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Q3. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges? If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control? Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage? What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries? What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies?

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges? If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control? Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage? What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries? What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies?

Humans are capable of controlling their sexual urges. God has promised that whenever we face temptation there will always be a way of escape. Many people are out of control in this area because they choose to ignore the opportunities presented for them to avoid entering into adultery, fornication and other lewd acts. It is important to control ourselves sexually within marriage so that we continue to live a holy and santified life. When sexuality does not have any boundaries sin pervails, sicknesses and disease explode and innocent people suffer. Likewise when this happen, marriages, children, our spirits, and our bodies are adversely affected.


Yes they are if they are controlled by the Holy Spirit.

Many out of control because they are not controlled by the Holy Spirit.

Sexual control in marriage is important--first of all to channel all that desire toward our spouse and second, no sex outside the marriage.

When sex has no boundaries, it is out of control.

Out of control sex, destroys marriages & families, hurts our children, hardens our spirits and invites disease in our bodies.


Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges?

Yes, as we trust God and have faith that that His ways are right and for our own good. He made us and knows us better than we do ourselves. In His strength,we can: Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control?

They don't believe in God or that what they are doing is wrong, nor do they believe they have the power to control their urges. 2Timothy 3:1-5 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage?

Because marriage is God's design for man and woman to be fruitful and multiply. Sex within the marriage covenant is holy, sex outside of marriage is a sin.

What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries?

It leads us down a sinful path that has many negative consequences; adultery, divorce, sexual diseases, fatherless/motherless homes, and poverty, to name just a few.

What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies?

Our marriages could end in bitter divorce, the tearing apart of the flesh that God has made one is a nightmare. Parents often remain unreconciled bitter enemies; this has a very negative effect on the children; they suffer the most, often well into adulthood. Our spirits are broken. Often we blame God for our situation, saying, "how could you allow that to happen to me." We may turn away from God, possibly to never return. Although our bodies could suffer from sexual diseases, they can also suffer from the process of depression, rejection, grieving a loss, the root of bitterness; these are all a reality of divorce. When we step outside sexually, the boundaries of marriage, the damage it causes is impossible to fully measure.


Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges?

YES - God has given us the power of chose. In this chose we have to consider the consequences and what may happen on the way to the end. It is like controlling our bowels. We must practice control of our sexual desires to live according to God's commands.

If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control?

Because people, naturally want to have pleasure and feel good, so they do not put restrictions on the passions or lusts that they have. They see no reason to control their sexual appetite.

Why is it so important to control ourselves sexually within marriage?

Having sex is not "all of life". Having sex is just a part of who we are, even within marriage. Our desire of sex MUST be toward our spouse only! We must have control over our desire for the "forbidden". In our society today, sex and sexual organs are used as common words of conversation, even with young people in the conversation. Sex is not dirty. It was given to us by God to use correctly.

What happens when sexuality has no boundaries?

Love for one another is destroyed when we live by our passions only. Sexually transmitted diseases spread as well as HIV and AIDS.

What happens to:

Marriages - are destroyed.

Children - grow up not know who their father and mother are and maybe born diseased.

Our spirits - we cannot make commitments to anyone in that type of society.

Our bodies - are wrecked - diseased - no love - no trust - no comfort.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges?

Yes, humans are "capable" of controlling their own sexual urges; however, I believe the crux of the question is, “are they willing to do so?”

If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control?

There are so many out of control today, in fact our NATION is out of control, we have become a pagan nation, a people like we read of in Thessalonians, therefore, they are out of control because they do not "KNOW" God, their desires are not to do His "WILL", but to satisfy their own lustful desires.

Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage?

There are so many reasons that it would take too long to list them all, however, the first and most important reason is - IT IS GOD'S WILL THAT WE DO SO, IT IS GOD'S WILL THAT WE BE A HOLY PEOPLE, SET APART, SANCTIFIED TO HIS SON.

What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries?

