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Q1. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) What happens in a congregation when people don’t show respect for their leaders? What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect? Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?

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When people do not show respect for one another there will be disharmoney in the church, no unity and this can slow down the growth of a church. If this spreads, it may lead to braking up of the Church.

Getting rid of the leader does not solve the problem. It is just that some members feel they should be the ones in authority and therefore want to bring down the leader so as to have influence in the congregation.


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) What happens in a congregation when people don't show respect for their leaders?

The first thing I would have to ask is "why don't they show respect for their leaders"? (Verse 14) Paul tells us to WARN them that are unruly, there will be many false teachings to be aware of, this is why I believe Paul is warning this congregation, who are in fact building each other up, to "KNOW" them, make sure they are in the Lord, or they could find themselves not watching and waiting and could become an unruly people, showing disrespect instead of encouragement.

What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect?

They would not be a people at "PEACE".

They would not be a "SOBER" people, a people on the "WATCH", making ready for the Bridegroom to come.

Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?

It would depend on the problem, if these people are just trouble makers, those who live in the day believing the Cross does not demand Trusting Faith, obedience, and that of walking in "LOVE" I would have to say, "the problem is theirs, and “WOE” be to them, for the thief comes at a time when you least expect.


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) What happens in a congregation when people don’t show respect for their leaders?

It's a miserable bunch! The Spirit is hindered in His work among them. Distrust and disunity which are so destructive become the norm and love is stifled and set aside for potential mutiny.

What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect?

The work of the gospel stops, Satan gains a foothold and the time which would be spent on serving the Lord, is now diverted into "putting out fires" and factions having their say.

Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?

I think the issue is deeper in most cases....it has to do with the same root cause of Satan's fall from Heaven...He wasn't content to be subservient to God...he wanted to BE God, so he rebelled and was thrown out. Rebellion is inherent in each of us, and is a fruit of the fallen nature, as are enmity, strife, jealousy, divisions, dissensions, party spirit, etc. Paul said in Galatians 5:15: If you bite and devour another in partisan strife, be careful that you and your whole fellowship are not consumed by one another." Satan wins at his own game, and the leader is potentially destroyed and the flock scatters.

I will say that if a leader has gone off the rails and is controlling and manipulating the sheep through lies and other means, it's best to walk away and find a healthier church, while continuing to pray for the former pastor to be delivered from the evil with which he has become ensnared.


(1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) What happens in a congregation when people don’t show respect for their leaders?

It can cause gossip and slander within the congregation, which can lead to a lack of confidence and dislike for the leadership.

What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect?

"A little batch of yeast spreads through the dough." The same as stated above; gossip, slander and more disrespect. People may leave the church over heresay; our a leader or leaders may leave also. "Satan has come to kill, steal and destroy." Chuches can be torn apart by this type of behavior.

Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?

No, I don't think so; Satan want to destroy God's work, and if he can get a foothold in a congregation and stir up strife and discontent he will. And he can use people to accomplish his goal. Whether or not we agree with our church leaders we need to pray for them and if we ever disagree with them, we should speak to them privately and respectfully, in an attempt to work out an difference, or to gain anderstanding. Our conversation with them must remain confidential. We have the choice to leave if we feel like the church or the leadership is wrong or going in the wrong direction.


There would be a lack of peace and possibly division.

A further breakdown of the church family, lack of trust, deepening division and a church that is not active & vital--Lack of the Holy Spirit's influence.

It could be the leader, but more than likely some members are acting in a carnal way--not in a loving way.


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13)

What happens in a congregation when people don't show respect for their leaders?

When in a congregation people do not show respect for their leaders disorder is created in the such congragation thus having an atmosphere which is not conducive to evangelisation.

What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect?

When the disrespectful spread their disrespect, they speak bad things against the leaders with the intention to get influence and be on power themselves.

Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?

Getting rid of a leader will not fix a problem. The disrespectful are power mongers.


If members of a congregation are not respecting their leaders (pastors or elders) because they themselves want to be in power and aren't, they may serious damage the unity of the congregation and the faith of the other Christians if they do not destory it. The church does not belong to people but to God and none of us should be seeking control of the congregation we attend.

