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Q2. (1 Thessalonians 5:15) What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them? What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them? What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders? How do these attitudes reflect on Christ? How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

  • 1 month later...

When people in a congregation seek revenge and refuse to forgive one another, the result will be unhealthy congrgation. It als show that those who seek vengeance and fail ti forgive are not mature Christians.

God has said said we should forgive as vengeance is His. When we do not obey this, it makes him un happy with us.

The congregation that is unhealthy can be healthy again if members learn to be patient with one another especially with the weaker one, help oneanother and forgive oneanother.


When people in a congregation seek revenge and refuse to forgive one another, the result will be unhealthy congrgation. It als show that those who seek vengeance and fail ti forgive are not mature Christians.

God has said said we should forgive as vengeance is His. When we do not obey this, it makes him un happy with us.

The congregation that is unhealthy can be healthy again if members learn to be patient with one another especially with the weaker one, help oneanother and forgive oneanother.


Wanting revenge shows a lack of maturity and growth in the Lord. It causes divisions.

Lack of forgiveness, encourages anger toward the person, shown in the angry person--not open with others or himself. He becomes the brunt of all that anger. No peace.

The church becomes exclusive--a club, really. No different than the secular clubs.

Those attitudes will turn people off--that they'll reject the Lord & the Good News.

Individuals, as well as churches can find healing by repenting and turning from their evil ways. They need to confess and do what it takes to restore relationships and forgive.


Q2. (1 Thessalonians 5:15) What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them? What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them? What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders? How do these attitudes reflect on Christ? How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiviveness.

They loose a chance to mature more fully, become consumed with what should be left to God, loose their love for the Lord and brothers and sisters in Christ. They hurt themselves and others also.

It is extremely painful to be treated that way by the very ones we go to for love, comfort and companionship. Loneliness hurts. Those people are clicky and loose out again on the oppurtunities that God gives to us for out benefit and those in need.

Confess, pray and and ask forgiveness. Maybe you will get a second chance.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


1. What happens to people who seek revenege on those who hurt them? They become like that person. They become evil and unforgiven. 2. What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them? Then there hatered become like cancer eating away at their soul. They become bitter and angry. 3. What happen in a congregation that has an unlovring superior attitude toward outsiders? It began to fall apart. 4. How do these attitudes reflect on Christ? It reflect on christ because it sorrows his heart to see his children showing no love. 5. How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful proud, or unforgiving? By praying and reading their word to show forgiveness from God. They can repent and forgive themselves so that others can forgive them.


(1 Thessalonians 5:15) What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them?

Firstly, they could fall into sin, because they aren't called to pay back wrong for wrong. God says, "I will repay." I think that it hurts their witness and sets a bad example that others might follow or become involved. It disrupts the church and could keep it from it's full effectiveness.

What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them?

God tells us that we are forgiven in the same way that we forgive others.That's a sobering thought! It could create a root of bitterness that could spillout into others of the congregation, invovling them and perpetuating the unforgiveness and bad feelings. They fail to extend the same grace that they receive from Christ.

What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders?

Visitors come once and catch the attitude and do not return. I would think because of the ungodly attitude, the church would shrink and maybe fail or would be full of likeminded people, and be very ineffective in reaching people for Christ. And would have a reputation as such.

How do these attitudes reflect on Christ?

To a someone unsaved, a seeker, or a new believer, I think this would reflect very poorly; especially if this chuch was their only exposure to Christ. They might say," If this is what be a follower of Christ is about, I want no part of it."

How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving? Confess their sins to God and repent; and whenever possible, seek out people they wronged; appologize and ask for their forgiveness. I think that personal testimonies are powerful; they show where we were and where God's forgiveness and grace has brought us. This type of testimony would possibly change the perception of the church. I think that God could restore a church like this and make it a place where people would go, knowing they would receive love, grace and acceptance for the leadership and congregation.


Q2. (1 Thessalonians 5:15) What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them?

The people who "SEEK" revenge on those who hurt them ought to remember what is written, God says, "It is mine to avenge", God's wrath could fall on both of them, evil for evil.

What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them?

