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Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5) In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service? In what ways does it mature them? In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives? Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us? Why hasn’t he done away with Satan already?

  • 1 month later...

In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service?

In a number of ways. It can confuse us, when we receive heavy resistance in some work, we might think that we were not in God's will, instead of understanding that we are under attack, or that we are being tested. 2nd, nobody likes persecution, many of us will be discourage when we meet strong opposition. Further the resistance can be so strong, that we have to leave the area, as was the case with Paul.

In what ways does it mature them?They now have to continue without Paul, they have to study the scriptures without Paul and seek the will of God without guidence. They have to mature in Christ very fast.

In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives? We have to leave mature Christians whenever we bring somebody new to Christ by the time we move on.

Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us? It build us, makes us stronger, it builds our flock, it brings us closer to Him since we seek His will, it test us in our faithfulness, it proves our responsibility, it brings out our true character and show how strong we are working with the Holy Spirit and much more.

Why hasn't he done away with Satan already? He as other plans, for now He is using Satan to test, teach and develop us. We will never mature if we dont have opposition


Sometimes fear, or fear of failure. I agree with Brother Gerbrand, we might think we were not in God's will. Sometimes, it could be our personality, that we say or do things that cause us to be "persecuted." Under real persecution it is a joy to receive persecution as Jesus did. Sometimes, it causes Christians to go elsewhere and thus, the gospel spreads.

It takes trials to mature us. We become stronger when we totally rely on God & His Word and go forward!

If we're forced to grow, we must always check our motives by praying and searching our hearts. We need to be led by the Holy Spirit.

Strengthing growth.

It's not in God's plan right now. He knows what we need to grow & be fruitful for Him. God uses nations and even Satan to grow His people.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5) In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service?

A "TRUE" believer in the Messiah of Israel is one who hungers and thirst after righteousness, in fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Jesus will face persecution or testing of some kind, therefore, those who have "TRUSTING FAITH" will not be "DISCOURAGED" - for their "FAITH" tells them to "PRESS ONWARD."

In what ways does it mature them?

It matures those of "FAITH" so that no one would be "UNSETTLED" by trials that believers were destined for, the word unsettled comes from the word that means, to and fro, back and forth, therefore, salvation calls us to grow up, mature in our faith so that we will not fall back to our old sinful ways, instead we will press onward, unto that of godliness in the Messiah.

In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives?

It reveals to me that those who are not motivated to press onward when tested, are not of the true "REMNANT" of believers.

I am afraid that the church of today have been preaching an easy salvation, not understanding that the "FAITH" called for is that of "WORKING" faith, pressing onward to that of perfection, meaning "MATURITY", for that should be the motive of all who believe.

Many believers “FAITH” of today are motivated to receive that of “BLESSINGS” only.

Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us?

One reason God allows us to be tempted is because we who believe have the ability to stand up against the "TEMPTER" - for Jesus did not leave us alone, we have the power of the "HOLY SPIRIT" to overcome.

In fact, Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit before he was tested by Satan.

Salvation is not an easy road to travel; in fact it is a narrow road that many do not want to walk on.

Why hasn't he done away with Satan already?

God's ways are not the ways of mankind; all things are done in God's perfect timing.


Q2. (2 Thessalonians 3:2-3) Why is Timothy's role to be a strengthener and encourager so important?

Jesus had already told His disciples that persecutions would come. Paul here, relays that he has endured tribulation of sorts. Paul did not like being separated from the folks at Thessalonica, but he couldn‘t find a way to get there so he stayed behind in Athens but sent Timothy to encourage them so they wouldn‘t fall downhearted and hopeless in their faith. Paul was not surprised by the troubles that came his way, because Jesus had conveyed this message to His disciples and must have conveyed the same to Paul. I am sure that Paul had also conveyed this message to the folks at Thessalonica. It's part of our calling as well. Paul was concerned that maybe the folks at Thessalonica had been enduring the same tribulations and was worried more for them than I think he was for himself. I think this is why he sent Timothy to find out how they were doing in their faith.