If, however, the leaders think that members of the congregation are not showing them respect because they [the members] do not obey or accept what the leaders say without question, a lot of prayer and godly wisdom will be needed to sort out the situation and heal the congregation. Sometimes, the leaders will be correct and members of the congregation will not heed their godly instructions and directions, but other times, the leaders will be wrong and those members who question their leading are the ones with the godly wisdom. For example, is it disrespectful to ask a pastor to support what he said in a sermon with Scripture or to ask him what he meant when he contradicts himself from one sermon {saying that the Holy Spirit leaves Christians} and the next {saying that the Holy Spirit is always with Christians and never leaves us}? At least one pastor considers that to be accusing him of heresy.


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) What happens in a congregation when people don't show respect for their leaders? What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect? Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?


What happens when people don't show respect their leaders? Lack of harmony and discord are prevalent in the attitudes and actions of the people. The Bible says we are to show respect to those in authority over us. It doesn't mean we are to agree in everything but we are to handle all in love which is what non believers are supposed to know us by. So that is missing also. How sad that we don't put Christ and His Word first. It shows I believe personal dislike for themselves among those that don't show respect.

When the disrespect is spread the cancer grows.

Getting rid of the leader could help if he is the fault or unreasonable however I think it is something deeper in the human heart. Jealousy for one thing. Moses experienced this with Aaron and Miriam and I believe the Lord showed His displeasure fully and that should be a lesson for all of us. Why not pray for answers from our Lord and honor His Word. It honors Him and honors the church.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q1(Thessalonians 5:12-13) 1. What happens in a congregation when people dont show respect for their leaders? Things in Gods house began to get out of order and the enemy moves in and take over. 2. What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespectful? Then the enemy takes over and people began to do and say what they want. Love for God and their fellowman does not exist anymore. 3. Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here? It could go both ways, but most of the time the thing that is happening is always the devil have came in and took over the people. Getting rid of the leader is not always the answer, but prayer is.


What happens in a congregation when people don't show respect for their leaders?

Very soon God's love is not experienced in the church anymore. People become judgementa instead of working together.

The church breaks into fractions and God's Power cant flow and support the congregation anymore.

What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect? The problem grows. People will side either with the leaders or with the rebels. The church will become a collection of groups of people's wills instead of the Body of Christ.

Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?

If you get rid of the leader you will just pass the probem to another church, and most likely the virus is already in your church.

We have to teach our congregations to respect the authority installed by God. we have to teach people when you disrespect your leaders, you are showing disrespect to God.

We have to correct with love, we must not judge and use anger or fall back to worldly ways to take care of the situation.

We will have to pray day and night for wisdom and God's guidence


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) What happens in a congregation when people don’t show respect for their leaders? What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect? Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?

When people don't show respect for leaders in the church it breeds disorder, fighting, factions and in general stagnation, because so much attention is given to all the problems and broken relationships and trying to please everyone, it ceases to be a church that is living and spreading the Gospel. It's a terrible to go to a church like that.

When the disrespectful spread their disrespect, it's like a fire that starts to consume everything. Satan has a hay day and everything is destroyed.

There is always something deeper spiritually going on when disrespect is present. It could be an ungodly leader, but more likely it's spiritual immaturity. It could be in not having an understanding about servant leadership or waiting on God to move forward and trying to take things for self or out of His timing and just general Christian morals in esteeming others better than self, treating others as you would want to be treated and submitting to God's Word on how we follow leadership in the church. We always have God to appeal to if we truly feel leadership is wrong and there are Godly ways to confront leadership that are Bible based. If we are in an abusive church, we can leave and should leave. We shouldn't ever though enter into grumbling and trying to sever the church by gathering our little armies around us. That is destructive and those who do it have lost what it means to "be" the church.


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) What happens in a congregation when people don’t show respect for their leaders? What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect? Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?

When a congregation doesn't show respect for their leaders there really is no true congregation. As the body of Christ anyway. Leadership cannot equip the saints for ministry or facilitate their spiritual growth without respect. Division and confusion will occur and the congregation will die. Certainly the mission of the church will die even if the congregation continues to attend out of self-deluded spiritualism. They will not be effective for Jesus Christ in carrying out the Great Comission.

Like cancer in the body, when the disrespectful spread their disrespect they poision and destroy that congregation. It's worldly and demonic.