If we neglect to "FORGIVE" by not repaying "EVIL" for "EVIL" we also will reap the consequences of our "EVIL", God's wrath, instead of His blessings.

What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders?

I would have to say, "WOE" to them, for the Spirit cannot strive in such an attitude.

How do these attitudes reflect on Christ?

These "ATTITUDES" reflect on "YOU", that you are not a "FOLLOWER" of Him.

How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

I would hope that in this congregation there are those that "WARN" them that are unruly, that there are those that are comforting the feebleminded, supporting the weak, and being patient towards all, for this is the Spirit of God moving in the congregation and in the individual, helping them to see their wicked ways.


Q2. (1 Thessalonians 5:15) What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them? What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them? What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders? How do these attitudes reflect on Christ? How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

When we seek revenge on people who hurt us, we only end up destroying ourselves. Our thoughts are consumed with evil and we slowly succumb to darkness and Satan when we dwell on them. We lose a sense of right and wrong and will go to any lengths to get revenge. Our minds get poisoned.

When we neglect to forgive, we end up with a root of bitterness and it will start to eat at us. Again, our minds can become consumed with the wrongs done to us and we can suffer anger and depression.

Churches that have unloving and superior attitudes are often revolving door churches. People will come seeking something of God, but once met with condemnation or find they are considered less than or not quite welcome as a child of God, they will leave. The church stagnates because it never becomes the living organism that God intended it to be with those He called, saved or sent to it.

Superior attitudes don't reflect anything of Christ. He is humble, loving, accepting and helps anyone who is seeking. Truth in love. Love in truth.

Congregations can get healthy by confessing their sin of arrogance and by really truly being sorry and wanting to become better followers of Jesus. Being forgiven and walking with humble attitudes, we recognize everyone is a sinner and we all have a desire to overcome, see our sins, repent and walk together in truth. If walking in truth is the desire, then humbly, together it can be done, no matter the sin.


Q2. (1 Thessalonians 5:15) What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them? What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them? What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders? How do these attitudes reflect on Christ? How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

They lose the joy of the Lord, compromise with the old natural, and become just like the world. They inflict pain and hurt just as they received it and totally ignored the teachings of Jesus Christ. This is common among church attenders.

Those churches where an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders exists will be an isolated, ineffective, and dying church outside the will of God and Biblical teaching. Their witness to the community around them will bring dishonor upon themselves, the church, and most importantly to Jesus Christ.

People and(or) congregations can get healthy by confessing their sin to each other and then to God. Unconditionly forgiving each other and then practice Biblical principles regarding relationships. Maybe they need to invite Jesus Christ into their lives for the first real time.


What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them?

If all of us take revenge for a wrong or an imagined wrong, we will be at war with one another all the time.

We will repay each other's revenge with more revenge. Rather love one another and forgive one another, before we all wipe each outher out

What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them?

When we dont forgive we become a prisoner of hatred, and we will never be happy but always be angry. When we dont forgive, our sins can aso not be forgiven.

What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders?

One, we wi never attract new comers into the Kingdom. Further we will never show other people God's love.

3rd, Jesus said we must be humble, this is just the opposite.

God cant opperate in such a congregation because the members are focussed on themselves instead of seeking God's will

How do these attitudes reflect on Christ?

It doesnt, Christ is the opposite

How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

Prayer, changing their focus on God and seeking the Kingdom of God. Admitting they were wrong and after prayer, allowing God to sanctify them.


People who seek revenge are not matured christians, they are miserable, and selfish.


Unforgiveness is a continous hurt to the person who has an unforgiving spirit. It hurts him/her more than the person who wronged them.

outsiders usually do not return to a church whose congregation displays an unloving, and superior attitude toward outsiders, also, it shows they are inmature in respect to "agape" love.

These attitudes do not reflect CHRIST'S love.

People or congregation can recover after being vengeful, proud, or unforgiving by: REPENTING, being patient and displaying true love from their hearts.


Q2. (1 Thessalonians 5:15) What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them?

