mshepherd91 Posted April 5, 2013 Report Posted April 5, 2013 (1 Thessalonians 3:10-11; Romans 1:11) What is the value of visits of special speakers to a congregation? What can they impart that your regular pastor can’t? Why is a ministry of itinerant preaching so difficult – and important? Special speakers like missionaries or evangelists can encourage congregations of some part of the overall worldview of Gods' ministry. Missionaries can impart their vision for the world as God has communicated it to them. Evangelists can encourage people to reach their neighbors or coworkers in a way that maybe hasn't been presented before. The difficulty that these ministry groups have is that they do not know the needs of the congregation and they can't reach their need. However, communicating about people groups or evangelizing your neighborhood, is a challenge and very important. Quote
Old Jerry Posted May 9, 2013 Report Posted May 9, 2013 The value of a special speaker to a congregation is that you get to hear the same things that you have been hearing but put to you in a differ style. Maybe it is a style that you can understand better. Sometimes they bring out things that you hadn’t ever thought of. Quote
Joeraja Posted May 18, 2013 Report Posted May 18, 2013 What is the value of visits of special speakers to a congregation? Special speakers are important because they may bring in new ideas, understanding and revelations. Some speakers have special anointing in specific areas and thus it will be beneficial to the congregation What can they impart that your regular pastor can’t? Sometimes it may give a breath of fresh air. They may also allow us to see the Word in a newer perspective. They may also be able to unravel some "mysteries' in our understanding of the Word. They can also adopt an no-nonsense approach and deliver hard hitting sermons. Why is a ministry of itinerant preaching so difficult – and important? It is difficult as the messages may be haphazard a bit as they may not flow with the general theme of the Church growth. Then of course we may have problems with the logistics - making arrangements and meeting costs As difficult as it may be, its importance cannot be denied as explained in Q 1. It will always good for the congregations to be exposed to different speakers who bring in many different reports, experiences, viewpoints and revelations. Quote
van Posted May 23, 2013 Report Posted May 23, 2013 Special speakers bring the message fresh. It comes out different than when listening to the same pastor preached by your pastor. They leave you feeling refreshed, strengthened and ready to keep on going! Itinerant preaching is difficult because you become emotionally attached to the congregation. It important because you give new hope, courage and strength to the congregation, as well as, yourself. Quote
Onerivertrail Posted July 4, 2013 Report Posted July 4, 2013 (1 Thessalonians 3:10-11; Romans 1:11) What is the value of visits of special speakers to a congregation? What can they impart that your regular pastor can’t? Why is a ministry of itinerant preaching so difficult – and important Special speakers bring their gifts and anointings to the congregation. Not all are pastors or prophets or gifted with healing. We need the 5 fold ministry of Jesus in operation and this is what special speakers can bring to us. They bring unity and fill in the gaps where there are needs. This can be hard for the speaker for many reasons especially if there are those who see a pastor only ministry. Resistence in the spirit is felt and sometimes this hampers the flow of the spirit as desired by God to meet the needs of the congregation. Quote
sunshine1962 Posted July 16, 2013 Report Posted July 16, 2013 Special speakers are on the outside looking in. They see things that the congregation can't see. So, not only can they reveal things to help the pastor strengthen his/her congregation and uplift him/her, they can also help strengthen and uplift the congregation. It's difficult to have one preacher Sunday after Sunday, because there is no stability. It's important however, if a church is without a pastor, because the itinerant preacher can touch on things that the pastor (especially a new one) may not feel comfortable enough approaching. Quote
lindogwala Posted September 19, 2013 Report Posted September 19, 2013 The special speakers will bring what is lacking in a congregation. They can impart some spiritual gifts. The itinerant preaching requires (financial) support; but it is important because it spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Quote
WinstonY Posted October 20, 2014 Report Posted October 20, 2014 Q4. (1 Thessalonians 3:10-11; Romans 1:11) What is the value of visits of special speakers to a congregation? What can they impart that your regular pastor can’t? Why is a ministry of itinerant preaching so difficult – and important? The value of a visiting minister depends on the quality of that person's ministry. If the message is strong and of Christ and the speaker speaks 'i n Christ' than the visitor can be seen as a help and an accessory to the regular speaker. If not the minister may harm the ministry. As an example we might look at 1 Corinthians were Paul does not complain and disagree with the teaching of Apollo or Cephas.(1 Corinthians 1.12)But in 2 Corinthians Paul belittle and disparages the preachers whom Leon Morris refers to these as being adventurers and wanting to make a name for themselves, their real object is money in their own pockets. (1,2 Thessalonians, p8.) Why is a ministry of itinerant preaching so difficult – and important? An itinerant preacher must establish trust with his audience and have a message that they in some way need to hear. If there is no local person to take over than problems can occur. Incorrect doctrine. mistakes and false teachers. This is why Paul had to send his helpers back to communities as he himself struggled on. This was the job for Titus and Timothy. Quote
JoanG Posted May 4, 2015 Report Posted May 4, 2015 A special speaker can bring a new message a new way. They can be a breathe of fresh air. They can be a new set of eyes to an age old problem. They can help shine a light on a dark area where everyone has been afraid to tread. They have the ability to be blunt where the regular pastor cannot. They can deliver the hard messages about the congregation themselves. Ministers of itinerant preaching are very special people. These people must be willing to share their message and their faith with people that they do not know on a very personal level. They must have a strong message to deliver because the message is basically what they will always be judged on. They must love to travel. and they must be extroverts even if it is only on the outside. They have to shine for people to take them seriously. They also have some very important reasons to be who they are. They can be called to "fill the pulpit" in an emergency. they can be called to help with a problem between the congregation and the pastor. They can be a new set of eyes when the pastor and congregation hit a brick wall together. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted June 4, 2016 Report Posted June 4, 2016 Q4. (1 Thessalonians 3:10-11; Romans 1:11) What is the value of visits of special speakers to a congregation? What can they impart that your regular pastor can’t? Why is a ministry of itinerant preaching so difficult – and important? The value of a special speaker or evangelist to return to a congregation is to see how they are received and if the congregation has grown in faith. They can impart a special message or experience to a congregation that a regular pastor may not have privilege to or experienced. An itinerant minister may have difficulty because of lack of funds to travel, unfriendly people or just unwelcome in various congregations. But, those that help and support an itinerate minister will most likely welcome the many glorious trails and experiences the person has gone through. They can help our faith by confirming the work the Lord is doing in the harvest of unbelievers. Quote
