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Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ’s return?

There will be no warning; we are called to always be ready for the return of Christ. I believe every generation expected Christ to return in their lifetime, because of the times that they lived. We are no exception; through modern technology, the message of Christ is being proclaimed to all the people of the world. Read Romans, Chapter 11!

What does it mean that he will “come like a thief”?

It means, like the question above, that there will be no warning. Be ready and expectant!

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Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3)

According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ's return?

What does it mean that he will "come like a thief"?

Nobody knows the date of Christ’s return; Jesus Himself said that He did not even know the date Himself – only the Father knows (Mark 13:32). Jesus will come unexpectedly at any time (Matthew 24:44). The Thessalonian believers knew all this and they also knew that the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night - completely unexpected - taking the whole world by surprise. But this of course will not apply to true believers – who should be prepared at all times.

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Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ’s return?

There is no warning in this passage of scripture, but Jesus gave many "signs" of His eminent return. We see the signs now all around us and know to be ready, for we know not the DAY nor the HOUR, nor did He.

What does it mean that he will “come like a thief”?

Thieves come when it's dark...night, when people are sleeping and unaware. They do their "work" as quickly as possible, with stealth to take what is precious.That's why we believers are to be ready to go in that instant in the twinkling of an eye when the silver trumpet calls us "to come up here", as John the Apostle was called up in Rev. 4:1 through the "open door" in Heaven...Jesus will "snatch" His precious Bride from out of the world to His home! Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ's return?

God has given to the believer many signs to look for, signs signaling them to "rejoice, for their redemption is drawing near".

Even though we do not know the day, hour, or season, we wait and watch, we are rejoicing for we know he is coming.

What does it mean that he will "come like a thief"?

A thief comes at night when people are least prepared, the least prepared are the ones who live in the day, not concerned, not watching or waiting, thinking all is well with their soul; however, we who believe know perfectly well, that he will come, that is why we walk in the day, making preparation and rejoicing for it could be today..

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Q: (1Thessilonions 5:1-3). According to this passage, What warning can we expect to have prior to Christ's return?

A: No warning is given. There will appear to be "peace and safety," then sudden destruction. As believers we need to be watchful, because His word tells us, we do not know the day or the hour.

Q: What does it mean that "He will come like a thief."

A: A thief comes when least expected. He does not announce his coming, or approach. Like this, Jesus' coming will be unexcepted. That is why we need to be ready.

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The Day of the Lord's coming will come with no warning. When the world is still in deep sin, rebellious and enjoying doing evil saying peace and safety suddenly destruction will come.

He will come like a thief means there will be no previous knowledge that He is coming. No one will know the Day or the hour. Suddenly he will come and take us by surprise. All of us believers have to remain faithful to Him and expectant that the Lord will return. We need to take heed of Pauls teaching and grow in holiness and lead a blameless walk before the Lord so that when He comes we will taken in glory.

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Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ’s return? What does it mean that he will “come like a thief”?

There won't be any warning prior to the coming of Christ. He will come suddenly and without warning when the time comes.....but....we are given instruction to prepare for His coming. We will see signs that the time is near and we are instructed to not be asleep but to have our hearts prepared. We are to be aware every day of how we live and if we would be caught ready....or not....when He does come!

To come like a thief in the night is to come unannounced, not expected, taken by surprise. No one thinks when they go to bed, that they may wake up to encounter a thief in their house. We would be sleeping peacefully and then get a rude awakening! That's why we are instructed to be (spiritually) awake. It would be startling and a little unnerving! We should be watchful and prepared knowing it could be any day, any time, any moment.

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Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ's return? What does it mean that he will "come like a thief

(1)We will have no warning,but as the word said the angles in heaven do not know the time,or hour

what I wonder why the people start make plan when somebody said the world will end on some special

day who do you believe man words or God word (I BELIEVE GOD'S WORD)

(2) I think it mean what it say he will be like a thief you do not when the thief will come,but be ready when he do come

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Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ’s return? What does it mean that he will “come like a thief”?

