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Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

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Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple -- and for a discipler? How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

Personal courage is important to the discipler because he/ she needs to be bold enough to declare the gospel message in the mist of persecution so harsh and rampant in the world today. The disciple has to be courageous to stand the persecution without giving up.

Lack of courage prevents evangelism as fear of being persecuted prevents the Christians from proclaiming the gospel while those who are preached to may also reject the gospel for fear of being persecuted.

God is calling me and every believer to go and preach the gospel to the perishing. This requires courage.


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler?

We are commanded in scripture to be bold and courageous (Joshua 1, for example). The Bible says 365 times "Fear Not!"....the only time we are told to fear is in Hebrews, in failing to enter God's rest! So to be anything less than courageous is failing to fulfill the great commandment to go into the world to make disciples of all men.

How does lack of courage prevent evangelism?

Fear paralyzes and prevents moving into all that the Lord has for us to accomplish in making disciples and living an abundant life.

How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy?

Being "Stuck" is a sign of dysfunction and poor leadership.

What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

This may sound silly, but after many years of abuse and living in an often violent home as a child, He is calling me to REST in Him...to abide and to trust and to feed on Him. My "cells" want to protect myself, withdraw from new situations in fear. Sometimes every day living requires courage and I'm yielding to His Lordship to overcome the past fear and timidity.


Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple -- and for a discipler? How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

Whatever we do for the kingdom of God will require courage. Courage is defined as the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. In today's society it takes great courage to go right when everyone else is doing wrong. For the disciple courage must be the order of the day simply because he/she will face great opposition as he/she begins to submit to the discipling process. It takes heart to serve/follow after God. It is not for the fainthearted. Family and friends alike may not like the "new" you. Darkness fears the light because the light causes sin to become more apparent. You will need personal courage in order to not give in to temptation and the constant pull of this world system. As for a Discipler, now in a position to impact the life of a disciple courage is required to be an example of Christ. Having the conviction to do God's will takes courage. Doing what God tells you to do is not always easy. Opposition does not always come from others. We can be our own worst enemy. Knowing what to do is important, but doing it is more important here is where we must have courage. We must act on what God commands us to do in his Word. Seeking and saving the lost is Jesus primary concern and should be the concern of every Believer. We must see ourselves as his representatives in the earth. Evangelism must be our own personal mission. Then and only then will we go after the lost with the same passion as Christ did. Christ was concerned with the maturing of the disciples. He wanted them to grow up in all things. The same should be true for every discipler. We must be personally committed to seeing disciples grow spiritually, even if it is inconvenient or does not fit into our plans. Sowing seeds of selfless commitment to someone else requires personal courage. A lack of courage within a congregational body of believers can keep people from serving God and taking their rightful place as members of that local body. When members are not in place within a congregation the church can be adversely impacted, because each member has a supply. When that supply is not provided, it creates a deficiency within the church. God is calling me to obey/submit to him totally, without hesitation or reservation as I serve him in ministry at home, in the marketplace and in within my church congregation.


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple -- and for a discipler?

We see courage in the Messiah as He went to the cross, we see courage in the first Jewish believer Stephen who was martyred for his faith, we see courage in Shadrakh, Meishakh and Abed-Nego when the Chaldeans accused the Jews because they did not serve their god, we see courage down through history of the Gentile believers in the Messiah of Israel martyred for their faith.

We see what and why COURAGE is an IMPORATANT character trait, for "COURAGE" is our "FAITH" in action, facing the trials that come our way, without faith, courage, we cannot please God.

How does lack of courage prevent evangelism?

It is prevented because it is not founded on FAITH through the drawing of the Holy Spirit.


1 Thessalonians 2:1-2

Q). Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple -- and for a discipler?

A). Jesus gave this warning to His disciples: "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves..." -Matthew 10:16. Only a very courageous sheep would be willing to go in the midst of wolves. And only a courageous disciple would be willing to go in the midst of potential hurt, harm or danger eminating from the wolves of this world.