In what ways was this a sensitive role? How did it help Timothy to be sent on this assignment? Paul was concerned that maybe the folks at Thessalonica had been enduring the same tribulations and was worried more for them than I think he was for himself. I think this is why he sent Timothy to find out how they were doing in their faith. This would have been encouraging to Timothy too.

How does delegating ministry help the overall enterprise of the Kingdom?

When Paul left Thessalonica, it wasn't long before reports got back to the Thessalonians hard line Jews that Paul was at it again, preaching the Word of God, this time in Berea. They lost no time responding, and created a mob scene there. With the help of his friends, Paul gave them the slip—caught a boat and put out to sea. Silas and Timothy stayed behind. The men who helped Paul escape got him as far as Athens and left him there. While Paul sent word back with Silas and Timothy: This is more than likely the trouble that Paul is hinting at.

Originally Paul was able to give all his time to preaching and teaching, doing everything he could to persuade the Jews that Jesus was in fact God's Messiah. All they did was argue continually and contradict him at every turn and this exasperated Paul. Everywhere he went when there was hard line Jews in the crowd, there were moaning and groaning’s that he had to deal with. By delegating the ministry to Timothy for a while, Maybe Paul was able to focus on his prayer life?

1Th 3:6-10 ¶ But now when Timotheus came from you unto us, and brought us good tidings of your faith and charity, and that ye have good remembrance of us always, desiring greatly to see us, as we also to see you: Therefore, brethren, we were comforted over you in all our affliction and distress by your faith: For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord. For what thanks can we render to God again for you, for all the joy wherewith we joy for your sakes before our God; Night and day praying exceedingly that we might see your face, and might perfect that which is lacking in your faith?

Timothy had already taken the good news back to Paul by the time he was writing this letter. Paul was excited over the terrific report of their faith and love, and felt a lot better. He was especially delighted to know that they thought of him too and that they wanted to see him as much as he wanted to see them. Although we have no report that Paul was able to get back to these folks for a visit, It gave him great comfort knowing this and it made his hardships that he was enduring all worth while. Knowing that their faith was alive kept his hope and joy elevated.

He wanted to offer thanksgiving to God for the joy that he was experiencing because of this report that Timothy brought back to Paul in Athens and had been beseeching the heavens that he could go to visit them and also in his prayers he had been asking that God keep them all encouraged should their faith falter. God had been faithful.

The tempter as Paul had referred to the enemy, is just as powerful in the spirit world as he is in the natural. All three times that Paul asked about the thorn in his side, he was told that God’s grace was sufficient. God’s strength comes into its own in our weakness. Finally he quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift and moving in the strength of Christ. The weaker Paul got, the stronger he became both in his spirit and his ministry.

Paul makes mention of his prayers of night and day. I believe he was framing this as a reference to the evening and morning prayers at the synagogues he may have attended. Notice his mention of night first? That is because when God created the earth, He began in the darkness of what we now call the night.

The first reference to a created day is: Genesis 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. So we are much opposite of what our thinking should be. A day begins at sun down when the darkness falls. As it was written, the evening and the morning were the first day.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5) In what w ays does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service? In what ways does it mature them? In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives? Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us? Why hasn’t he done away with Satan already?

In the midst of persecution it would be easy and understandable that the Thessalonians would think it strange that they should suffer so severely, and to wonder if God was displeased with them. Fear can discourage Christians from active, open service.

Persecution creates an atmosphere in which the Christian's relationship with God can deepened resulting in spiritul maturity. Psalms 23 really applies here. Persecution will weed out the pretenders and the professing Christians from the real follower of Christ. - -Strengthening the body of Christ.

The tempter exists in this fallen world where we exist for a time and is a fact of life. Jesus said satan is the ruler of this world. Temptation exists until Jesus Christ returns to restore creation to its original form. Satan will be done away with in the fullness of time. When God deems it the right time.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5) In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service? In what ways does it mature them? In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives? Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us? Why hasn’t he done away with Satan already?