Getting rid of a leader that is not doing his job proplerly may fix the problem. It will not fix the problem if there is a deeper spiritual problem going on in that congregation. A problem where disrespect is part of the church culture usually is displayed sooner or later toward any future leader(s) -- it's a matter of rebellion against God's Word. Self versus the will of God.


Q1. What happens in a congregation when people don't show respect for their leaders?

A. There is going to be division and there will be a split; and the Spirit of God will not be present. The Bible says that a house divided against itself cannot stand. God will also deal with those who choose to disrespect those in leadership rather than pray for them.

2. What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect?

A. Unless the leaders deal with those who are being disrespectful, the whole church will become corrupted by what is going on and again there will be division. which is what rhe devil wants to happen in the first place. The church will not be blessed and be able to do all that God intends because the Spirit of God will no longer be present.

3. Will getting rid of the leaders fix the problem? Or is there something deeper going on?

A. No, getting rid of the leader is not going to fix the problem. There is definitely something deeper going. Those who are being disrespectful are rebelling against the leaders that God put in place. Therefore the leader or leaders need to have a meeting to find out what the problem is. If someone is being disrespectful to the leaders, could be they have a hard time submitting to authority or they want to control the leadership of the church.


When people don't show respect for their leaders: In most cases it causes division in the church, just as the satan intended.

When disrespect is spreaded: it hurts the leadership and the church as a body.

Getting rid of the leaders dosen't always fix the problem. Most times there are another or others who wants to take over the leadership for self-serving reasons.


Jesus is the model of a true leader. A leader is one who with all humility to God ,trusting not in his own strength but the power of God,leads the people under his care. Now firstly it depends how the character of the leader is. Jesus rightly said if anyone wants to be great he must be the servant of all. The servant attitude in a leader is leading with humility but effectively. There has to be a strength of character and the leader has to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit in his life. As Jesus says,we are recognised by our fruit. A humble servant of God will surely be a good leader.

When people disrespect the leader ,the question arises why he is not respected. If he is under the control of the Spirit of God,and not respected the congregation will fall apart.

When disrespectful spread disrespect,there will breakdowns and divisions and Satan gets an entry into the church.

Getting rid of the leader is not the solution. A good discussion should be held with the leader and identify the problems and whoever is the reason for the problem should acknowledge it and change. This works through prayer and humility before God.


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13)

What happens in a congregation when people don't show respect for their leaders?

What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect?

Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?

In any organization there must be the recognition of the authority of its leaders if that organization is to function properly. The same applies to a church. We need to show our leaders respect and not take them for granted. It is easy to criticize and be disrespectful, for what ever reason, and by doing so, sow discord in the congregation. Leaders can be recognised by their actions; those thar work hard, they lead and direct, and they address and solve problems that may arise. It is these leaders that must be respected. If a congregation does not respect its leaders the result will be that every one in the church will suffer because of this lack of leadership and the church as a whole will not actively function in the community. Getting rid of a true leader will not solve the problem. One has to look at the root of the problem which will be in the congregation.


What happens in a congregation when people don't show respect for their leaders?

The church will not grow. There will be distrust and disunity among the church members. There will not be god’s anointing on the church.

What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect?

There will not be unity in the church as there will be different people with different opinions. Satan will take advantage and step into the church to stop the work of the Holy Spirit.

Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?

Only if the leader is at fault then change of leadership is going to fix the problem. But if there is something deeper that is causing the problem like jealousy, then only prayer, god’s wisdom and guidance and humility can fix these problems. Gods word says in Hebrews that believers have to obey their leaders and submit to authority, so we should obey god’s word even when sometimes receiving hard truths from our leaders seem difficult.


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) What happens in a congregation when people don’t show respect for their leaders?

Well, for starters you'd find the size of the congregation diminishing. That's one sure sign of disrespect for the leadership of the church congregation. People will openly criticize the leadership team. "Come over for lunch. We're roasting the Pastor."

It'll also be hard to find people to volunteer for projects that need doing.

What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect?

That can spread like the plague in a congregation. They might even find the Holy Spirit leaving the building. I'm not talking about individual members losing their Salvation, but I've seen churches where it's obvious the Spirit of God can't work due to power plays and factions tearing the membership apart.

Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?

It may seem that getting rid of the leader will fix the problem, but sooner or later . . . probably sooner . . . the same disrespectful people will find fault with the new guy as well. It's difficult to pray for the disrespectful people to learn to respect anyone. Their actions are a learned behavior, often developed over many years.

Then there are actual cases I've seen where it's simply bad leadership. Or more correctly, the leadership people aren't gifted in the right areas to properly minister to the congregation. Back in the late 1980s we were without a senior pastor for over two years. We had interim pastors who did a wonderful job, but they were always going to be interim. That was their function. Of course numbers dwindled and when we eventually called a guy, the diaconate was desperate and I reckon they just called the wrong guy. He came into the church with a definite agenda. He assumed that we weren't right with God and needed Revival.He tried to preach Revival into the church from the pulpit every single Sunday for two years. Finally he quit, mid-sermon, one Sunday morning. Let me say there were more empty seats in the church by then than we'd had when we had NO senior pastor. He wasn't feeding the lambs.


when respect is not shown to the leaders people disobey the word of God , greive his Holy Spirit and lose the blessings of the Almighty. when people spread disrepect they fall under the judgement of God for the Lord says- Judge not . Also it gives room for the enemy to create strife, disunity and destroy the holy purposes of God for a church as whole.

getting rid of the leader does not solve the problem. coming into God's presence and praying for the leaders will make way for God almighty to bring the desired changed in the leaders who can be used as God's mighty instruments to make His glory known.


Q1 (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) What happens in a congregation when people don't show respect for their leaders? What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect? Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?

Ans. When the congregation shows a lack of respect for the leader it seems to pollute the church and you find many others supporting the unruly person. It causes division in the church. No, it will not fix the problem that is why Paul was suggesting that we as believers not only treat one another with love but to especially treat our leaders with love realizing that they are doing the work of God. It is not any easy task they are called to do, that is why God has called few and not all to leadership.


What happens to a congregation when people don't show respect for their leaders is, it causes disorder in the church which can eventually lead to a split.

What happens when the disrespectful spread their respect is,it sows discord and divisons among church members.

Getting rid of the leaders will not solve the problem because the problem goes deeper than the desrespect of the current leaders. Those who are being disrespectful are usually in rebellion against all authorities. They will probably continue to dis or put down whatever leaders happen to be in charge at the time.


What happens in a congregation when people don’t show respect for their leaders?

1. When people don't respect their leaders, you have disorder which could eventually lead to division.

What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect?

2. Everyone will want to be the chief. You will have division among the members of the congreation. The church will not grow.

Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?

3. No, getting rid of the leader will not fix the problem. You must be able to work together, speak well of each other and build each other up.


Q1. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) What happens in a congregation when people don't show respect for their leaders?

When people do not show respect for leaders in a congregation it creates an environment of hostility, conflict, and ineffectiveness for the Lord’s work. The church becomes unhealthy, because of discouraged people.

God has called us to “live in peace one with another” (Romans 12:18). We have to mindful of God’s view of how we are to live, and we have to be careful that we do not bring the world’s view into our thinking. This can bring disharmony and disunity within a church or congregation.

God has commanded all believers to submit to and to obey their leaders. (Hebrews 13:7, 17)

What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect?

When the disrespectful spread their disrespect it can be compared to “a little leaven leavens the whole lump” (Galatians 5:9). Their unhappy, disrespectful ways will spread through the church and can destroy, tear down, and kill the church and God’s work.

Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here?

NO!!! Getting rid of the leader will not fix the problem. There is a deeper root problem here and that is the heart. We need to example ourselves to see the reason why we are acting the way we are against the commands of God.

When we love the Lord we will do everything within our power to serve and obey Him. We have to be careful that we are not self-serving.

The Bible tells us to example ourselves, and to search our ways to see if we are in the faith.

(Lamentations 3:40, and 2 Corinthians 13:5)

Lamentations 3:40 – “Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord.” (KJV)

2 Corinthians 13:5 - “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” (KJV)

The church is supposed to build up one another, which is God’s way. Satan is liken to a thief who comes to steal, kills, and destroy. We have to example ourselves to see who we are following, God’s way or Satan’s.

John 10:10 - “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

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