What happens when a people who "WILL" not to live according to the boundaries God has set forth for them, is that God's blessings will not be with them, for they will become a people under judgment.

What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies?

Great "DAMAGE" is what happens to those we have been called to "LOVE" and to "CHERISH".

SANCTIFICATION is staying in the "WILL" of God.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges? If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control? Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage? What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries? What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies?

Yes, humans are absolutely capable of controlling sexual urges. We can discipline ourselves if we truly desire to do so to please God. Even if we have fallen into sexual addiction and that seems hopeless. There is a way out and we can overcome them with God's help. It may not be overnight, but eventually we can discipline ourselves and live pure lives.

So many people are out of control for differing reasons. Some don't believe we should be pure vessels and are openly rebellious against God and His Word. Others have fallen into sexual traps from past experiences such as sexual abuse. They don't know how to get out of their trap or even understand how they got there. They need christian counseling in that and need to seek help. Sometimes, a moment of weakness brings someone into sexual immorality. They didn't guard their heart or use the way out that God always provides in tempting circumstances. Most times, I think people don't stay in the Word, renewing their minds every day, receiving counsel from the Holy Spirit and depending on His help day to day. That's imperative!

Controlling ourselves sexually within marriage is keeping the gift of sex pure. We keep ourselves holy remaining only with our given partner. It is for our protection also encompassing our state of mind (pure thoughts), safety from disease and spiritual peace keeping within the boundaries God gives us.

Sexuality without boundaries is ****. Animal passion and evil to satisfy self. Sexuality within boundaries is love, selfless, pure and good.

When a person practices sexuality outside of boundaries, we not only sin against our own bodies, but those who we practice sexual relationships with. Sin is abounding. Our spirit is no longer in the light, but we are dwelling in darkness and the more we practice sexual immorality, the farther into evil and darkness we go. Our minds become poisoned and we no longer discern right from wrong and sin grows. We go from bad to worse losing ourselves and God all together. It's a terrible dark place to be. We lose total respect for our bodies and any kind of holiness we may have once believed in. It is self gratifying and totally devoid of love. A very lonely place to be. Sexual immorality while married I imagine is even worse. Marriages crumble, people are destroyed and innocent children have families ripped from them. Nothing good ever comes from sexual immorality. Within a marriage or while single!


All things are possible to those who trust God. Therefore humans are capable of controlling their sexual urges if they are deeply rooted in God. In our strength we can fail.

People are seemingly falling out of control because they do not know the Lord or if they know they are disobeying the Lord. They are indulging in evil and under the trap of the evil one.

It is very very important to control oursleves ssexually in our marraige as we remain commited to our spouse and our God to whom we stay committed to.

When sexuality does not have any boundaries there is only destruction in every way.

Marraiges are totally broken, families are seperated,children suffer without a father or a mother or even become illegitimate and becoming rebels in the society,our spirits are in guilt and bodies diseased and damaged.


Yes humans are capable of controling their sexual urges. The Holy Spirit is our guide, God is our strength through Christ. We need to stay in close communion with the Lord if we want His help.

Many people are out of control because they don't know God, or because they are not in a close relationship with him and are not being guided by the Holy Spirit.

It's very important to control ourself sexually within marrige. Faithfulness is the basis of marriage. If trust is broken it destroys love and without love, there is no relationship.

When sexuality has no boundaries, it opens the door for Satan and every kind of sin is on your doorstep.

Marriages seldom survive infidelity, no trust, no love, no marriage. When we marry and have sexual relations with our mate we are giving them the most private and intimate part of ourself. When the mate shares this intimacy with another we feel used and defiled. We are no longer the 'precious' one and only to our mate but just one of the harem.

Children learn from their parents behavior.Generational sin is told of in the Bible. When families are broken the children are pulled between the two people they love most in the world. It is torture for them they are the broken children.

Our spirit becomes muddied, polluted and distanced from Holy God.

Our body becomes Satan's playground to torment with disease, mental and emotional illnesses.

The worst of all is the separation from our Holy God that sin causes.