Persecution can discourage (especially new) Christians because they are not grown yet in God's love and faithfulness. Our spiritual eyes and understanding are not mature when we first believe and we walk a lot by sight, not by faith. We eventually learn God's promises are true, He is faithful and trustworthy and we are secure in Him whether in life or death. We become strong in standing on our faith then, not in what is going on around us. Satan wants us to be discouraged, wanting us to think God is not in it with us or that he forgot us, but by being equipped in the TRUTH we come to know Satan LIES! He's the FATHER of lies. We learn to declare he is a liar and become stronger in stopping him from convincing us of anything apart from the truth we are now embracing. At first, we falter and doubt and need encouraged by others who know Satan's tricks first hand and how to overcome them, but eventually we fully embrace who GOD is and are strengthened in that.

In the process, we do see a lot about ourselves and our own sins. We realize how worldly we are and how far we are from what is really truth in the spirit. As we see by the power of the Holy Spirit, we turn from our sins, become wise in the Word and our lives and motives change to align more with God's will. This strengthens us even more because we eventually discover God's will WILL be done and nothing will stop it! We become BOLD in this and our fruit increases.

I think the Tempter is allowed because we live in a fallen world and he exists here. Even Jesus had to face him. But Jesus equipped us with HOW to face him. Satan tries to reek havoc, but for every child of God who believes, it WILL be used for our good. Satan probably smiled when Christ was crucified too....thinking the victory was his....but in actuality he was only used for the greatest promised victory there ever was or ever will be!!! He lost! The same today. We may think Satan appears to have the upper hand sometimes, but I fully believe some day, we will see Christ's victory in each situation! I know what was meant for evil towards me all my life has eventually worked out for my good! I've grown in grace and knowledge of Christ! And that's not only just good....that's the BEST! PRAISE to JESUS CONQUERING KING! When the fullness of time is complete....Satan will be thrown in the lake of fire. Then, we are free from him permanently. But, that time is not for us to know, so we wait expectantly knowing we are promised his demise.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5) In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service?

Persecution is intended to shut up and frighten believers into inactivity and fear so the Gospel does not go forward and the work of Christ is hindered.

In what ways does it mature them? In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives?

It hardens and strengthens the believer to difficulty. It causes one to evaluate what is really important in life and to stop being concerned with worldly approval, accolades and "fitting in". It clarifies whether what we say is really what we believe. Hebrews 5:8 says "Although He was a Son, He learned obedience through the things he suffered"... so how much more we must not shrink from sharing and serving when /if persecution comes. Jesus overcame the world, the flesh and the devil, and makes His strength and power available to us as we rely on Him.

Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us?

I think it's because we have the awesome gift of free will...God allows us to make choices. The tempter offers us an alternative to living God's way, but with the temptation God also provides a way of escape. (if we ask for it!)Temptation reveals where the "holes in our souls" are...and like pop quizzes, temptation shows us how we're doing. (since God already knows)

Why hasn’t he done away with Satan already?

Because we're still here! To remove Satan would also remove our freedom to choose good over evil...we'd be reduced to robot status, and that's not what God wants in his children. Satan provides the opposition which clarifies our beliefs and reveals to us our weaknesses. We grow through opposition, much like muscles grow through resistance training, or salmon swimming upstream to reach their destination.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5) In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service? In what ways does it mature them? In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives? Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us? Why hasn't he done away with Satan already?


(A) Afraid, not thinking about what Jesus said He would never leave us along

when you are new in Christ you do not understand or have the faith but if you keep trust and beleive you will get there

(B)You will learn what God say is the right thing to do you WILL learn how to trust him and obey is will

© We learn by our trail and getting thing wrong, but God already know we will fail when we try to do it our way he let us know without him we will fail

(D) We all know that satan is out to kill,steal and every thing that is not please to God ,but let see that if we trust we will never fail


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5)

In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service?

In what ways does it mature them?

In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives?

Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us?