Q). How does lack of courage prevent evangelism?

A). Lack of courage causes one to be timid and fearful of sharing the gospel. And that's one reason why Paul, in a Roman prison, wrote this famous verse to Timothy: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." -2 Timothy 1:7


Q). How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy?

A). The congregation will be driven by fear (lack of courage) and that's an unhealthy motive for a group of Christians.


Q). What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

A). Step out in faith and trust Him rather than being fearful because of uncertainty.


Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple -- and for a discipler?

The Bible clearly say we are kings and priest when we accept Christ as our Lord. We must have confidence to stand up and take control of any situation just as a king would do, and then tell everybody, this is wrong because of this and that and the way to fix it is so, just as a priest would do. We must be clear that we must still be humble, i am not confidant because of who i am, but because God Himself, the Holy Spirit is living within me and is guiding and teaching me.

As long as i am obedient to His guidence, I don't have to fear anything because the Almighty God is living within me

How does lack of courage prevent evangelism?

If i dont have courage i have no confidence in God, so if i have no confidence in God, how can i spread the Word of God?

How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy?

In the same way, if a congregation is not courageous the Holy Spirit is not leading the congregation, thus it will never be healthy, because the source of life is not in them.

What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

We must spread the Word of God, to do that we must stand up anywhere and proclaim His Word.

We must Glorify Him, and to do that we must praise Him openly no matter where we are.


1. Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple and a discipler? Because it is a great witness to new believer, that we are not ashamed nor scared of the Gospel we profess. We serve an awesome God who is able to keep us through trails of life, but if we always coward away what does that say about our God (Jer. 1:8.) and our faith. For a discipler personal courage reassures me that I am not walking this journey alone, and when you walk or team up with other it's easier to not faint, so with the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word I know I can make it (Heb. 13:6)

2. How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? It causes you to hide your light under a basket

3. How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? It causes them to stumble and not trust in the power of the resurrected Christ that he would not leave us or forsake us. It cause faith in the promises that they could reach the world to diminish.


Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler?

Because if you are a disciple or a discipler of Jesus Christ you will be hated by the world. John 15:18 " If the world hates you, keep in mind it hated me first." Jesus is the savior of the world, but He is also a stumbling block to unbelievers. If you proclaim the name of Christ you will face opposition and rejection. Fear, (lack of courage) is not from God. 1 Timothy 1:7 For I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. You will need the courage that comes from the indwelling leadership of the Holy Spirit to stand in the face of persecution and rejection.

How does lack of courage prevent evangelism?

If evangelism is going to be powerful and effective it must be fueled by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. So, in the face of fear (lack of courage) evangelism doesn't take place. We tend to remain quiet and leave evangelism to others who we deem are more gifted in that area than we are; while others in our scope of influence, needing the good news, don't hear it from us.

How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy?

Once again God did not give us a spirit of fear; so if there is lack or courage in the pulpit, then the message will tend to be preached and inspired by man; and will be a watered down, weak version of gospel truth that will not have the transformative power of the unaltered, unedited, word of God, preached in the confidence, passion and power of the Holy Spirit. The congregation under this leadership would likely be misled and spiritually weakened by the messages received from the pulpit, much like; "A little yeast works through a whole batch of dough." Galatians 5:9

What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

To remain faithful to Him and to be in prayer about that next step and where it may lead; that God would give me faith and the courage to go where He would want me to go. For I am not a courageous man.


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2)

Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple -- and for a discipler?

Personal courage is an important character trait for a disciple -- and for a discipler because it makes the person not to quit no matter what.

How does lack of courage prevent evangelism?

Lack of courage prevents evangelism in that when there is persecution, or threat thereof, the person who is spreading evangelism but lacking courage will immediately stop.

How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy?

Lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy as the opposition will win and there will be no more new believers.

