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Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin? What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution? When does a Christian’s rehabilitation take place? When does a sinner’s retribution take place? How do you balance love and justice?

  • 2 months later...

Would God be just if he did not punish sin?

In justice there are two sides. One is the reward side and the other is the punishment side. If God rewards the good people, then He must punish the bad people. Sin is not just bad, but sin is rebellion against God and it has to be paid for, as God does in justice. God would not be just, if He did not punish sin.

What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution?

-Rehabilitation - is the work of trying to change a person's outlook on life and the individual's character.

-Retribution - is the act of paying back for something done that was wrong.

When does a Christian's rehabilitation take place?

A Christian's rehabilitation takes place over time. It starts when a person is born again with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Then throughout a Christian's life the Holy Spirit is like a "sculptor chiseling off pieces of rock" to make the complete image. Of course with people, our "baggage" is dropped off and we begin to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit.

When does a sinner's retribution take place?

A sinner's retribution can start in this life, but will largely take place after they die, being separated from God fro eternity. It is the sinner's soul that will die in the "lake of fire".

How do you balance love and justice?

We first have to remember that God is just in everything He says or does. Justice is making things right - eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But can cover over all bad things with mercy. It is like a person who accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior and then departs, cursing God and all He stands for. God's love is enduring but it does have an end point. I try to look at a person through the lens of love, but if the offense is too bad, justice will come with mercy.


No, he would not be just.

Rehabilitation is the changing of someone's mind to help them to correct behavior. I think of a tire that is a retread. In my experience, years ago, the retread did not last as long as a new tire. Some of those who have been in rehabilitation go back to their prior life.

Retribution is to pay back--or repay.

A Christian's rehabilitation takes place at the time of salvation--when we are "born again"--reborn.. We are then being sanctified for the rest of our lives!

The sinner's retribution takes place after he dies, being without Jesus eternally.

God does it perfectly. Love the person, hate the sin, punish the sin (unless the person repents and asks forgiveness of God (a believer) )


Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin? What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution? When does a Christian's rehabilitation take place? When does a sinner's retribution take place? How do you balance love and justice?

No I do not believe not punishing sin would be just. Man's sin is a cancer that is spreading and causing untold grief , pain, and death. The quilty must pay. In the case of the believer we have a Savior named Jesus Christ who paid the price for us on the cross. Those who reject Christ will have to pay themselves.

Rehabilitation is changing a persons behavior so that they can live in society.

Retribution is paying back for wrongs committed.

A Christian's rehabilitation starts when he accepts Christ's sacrificial death on the cross for his sins and the Holy Spirit begins a good work in him.

A sinners retribution takes place the moment he enters into eternity apart from Christ.

For those who would Christ paid the cost or price for them on the cross not willing that any should suffer eternal punishment. That is love and justice. I love the verses "God does no wrong" and "He loves justice". God is love so the two, love and justice are the same when it is from God. Since we are sinners and in us lies no good thing apart from the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers we leave vengeance to God who loves us and gave His life for us that we might live for ever with Him because He rose from the dead as will we.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin?

Without God's judgment of sin there would be no need for God's Mercy.

What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution?

Retribution does not mean "VINDICTIVENESS."

RETRIBUTION is the deserved penalty for justice; HOWEVER, it can also be a learning tool, as "RESTRIBUTION" can be a means of correcting wrongdoing, therefore bringing "REHABILITATION."

God prefers for us "REHABILITATION" over "RETRIBUTION."

When does a Christian's rehabilitation take place?

REHABILiTATION takes place when we place our "FAITH" at the foot of the "CROSS," - However, we are to continue walking in that of rehabilitation, for "FAITH" without action, obedience is no faith at all.

How do you balance love and justice?

God has shown us how to balance love and justice; it is seen in our obedience to following God's laws, for they light our path unto that of “RIGHTEOUSNESS,” and is the antidote to “RETRIBUTION.”


Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin?

