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Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8) What effect should a belief in Christ’s soon coming have on believers? What does it mean to be “sober” or “self-controlled” (verse 6)? What does it mean to be “alert” or “watchful” (verse 6)? How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

  • 1 month later...

We should be alert & productive, always ready for His return.

We should show self-control and seriousness about how we live our life and witness to others. Don't put it off for another day--we're not promised another day.

Beling alert & watchful--living our lives as though He were coming tomorrow. Also we need to put on our spiritual armour each morning, preparing for attacks made on us by Satan!

If our soldiers on the battlefields lived like we usually do, they would certainly lose the war. Be alert & watchful!


Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8) What effect should a belief in Christ’s soon coming have on believers? What does it mean to be “sober” or “self-controlled” (verse 6)? What does it mean to be “alert” or “watchful” (verse 6)? How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

The effects of a belief that Christ is coming should be staying alert, being on guard, being watchful, self controlled and clear minded. We should be prepared and equipped for every day life putting on the full armor of God and remembering we are to abide in faith, hope and love. The greatest of these being love. We should be aware if we are spiritually apathetic or alive with passion for Him. Are we snoozing or fully awake and ready?

To be sober and self controlled is to be free from any form of sloppy spiritual drunkenness. We should be clear minded, not hazy about beliefs and stumbling around in what we "might" believe or not. We don't have confusion because we are sober, know the truth, stand in the truth and are firm in our steps being guided by the Holy Spirit.

To be alert and watchful means to be alert, vigilant and in constant readiness. We will be on guard, preparing our minds for action. We are equipped in the word and meet the day with truth. Our actions will show we are ready for His return.

Sometimes our normal Christian lifestyles resemble more of the world than of the Spirit. We get up and live by sight. We get caught up in everyday trials and troubles forgetting we are equipped to meet them in a spiritual way. We are sometimes lulled into hitting the snooze button and we lose sight of the fact that TODAY could be the day He is coming!

Lord remind us everyday to be prepared and to live in you and through you so we can be alert and found in good standing when you come again in glory!!!


Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8) What effect should a belief in Christ’s soon coming have on believers?

We should be anticipating the return of Christ, knowing that it could and will happen at any time. To be right with God, confessing our sins to Him and to one another; along with repentance of those sins. Move to repair any broken relationships, that we have the ability to repair. As we keep a short list with God, we should do the same with all others; leaving no unfinished business. Be in prayer constantly with the Lord for those who do not know Him; seeking opportunities to be used by Him as He saves the lost. Use all our time wisely, knowing that it may be short. Take everything, I mean everything to Him in prayer. This is a life He has already called us to lead.

What does it mean to be "sober" or "self-controlled" (verse 6)?

It means to live a quiet, controlled, Christ centered life, yielded to the Holy Spirit's leadership and guidance.

What does it mean to be "alert" or "watchful" (verse 6)?

Keep your mind on Christ and not getting caught up in the things of this world. Be in the Word, be in prayer and in fellowship with with other believers. Live in anticipation of the Lord's return. I think of Psalm 27:14 Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

It shouldn't; I think verses like today's and end time Bible studies help us to remind to be alert, sober and ready for Christ's eminent return. Jesus, the Jewish Messiah and Savior of the World, came and went and many either missed Him, or didn't believe in Him, or He wasn't what they expected. And they were anticipating His coming.


Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8) What effect should a belief in Christ's soon coming have on believers? What does it mean to be "sober" or "self-controlled" (verse 6)? What does it mean to be "alert" or "watchful" (verse 6)? How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

(A) Be ye also ready because we do not know the day nor the hour keep your house in order what i what I think it mean to be "alert and watchful"live like you knew he is coming to day

(B) Do not been be done all the crazy things we do daily, live like each day is the last day


Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8)

What effect should a belief in Christ's soon coming have on believers?

What does it mean to be "sober" or "self-controlled" (verse 6)?

What does it mean to be "alert" or "watchful" (verse 6)?