What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

Maybe I can just cite an example where there is an activity at church during working hours and I am required to be there but I find myself lacking courage to ask permission to go to church but raise a different reason.


Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple - - and for a disciple? Sometimes you will feel like you are all along, but a true disciple with the personal courage knows where his strength really is, and will not waver are fall when adversity arises.

How does lack of courage prevent evangelism. There are times when you will have to have the courage to step out into a field of working for Christ that you may be the only one who has the courage to go forth and get the work of the Lord done and without the courage to do it the job would not be accomplished.

HOW does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? The congregation will always be second guessing when anything comes around that they are not accustomed to. Lack of courage can defeat many things before they even have a chance to see if it will work.

What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? God called me to go to a Church that I have never been to and I obeyed God and I was able through the working of the Holy Ghost to lead a man back to Christ that died two weeks later suddenly, If I had not had the courage to do as directed by the Holy Ghost, this mans blood would have been upon my hands.

Praise God Brother Mike McCue



Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple -- and for a discipler? How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?


(A) I think you have to have a good character and a true character to be good disciple, because I think you need to be like Paul be able to stand on his word.

(B)Trusting God and believe God words

©Everybody is waiting for the other one to do nobody has the courage to step up

(D)You have to be bold and speak up and do the best you can as long as you know it is the Lord way


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?


Courage is important because the trials of disciples are many and we must demonstrate perserverance and courage. Lack of courage keeps us from speaking up when we should. Lack of courage in a congregation leads to an inward focus and not an outward focus. We are so worried about what happens to our church we don't see the wider world vision a world hurting and in need. This inward focus leads to lack of new members, new disciples, new ideas and new blood.

In my work place God and work do not mix, yet I have to rely on him every day to survive. Too often I shut God out because I feel the need to honor the man imposed rules


Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler?

As persecution is constant it helps if you are courageous in faith. When what is thought would happen does not come to fruition, being courageous in faith helps. When opposition, and weapons are formed against a disciple being courageous in faith is helpful.

How does lack of courage prevent evangelism?

I would like to say lack of courage prevent effective evangelism as we perceive it should be. As we become weary we faint. I am reminded of a prophet who was used mightily on Mt. Carmel, as a weapon was formed against him he became weak, his vision became obscured, he lost sight of where his strength came from, yet that which was accomplished is remembered as well. We must remember that one may plant and never see the watering, one may water and never see the increase. He may use us and we may never see a miracle, yet miracles occurs. God simply wants us to reflect Him, we want to be like Him. Some want to evangelize just as Paul, Peter, Phillip or Stephen did, as if the ministry of others didn't exist. Each was used differently by God accordingly, He (God) will do what He wants thorough us as He desires.

Believing in, of, and by Him is of utmost importance so that when He tell us to speak or act on His behalf we will have the courage to do so. We may evangelize without saying a word, we may do so with voice, through both when God is in it His purpose will manifest.

How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy?

Over time as the wrong view is being projected it can influence others. This influence has the propensity to allow something other than faith to be the catalyst. Without fait it is impossible to please God, without faith will The Holy Spirit endue with power. As the 120 moved from the upper room they walked in the strength given by God, they were healthy. A congregation without His Spirit, without adherence to His Spirit will be unhealthy. Whereby the message propagated will not align to the Spirit but unto our spirit.

What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

Follow Him and not my flesh, to worship Him and not do as I want to do. Not becoming too B.U.S.Y. with service that I miss His whisper. Church house operations is fine, fasting and prayer is good, living, moving and having my being in Him as His light and salt is witnessing.

It is possible to be so active in the service of Christ as to forget to love Him. P. T. Forsyth

Loving Him is more than an activity.


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2)

Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple - and for a discipler?

How does lack of courage prevent evangelism?

How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy?