Q3. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges? If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control? Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage? What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries? What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our b

(1) I think we as humans are capable of controlling our sexual urge,but what we do we let flesh take over.

(2) I think it very important to control your self,because if you do not anything come by you will go for it.

(3) when sexuality control your life you are done every thing that not pleasing to God.

(4) It break up home,cause children to be homeless,causes a good person lose all hope trust and faith.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges?

We would not have been admonished to "abstain and shrink from all sexual vice", if it were not possible. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit Who lives in us, and Whom is our gift from God...we are not our own, but were bought with the precious blood of Jesus, making us His own. We are to honor God and bring Glory to Him in our bodies". I Cor 6:19,20. That said, trying to honor God in our bodies, through will power, is not the answer...but it is to ask the Holy Spirit for help in this area, as in all areas of temptation. He has promised the "way of escape" when we ask.

If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control?

Our world has been buried under an avalanche of sexual images, from car advertisements to lewd hamburger commercials. It's a prime area of battle in Satan's war against God...using a beautiful gift God gave for intimacy in marriage, to debasing it into a commodity for sales in the marketplace. It is so commonplace that sexual immorality no longer seems immoral...accompanied by the battle cry for freedom of a few years ago: "If it feels good, do it!" Which is the way many Christians live today rather than walking in the Holy Spirit.

Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage?

God is honored and glorified when we honor the sanctity of the covenant of marriage. To do otherwise, destroys the marriage relationship.

What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries?

We become little more than animals in heat!

What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies?

Marriages are destroyed, which destroys the children and the family unit God designed for children to thrive in, our spirits are desensitized to the Lord (due to guilt and hard heartedness, selfishness, unsubmissiveness to the Holy Spirit), we sin against our own bodies forming soul ties with each sexual partner as well as exposing our bodies to disease.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges? If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control? Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage? What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries? What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies?

Humans are actually quite capable of controlling their sexual urges through the power of the Holy Spirit and self-disciple. Having a desire to please God and to be honorable should be a strong motive in self-control.

It's not that people are out of control, it's that many choose not to exercise self-control. There is no sense of urgency in controlling one's sexual behavior. That is very apparent in our society today.

Lack of sexual commitment and exclusiveness to your husband or wife will destroy a healthy marriage and is outside the will of God for human sexuality. Anyhting else is paganism.

When sexuality does not have any boundaries there is broken marriages, broken families, broken relationships, STD's, broken trust, betrayal, emotional stress and hurt, crushed children, and a cheapness of something wonderful and special. It also cheapens and degrades human dignity.

Uncontrolled sex is sin. Sin is the perversion of the good; it is the cheaper form of something better and that is exactly what sex without boundaries is.

For the reasons mentioned above sex outside of God's perameters destroys marriages, children, as well as our spirits and bodies.


It may be difficult to control the urges, however, it is not difficult to control our behavior. God provide a way to escape.

People are out of control because they chose to yield, and not to escape temptation.

It is important to control ourselves sexually within marriage because the love, bond and commitment between husband and wife.

When sexuality does not have any boundaries, it leads to disease in the body, unwanted pregnancy, and abortions.

Sex outside of marriage destroys marriages, children, our spirits and our bodies.


1.Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges? Ans-It can be done only throu by christ. It is not easy, but your mind will have to be renewed in christ. Alot of people are out of controll, because they have took their minds off of God. The flesh is something you have to stay in prayer for. Because we can not put our flesh under subjection by ourselfves and without having the change of mind to go alone with it.

2.Why is it important to control ourselves sexuality within marriage? When sexuality does not have any boundaries then the flesh gets out of control and we are no longer thinking like God, but like the world. When we let our flesh act up then we no longer control our marriage, children, our spirits or our body. The flesh has taken over and we are no longer married to God. We began to seperate from our children and our marriages began to have problems or we divorce. Our spirit man began to take a back seat when sin enters the body. The body gets sick and sometimes we die.


