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Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually. Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God?

  • 1 month later...

A person can rejoice in any circumstance. Thankfulness should be a part of our prayers. I don't think we even skim the surface of how much God has given us! Our attitude must be that of joy, prayer and thankfulness. Even when we are going through horrible things, we praise God & pray IN our troubles. We need to be like the bottom of the sea in the middle of a storm--calm, quiet, at peace with God.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually. Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God?

Our God is so awesome to focus on. How can we not give thanks to him in everything. I know I am guilty also of forgetting him in the midst of the circumstances. It has become ingained in me to focus back into centering my thoughts on Him. How can we not give praise continually when we read something like Col. 1:13 "Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son. In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins." Really does it get any better that this. He is always with us to comfort and encourage though the circumstances be ever so dire or painful.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually. Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God?

I'm so thankful for this question because I just finished a book on being thankful (Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts) and a class at our church on Gratitude! We CAN rejoice and pray continually! We are blessed with so many things that we overlook everyday and if we focus on those things instead of our troubles, we begin to see God's goodness to us. We can begin to see that we can trust Him in all circumstances. That His love and blessings to us are immeasurable! Contentment grows! Joy increases!

I used what I learned through four days of illness this week and it was amazing! Even in the midst of trial and suffering, I found things to be thankful for and my mindset remained joyful!

Even in our most trying circumstances, the ones we just can't wrap our minds around and just want to say "WHY God?" we can find healing and joy. With prayer and thankfulness we can know our God is trustworthy, loving and blessing us continually! He wants us to have life in abundance and everyday He is saying in one way or another, "I love you. I'm with you." We just need to take the time in prayer before Him and look around at all He has blessed us with.


To rejoice continuosly is to turn to God in whatever situation in appreciation and thanksgiving for what he has done before and what he can do in the bad situation you may find yourself in.

Praying continuously is to focus on God all the time in good and bad situations particularly giving him thanks for what he has done and what he will do in the challenging situation.

We should not thatnk God for any evil or evil attack because God did not cause the eveil. We can on thank God in that situation because he has the power to give us victory over satan's attack. He alloud it to happen so that he will be glorified when he has given us victory and we have boosted our faith by the victory.


(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually.

I think that we can rejoice in a new day of life as a believer, and all the possibilities that this day holds for us, in Christ. To rejoice in our salvation and our right relationship with God; that God is for you and not against you. That you can partner with Him today in what He is doing in your life, your family, your work place, and every place you go. Knowing that everyone you meet is an opportunity to share His love with another. We are His hands and feet, the victory is won, and you are a part of His plan to save a dying world. That's reason to rejoice!

As Pastor Ralph said, thanksgiving is the language of faith, that reminds us how faithful God has been in our lives, even when we failed in that area. As situations arise we can praise God and thank Him for His presence and the leadership of the Holy Spirit, how His word comforts us and gives us wisdom for this days situations. We can interceed for those He places on our mind throughout the day, praising Him for all He has done, is doing and will do in the future. Thank Him that we stand on the solid ground of faith in Jesus Christ, and in His strength we will not be shaken.

Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God?

No, every circumstance is an opportunity to glorify God and for Him to build our faith. We trust in, rely upon and cling to, Him. Romans 8:28, And we know that in all things God works for the good, to those who love Him who have been called according to His purpose.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually.

For me to rejoice evermore was made possible when Christ promised he would not leave me alone, he would send the Holy Spirit to live within me and for that "I REJOICE EVERMORE".

I “REJOICE EVERMORE” because I have placed God first in my life, first over my desires, my feelings, and my urges, for in my walk with him I am continually learning of its importance.

To me "REJOICING EVERMORE" is how I am able to “PRAY CONTINUALLY", for prayer to me is giving thanks and praise to God, "HALLOW BE YOUR NAME" and not just when I am in need.

My heart "REJOICES EVERMORE" because the Father sent His “LOVE”, His Son, for I was in dire need of a savior and for that alone how can I not but just "REJOICE EVERMORE"!

Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God?

In a general since, I would have to answer "NO". The reason being I am pressing onward to the goal set before me, I am watching and waiting for His returning to catch His “REJOICING” bride, ME, away.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually. Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God?

Wow! Huge question, but a great one! For me it has come down to discovering over the years that since God loves me and is all knowing, all powerful, never changing, Sovereign in every way, anything that touches my life has come with His knowing and approval....and only if He can use it for good in my life. When I learned that "All things serve Him...the entire universe (which includes the devil and the fallen evil demons, Ps 199:91), whatever comes my way is meant to strengthen, sharpen, humble, mature, teach, train, and mold me into the image of Christ.

I shared in the previous question, an example of this very thing....being thankful in spite of evil, difficulties and pain. (The thankfulness came later, but taught me through experience that thanks can be given DURING the pain and losses, because the outcome is in God's loving hands and will ultimately be good for me and will glorify Him!