What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

We all need to proclaim the gospel with complete confidence in its power and credibility. It is God’s plan for human salvation and His way of bringing us into a right relationship with Him and of course with each other. I know we can put our whole trust in the gospel to change our lives and relationships. The gospel must always be proclaimed without fear, but I think what most of us fear is not persecution but rejection. I know from my personal experience that the fear of being ridiculed and regarded as foolish or stupid often prevents me from proclaiming the gospel. This lack of courage on my part is definitely preventing me from speaking specifically to two of my neighbours who I feel need to hear about God’s plan of salvation.


Personal courage is important for a disciple and a discipler because it is not easy to preach the gospel. One needs to be bold because the teachings of the bible are against the teachings of this world and opposite to what people want to listen. So when one tries to preach the Word of God there may be oppositions and persecutions so personal courage is important. Generally every one loves to be loved and accepted, but Jesus has clearly told that you will be hated for my sake and one needs courage to stand for Jesus, accept rejection and hate from the world when you stand for Jesus.

If anyone lacks courage then he/she will not be able to boldly tell the truths in the word of God. Fear of opposition and rejection will make a disciple shy away from preaching the good news and thus evangelism cannot continue.

In a congregation people need courage to tell the truth to another believer when he is wrong and also courage is needed to accept corrections from fellow members when we are going contrary to God’s word. If believers lack this courage then any congregation will not be healthy.

God is asking me to live a life pleasing to Him and not go about pleasing people which requires courage. He is asking me to spread his good news fearlessly.


Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple -- and for a discipler?

2 Timothy 1:7, tells us that God did not give us the spirit of fear. Fear of people rejecting me has plagued me most of my life. Courage crosses out fear and gives an assurance the God is looking out for me. We need to have courage to trust God in all things - the disciple as well as the discipler.

How does a lack of courage prevent evangelism?

When a person does not courage to talk to others, evangelism stops!

How does a lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy?

The congregation will not have new people to bring in new ideas and thoughts to encourage the old congregation. For a congregation to be healthy, it must have the courage to reach out to the lost.

What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

Our congregation has dwindled down to 20 to 25 people and we, the leadership, have decided to turn our property over to an evangelistic organization, but one member is fighting it. I need the courage to press on, because I know it is the right thing to do for our people.


The Spirit of Christ dwells in every believer - the Spirit of boldness and courage. The Christian life is meant to be one of faith, not of fear. But that, of course, is usually difficult for us because it’s the direct opposite of our overall human nature, especially when facing hostility/resistence/rejection. When we back away from this divine nature that has been given to us, we are failing to walk in the character of Christ and usually choosing our fears over faith. The bottom line is disobedience.

Lack of courage prevents a believer from living confidently, lovingly speaking the truth, and standing against the darkness in the face of opposition. Fear narrows the focus to self-interests, while faith expands the attention to the best for others (which is love). This would certainly have a negative impact on the sharing of the Gospel by individuals as well as congregations. As the view consistently turns inward, the call to go out into the world with the news of redemption is silenced. Spiritual growth and maturity is stunted. Ministries to those bound in literal and spiritual captivity, darkness, and need go lacking. The lack of obedience to God’s call will result in deadness of spirit and a lack of His flow of power. No individual or congregation can have healthy spiritual growth in such a condition.

The courage we’re discussing is rooted in having total confidence in the truth of who God is, all that He has said/promised, and what He has/will accomplish. The LORD is first calling me to fully embrace Him in this way. That takes constant effort in studying His Word and choosing to apply His truth in every area of life. At this time in my own life, He seems to be guiding me toward community outreach ministries. If that proves true, I will need to step out in the courage of confident faith to give myself over in moving onto His path of unknowns.


Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler?

1. Personal courage is an important character trait for a disciple/discipter because there will be opposition and we will be, perhaps, even attacked but the word of God must still be taught.

How does lack of courage prevent evangelism?

2. Lack of courage will prevent one from speaking freely and boldly. This will cause us to stop trying to bring people to Christ.

How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy?