Yes humans are actually capable of controlling their sexual urge if they avail themselves to the grace and power of God to overcome all temptations. God has promised us that he will not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability to overcome any temptation. It is then up to us to resist. The fact is that some of us do not make the attempt to resist. We should pray for God to help us over all types lustful desires.

People seem to be out of control because the determination to be surrendered completely to the power of God is not there.

God wants us to limit our sexuality to within marriage only. We must control our bodies and not allow our bodies to control us. If we do not control our bodies, we defile them and sin against God.

The failure to control our sexuality leads to broken homes, unwanted/ abandoned children etc.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5)

Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges?

If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control?

Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage?

What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries?

What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies?

Nothing seems to have changed much. We read about all the sexual promiscuity going on in Paul’s days which is exactly what is happening in our world today. I think we are capable of controlling our sexual urges but in our world of low moral standards, instant gratification, and of always being politically correct; anything goes. We see that today our sexual energies have deviated from the norm and need to be controlled and rightly channelled. This can be accomplished only if sex takes place in a heterosexual and monogamous marriage – as God has intended it to be. Even in marriage our sexuality must have boundaries and does not mean that within a marriage there is no need for restraint. There is a difference between **** and love. We need to be considerate of our marriage partner.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges? If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control? Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage? What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries? What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies?

Ans. Without Christ in our lives we are not capable of controlling our sexual urges. Many seems out of control because “For all that is in the world, the **** of the flesh, and the **** of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world”. Controlling ourselves sexually in marriage keeps us right before God. If not then we allow sexuality to overtake us and then there are no boundaries. It ruins our marriages, our children’s, our bodies and our spiritual relationship with God.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges? If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control? Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage? What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries? What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies?

Yes we are more than conquers and able to avoid sexual urges. Perhaps people are out of control because they have not submitted themselves to the truth of the word? Marriage is a covenant relationship no different than our relationship with God through His Son. When we go whoring outside of our marriage we have broken our trust in the vow that we have made to keep ourselves set apart to cleave only to our spouse. The whole family is broken up by the bonds of sin rather than the covenant that we are to hold on to and protect.


Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges?

Yes, humans are capable of controlling their sexual urges. When we are rooted in God’s word & prayer, God will always give us strength to overcome temptations. Self Control is one of the gifts of the Holy Sprit and it is given to all that ask God for it.

If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control?

We live in a fallen world where everything seems to be right. People enjoy pleasure and do not think of **** as a sin. People do not know the word of God and are misled.

Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage?

Marriage is God’s design for a man and woman to remain united and is the basis of a family. It is important to control ourselves sexually because God has asked us to do so and we are committed to our partners through marriage.

What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries?

We sin and we get away from god. Our families break up and as a result we suffer. This can also lead to diseases.

What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies?

Marriages break when one of the partners cheats on his spouse. As a result little children suffer pain and they never have a good childhood. Such children themselves will never be able to build good families and the society at large also will suffer.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5)

Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges?

Yes, humans are capable of controlling their sexual urges, otherwise the word of God could not have commanded something impossible.

If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control?

So many people seemingly are out of control because of the weakness as heathen people. They fail to adhere to the word of God, but fall under the forces of darkness.

Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage?

It is important to control ourselves sexually within mariage because that is the right thing to do according not only to the word of God, but also morally.

What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries?

When sexuallity does not have boundaries, immorality and hatred/eneminity among people prevail and we run a risk of spreading infectious diseases.

What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies?

Marriages get shaky or broken, children become indisciplined, uncared for or orphaned, our spirits become tarnished and our bodies unclean or injured.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges?

Some people can control their sexual urges, but I believe the majority can't. I'm referring to Jesus' own definition of sexual urges. He said that if a man even looks at a woman and wants to possess her, he is committing adultery with her in his heart. If we use that yardstick then I believe NO ONE is completely capable of controlling their sexual urges. Then there is the area of temptation. It's not a sin to be tempted. It's only sin if we give in to temptation. So the temptation here is the **** of the eyes. It is possible to not only look but don't touch, but to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and look but don't THINK as well.

