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(1 Thessalonians 2:3-6) Which of the character flaws mentioned in these verses is the greatest problem in the church? These character flaws are insincerity and dishonesty. We have seen that all these leads to i.e. misguided belief, impure motives, Trickery, intentional deceit, men-pleasers, flattery, greed and reputation or fame.


Why do you say that? This is because Christian workers are not immune from it. People have been confused. Some have begun to serve God and do his will but later they come to see ministry as a job, a profession, and a way of earning a living, enjoying status and exercising power. They have become corrupt.


How can you prevent one of these character flaws from overtaking you? I can prevent one of these character flaws from overtaking me by not allowing myself to remain a child but endevour to grow in Christ by learning more of his word.

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Increasingly deceit is becoming more and more of a problem. " Covetousness" goes hand in hand with deceit and false doctrine like the prosperity doctrine gives a false biblical narrative for both.

Also the " " flattery " stems from individuals whose eyes are on people and live to please them.

I keep myself away from the above by keeping myself saturated in the Word of God and prayer.




  • 2 years later...

2. (1 Thessalonians 2:3-6) Which of the character flaws mentioned in these verses is the greatest problem in the church? Why do you say that? How can you prevent one of these character flaws from overtaking you?

I am of the opinion that all these flaws are a problem in some of todays churches, and that one church may be guilty of one or more and the next church could be the same or less. We see greed usually in bigger churches when more is needed to grow, grow, grow, and talk is all about money and the leaders get all too important. Big churches can also be guilty of deceit, teaching to please the ear. Then getting approval, from men? I have seen the best and worst of it over my Christian life, and you know when to walk away.

These flaws are lurking in some way or another and when you have alternative motives, rather than being a humble servant of God, and growing His Kingdom, ( not yours) you should be steering clear of these flaws if you do a honest self assessment.

  • 1 year later...

Deceit:. Fraudulence, straying from Orthodox church doctrines, teaching cunning fables contrary to the HOLY BIBLE. That which deceives naive believers.

Uncleanness: ministering to corrupt passions.

Guile: Romans 1:29...falsity, take the bait.

The Thessalonians were high and above deceit, uncleanness and guile.   Deceit is present in false and heterodox preaching and teaching.  Today that is common amongst various churches.   Many are not like the Berean church, they don't carefully examine the HOLY BIBLE on matters of faith and morals.   This is the downfall of even renowned Evangelical seminaries and churches.   Somehow the wheel fell off the cart.

It troubles me deeply to see what is happening to churches that should no better.   Even the Waldensian church condones Lqbtxyz agendas...a historical pre-Reformation Evangelical church.  Even the Methodist Church USA has fallen into deceitful teachings that condone things that are contrary to the HOLY BIBLE and traditional Orthodox teachings.

I must continue to be a diligent Bible student always studying and praying overwhat I have studied.   This way, I stay clear of deceitful teachings.




  • 5 months later...

Which of the character flaws mentioned in these verses is the greatest problem in the church? Why do you say that? 

I'd say that the church is most plagued, now, by the first (misguided belief) and the last (desire for fame).  The two are synergistic. I've been cautiously watching, from the sidelines, the "prophetic community," within the church. Many in this movement are sincere. It's obvious that they mean what they say. Some, though, seem to be speaking out of a desire to be noticed. The more detailed and outlandish "prophetic words" that are given, the more they feel they've walked the ledge in front of people.  

The church attracts leaders who are naturally charismatic (in the sense of possessing charisma, charm, a magnetic personality, etc.) If the leader puts his/her natural charisma into service for the Lord, submitting their gift and their personality to HIm, God seems to use it. George Whitfield, the evangelist in the First Great Awakening, comes to mind. 

How can you prevent one of these character flaws from overtaking you?

Prayer. Continual, desperate prayer. Begging God for humility and a truthful submission to Him.

I also think that an honest self-assessment can fend off future sin. In the dark triad of sex, money and power, I know that power is my weakest point, so I must guard against it. I do this, now, but NOT accepting any positions of authority or power in the church. Maybe this will change ... probably in the near future, but only after I've girded up my loins, so to speak, to fight my character weakness.

This fight isn't alone, it is with His grace. He fights in me and for me as I fight alongside Him. I do not think that mitigating character flaws is a passive, God-does-it-in-me, activity.

It's a battle.


  • 2 weeks later...

We lack unconditional love and insert self-righteousness instead.   While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.  This is very different from acceptance of a lifestyle; it’s a conviction that we are saved by grace alone and not by our good works. The greatest condemnations of Christ were directed at the Pharisees/Sadducees/priesthood for their pride and self-righteousness.  The law doesn’t provide a template for faith. It shows that we can’t possibly measure up to God’s standards. The Old Testament sacrifices illustrated the need for redemption, the failure of keeping the Law.  

I believe the biggest obstacle is hypocrisy.  Often we condemn those outside the church with a standard we cannot fulfill ourselves.  We can pride ourselves on being so different but we all need humility, acknowledging how far short we fall.  We aren't intellectually honest.  There are non-believers who exemplify Christian values more fully than we do.  Even the giants of the Bible show this. David and Moses were murderers.  Jacob stole Esau’s birthright.  Abraham lied about Sarah being his sister. The Egyptian pharaoh rebuked him. Paul likely watched Stephen stoned.  He got approval from the Jewish high priest to lead Christians in Antioch to Jerusalem in chains.  We are not better.  We are forgiven.

Reading the Word and pursuing God’s holiness through the power of the Holy Spirit are central for me. Surrounding myself with fervent believers helps my focus.  Having several who see my flaws and hold me accountable for what I know is important. Equally important is my acceptance of those flaws I don't see, my blind spots. My own prayer life as well as those praying for me is also essential.


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