No, He would not be just. Thank God He punished sin once and for all on the Cross when Jesus suffered and died for the sins of everyone on earth. For God to punish a believer would be double jeopardy, and He doesn't do that. However those who refuse to accept Jesus as their sacrifice for sins, will face eternity in hell....but that is their choice by ignoring God's grace... a consequence of choice, and indeed an unspeakable punishment. For there not to be justice, would mean there had been no real choice and we do have the gift of free will.

What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution?

Rehabilitation is to restore to a former capacity or reputation.

Retribution is punishment...that given or exacted in recompense.

The difference is that rehabilitation is restorative, while retribution is punitive.

When does a Christian’s rehabilitation take place?

At the moment one receives Jesus as Lord and Savior, and His cleansing blood washes the sins, guilt and shame away. We grow in grace until we "see Him face to face on that day", but from the moment of salvation we are righteous in His sight.

When does a sinner’s retribution take place?

At the judgment seat of Christ, when one shows up without Christ's robe of righteousness to cover sin.

How do you balance love and justice?

I think only God is capable of balancing the two. They are two aspects of Who He is...Justice can be "merited reward" or punishment. Sometimes in His dealings, He metes out justice for one who has been wronged, and punishment for the unbelieving one who committed the offense.


God is just, He punish sins. He is just to forgive us of all our sins. 1 John 1:9

Retribution is payback, for wrong, punishment for offenses.

Rehabilitation is to change the habits of a person, to become a better person.

A christian rehabilitation take place when he/she gives their life to the Lord, and it is a continous, life long process.

A sinner retribution take place (if he does not repent and invites the Lord into his life) after death.

The Lord holds LOVE and JUSTIC in His hand. Love for righteousness and Justic for wrong.


Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin? What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution? When does a Christian’s rehabilitation take place? When does a sinner’s retribution take place? How do you balance love and justice?

God is God. Who am I to say that God is unjust if he doesn't punish sin. However, God says he is just and will reward/judge everyone according their deeds. I trust him.

Rehabilitation seeks to reform to correct charactor flaws that have resulted in crime (of some kind),against society. Whereas retribution to about appropriate payback for a crime against someone else.

The Christian's rehabilitation takes place during the sanctification process after acknowleging/accepting Jesus Christ as savior and lord and entrance of the Holy Spirit into the believer's life.

The consequences of sin in a person's are lived out regularly. However, ultimately the sinner's retribution will take place at the Great White Throne Judgment at the end of this age.

I think love and justice are the same. Sin is the odd man out. The consequences of sin requires justice in the name of love and what is right.


Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin? What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution? When does a Christian’s rehabilitation take place? When does a sinner’s retribution take place? How do you balance love and justice?

No, God would not be just if He did not punish sin.

For believers, Jesus paid for our sins. God was just in that.

For unbelievers, they themselves will be punished for their sins. God is just in that also.

Nowhere does sin go unpunished.

Rehabilitation is to restore to good repute. To reestablish a good name.

Retribution is dispensing or receiving punishment.

A Christians rehabilitation takes place when He becomes a believer. When a Christian accepts the death of Christ as the retribution for His sins, then rehabilitation begins to occur in the heart of the believer.

A sinners retribution will come at the end before the Throne of God where they will be judged guilty of their sins and found not covered by the blood of Jesus because they rejected Him and the power of His blood as the Paschal Lamb. Their name will not be found in the Lamb's book of life.

I think I can balance TRUTH and love....but the only way love and JUSTICE can be served are by giving it over to God. Vengeance belongs to only One....God. We shouldn't dispense justice or punishment. Sometimes, we are called to take action to RESTORE, but not to condemn. We can confront with truth, but we should always continue to love even when we think we are wronged. It's hard, but it's the way.


(2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin?

No. According to God's word, sin requires punishment; and God is just.

What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution?

Without looking it up; rehabilitation is training someone to take a different path than they are currently on; show them the errors of their ways. Retribution, is getting back at someone for something they did to you, that you didn't like. Doing unto them as they did to you.

