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Q2. Rehabilitation vs. Retribution

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Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin? What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution? When does a Christian’s rehabilitation take place? When does a sinner’s retribution take place? How do you balance love and justice?

God would not be just if he did not punish sin, it is disobedience to him.

Rehabilitation is the changing of one's character and moral values. Retribution is paying back for the wrongs one has committed.

A Christian's rehabilitation takes place when they accept the Lord Jesus as their savior for the forgiveness of their sins.

A Christian's retribution takes place when they accept Jesus as their savior and the payment he has made for their sins. This suffering and death God the Father accepts as full payment for their sins.

As Christian's we ourselves can not balance love and justice. Love has never balanced justice. We are to love God and our neighbors. God administers the justice that was and is needed for the disobedience to him and our neighbors and fellow man. 

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  • 1 year later...

Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin? God is just. He pays back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to everyone else. His judgment is a righteous thing, requirements justice, right, fair, equitable…..

What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution? Rehabilitation is a judicial response while Retribution is personal.

Rehabilitation – Highest goal of prison, hash punishment. It is a judicial response; gross offence. It is for governmental authorities while retribution is of God; punishment by God.

Retribution is an inferior motive. God’s purpose for justice on his day; payback, repay, recompense. God pays back in kind. It is personal.

When does a Christian's rehabilitation take place? Rehabilitation takes place after a gross misconduct.

When does a sinner's retribution take place? When we leave it to God to punish on our behalf….

How do you balance love and justice?

God exacts retribute. Governmental Authorities exacts rehabilitation by individuals.

To exact retribution, repay, payback to those who trouble or afflict you. Punishment inflicted in retaliation for an injury or offense, excessive retribution. Retribution is paying back to people what they deserve.

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  • 4 years later...

Q2. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7) Would God be just if he did not punish sin? What is the difference between rehabilitation and retribution? When does a Christian’s rehabilitation take place? When does a sinner’s retribution take place? How do you balance love and justice?

No God would not be just if he did not punish sin. It would mean it is a free for all, and what does it matter how you live or what you do, because there is no consequences. 

Rehabilitation would take person and change their action and behaviour, and hopefully keep them from doing what they did wrong in the past, but retribution would mean, you got revenge and the person was punished or hurt, having more negative impact . The person that suffered retribution could then continue to hate , or would think of his own revenge again, and I think in a small percentage of cases they may regret what they did and refrain from doing it again.

Christian rehabilitation takes place when you accept Jesus as you Saviour and regret your wrongs in the past, repenting and then starting the rehabilitation process, and I think it is a life long process. A sinners retribution takes place when he faces the law, and ultimately if he does not repent, the wrath of God.

Justice is retribution in a fair and right way, and it is giving someone what he deserves and no more. This is also given in love for that person firstly to make them stop doing the wrong things and hopefully rehabilitate them, if it is not to late, but it is also given to protect those that we love , and God loves, from the injustice done to them by others.

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  • 1 year later...

God wouldn't be just if sins were left unpunished.  The Prophet Ezekiel had profound visions of God's holiness!  He emphatically preached that God is truly just in all His ways.   People during Ezekiel's ministry were complianing that God is not just.    They wanted their secret sins, and idol worship.   The purpose of the various punishments as described in Prophet Ezekiel's visions and sermons was to bring forth true repentence from the people.  Ezekiel has the threefold affirmation of God in Ezekiel 24; God is truly Jealous and desires that people forsake that which will bring spiritual death.

We are rehabilitated as we walk on the road of Holiness day by day.   We go from glory to glory as we study the HOLY BIBLE, partake of the Holy Sacraments and do works of mercy. The sinners' retribution will occur in the future.  There will be a day when the Lord is to render vengeance to the ungodly, that is to be the day when God is to glorified in His saints in Christ.  The assembled universe will marvel at the infinite love who has called a people out of darkness and stamped His own glorious image.

Christ is King and Judge as well as Friend and Saviour.  During His earthly ministry; He did not excercise His office of Judge.   Jesus Christ cannot endure eternal injustice. Our Saviour is strong to execute judgement in accordance with the Holy Bible.  Only the pure in heart can see God.  

Edited by Jonathan Edwards
Had to complete my assignment
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  • 5 months later...

God would not be just if He did not punish sin AND reward righteousness. The problem is that His punishment is often forwarded to after death, so that His justice is not seen on earth. Evil men/women do prosper and righteous people are martyred. That's just a fact. And it's a difficult fact, at least for me, to live in a world that is fundamentally unjust, even though I know in the end it will all be sorted out. I have to believe in His justice even though I don't see it.

God's justice is not "inflicted" on me because I'm saved. I have taken Christ's righteousness as my own even though this is unjust -- it is NOT just that Christ died for my sins. It's a travesty, in fact. But because this happened, I'm just before God. 

Sanctification is the process of rehabilitation. It has nothing to do with justice and is lifelong.

Balancing love and justice ... I don't know how to answer this. Do Christians have to figure this out? Perhaps we just love and leave justice to God. The older I get, the less I seem to understand about the biggest issues/question in faith, such as love and justice. I'm learning to let it go.

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