Why hasn't he done away with Satan already?

Satan controls the world and because believers live for God they stand out and become easy targets for attacks by the evil one. This, being exposed in our society, will discourage certain Christians. At the same time others will be focused on the rewards they will receive in heaven, and this will mature them, making them even more determined to do God’s work here on earth. To live for Christ is to live in opposition to Satan in his world and in his system. If, as a believer, we find ourselves popular and praised by the world then we must question our motives – are we living for Christ? The more we become like Jesus the greater will opposition from the world increase. We can even observe that when Christians are not persecuted, in some way or other by society, it means that they are reflecting rather than confronting that society. The tempter is giving the ability to tempt us solely for the purpose of developing complete maturity in us. At the time we might not understand what is happening to us but we can be sure that whatever God allows to come across our path is for our own good. He has promised He will never forsake us! God allows Satan to carry on for a limited period only so that our faith can be tested and found to be genuine.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5) In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service? In what ways does it mature them? In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives? Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us? Why hasn’t he done away with Satan already?

Persecution discourage Christians from active, open service by robbing them of their confidence in who they are in Christ Jesus. But as they walk through the persecution they come out more refined and strengthened. God allows the temptation to toughen us up, to cause us to trust HIM and to GROW in our FAITH. God hasn't done away with Satan yet because his appointed time is not yet. Oh, but it's soon!


No one likes suffering or persecution . Persecution for the Gospel is rewarding. Yet it can be very discouraging and leave a believer to quit.

Persecutions mature a believer. When persecuted, you go to the Lord and cry out for help. At such times we realise the power and strength that comes from God. We hold on to the Lord in prayer,his word and worship. We mature in our walk with the Lord

At the face of persecution are motives are tested. Those who love the Lord totally will endure anything and those who dont quit.

God allows Satan to tempt us to test our strength and faith in Him. Jesus was tested but he sttod firm in prayer fasting and relying on his Father. We are required to put on the full armour of God as given in Ephesians 6 and stand against Satan and hsi temptations.

God has his appointed time of doing away with Satan,but we will prevail against him when we are abiding in Christ. We shall not be defeated!


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5)

In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service?

Persecution discourages Christians from active, open service by inflicting fear.

In what ways does it mature them?

It matures them by being persistent no matter what.

In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives?

It reveals our underlying motives by the way we respond to persecution: if we stop then our belief was not strong; but if we persist then we are strong.

Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us?

God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us because He gave us the will to decide: to folow Him or the tempter.

Why hasn't he done away with Satan already?

He has not done away with Satan because he uses him to measure our faith.


1. Persecution discourage Christians from active and open service due to fear of being harmed by persecution

2. Persecution refine Christian as gold or precious metal is refined by fire. A Christian who stands firm and overcome trials is further strengthened in the inner man to go all the way even to the cross.

3. God allow the tempter to tempt us in order to make grow in our faith trusting in God's ability to be with us and to make us triumph over the temptation.


In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service?

With it there usually comes a level of fear; of failure, of physical harm, ot the unknown, personal loss (job, friends, property, freedom) Alienation from those we are trying to serve.

In what ways does it mature them?

It allows us some insight into what Jesus went through to bring the message of salvation to the world. To partner in His suffering. By the strength of the Holy Spirit, to overcome our fears. It give us a opportunity to love those who may hate us. To see that this world is not our home.

In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives?

When something is under pressure, what's inside will eventually come out. The pressure of persecution will reveal who we are in Christ and whether or not we are operating in our strength or the strength of the Holy Spirit.

Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us?

Although He gives us the ability to resist the devil and his temptations, we get the opportunity to make a good choice or a bad one when tempted; as we confess and repent of our sin, God forgives and restores us. This builds our faith in God and God refines us through it. We become aware of the devil's schemes and our own weaknesses.

Why hasn't he done away with Satan already?

2 Corinthians 12:7-10 7 To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.


Q3. In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service?

