear of man brings a snare. To care more about what people think about us than God is to fail both people and God. God sends us as sheep among wolves so to be wise as serpants but harmless as doves is to be prayerful so God can give opportunities to share our faith to those who need it. It is to be remembered fisherman do not chase fish but attract so actions mean more than words where words may be rejected love attracts and opens doors so we can be effective in evangelism. Ministries that meet needs have more success than street preachers. How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? A church that soft pedals the gospel and tries to make it acceptable to everyone cannot be used to convict of sin and bring souls to repentance which is necessary to be saved. What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? To not hide my faith in Christ and to show love to those who would oppose the gospel and intercede for them rather than condemn as Christ does for me. Quote
Dave Crouse Posted June 13, 2016 Report Posted June 13, 2016 Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? Jesus said to follow him meant taking up our cross. The cross is death to self through identification with Christ. To stand for Christ will mean persecution especially as we are close to Christs return as the devil knows his time is short. Many are facing death for their faith and we may also if we are truly His disciple. How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? Fear of man brings a snare. To care more about what people think about us than God is to fail both people and God. God sends us as sheep among wolves so to be wise as serpants but harmless as doves is to be prayerful so God can give opportunities to share our faith to those who need it. It is to be remembered fisherman do not chase fish but attract so actions mean more than words where words may be rejected love attracts and opens doors so we can be effective in evangelism. Ministries that meet needs have more success than street preachers. How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? A church that soft pedals the gospel and tries to make it acceptable to everyone cannot be used to convict of sin and bring souls to repentance which is necessary to be saved. What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? To not hide my faith in Christ and to show love to those who would oppose the gospel and intercede for them rather than condemn as Christ does for me. Quote
Dave Crouse Posted June 13, 2016 Report Posted June 13, 2016 Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? Jesus said to follow him meant taking up our cross. The cross is death to self through identification with Christ. To stand for Christ will mean persecution especially as we are close to Christs return as the devil knows his time is short. Many are facing death for their faith and we may also if we are truly His disciple. How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? Fear of man brings a snare. To care more about what people think about us than God is to fail both people and God. God sends us as sheep among wolves so to be wise as serpants but harmless as doves is to be prayerful so God can give opportunities to share our faith to those who need it. It is to be remembered fisherman do not chase fish but attract so actions mean more than words where words may be rejected love attracts and opens doors so we can be effective in evangelism. Ministries that meet needs have more success than street preachers. How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? A church that soft pedals the gospel and tries to make it acceptable to everyone cannot be used to convict of sin and bring souls to repentance which is necessary to be saved. What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? To not hide my faith in Christ and to show love to those who would oppose the gospel and intercede for them rather than condemn as Christ does for me. Quote
Dave Crouse Posted June 13, 2016 Report Posted June 13, 2016 Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? Jesus said to follow him meant taking up our cross. The cross is death to self through identification with Christ. To stand for Christ will mean persecution especially as we are close to Christs return as the devil knows his time is short. Many are facing death for their faith and we may also if we are truly His disciple. How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? Fear of man brings a snare. To care more about what people think about us than God is to fail both people and God. God sends us as sheep among wolves so to be wise as serpants but harmless as doves is to be prayerful so God can give opportunities to share our faith to those who need it. It is to be remembered fisherman do not chase fish but attract so actions mean more than words where words may be rejected love attracts and opens doors so we can be effective in evangelism. Ministries that meet needs have more success than street preachers. How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? A church that soft pedals the gospel and tries to make it acceptable to everyone cannot be used to convict of sin and bring souls to repentance which is necessary to be saved. What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? To not hide my faith in Christ and to show love to those who would oppose the gospel and intercede for them rather than condemn as Christ does for me. Quote
Dave Crouse Posted June 13, 2016 Report Posted June 13, 2016 Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? Jesus said to follow him meant taking up our cross. The cross is death to self through identification with Christ. To stand for Christ will mean persecution especially as we are close to Christs return as the devil knows his time is short. Many are facing death for their faith and we may also if we are truly His disciple. How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? Fear of man brings a snare. To care more about what people think about us than God is to fail both people and God. God sends us as sheep among wolves so to be wise as serpants but harmless as doves is to be prayerful so God can give opportunities to share our faith to those who need it. It is to be remembered fisherman do not chase fish but attract so actions mean more than words where words may be rejected love attracts and opens doors so we can be effective in evangelism. Ministries that meet needs have more success than street preachers. How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? A church that soft pedals the gospel and tries to make it acceptable to everyone cannot be used to convict of sin and bring souls to repentance which is necessary to be saved. What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? To not hide my faith in Christ and to show love to those who would oppose the gospel and intercede for them rather than condemn as Christ does for me. Quote