3. We will not get the nourishment that we need and it could stund our growth.

What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

4. God is calling me to be a better leader in my ministry. I must stand up to those that will not serve in their ministry like they should and put feeling sake aside.


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

Personal courage is an important character trait because there are so many people who are mislead away from the Gospel inside and outside of the church today. We need personal courage to stand against untruths, legalism, and worldly influences. We, like Paul will be in opposition with others who don't or won't see the truth of the Gospel. Sometimes, it is a call to stand in truth against whole crowds and even face being ostracized and that can be difficult.

Lack of courage can prevent evangelism because if we, out of fear, remain silent, the truth remains silent. Others will never really grasp the truth of the cross and Christ crucified. In the same way, a congregation can remain unhealthy if untruths such as legalism or elitism aren't corrected.

God is calling me to speak the truth in love. To preach Christ crucified and salvation through faith, not works and that anyone can come! <3


Courage is necessary to us to be able to share with unbelievers. The Holy Spirit gives us the courage along with the assurity of our salvation. We are fighting a spiritual battle.

We would be afraid to approach anyone, fearing what might happen to us & what we might lose. We also would not grow....

They wouldn't have courage to step out in faith.

It takes courage to go out to witness to people especially in dangerous areas.


Q1. Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple-- And for a disciple?

A. Personal courage is important because when/if we encounter danger and difficulties concerning the Gospel we will need courage to endure and not to give up.

There may also come a time when we become complacent and God wants us to get out of our comfort zone, or maybe He wants us to do something that we know unless He shows us how we definitely won't be able to do it, which will require courage for us to be able to do whatever that is.

He promises to never leave us or forsake us.

Q2. How does lack of courage prevent evangelism?

A. A lack of courage prevents us from doing what Mark 16:15 says to do, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature".

Q3. How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy?

A. A lack of courage can prevent known sin from being dealt with in a congregation when we lack courage to speak the truth in love and call sin what it is.

Q4. What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

A. God is calling my husband and me to step out in faith to be facilitators of a Carecell group in our home. This is requiring a great deal of courage. We are standing on the promise found in Philippians 4:13, We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength".

We know that God has called us and He will enable us to fulfill his purposes.


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple -- and for a discipler? How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

We have an enemy who is throwing everything he has at us to discourage us and intimidate us. Why?

Because he hates God and wants all to refrain from being true to the gospel. He wants all of us and everyone in hell with him.

Be courageous and leave the consequences up to God.

Please everyone pray for Saeed Abedini and his family for courage and stubborn faith.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

Personal courage is an important character trait for a disciple and for a discipler because they have been called to be the instrument that brings the proclamation of the gospel to the world. If they are lacking courage the promulgation of God's gift of His Son to humanity would be stifled and the souls who have yet to hear of God's love would be lost for eternity. When a congregation lacks courage they will strink and not grow spiritually nor numerically. Their influence in the community would be stagnant and their effect as salt and light would be fruitless. As a part of Christ's Body I am called to be effective in my witness; this calls for courage. With the help of Holy Spirit I shall be successful in carrying out God's mandate.


One of the gift we receive from the Holy spirit is courage and boldness. For the word of God says we are given a spirit of love and not fear. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is ultimate truth and the truth which sets us free. To preach this truth which has set us free we need courage because people out there are not going to believe you. YOU have to be bold enough to stand and speak the truth despite opposition,riducule persecutiion etc. Its the cost of being the disciple of Jesus Christ.

Lack of courage will definetley not help you to evangelise.

Lack of courage will not keep a congregation healthy because you cannot preach the Gospels truth in totality, When you fear to speak out the truth in love,or fear what the congregation has to think of you,or you give the truth diluting it fearing opposistion from the congregation, the congregation will not grow and remain healthy.

God is calling me to be bold courageous loving and share the Gospel without fear even though I may have to see opposition,impossibilites.ridicule etc.

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