God said "Vengeance is mine"....so if there needs to be an action taken, it's God's area of responsibility, not mine. If one seeks revenge, it becomes all "about me" and how I was victimized, and self focus is not at all where the Lord wants me to be. He calls me to forgive, and to deal with the feelings which resulted from the "wound", and to pray for the one who wronged me....leaving the correction in His hands alone.

What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them?

They become "bitter instead of better"....resentment becomes hardened chunks of anger which become bitterness....toxic and poisonous to our body, soul and spirit. I was there once, and it shut me down in my relationship with the Lord, soured my outlook on life, and I was consumed with wanting the other person to suffer as his lie had made me suffer such great losses. I found that this is what my thoughts were about nearly every waking hour! Thank God for His teaching and training in righteousness....HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS! It took time, and when I learned that forgiveness doesn't mean reconciliation with the wrong doer...unless there is sincere apology and repentance on his/her part, that mine is only to forgive and release them into God's loving hands, and to seek His help in working through the results of the wrong done to me, I was set free. My relationship with the Lord was "clean" and open again. I'm thankful for that experience because of all I learned about myself, and about the Lord!!!

What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders?

This reflects a congregation which is "in-grown", like the dead sea...no out flow, no vision for the lost, no love for brothers and sisters in Christ who may not look or sound like "us". My opinion is that this kind of attitude leads to "self-devouring" and turning on one another and or the pastor.

How do these attitudes reflect on Christ?

This shames Him. It grieves Him. it reflects only the devil and our fallen nature, rather than allowing the love and light of our Jesus to shine through us.

How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

Ideally,from heeding Holy Spirit conviction, a desire to repent and restore those who've been wounded, asking for forgiveness, and walking in humility from here on out!

Interesting question, because the lie I referred to in part 2 above, was just this, and we left the church over it, as the liar was a deacon and it was ignored by leadership. We've been gone for 18 years, and the Lord has brought us back to that church. (in fearful obedience at first!) The man is still there, and runs when he sees me, though I forgave him years ago, and have no ill feelings toward him. He is guilt ridden, but that is for him to work out with the Lord. His wife hugged me and said "I'm sorry", when she saw me, though she did nothing wrong...perhaps trying to apologize for him. I doubt that he will apologize, as he still "wears" an arrogant air, but that too is between he the the Lord. I pray for him. My thankfulness for all that I learned, is gain, and far outweighs the loss we suffered, as Rom 8:28, 29 proved true again.


Q2. What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them?

A. They become angry and bitter and hateful because they are constantly focused on how to get revenge. In the end they hurting themselves by refusing to let go of the pain and get on with their life.

Q. What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them?

A. They won't enjoy real peace. The unforgiveness will eat way at them and become a root of bitterness. Th e bitterness will be like poison and toxin in their body. Most importantly if they won't forgive others, God won't forgive them.

Q. What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude toward outsiders?

A. The church will become unhealthy and will not grow because the outsiders will not come in where they are not welcomed with the love of Christ.

Q. How do these attitudes reflect on Christ?

A. It is not a very good reflection of Christ. He had a forgiving, loving, humble, servant heart who reached out to people.

Q. How can people or congregations get healthy after they have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

A. By humbling themselves before God and repenting and seeking forgiveness from God and man.


Forgiveness becomes the character of the one who is born of Christ. If they seek to take revenge on who hurt them,then they are causing great harm to themsleves and the church. Vengence is mine says the Lord. If you seek to take revenge you are disobedient and will fall under the wrath of God.

When you neglect the forgive the ones who have wronged them then you fall in the hands of the tormentor the devil. Unforgiveness is a sin and it brings a person into utter misery.

If a congregation has a superior and a unloving attitude towards outsiders then they will not please the Lord Jesus and such congregation will not grow and will not spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

These attitudes go against the attitude of Christ. He offered himself as a sacrifice and laid down his life for us. Such should be the nature of believers. I become the less among the least as St.Pauls says.

Congregations can become healthy by going back to the Lord in repentance and humility and making peace with one another.


Q2. (1 Thessalonians 5:15)

What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them?

What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them?

What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders?

How do these attitudes reflect on Christ?