When does a Christian’s rehabilitation take place?

As believers, it takes place as we submit to the refiners fire, (the Lordship of Jesus Christ) and He begins the process of sanctification in our lives. This process continues until we go home to be with Him.

When does a sinner’s retribution take place?

At the great white throne of God, where the judgement of the world takes place.

How do you balance love and justice?

Not very well. But I believe that I am called to love God with all my heart, soul, strength and mind; and to love my neighbor as myself. And to leave all matters of justice to God. Much work to be done here!


Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7)

Would God be just if he did not punish sin?

What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution?

When does a Christian's rehabilitation take place?

When does a sinner's retribution take place?

How do you balance love and justice?

A holy God cannot leave sin unjudged; He acts with complete justice when He punishes sinners. It can be very upsetting when we see the wicked flourishing and the righteous suffering. He will allow the wicked to prosper, but this will only be temporarily, and eventually His just judgment will fall on them. At the same time, He allows believers to suffer, thereby developing and strengthening their faith - qualifying them for His kingdom. Retribution is punishment for wrongs committed. Unlike us, God’s retribution is not selfish and hostile. Only He who is perfectly holy and just can render perfect judgment. Rehabilitation is trying to restore a person back into society as a useful member. Christian rehabilitation takes place when we confess and turn away from our sins – fellowship is restored with our Heavenly Father. Sinner’s retribution takes place when our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ returns. As sinners it will be most difficult for us to balance love and justice properly. This can only be done through the Holy Spirit.


God is a God of love. Yet he judges us and punishes us just like our earthly fathers. He is just while punishing our sins.He forgives sinners but we have to face the consequences of rebelling against God by sinning.

Rehabilitation is change of nature or character in a person when the old is gone and new ways are adopted.While retribution is paying back or getting paid back for the wrongs.

A Christian's rehabilitation takes place the moment he turns around and confesses his sin and accepts Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

Ths sinner's retribution will take place when Christ comes or on the Day of Judgement.

To balance love and justice requires only the strength of God and the power of the Spirit of God in us. To love is a command and a fruit of the Spirit and God is the one who gives justice.


God will not be just if he did not punish sin.

Retribution is God's righteous justice metted to sinners and I think this will take place on the day of judmentment


Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7)

Would God be just if he did not punish sin?

God would not be just if he did not punish sin.

What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution?

Rehabilitation is the process aimed to change the character of the wrong doer so that he/she can leave the wrong-doing character. Retribution is paying back for the wrong one has done.

When does a Christian's rehabilitation take place?

Chiristian's rehabilitation takes place when he/she repents.

When does a sinner's retribution take place?

Sinner's retribution will take place on the day of the Lord whe He comes to announce His judgment to the world.

How do you balance love and justice?

You can balance love and justice by showing true love to people around you while at the same time not closing eyes on the wrongs they might do; you have to point them outright.


No, god would not be just if he did not punish sin. God has promised justice and he always lives up to his words.

Rehabilitaion: A process in which one is restored to the original form or position.

Retribution: Justly giving back what is deserved for wrong done.

A Christian’s rehabilitation takes place when he acknowledges Christ as his saviour, repents and choses to live a life pleasing to Christ. A sinner’s retribution takes place on the judgement day.

I am commanded by God to love everyone so I have to love others in any condition at the same time I must not close my eyes to the wrong people do which is not pleasing to God. Although it is very difficult I have to speak to the once who wrong about god’s just love. This can me done only by the grace of God and with much prayer and with the power of the Holy spirit


Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin?

No. We have to understand that God is holy. That's an extremely difficult concept, holiness. I'm talking about complete absolute holiness, with no tolerance for anything evil or unclean. As bad as the world is due to the sin in it, try to imagine the chaos we'd experience if the world had been created by some being who WASN'T holy, who didn't care about perfection, who thought near enough was good enough . . . and more frightening still . . . wasn't a being who could love.