Damary Alembi Posted July 5, 2017 Report Posted July 5, 2017 (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple -- and for a discipler? Courage enables one to take risks. It helps a lot in the spiritual warfare, it comes in handy especially when facing trials and hardships. Courage helps one to speak freely, openly, and fearlessly. It is vital to the success of Christ’s kingdom. It enables one to be strong and fearless. How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? One will not be able to fight as there are many challenges that one faces and without having courage, one cannot succeed. You will meet resistance and hardship of sorts that will need fighting through. Unless you are courageous you cannot continue and therefore, unable to take risks necessary to propagate the Christian faith. How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? Lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy in that no one will dare come out and defend the purpose. It causes the number of believers to dwindle as there is no one to stand up to the task. Quote
Remnant Girl Posted June 14, 2019 Report Posted June 14, 2019 Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? 1. Because faith is tested by opposition, suffering, rejection. Courage gives ys strength to endure the pain of the testing. IIt takes courage to wait upon God and seemingly " do nothing" and our circumstances scream for us to do something.:. Courage enables us to fight Goliath's as they present themself and you are all alone against this big bully. I am currently facing a huge Goliath. But though it looks like im alone God is holding me up! Quote
Reuben Posted October 30, 2021 Report Posted October 30, 2021 Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? Without courage you will not stand up to defend someone. In this case it is standing up and defending your faith, and from that it means spreading the truth about your faith, and the Gospel to others. We have fears of rejection, conflict, ridicule, persecution, etc. We need Gods spirit off courage to help us stand up, and disciple. The lack off this would mean the Gospel will not be told to all nations as Jesus said. That means evangelism will be slow or not even exist. A lack of courage in a congregation would be unhealthy in various ways, but the church leader lacking boldness when preaching the word would lead a congregation with a "happy go lucky" approach, as he would not want to offend, or step on anybody's toes. Not healthy, and this would send a message to the congregation that all is fair and this is unhealthy. This congregation will also not be doing what Jesus ask us to do and that is be disciples out there. God is always at work in me to speak up when the time and opportunities arise, at work, with family and in my recreational times. I do not always do this and it is something I keep working on and praying about. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted April 18, 2023 Report Posted April 18, 2023 Personal courage is essential for both the discipler and the disciple due to the fact that we are not living in a garden of roses. As in other challenges of life, personal courage is intrinsic to getting the job done. The Gospel ministry is not easy; fulfilling one's ministry in accordance with 1 PETER 2:9 demands courage. I can attest to that fact during my years of evangelistic preaching outdoors as well as ministering in skid row in NYC. It was the GOSPEL OF GOD--that captivated the very hearts of Paul, Silas and Timothy. It wasn't just another religion nor another fable. This Gospel was from on high ! They were able to stand for the in the face of strong opposition that proved the very highest value of that their ministry wasn't in vain. Lack of courage is a sign of inertia in the church. Complacency slowly sets in, and the work of evangelism creeps to a halt. 2 Samuel & Isaiah 32 illustrates this very well. King David went into a complacent state of mind as long, and a myriad of troubles ensued. In Isaiah 32, Prophet Isaiah preaches to the complacent women; they were in a state of inertia, not seeking the Lord, they were at ease in Zion. This complacent attitude is the beginning of back sliding. Courage and good old "stickutiveness" are absolutely needed in outdoor evangelistic preaching. The Word of God goes forth despite the hardheartedness of people, and even derision from fellow Christians. Quote
Krissi Posted October 24, 2023 Report Posted October 24, 2023 Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? The real question is this (for me): "Why doesn't God protect us when we go out into the world, stand up for Him in faith and evangelize? After all, God is sovereign. Surely He knows we're being hounded and hurt and could do something about it. He could save us. But, instead, He lets the government persecute and harm us. WHY?" It is easy to be courageous when you believe God will rescue you. It's easy to speak boldly when you're certain the Spirit will come upon you and give you His words -- It's difficult to be courageous when you're uncertain God will be there for you, if you're worried He'll abandon you in your hour of obedience and need. It is NOT a lack of courage that keeps people from evangelizing, but a lack of faith in God's love. God has called me to evangelize. He has called you to evangelize. He has called ALL OF US to evangelize. This is our primary calling. Yet, He doesn't protect us -- necessarily -- when we obey that call. Some are protected, perhaps most, but some of us suffer greatly. What we lack, afterward, is a belief in God's goodness. We're hesitant not because we lack courage but because we can't understand God. God promises to always be with us. To not abandon us. To be faithful and ever-present. And yet ... Quote
JMK1319 Posted November 5, 2023 Report Posted November 5, 2023 A Christin’s faith, especially now, has never been so out of step with modern American and world culture. The breadth of social media, television, and music is both national and international. Facebook, X, instagram, and more recently TikTok instantly has the ability to denigrate our faith. But our courage is a far different type of courage than the rest of the world. In much of the Muslim world standing for Christ costs alienation, a real possibility of prison, ostracization, years away from family, even death. Our penchant is for social acceptance, presenting our Christian lives as rational, intellectual, educated. So our personal courage is not primarily physical danger or persecution but being viewed as antithetical to reasonable thought. Accept all. Syncretism. Believe what you want but certainly don’t try to convince others of the validity of your own convictions. As a discipler you are promoting your narrow view of reality to others, an unconscionable violation to this syncretism. If we are afraid to be stereotyped, we certainly won’t show how we are truly different. If in fact we want to be the same as our culture, there is no need for evangelism. A healthy church is focused on the Great Commision. The purpose of the Church is not to be self-serving although administration to the news of the congregation is important. At almost every juncture we see evangelism as core to a healthy church. The Gospels attested to the Good News in personal testimony by a tax collector, a physician, a nephew, and an uneducated fisherman later a prophet through Revelation. Paul’s purpose throughout his missionary journeys centered around evangelism to establish churches Peter and James taught this different, radical assertion that Christ was God to a Jewish community vehemently opposed to God becoming man. Although some are gifted as evangelists, we are all called to proclaim. God is calling me to share the Gospel boldly in two ways-my words and lifestyle. Quote
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