How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

The greatest hurts come to us from fellow believers in the church, and not so much from the unbelieving world. Perhaps it is because we do not expect such behaviour from our fellow brothers and sisters. There is absolutely no place among Christians for retaliation or personal vengeance. The only one who has the right to retaliate is God. The proper Christian behaviour is one of forgiveness toward those who have offended them. Remembering the divine unmerited blessing and forgiveness we received from our loving Heavenly Father. If this does not occur it can severely damage the congregation. There will be no growth in love and faith. The vengeful, proud, and unforgiving people must be taught that the offense they suffered is so small compared to God’s greatness and how He has been offended. The only way is to address any problems as they arise so that the church can get back to healthy ways.


Q2. (1 Thessalonians 5:15)

What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them?

People who seek revenge on those who hurt them become unhealthy christians.

What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them?

When they neglectto forgive those who have wronged them, they loose the inheritance of blessing.

What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders?

In a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders such congregation is doomed to disintegration.

How do these attitudes reflect on Christ?

These attitudes are against Christ.

How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

People or congregation can get healthy after have been vengeful, proud or unforgiving by reepenting their unchristian acts and follow what the Lord wants us to do.


What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them?

Firstly people who seek revenge and do not forgive are not living according to the will and word of God as Jesus was very clear that his followers must be forgiving. Such people will live miserable lives always angry and burdened. They will not be blessed. When people in the church do not forgive then the congregation will be unhealthy and there will be no unity in the church.

What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them?

They will be living in sin and so will not be blessed. They will be hurting themselves and God will not forgive those who do not forgive who have wronged them. They will loose the joy of the Lord

What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders?

Such a congregation will not grow as new members will refuse to join a church with such negative ideals. We've got to get our church communities healthy if we expect to attract people to Christ and create an environment in which they can be discipled effectively

How do these attitudes reflect on Christ?

It will reflect poorly on Christ especially when new believers or people who are seeking Christ see wrong behavior in the church, they will not be attracted to be Christians.

How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

When people become humble before God and before men and confess their sins and pledge to live a life pleasing to God and dwell and meditate on his word day and night then they and the congregations can get healthy once again.


Q2. (1 Thessalonians 5:15) What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them?

Revenge has a way of consuming you. The planning and execution of revenge will occupy the majority of a person's thoughts. If Christians seek revenge they will be out of the will of God. That will become apparent in their prayer life and in everyday activities. They'll feel like God is far away, when in fact they're the ones who moved.

What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them?

God will not forgive them. It's a great feeling to come to the realization that you need to forgive someone and then do so. You canthen experience the forgiveness of God in your own life. That forgiveness can actually be felt sometimes if you've been harboring a grudge for a long time and finally surrender it to God.

What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders?

They become almost a cult. Some Christian churches actually forbid members to even speak to the unsaved! In my view they're nothing more than a cult. Folks say there aren't any Christian cults and consign that terminology to pagan religions, but it's alive and unwell in some branches of Christendom today.

How do these attitudes reflect on Christ?

Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. If we don't follow His example we're not following Him. If a church has a holier than thou attitude to the community at large, they'll notice.

How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

That could take some time. If we've been in that condition for a long time, people will expect that behavior from us and it'll take a lot to convince them we've changed for the better. If we've been unforgiving of someone or of a group of people and suddenly tell them we forgive them, who could blame them if they just don't believe us? The Holy Spirit has to soften the hearts, not only of the unforgiving, but of the ones in need of forgiveness. God has His own way and his own timing when doing things like this. If we rush ahead of Him we could make things worse.

I've seen it happen when the pastor preaches on forgiveness and people rush from person to person, forgiving them in the heat of the moment. All that "forgiveness" happening all at once is overwhelming. Sometimes the forgivee doesn't even know someone had something against him until they come up and forgive it. Seek the Lord's guidance. Forgive people in the privacy of your heart but approach with caution when confronting them.


when people seek revenge on those who hurt them it gives an open door for the enemy to kill steal and destroy God's holy presence . Also the person himself or herself becomes miserable than the one who hurt the other. God will no longer be able to fill the person with his glorious presence and the person will lose guidance and blessings from the Lord and christian life becomes ineffective. These same things hold good when people neglect to forgive others who have wronged them.