God loves His creation. But He's holy and can't tolerate sin. So He firstly gave laws for people to obey to give them a semblance of righteousness. But that was always going to be a stop gap. God always had in mind to pay the penalty for sin Himself, in the form of His Son, who is, in a way we simply can't fathom, God Himself. John:3.16 says that God loved the world so much that He gave His Son. That's the supreme act of Love.

God has a timetable. He could click His fingers and make everything perfect but that's not His way. He has chosen to conquer every enemy He Himself created. That all stems from His holy nature. We can't understand it but God must be seen to be right when everything else is wrong. Therefore He must punish sin. But because He loves every one of us He has provided, by the death and resurrection of Jesus, a way for us to avoid the punishment due us if we believe in Jesus as God's Son and share in His baptism by becoming brothers to Jesus Himself in God's eyes. Even then, He still subjects us, His children, to Godly discipline to bring about in us our sanctification.

A long winded answer, but that's the way to understand this.

What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution?

Rehabilitation is a way of changing bad people into good people. It's a worldly concept, but a noble one. To rehabilitate someone is to make them see the error of their ways and to change their behavior to conform with what society accepts as proper.

Retribution is punishment for wrong doing, in accordance with the severity of the offense.

When does a Christian’s rehabilitation take place?

Once we accept Christ's substitutionary sacrifice on our behalf and allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in us, our rehabilitation starts. It's a sanctification process. We're righteous in God's view when we become Christians, but also in God's view there's room for improvement as we continue to live out our lives in the world

When does a sinner’s retribution take place?

Sometimes God chooses to exact retribution in this life; sometimes He apparently does nothing to sinful evil people in this life, but come judgement day . . . That's when they get everything they deserve.

How do you balance love and justice?

We're told to hate sin but to love the sinner. We're told to hate their very clothes, stained as they are with their sins. But we should still love sinners and try to bring them to Christ. It's not up to us to condemn. That's extremely difficult to do, in light of what some people have done to us. It's next to impossible to love a person or persons who have grieviously wronged us. Our human nature cries out for revenge and we may even mis-quote the Bible and ask God to get them back for us. God has said He will punish every wickedness but it isn't up to us to point that out to Him.


The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Our God is a God of justice and he is true to His word. As our loving heavenly Father is compassionate and kind , in the same way He is a God justice and just in His ways. It is not that God is just or unjust but our good God is a God who keeps to his word and rewards each man according to his conduct. The word of God tells us in Jeremiah 17:10- I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve.

Rehabilitation is enabling a person to recover from wrong ways and restore back to a rightful place imbibing in the person the right values and right character.

retribution is paying back for the wrong done with no mercy.

A christian's rehabilitation takes place at the feet of Christ. when a christian repents from all sinful ways and accepts the ways Jesus the Saviour , the Lord restores back the person into his fullness and abundant life.

Sinner's retribution will take place at the judgement day.

we are called to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit and one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit is love. In love we are able to pray for others and we can win others to Christ by getting filled with his love and then sharing the same love to others in their point of need. However we need to in love correct others from their wrong ways basing ourselves on the word of God. God is just and true and so his Word. With love in our hearts we need to also gently make known the justice of God and his ways to turn a sinner to follow God's ways.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6‐7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin?

No, God would not be just if he did not punish sin for He is Holy. His justice and judgment is righteous and fair.

What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution?

The difference between rehabilitation and retribution is that rehabilitation is treatment, therapy, or cure. Retribution is reckoning, repay, or payback.

When does a Christian’s rehabilitation take place?

A Christian’s rehabilitation takes place after they have accepted Christ as their Savior. It is at that point that a cure for their sin has been made. The wrath of God and price for sin has been paid by Christ.

When does a sinner’s retribution take place?

At the moment of salvation a sinner’s retribution take place, because Christ has reckoned or payback the price for our sin.

Romans 6:10-12 - For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. 11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

How do you balance love and justice?

Love and justice is balanced through God. It is He who brings righteous vengeance or righteous judgment against the wicked.

It is only God who is able to balance love and justice.


Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin? What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution? When does a Christian’s rehabilitation take place? When does a sinner’s retribution take place? How do you balance love and justice?

no. Rehabilitation is a chance to grow for the better with forgiveness and love. Retalitation is done out of anger and unforgiveness. When forgiveness through Christ a Christian learns a better way. and this is when forgiveness takes place. Love and justice=Jesus

  • 1 month later...

Would God be just if he did not punish sin?

For God the Almighty is all knowing. Our God is a just God. Although we have been taught that all sins will be punished, it still God's Judgment. His decisions whether to punish or not will be just. He is a God of Mercy and  full of compassion for  He did not punish us for our sins but instead gave up His only begotten Son as a ransom to to redeem us of our sins.


What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution?

Rehabilitation refers to any action to help the wrong doer realise his mistakes and make amends to change his life to be a better person. The main focus is to help the person overcome his or her weaknesses and turn over a new leaf


Retribution on the other hand is to pay back a person's wrong doing. It is based on the 'eye for eye' principle. If someone has sinned or done wrong it is only fair that he is made to pay back or compensate. Retribution is being legalistic


When does a Christian’s rehabilitation take place?

A Christian's rehabilitation takes place when he realises his mistakes and sins and repents and allows the Holy Spirit to minister unto him and be a transformed person.

When does a sinner’s retribution take place?

A sinner's retribution takes place once he dies and faces the Judgment Day. But the bible also says the "he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation." (Exodus 34:6-7). Thus this retribution can also happen on earth


How do you balance love and justice?

Paul has outlined some guidelines to help us balance love and justice. That is being slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness just as Jesus as commanded us to do.

  • 2 weeks later...

God would not be just if he did not punish sin. The difference between rehabilitation and retributions is that rehabilitation is trying to bring people back in to society as a useful member but retributions is making the person pay for the mistake that he made.


A Christian’s rehabilitation takes place when they accept Jesus Christ as their savior and repent of their sins same as sinners when they repent.


I think that forgiveness is one way to balance love and justice. I think that you should forgive the person but punish him for their crime.



  • 1 month later...

Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin? What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution? When does a Christian’s rehabilitation take place? When does a sinner’s retribution take place? How do you balance love and justice?       


God has to punish sin. He is holy and just in all He does. Wrongdoing brings correction from a just Father. Our rehabilitation first took place by repentance of sin and receiving Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and learning to walk in the Spirit. Our rehabilitation is a life long process that continually changes us in becoming more Christ like with each day. Retribution on the other hand is paying back someone for wrongdoing. Retribution for a sinner is eternal damnation. God is just!! We can balance love and justice by walking in the Spirit of Christ towards others and leaving the balance of justice in God's hands.

  • 1 year later...

Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin? What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution? When does a Christian’s rehabilitation take place? When does a sinner’s retribution take place? How do you balance love and justice? 

God is a God of justice--He is a just God. Thus we are able to leave justice to God, whether it be justice, vengeance or forgiveness.

Punishment is to chastise and hope that their action will improve. Rehabilitation occurs when specific programs are put in place to attempt to ensure that the one being punished does not offend again.

Our rehabilitation begins at our justification and continues on into our sanctification and is not complete until we are with Christ.

Love and justice are God's. God is able to balance for he is just.

a sinners rehabilitation begins at the bequest of God.

  • 6 months later...

God needs to punish for sin. To not punish sin, God would be unjust and unfair. Retribution is a repayment for a wrongful act. People can give money to someone to repay them for a wrong that was done to them. Rehabilitation is the act of teaching someone a new way of living. It is a serious of lessons and guides to help them improve the way they live on a daily basis. A sinner will have to pay for his sins when he is judged by Jesus on the very last day. This is when the great judgment will take place.


There is a very fine line with love and justice. A person needs to set limits for others. There has to be consequences for wrong activities but these need to be handed down in a very loving way. It needs to be fair; the punishment must fit the crime. You cannot take out more than is right from a person.

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