How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

As believers there is no reason for to be alarmed or scared of the Lord’s coming. Our world is in such a pathetic and evil state that the only solution to this mess is for our Lord to come soon. We know He is coming so there is no surprise element left. We have to be ready by staying alert and self-controlled. We are to live in faith, love and hope – faith in God, love for the Lord and for one another, and hope of Christ’s return. A consistent godly life – forsaking sin and avoiding excesses of all kinds. The Day of the Lord will be a time of wrath for the unsaved world – but for us it will be a time of great joy!


Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8) What effect should a belief in Christ’s soon coming have on believers? What does it mean to be “sober” or “self-controlled” (verse 6)? What does it mean to be “alert” or “watchful” (verse 6)? How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

The awareness and knowledge that Jesus is coming again and at any time should cause us to be alert, ready, prepared, and living for Christ. This knowledge should create within the believer a desire for a close and focused walk with Jesus. It should also create within the believer an imperative to share the Gospel with others both in word and deed.

To be sober or self-controlled means to watch against temptation, laziness, lethargy, and distraction. Positively, we should watch for the return of our savior the Lord Jesus Christ.

The majority of Christians in the West are so caught up and blinded by the world and materialism that they will be as unprepared as the unbeliever for the second coming of Christ.


What effect should a belief in Christ's soon coming have on believers?

Be Prepared and be working to please God. Even though we are saved by grace, it doesn't mean we should do nothing to prepare others for eternal life. Stay pure and holy as you can.

What does it mean to be "sober" or "self-controlled" (verse 6)?

It means that we need to exercise a control over our fleshly appetites. It is not easy, so don't try to put little effort into it, but as Paul said, "I buffet my body daily", we need use what is necessary to control our lives in Jesus Christ.

What does it mean to be "alert" or "watchful" (verse 6)?

Christians need to have "eyes" that are looking up. We need to look for the coming of Jesus, at any moment and be prepared for His appearance. Be doing what He wants us to do, will please our Lord.

How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

We tend to get caught up in worldly affairs that seem to dominate our lives. So we need to be "watchful" for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, which could happen at any time.


Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8) What effect should a belief in Christ's soon coming have on believers?

The effect it should have on a believer is very "IMPORTANT", that is if their hearts have been touched with that of great anticipation, the effect should be revealed in how they walk in the day making ready and alert to the workings of Satan, they are denying ungodliness and worldly lusts; they live soberly, righteous, godly lives.

This is the effect it should have on those looking for that blessed hope, a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

What does it mean to be "sober" or "self-controlled" (verse 6)?

Sober means, you are alert to what is going on because you are controlled by the Spirit.

What does it mean to be "alert" or "watchful" (verse 6)?

To watch is staying awake to what is going on around you and in the world; it is not taking for granted salvation, thinking you could never be one of those sleeping when the thief comes, for He is coming for those who are awake.

How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

There should be no difference.


Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8)

What effect should a belief in Christ's soon coming have on believers?

A belief in Christ's soon coming should make believers understand that they are not targets of Christ's judgment but still they should be alert and self-controlled.

What does it mean to be "sober" or "self-controlled" (verse 6)?

To be "sober" or "self-controlled" means to watch our behaviour.

What does it mean to be "alert" or "watchful" (verse 6)?

To be "alert" or "watchful" means to be spiritually awake and ready for the coming of Christ.

How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

I think this should not differ from our normal Christian life as we are supposed to be alert and self-controlled all the time as we do not know the day and hour when Christ will return.


The belief that Christ will soon come or come without notcice should cause us to be alert and sobber. That means we should be prepared at all times living by the Word of God and abiding in him.

By being sobber and or self controlled means that we should be morally balanced/ wholesome and be watchful so that we should not be taken unawares when Christ comes.


Q4. What effect should belief in Christ's soon coming have on believers?