A. No body wants to go through persecution. Knowing that we will be persecuted but sometimes not knowing how can cause Christians from active, open service. Sometimes we look at the persecution of other Christians and it can be so terrible, we think that God may allow us to go through the same thing and it can encourage fear to take hold of us,

No matter the persecution God is with us in it and one way or another He will see us through.

Q. In what ways does it mature us?

A. It can cause us to trust God like never before because we will constantly have to look to Him to bring us through the persecution and this is going to take patience on our part.

Therefore each time we make it through we are becoming more mature. James 1:3-4 says that the testing of our faith produces endurance and endurance must do its complete work so that we may be mature and complete lacking nothing.

Q. In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives?

A. Proverbs 24:10 says if we falter in the day of trouble how small is your strength. If we give up in times of persecution or whatever the case may be it shows that we are not in this battle for the long haul. We cannot have the attitude that says, "I didn't sign up for this". We have to be willing to say for God I live and for God I die. As our Church's school of ministry says "by life or by death".

Q. Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt?

A. Satan is the god of this world. Jesus, as man, was tempted by the tempter and if He was tempted by him why shouldn't we be. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead can keep us as we are being tempted. 1 Cor 10:13 says, no temptation has seizes you such as is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Q. Why hasn't He done away with Satan already?

A. I agree with the person who said that God's ways are not the ways of man. Satan day is coming--he is already a defeated foe.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5) In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service? In what ways does it mature them? In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives? Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us? Why hasn’t he done away with Satan already?

Satan is supreme among evil spirits. His activities can affect the physical and the spiritual and he hinders missionary work.

God wants us to focus on our strengths and not our weaknesses, our victories and not our losses, our joys and not our problems. God wants us press forward and respond to His upward call and forget what lies behind us. Pay attention to what you focus on and magnify the works of thr Lord. Do not believe in the lies of the devil.


1. Persecution discourage christian from active, open service because of fear of death and inprisonment.

2. Going through hard times brings us closer to God. Knowing God is with us and we have enternal life in CHRIST JESUS.

3. It reveals our underlying motives: By standing firm in our faith to God.

4. I believe God allows satan to tempt us to test our faith in him. Job was a good example, "even though he may slay me, I will serve Him."

5.Why hasn't he done away with satan? The spiritual battle is not complete. We have a lots to do for the kingdom of God all over the world.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5) In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service? In what ways does it mature them? In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives? Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us? Why hasn't he done away with Satan already?

Ans. Christians are not well in accepting too many challenges especially if they feel as though they are being pressured. With that in mind it can cause some discouragement and at time a lack of motivation in open service. Bottom line they don’t want the trouble so they would rather shun away from it then to deal with it head on. Persecution again helps to build our faith in God and our character as a child of God. If we are not grounded in the Word then we can sway and it will open the door to what our true motive is in this walk. Remember the story of Job when God allowed Satan to persecute him because of the person He knows that he is and the same story for us. We stand claiming to be a child of the King and to love Him as He has loved us so when these trials come our way we need to stand firmly on the Solid Rock and be unmoveable in our walk so that he can coninue to say well done.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5) In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service?

No one wants to be unpopular and derided. No one wants to be the butt of cruel jokes, and certainly no one wants to be beaten up and physically harmed for expressing their beliefs. All these things could happen and maybe will happen to Christians in active open service.

In what ways does it mature them?

Working for Jesus under trying conditions builds character and inner strength. We must keep our focus on Him and pray for Him to help us bear up when persecution look like getting the better of us.

In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives?

If we're in the whole Christianity thing for selfish motives like social networking and scamming, we'll soon give up when real persecution happens.

Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us?

To separate the truly devoted from the ones who aren't comitted to following Jesus. Sometimes temptation is allowed to strengthen our character as well. It's easy to follow Christ when things are going smoothly. When temptation strikes we have to really dig deep into our faith and trust God to provide us with the way through, or around, or the escape route Jesus mentioned.

Why hasn’t he done away with Satan already?