The word of God encourages us to consider others better than us. when a congregation carries a attitude of superiority and disregards others - spiritual pride enters in and thus becomes the cause to destruction and block God's plans and purposes for that congregation.

These attitudes are against the teachings of Christ.

A congregation can become healthy from unfogiveness and vengeance by true repentance and asking the Lord Jesus to cleanse and pardon by His precious Blood and never turn to commit those same mistakes. the person or church can turn healthy by praying for the once to whom revenge was shown and becoming a blessing into their lives by the grace of the Lord Jesus.


Q2. (1 Thessalonians 5:15) What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them? What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them? What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders? How do these attitudes reflect on Christ? How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving.

Ans. People who seek revenge are forgetting what the scripture says regarding and eye for eye. "Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written, It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord. Allow the Lord to be the guide of your life. When we neglect to forgive those who wronged us then we carry hatred in our heart and that is a sin and not a Fruit of the Spirit.


What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them? What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them? What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders? How do these attitudes reflect on Christ? How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

People who seek revenge on those who hurt them are unhealthy Christians. When they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them, they are not following Jesus. Jesus makes it clear that his followers must be forgiving. If you are not loving towards outsiders, they will not stay and the church will not grow. These attitudes are not Christ like. We can ask for forgiveness.


Q2. (1 Thessalonians 5:15) What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them?

First of all, the Bible tells us that we should not seek revenge on those who hurt them. “Vengeance belongs to the Lord.” (Romans 12:17-21)

Second, when people seek revenge on those who hurt them, Dr. Ralph Wilson is correct, they become miserable, selfish, vengeful wrecks, and are very unhealthy believers who are living very unhealthy lives.

What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them?

When vengeful and unhappy believers neglect to forgive those who have wronged them, they have fallen into sin. For God has called all of us to “forgive one another,” over and over again. In other words, keep short accounts. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15; 18:23-35)

God do not want us to live bitter lives. He wants us to live joyfully with Him and all mankind, and the only way to do that is to live our lives in obedience to Him and His Word.

Ephesians 4:32 - And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

Colossians 3:13 - Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders?

A Congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders will not grow. For God wants us “to esteem others as ourselves, and to go out into all of the world and preach and teach the gospel.” (Philippians 2:3 and Matthew 28:19, 20)

We will not be able to do this is we do not welcome others into the family, church, or house of God.

How do these attitudes reflect on Christ?

These attitudes reflect poorly on Christ, because He came to earth to die for the sins of the whole world, and to enable all who believe in Him to enjoy their relationship with God through Him.

Christ’s attitude on earth was one of love, and doing His Father’s will.

These people are not following in His footsteps, nor following His example for they are not showing love to anyone, for they have become lovers of themselves.

1 Peter 2:21 - “For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:”

John 3:16-21 - “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God

How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

The only way people or congregations can get healthy after having been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving is by confessing their sins to God.

I John 1:4-10 - And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and theblood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.


Q2. (1 Thessalonians 5:15) What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them? What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them? What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders? How do these attitudes reflect on Christ? How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

Revenge is not a Christian virtue. If forgiveness is not a part of the church members as a whole then the whole attitude changes into side taking which destroys a church. To become healthy again the individual church members must repent and change their outgoing to a forgiving repentent church.

  • 1 month later...

What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them?

People who seek revenge continue to increase the animosity between themselves and others. This tit for tat response will increase the hurts and they will all end up miserable


What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them?

Unforgiveness robs the people the joy and victory in living a Christian life.


What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders? How do these attitudes reflect on Christ?

The outsider will feel 'small' and may not return to the church. If they are non-believers they will be getting the wrong impression of christians and it will be difficult to win them for Christ later. This attitude surely doesn't reflect Christ as Christ has taught us to love one another and be humble.


How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving?

We can always turn back to Christ through the repentence of our sins and allow the Holy Spirit to take charge of our lives. It means that we have to spend more time reading and meditating on the Word and lead prayerful lives.

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