A. We should live in a state of watchful expectancy of Christ's soon coming. We are to stand firm in the faith and be people of courage and strength, devoting ourselves to prayer for all of the saints. Belief in Christ's soon coming should also cause to be self-controlled and alert.

Q. What does it mean to be "sober" or "self-controlled"?

A. Sober or self-controlled means to be calm, collected, circumspect. Refraining from carnal indulgence, mental or sensual.

Q. What does it mean to be "alert" or "watchful"?

A. Alert or watchful means to be attentive; expecting the Lord's return; to be in constant readiness.

Q. How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

A. It shouldn't differ. We should live as if Jesus was coming today because He very well could be. Matthew instructs to to keep awake or keep watch for we don't know the day nor the hour.


A believer should be self-controlled in CHRIST and not falling for the tricks of the enemy.

Sober or self-controlled means: CHRIST could return today. We must walk always in a manner pleasing before Him.

Alert or watchful means: Be ready, and pray for other Christian to stay strong in the Lord.

Our normal lifestyle should not be differ from our daily walk with CHRIST.


Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8) What effect should a belief in Christ’s soon coming have on believers?

It should cause us to be focused on walking in the Spirit, mindful of His leading and power to accomplish whatever task He has put before us. It should cause us to be joyfully looking forward to finally meeting our precious Lord face to face and spending eternity with Him, to be alert and watchful for His soon coming.

What does it mean to be “sober” or “self-controlled” (verse 6)?

It means to be calm, collected, and circumspect!

What does it mean to be “alert” or “watchful” (verse 6)?

It means wide awake, looking for Him, cautious and on our guard.

How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

I can only speak for myself, but seeing the signs all around me that He is about to sound the trumpet to "come up here", I am more mindful of my words, quicker to mend offenses and more excited every day. I've always had a heart for evangelism, but find that I don't want to pass up opportunities to share with others who may be left behind. On the other hand, I love what St. Francis of Assisi said when asked while working in the garden, what he would do if he knew today was the day of the Lord's appearing. He said "I'd just keep hoeing my garden." I try to live in such a way that I'm ready to go, and at peace with those around me, but not rushed or hurried or fretful.


What effect should a belief in Christ's soon coming have on believers?

Believers should live a life pleasing to God everyday as according to the warning, we may not have a tomorrow, Christ return could be anytime. Whatever God has asked us to accomplish today we have to it by today, now.

What does it mean to be "sober" or "self-controlled" (verse 6)?

Sober means to be free from every form of mental and spiritual 'drunkenness', from excess, passion, rashness, confusion, etc., be well-balanced in every area of life and watch against temptations. We should be able to have control over our fleshy desires which do not come from God. It also means to be calm and collected in spirit.

What does it mean to be "alert" or "watchful" (verse 6)?

To be alert means to be ready at all times for Christ’s return and be vigilant about our standing with God.

How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

On a daily basis we are constantly worried about tomorrow or our future and busy preparing to make our future secure and comfortable. We are in a constant competition with others to acquire material things. But Paul asks us to be alert and watchful and have control in our daily lives over our flesh, because Christ will be coming at an unannounced time and it is more important that we prepare ourselves daily to welcome him back


1. What effect should or belief in Christ's soon beoming have on believers? First of all we should be ready for him to come, however we should rejoice because he said that every eye shall see him. That is his promise to take us back with him. We should be looking forward for his coming to carry his children home like he said he would.

2. What does it mean to be sober or selfcontrol? It means for us to know and be aware of his coming and have maintain the flesh. God does not want us to be sleep when he comes but be alert and watchful for his coming.

3. What does it mean to be alert and watchful? Be careful for nothing. Dont let anthing or anyone cause you to lose out on Gods coming. We have to be watchful, because he said in his word that he will come like a thief in the night.

4. How does this differ from our normal christian lifestyle? it really isnt too much different, cause we still needs to be ready and alert, and watchful for his coming.


Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8) What effect should a belief in Christ's soon coming have on believers? What does it mean to be "sober" or "self-controlled" (verse 6)? What does it mean to be "alert" or "watchful" (verse 6)? How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

Ans. The believers needs to have a life of self controlled, sober minder, vigilant and being careful of how we treat our neighbors. To be like Christ , love one another as He loves us.

To be alert is to live the way God has instructed us to live according to His Word. Keeping the FOS in all we do. Christians are to live a life that is pleasing to God by doing His will but the normal Chirstian tends to conform more to the world and not transform into the newness of life by renewing their minds.


Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8) What effect should a belief in Christ’s soon coming have on believers?

We should be living our lives in such a way as to be prepared if He came right now. We should be sharing the Gospel with others while there's still time and we should be "ready to go" so to speak. No time for accumulating worldy wealth and empire building. Our focus should be squarely on serving God.

What does it mean to be “sober” or “self-controlled” (verse 6)?

To be clear-minded and to not allow ourselves to be controled by any vice or substance. Greed itself is a kind of opposite to sobriety. Anything other than God's word and will controlling our thoughts and deeds is keeping us from true sobriety. The person who lives for carnal gratification, for example, is allowing that to control them. If we are indeed in the last days we can't afford to let a greed for money, a devotion to sexual sin, an addiction to alcohol or drugs, any number of things, to control us. We have to have self-control and be living according to Biblical principles.

What does it mean to be “alert” or “watchful” (verse 6)?

When Jesus used that kind of terminology he meant to keep an eye on the goings on around us. We should be aware of the signs of His coming. We can't know the day or hour, but we can expect His return when enough Biblical prophecies are fulfilled. And He also meant we should be continually ready for His coming. Not so caught up in other things that His coming takes us by complete surprise and finds us woefully unprepared.

How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

I think we normally go about our lives as if we won't see Jesus' return in our lifetimes. That's how we cope from day to day. It's like driving a car on a long trip. We're awake and looking around as the miles go by but the sudden appearance of a wild animal that darts seemingly out of nowhere right in front of us still takes up completely by surprise. I don't think you CAN be always looking over your shoulder expecting the trumpet blast and the archangel's voice without losing your mind. I couldn't imagine going to bed each night disappointed that Jesus didn't come today and hoping He'll come tomorrow. Many of us are involved in ministries that have to plan ahead. Such planning presupposes Jesus won't be coming any time soon.

Some branches of Christendom have the agenda all worked out. Dates have been set and the anti-christ revealed. What a surprise then, that many of the pre-set dates have come and gone. 1948, 1972, 1984, 1992, 1999, 2000, 2012, and we're all still here.


Believers should be ready that Christ is coming again by living a pure holy and a blameless life before God. We must renounce sin and repent and be like the virgins with lamps on when the Bridegrrom comes.

To be sober and self controlled means humbling oursleves before the Lord and renouncing sin in all its form.

To be alert or watchful means keep ourselves guarded in prayer and hold living and wearing the armor of God always vigilant and waiting for the Lord to return.

Our normal lifestyle is to be worried about cares and concerns and storing up treasures here,while we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling and work towards our heavenly prize in Christ Jesus. Expecting Jesus to return anytime and remain in Him all the time.


Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8) What effect should a belief in Christ’s soon coming have on believers? What does it mean to be “sober” or “self-controlled” (verse 6)? What does it mean to be “alert” or “watchful” (verse 6)? How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

Normally we can get comfortable in our lifestyle and can fall "asleep" in our continual watchfulness. In our complacency we fall too easily back into sin.and not be ready. We must deal with our faults as soon as they appear so we may be ready at all times.


The return of Christ makes me aware that i need seek God's Kingdom and righteousness first and also create treasures in heaven rather than living a life seeking and storing treasures here on earth. Moreover it becomes our responsibility to pray for the salvation of our loved ones , make them aware of Christ return and prepare them too for his return. we need to prayerfully seek opportunities make Christ known to those who are unaware of Him and his great salvation for mankind.