The day of Christ's return will come deceptively, suddenly, destructively, inevitably, and inescapably. This day -- the day of the Lord -- will come as a thief in the night. It will be completely unexpected, taking men off guard. The world will be unprepared because it chooses to be unprepared.

The fact is, God has provided the world insight into the Day of the Lord and how to be prepared for it through His Word which has been available to humanity for thousands of years. Additionally, followers of Christ have carried that Word throughout the world for at least two thousand years.

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According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ's return?

When Jesus comes again, He will come angelic shout and trumpet sound and there will NOT be a secret "rapture". It will happen suddenly like a thief coming in the night.

What does it mean that he will "come like a thief"?

When a thief comes to your house, he does it when you don't expect him, like when you are gone of asleep, so he can do his job without being caught.

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Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3)

According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ's return?

According to this passage, there is no any warning we should expect to have prior to Christ's return.

What does it mean that he will "come like a thief"?

That He will "come like a thief" means unexpectedly and without any notice.

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The warning we should expect prior to Christ return is that we should all be fully ready for his coming because we do not know when we would come and his come comes with judgment.

His coming is compared to that of a thief because there will be no prior notice just a thief takes his victims by surprise.

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Q3 (1Thessalonians 5:1-3)

1. Accordingto this passaage,what warning can we expect to have prior to christs return? what does it mean that he will come like a thief? The warning is that he is coming like a thief in the night and every eye shall see him. To come like a thief means without warning

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According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ's return?

The warning is that we should be ready all the time as no one knows the time and day of Christ’s return. We have to be prepared so that we will not be caught with surprise.

What does it mean that he will "come like a thief"?

To come like a thief means to come at a time when no one knows. A thief will not announce his coming.

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Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ’s return?

No warning . . . apart from the sense of peace and security. He'll come suddenly when we don't expect Him . . . when we think we have a peaceful and secure world.

What does it mean that he will “come like a thief”?

Jesus will come "like a thief in the night" . . . meaning that his coming will be unexpected. Rather than arriving at a tumultuous time, for example when there is great world strife, He'll come when all seems fine.

Jesus told His disciples to keep watch and observe the signs that would precede His coming. He spoke or wars and rumors of wars as NOT being a sign of the end. He said those things will happen all the time. Many people look to the Middle East and the never-ending conflict there as a barometer for determining Christ's second coming. When they finally achieve a seemingly lasting peace . . . . look out! The second coming could be just around the corner. THAT'S what we have to watch for and be ready to meet The Lord.

Jesus said that if the home owner knew a thief was coming he'd be prepared. We can know or sense that Jesus will be coming by watching the signs the Bible indicates, and have our house in order.

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Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ's return? What does it mean that he will "come like a thief"?

Ans. There will be no warning, according to scripture “people will be saying there is peace and security then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman.” He will come when you are not expecting Him.

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we should always keep ourselves sanctified and each day we have to live in holiness and keep ourselves prepared for Christ return because we do not know the dates and times of his return.

The thief never makes his strategy known when he steals and how he steals. we keep ourselves protected everyday by using our safety measures. In the same way the Lord's return will be an unxepected time and we need keep ourselves safe by living by the Word of God.

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Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ's return?

We can expect no warning before Christ returns, and are told to be ready and keep watch.

What does it mean that he will "come like a thief"?

When it says that Christ will “come like a thief” it means that He will come unexpectedly for we will not know the day or the hour He will come back, according to Matthew 24:42-44.

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According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ’s return?

1. There will be no warning.

What does it mean that he will “come like a thief”?

2. Unexpectedly and without notice.

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We will receive no warning prior to Christ's return. We may know the general season of His return,but not the exact time.

What it means that He will "come like a thief" is, that Christ will return unexpectedly and without notice.

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