I now call those things "Ugly-beautiful", and include them in the daily journal I keep of all of the things I'm thankful for. (I read Ann Voskamp's beautiful little book "1,000 gifts" and have made that life changing concept a part of my daily life). The ugly-beautiful one's, I leave space for His glorious purpose in allowing it to come my way, and if I don't receive that insight this side of Heaven, that's ok too, because I know He loves me!

I can't think of anything which could be excluded because" Neither death for life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come , nor powers, not height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus my Lord" Rom 8:38,39. (I wish I'd been able to be in this place all those years and tears and questions ago, but am grateful for knowing it and practicing it now.)


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually. Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God?

A person can rejoice and pray continually by practicing the presence of God. A daily walk with God, as well as with anyone else, requires regular communication of all sorts in order to maintain a meaningful relationship. It is as simple and complicated as that.

There is no circumstance that we might be in the midst of that should stop us from giving thanks to God. It's not always the circumstances that we thank God for, but it's God's blessings and involvement in our lives that we are giving thanks for consistently and regularly.<p class="ipsLikeBar right clearfix" id="rep_post_80335">


My joy and the best time of my life is when I spend time with the LORD. By His grace through our Lord JESUS CHRIST He has blessed me more than I deserves. God has extended my territory. It give me great joy to thank Him at all times. I thank Him during the day and at night when I awake, I get out of bed and get on my knees and give Him thanks. I always thank Him for his grace, love, kindness, forgiving me for my sins, protecting me and my family. He has made a way out-of-no-way for me. I rejoice in Him for blessing and my household. And best of all, one day I will be in His presence :D this is joy that I can not explain. PRAISE OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WHO MADE ALL THIS POSSIBLE.

We must pray in all circumstances, good and bad. When circumstances are not going the way I would like it to go, I still pray and it brings me closer to God.


Joy is fruit of the spirit. I develop this fruit by prayer and spending time in the presence of the Lord daily. I can rejoice only and only when I abide in Christ and without Him i can do nothing. When i am deep rooted in Christ ,I know He is my All in all. I give all to him and then I will rejoice always no matter what I am going through because I know my God will not fail me or forsake me. Praying continually means I constantly commune with the Lord ,take all matters to Him and I am trusting his word and secure in his promises for me. In my prayers I can even remember and pray for people who are less fortnate than me and I rejoice and count my blessings .

NO cirmumstance should keep me from thanking God. God does not permit evil to come,but I know He can work everything for my good as I trust and obey HIM.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually.

A person can rejoice and pray continually by singing and avoiding settling mind on stressful circumstances and also by praying whenever and not to wait for any special occassion.

Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God?

There are no circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God. We should give thanks to God in all circumstances.


We can thank God even for terrible things that happen in our lives when we ponder what sinful lives we would probably be living if He hadn't interrupted our lives with that hurt or loss OR when we realize that the hurt or loss or suffering we experienced/are experiencing is what God used to open up the opportunities we now have to serve Christ. I have been led to reconsider my ideas in this area by reading about how Christians suffering in prison were led by the Spirit to share the gospel with their fellow prisoners, their guards, and even their interrogators and torturers with the result that more people became Christians, and by reading the interviews with Joni Eareckson Tada in the January and February 2012 issues of Christianity Today magazine. She said that if she had not become paralyzed in the diving accident as a teenager, she probably would be living a totally nonChristian life today, and that God had used her disability to lead her into a ministry to other disabled people.


In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually. Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God?

Everyday I must be grateful to God that I am awake and He has given me a new day to live and enjoy his creations. So my prayerful life should start first thing from when I am awake. Only God knows what He has in store for us throughout the day so we offer our days to him and trust in him to take us through his plans, and when we know that His plans are the best for us will leave us less time to worry about anything else and so we rejoice that God is in control of our lives. We have to be continually in contact with god all the time seeking his will in all we do, praying for the needs of others. Even when we do not know what the future holds for us and in our weakest moments we should keep thanking god believing that his presence is there with us all the time and that the final victory belong only to God.

There should not be any circumstances whre we should not give thanks to God.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually.

Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God?

I find myself often rejoicing in appreciation for what our Lord and Saviour has done for me on the Cross and for my Heavenly Father in His grace and mercy for electing me - before the creation of the world. All of this makes me say short quick prayers of gratitude very often during the day thanking Him for all the blessings I have received. As I grow spiritually I find myself praying more and more often. I converse with Jesus the whole day asking for His advice in any decisions I may have to make; speaking about the weather; quoting Bible verses I have memorised; remarking about the magnificent beauty He has provided in nature; asking forgiveness for sins committed or even omitted; and acknowledging His presence. All of this is done with a most thankful heart, and it brings great joy and peace into my life. I will not thank Him for any evil that occurs in my life, but I will pray that He will bring me through it.