To be sober -- is to fully keep ourselves committed to obey the word of God and live it. By the grace of the Lord Jesus we need control ourselves detached from the world and all its sinful passions and be under the control of the Holy Spirit of God.

To be alert or watchful is keep a constant check on us to live by the word of God and keeping the signs of end age mentioned in the word of God we need to proclaim Christ to all who come in contact with us.


Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8) What effect should a belief in Christ's soon coming have on believers?

Knowing that Christ will return soon, should stir up the heart of all believers to live faithfully in obedience to God and His Word. Why? Because He has saved us from the wrath of God, and all who believe in Him as their Savior will spend eternity in Heaven with Him.

“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” (John 3:36) kjv

What does it mean to be "sober" or "self-controlled" (verse 6)?

“Self-controlled or sober” means to be free from every form of mental and spiritual ‘drunkenness’, from excess, passion, rashness, confusion, be well-balanced, self-controlled, to be calm and collected in spirit, to be temperate, dispassionate, and circumspect.

What does it mean to be "alert" or "watchful" (verse 6)?

Be “alert or watchful” means to prepare your minds for action, be self-controlled, stay awake, keep watch, be on guard, and to be clear minded.

How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

A Christian’s normal lifestyle should be living for the Lord, preparing oneself for eternity by being obedient to God and His Word, and witnessing to others about the Gospel of Christ. How do we do this? By always being ready, to be “sober, self-controlled, alert, and watchful”, because it is preparing us for battle. We are to take hold of God’s resources at all time, and when we put on the “whole armor of God” we are clothed in Christ and it helps us to stay wide awake spiritually.


What effect should a belief in Christ’s soon coming have on believers?

1. We should be prepared for His coming by being obedient to His word and living our lives in way that would be pleasing to Him.

What does it mean to be “sober” or “self-controlled” (verse 6)?

2. Self-controlled or sober” means to be free from every form of mental and spiritual ‘drunkenness’, from excess, passion, rashness, confusion, be well-balanced, self-controlled, to be calm and collected in spirit, to be temperate, dispassionate, and circumspect.

What does it mean to be “alert” or “watchful” (verse 6)?

3. Alert or watchful means to be in constant readiness, be on guard.

How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

4. There is no difference. We should be prepared at all times for Christ 2nd coming.

  • 2 months later...

What effect should a belief in Christ’s soon coming have on believers?

Christ's soon coming brings Hope for an everlasting life with Jesus Christ. This Hope rests on our preparedness to receive Christ on the Day of His Coming. So believers will need to be awake, be refreshed by the Holy Spirit daily and keep away from the sinful nature of the world.


What does it mean to be “sober” or “self-controlled” (verse 6)?

To be 'sober' and "self-controlled" means that the believer has to be aware the Christ's soon coming is very near and thus lead holy lives. We need self-control to avoid being influenced by the wickedness and sinfulness in the world which will increase. Without self-controll we will be tempted by Satan, who is working over-time to prevent us from joining Christ.


What does it mean to be “alert” or “watchful” (verse 6)?

To be "alert" and "watchful" means to be aware of Satan's attempts to pluck us away from God. We have to be aware of the subtle ways of the world that may cause us to be "asleep" when Christ comes. We also need to be in prayer and rely on the Holy Spirit to empower us to live holy lives.


How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle?

Our normal Christian lives may be on of casualness thinking that there is time to set things right. For example I will pray tomorrow, or start reading the bible as soon as I complete the project. It may even lead us to compromise our christian values to keep up with the worldly ways. all this shows carelessness and that we are not alert and watchful. The Days are near and Christ will come like a thief and we may miss out meeting him in the air.


The effect on the belief that Christ’s soon coming has on believers is that they will always be diligent in learning about God. It will be having them keep the **** out of their houses and not listen to it or watch it. They will be “self-controlled” and not want to do the things that the world around them is doing. There for they can see what the world is doing and in doing so that keeps them “alert” and “watchful”. This is the normal Christian lifestyle.



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