God's plan to bring everything under the lordship of Christ is a very long term thing. He could just obliterate Satan with the blink of an eye, but that would not be part of His plan to establish His righteous rule over all creation. This is an extremely complex issue and involves the holiness of God, a concept we just can't fully grasp. He created the Heavens and the Earth knowing ahead of time that they would be flawed by sin, but went ahead and created them anyway. Even before He created creation (Did I say that?) God had His plan in mind to eventually have Him and Jesus rule it in righteousness. Just try explaining THAT to a non-Christian!


Persecutions first of all makes us withdraw from all that we desire to do for Christ. The enemy at times can use this as a weapon from we going forth do serve the Lord and establish his purposes that he has willed through us. sometimes when we examine these circumstances in the presence of God in true worship at his feet -- these persecutions may be allowed to melt and mold our character, remove all the impurities witthin us to serve a Holy God in all holiness of heart and mind.

Greater is He is that in us than He that is in the world-- The Holy Spirit within us greater than the tempter and soemtimes God allows makes us stronger and teaches us to overcome the temptations by trusting in Him and conquering the viles of the enemy by His holy and precious Word.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5) In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service?

Persecution discourages Christians from active, open service, because they are thinking that people are against them and they start questioning God. Some Christians do not understand that people are not persecuting them, but they are actually persecuting Christ.

Christians have to understand that the Bible tells us that Christ has said that, “all in Christ will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12).” This verse does not say might; it says “will.”

I Peter 2:21 tells us that we should follow in Jesus’ steps, For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:

Just as Satan tempted Christ in the wilderness, we will also be tempted and persecuted for the cause of Christ.

In what ways does it mature them?

When we understand what following Christ means we will began to grow in Christ. God’s Word, Christ’s earthly ministry, and faithful saints who have passed on are an illustration for us on how to live a Christ like life.

Romans 15:4 – For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives?

If persecution discourages a person and causes them to turn from their faith then they need to examine the reason they are serving Christ. They may be serving Him for the wrong reasons, and their faith may not have been real. We have to constantly example ourselves to see why we are serving Christ, and understand the reasons why we are having trials or feel like we are going through the fire.

2 Corinthians 13:5 – Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us?

God allows Satan, or the tempter, to tempt us because he wants to refine us.

Why hasn't he done away with Satan already?

God has not done away with Satan, because his time is coming. In the meantime, he is trying to destroy and stop as many people, and “yes” believers as he can from following Christ. Just as he convinced 1/3 of the angels in Heaven to follow him, he is trying to followers for himself.

In the meantime, believers have to faithfully follow God’s Word, and serve Him with their whole heart, soul, and mind and not be ignorant of Satan’s devices.

2 Corinthians 2:11 – “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”


:wub: Persecution discourage christain becuse they are africa of want some

people say, and some people can be every mean just to get to not be active

in servicing God.It mmature them beccause when they get over that test and

they know that God bought them throug they go some more and more testes

because he is they for them.God let the devil tempt us to make us strong in

our faith.


In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service?

1. Christians are discouraged from active, open service becauses they do not want to be persecuted whether it be talked about, physical harm, unpopular etc.

In what ways does it mature them?

2. You become stronger in your faith and a better person.

In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives?

3. Either we are going to stand for God or fall to the preys of Satan.

Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us? Why hasn’t he done away with Satan already?

4. Jesus was tempted in the wilderness and was the perfect example of how to respond. God allows temper to tempt us to help us to grow, to build our character and make us stronger. He has not done away with Satan because we are destine to be persecuted and it is a blessing to suffer for Christ.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5) In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service? In what ways does it mature them? In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives? Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us? Why hasn’t he done away with Satan already?

Persecution creates a false belief in us until we become a follower of God through Jesus Christ. Active worship is done for show and we all including the tempter are not robots but given the free will.to do so as we choose. God hasn't done away with the tempter because he gave him the free will as he has given each of us. God says choose Life or death. God would be an emotional God and if he would destroy him then it would be against free will his own choice for us.

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