If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control?

In this day and age the taboos of sexual activity have been almost completely removed. The attitudes of the general population towards sexual sin are that everything is OK. After all, everyone else is doing it, right?

Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage?

Because in God's eyes a married couple are one flesh. I'm not qualified to comment further on this because I'm divorced.

What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries?

We end up walking completely in the flesh and not according to the Spirit. Sexual gratification becomes our greatest goal. The whole advertising industry uses sexual gratification as the goal we should be aiming for when using just about any product. Makeup, personal grooming products, clothing, you name it, the advertisements selling them promote them as being effective in making people more desirable to the opposite sex. Our whole culture is based on getting laid!

What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies?

Here is a prime example of someone whose sexual urges completely ruined his life beyond all help.

I knew a man whose brother I used to be friends back in the early 1970s at church. I met him back in 1989. He'd met a woman and they got married. She must have been his first real conquest. He must have figured that if he could win her, then he could probably win other women so he decided to make their marriage an "open" marriage in which he and his wife could still see other people and have sex with them. Of course he had no luck in that regard but she met another man who eventually moved in with them and, surprise surprise, they eventually kicked hubby out. He still wanted to be with his wife and so he kept hanging around and his successor got him to go into a business venture with him in a prawn trawler. The new man in his wife's life was a licensed skipper. Our friend eventually met another woman who was 13 years his senior and already had three children. He was so kinky that he kept on trying to have a foursome but he was the only one interested in that. Didn't stop him from continually trying to suggest it though. Eventually he ended up squandering all his new woman's money on the sinking venture and he lost the home they were living in. There has to be a word worse than loser to adequately describe him. His sexual urges were the root cause of all his problems.

Our children suffer when marriages disintegrate due to sexual boundaries being crossed. Anger and resentment build up in childrens' hearts whe their parents split up. Our spirits also suffer because we are viewed by God as being in rebellion against Him. Even our bodies, the vessels or our spirits suffer as well because we can't be totally filled with the Spirit of God when we're filled, even partially with sexual ****.

  • 2 weeks later...

:wub: Yes, I think so some people just like that life style

and don't think they do anything wrong at all.People are

out of control because some people think sex is everything

and to look at t.v. sex is everywhere everything is sold by



yes they can by the help of the holy spirit

they are out of control because the spirit of God is not resident in them

we control ourselves in marriage because of our children

it can bring about illicit intercourse


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges? If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control? Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage? What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries? What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies?

Sexual urges are controllable. Humans want instant pleasures and demand their way so they demand uncontrollably sexual desires. God says marriage between a woman and a man and sexual desires will be me withing the bounds of marriage. This instant society goes outside of our marriages and the healthy boundaries God has given us and create more death from sexual diseases. God's choices for us are not demanding for no reasons they are for our health too.


when we commit our lives completely to live for the glory of God and do this by living a life of prayer, meditating and applying God's word in our lives we overcome every sin and specially sexual impurities. God's Holy Spirit gives us the grace to overcome sexual urges and the Blood of Jesus Christ - so strong and pure rescues us from wrong sinful behaviours.

People are out of control, marriages break because each person commited to Jesus Christ has a choice to make-- either to follow the word of God or the ways of the world. when people want to live both ways then life goes our of control. when people desire the world and also try to follow Jesus it does not work.

God has ordained marraige and we need to maintain holiness in marriage according the Word of God. God has made marriage holy and it becomes important not to disobey the word of God concerning God's principles on marriage.

A family that lives honoring God and his holy word live in peace and joy of the Holy Spirit and blessings from the Lord. our bodies are the temples of the holy Spirit and the parents and chlidren give room for the Holy Spirit to live in their bodies. when sexuality has no boundaries- the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy the family the children the bodies and as result there is disorder, confusion, sickness and it gives space for the enemy to bring ruin and destruction of the family.

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