Rejoicing in God is a very good thing. We should do it not matter what the circumstance is. Sometimes it is hard because of what the flesh go through, but we can do it when we put the flesh under subjection. We might not feel good all the time but there should not be any circumstances. But lets not forget that we are only human and in the flesh.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually.

If we stop and think for a moment we can usually find something to be thankful for. Even in trying times we can still thank God for something good that He's done, even if all we can think of is our Salvation. That alone is worthy of our praise.

Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God?

That's a difficult question to answer. It's easy to say: give thanks in all circumstances. But we're only human and when the deck is really sacked against us we lose sight of God. I'd say there shouldn't be any circumstances where we SHOULDN'T give thanks to God, but in this life there are plenty of circumstances where we dont remember to thank Him for his blessings. It's hard to feel blessed when we're really sick, have a car accident, suffer financial ruin, lose a loved one, get fired from our job, etc. Those are the times we really need God and I think we'll benefit in our faith and relationship with Him if we do find things to praise Him for in dire circumstances.

Right now as I'm typing this, I have a massive toothache! I'm trying to find in my heart things to thank God for as I pray to Him for healing.


Our focus should be the Lord Jesus and we need to spend time in His Presence. As we spend time with Him we examine ourselves in the light of his word and make an efffort to live by Christ's teachings. when we do this it becomes easy to sing songs of praise and thanksgiving and worship Him. we are filled with joy when we spend time in His presence and this gives us the strength to rejoice in Him at all times. we are able to praise God continually with songs or declaring His promises over our lives when our when we love him and give him the first place above all things and anyone.

The word of God encourages to give thanks in all circumstances and this becomes possible only when we surrender the circumstance to God and draw strength from him and then it becomes easy to thank Him fully assured that God works all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to His purposes.


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually. Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God.

Ans. Rejoicing and praying to to continually give God praise in the mist of everything. We have to learn and practice that God is life and the life we live surrounds Him so always be in worship and in communication with Him. No because in all things give thanks.


A person can rejoice and pray continually by keeping one's focus upon the Lord.

There are no circumstances in where we should not give thanks to God because He commands us to give thanks in everything. He wants us to cultivate an attitude of thankfulness whether we are having a mountaintop experience or down in the valley enduring persecution or tribulations.


In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually.

1. A person can rejoice and pray continually by praising God regardless of your circumstances. Let prayer be a part of your life daily. .

Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God?

2. No, there are no circumstances that we should not give thanks to God. Give thanks during the bad times as well as the good times


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually.

A person can rejoice and pray continually only in the Lord. For it is only our Lord who can bring true joyfulness. When I serve God with my whole heart, soul, and mind, then I will praise God for everything, because I know that He loves me and will take care of me. God alone, gives me His best, and wants only the best for me.

When I praise God daily, and pray prayers of thanksgiving to Him daily it reminds me of His goodness, grace and mercy.

Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God

NO!!! There is never a time or circumstances that we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God. God has promised that “He will never leave or nor forsake us.” (Hebrews 13:5)

We can thank God in the midst of all circumstances, because it is only in the Lord that we will find joyfulness. Holding on to His promises and His Word. Recognizing that He will work everything out to His good. (Romans 8:28)


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually.

A person can rejoice and pray continually only in the Lord. For it is only our Lord who can bring true joyfulness. When I serve God with my whole heart, soul, and mind, then I will praise God for everything, because I know that He loves me and will take care of me. God alone, gives me His best, and wants only the best for me.

When I praise God daily, and pray prayers of thanksgiving to Him daily it reminds me of His goodness, grace and mercy.

Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God

NO!!! There is never a time or circumstances that we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God. God has promised that “He will never leave or nor forsake us.” (Hebrews 13:5)

We can thank God in the midst of all circumstances, because it is only in the Lord that we will find joyfulness. Holding on to His promises and His Word. Recognizing that He will work everything out to His good. (Romans 8:28)


Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually. Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God?

I feel rejoycing in Christ's presence and being in a continual spirit of prayer on a daily basis is the answer.

  • 1 month later...

In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually.

One can rejoice continually if we focus all the blessings we have received from our God. Sometimes we get side tracked when we are focused on the problem rather than the faithfulness and generosity of our God. God has kept us from harm and blessed us with a family, friends with resources and thus have so much to be thankful.


Praying continually will be to be thankful for everything we have and trust God to help us face all the challenges and battles ahead. We communicate with God praising and thanking Him, as we make  our requests to Him. We also need to remember our loved ones. friends, people in need, our church leaders,and the nation in our prayers.


Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God?

No. I do not believe that  God makes mistakes! Not wanting to thank God is  subtley saying that God has made a mistake. We may not be in a favourable situation but God is always there with us to help us pull  through.

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