Reuben Posted November 7, 2021 Report Posted November 7, 2021 Q4. (1 Thessalonians 3:10-11; Romans 1:11) What is the value of visits of special speakers to a congregation? What can they impart that your regular pastor can’t? Why is a ministry of itinerant preaching so difficult – and important? Special speakers are that breath of fresh air, that possible spiritual gift the speaker presents on that day that has that more effect on a congregation when they visit. I think special speakers can do what is referred to in Colossians 1:28"....admonishing, and teaching everyone with all wisdom...". The admonishing part is where guest speakers can be more effective than the regular pastor, he can reprimand and he will move on without having to deal with possible members having issues with sterner teachings. I am guessing here, but I would think itinerant teaching does not allow the preacher to always tap in to the need of the church at that time as far as teaching goes. It also leaves the teacher with little knowledge of the effect and continued outcome of the teaching on the congregation, and that would make it difficult. It is important for the reasons mention in the first paragraph, and thankfully there are teachers out there that love doing itinerary preaching. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted May 13, 2023 Report Posted May 13, 2023 Value of special speakers are very good; a particular speaker may just have a certain methodology that can touch a certain group of believers. I was in the Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship for years; we had different speakers that fulfilled Romans 1: 10-11. Each speaker via testimony about Christ Jesus edified countless of souls in need of consolation in sufferings or just be introduced to the Gospel message. I am a firm believer in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Certain speakers are endowed with certain charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit. The late Kathryn Kuhlman was a prime example. She was gifted to reach such a cross section of society. Her memories are eternal. Rev Billy Graham had a particular calling from God; he was able to relate to so many peoples, and so many came to faith in Christ. Perhaps pastors do get stale at times; there fore a new speaker that is prayerfully and living in holiness can bring revival to a church. We are blessed with the Charismatic Pentecostal gifts of the Holy Spirit to be used forthrightly and in utmost seriousness. Quote
Krissi Posted November 2, 2023 Report Posted November 2, 2023 Interesting question! Special speakers are like attending university at the time when the semester turns over and the students get an entire new set of professors for the next few months. It's rather joyous and expectant. I don't see it as offensive to the professors of the prior semester, but simply an opportunity to learn through a new set of eyes. Another analogy is this: How many times have I read a book on a topic and felt I had learned the outline, at least, of that topic, only to read another book which challenges the mental outline I had formed. Reading ten books on a topic, even if eight are mediocre, is better than reading one, great book. It's a question of perspective, and every person/writer/speaker has a new perspective. -- Some more thoughts ... The ground is shifting in the United States and the world right now. For years, denominations were the way we defined who we are and what we believe (I'm Anglican, associated with a bishop in Uganda ...). In the 1940s/50s (not sure) Will Herberg wrote a well-received book about American religiousity entited, "Protestant, Catholic, Jew." Those were the only options then. Note that there was not a "secular" category. Then, the 60s/70s -- these dates are VERY loose -- and the huge parachurch movement hit the world with Campus Crusade, Women's Aglow, etc. Many of these had been started earlier, but grew rapidly at this time. Too, secularity became an acceptable option, one that people weren't afraid to claim publicly. Protestants and Catholics joined forces to battle abortion and other social evils. We were supposed to retain our church membership while engaging the culture on the side with these parachurch groups, however, many people's loyalties slowly shifted. Our money and heart slowly morphed to the parachurch group, away from the church. By the 1980s to current, the parachurch/denominations began to associate with each other on the basis of a perceived common goal or way of looking at life. This was ad hoc and not as well organized as it had been within the parachurch movement. It was also top down, that is, minister/leader driven. This is where we're at now. Much of this is driven by the charismatic edge of Christianity, but certainly not all of it. I wrote this to explain how itinerant preachers work today. They're part of the associations, those loose groups of independent churches, house churches, missionaries, stand-alone small groups that often meet in office buildings, prayer/accountability friends, etc. When a person becomes a known figure in an association, then he/she begins to travel to one church after the next. It's the 19thC frontier again! Seriously, none of these groups, or few of them, have stable pastors. Most have these itinerant pastors or volunteer leaders who survive on "love offerings." This has to be difficult, an act of faith, to survive with a family like this. Most of these roving pastors do not have families, but spouses only. No kiddies. In a way, we're returning to the era on the frontier when denominations and membership mattered little. On the frontier there wasn't much of a choice -- too few people in a geographic area can be picky -- as there was one church for hundreds of miles. Now, we have hundreds of choices, but again few people who think like us. We slice ourselves into narrow tranches and associated with like kind. I'm not saying this is the best way of doing things, but only making an observation that the most exciting, expressive and creative edge of Christianity is now within these associations. Quote
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