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Q4. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) How might you describe Christ’s glory? How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers? If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory? In what ways is the phrase “outer darkness” a helpful description of hell?

  • 2 months later...

How might you describe Christ's glory?

Brilliant light - the gospel writers tried to explain it when Jesus was transfigured, but I do not think they got it completely right, as human language cannot fully explain it.

How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers?

Being sinless, Adam and Eve could have fellowship with God literally. But man is sinful even as it was written of Moses - when God passed by Moses, He put His hand over Moses and even at that Moses head glowed for a while. God's glory is pure and cannot be in the same place as sin. That is why we have Jesus as our mediator, like a transparent shield, so that the Father can see us through Jesus.

If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory?

I like to compare it to warmth. Being with God and His glory, we are warm and comfortable, but without this glory, the unbeliever is cold like the coldness of outer space.

In what ways is the phrase "outer darkness" a helpful description of hell?

Being that hell is not a literal fire, "outer darkness" describes it well. It is the place of absolutely no light! I was once in the Oregon Caves and they turned the light off to show us complete darkness. It was terrible, I couldn't keep my balance - I didn't know up or down or sideways. Without some light, things can be really bad!


God's glory--blazing fire--light.

It means destruction--separation from God eternally.

It would be awful--cold--lonely--miserable--no hope.

Some people want to go to hell because their friends will be there. In outer darkness they will not be able to see each other. No light is a torment--eternally.


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) How might you describe Christ's glory?

Christ's glory was revealed to the world when in his obedience to the Father, he chose to leave his place of Glory to come as "Son of Man."

Christ came to redeem men from sin so that they would (v8) "OBEY THE GOSPEL" of the Lord Jesus the Messiah, therefore they would reveal His glory and His power that teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, to live soberly, righteously, and godly while in this world; worthy of this calling as we look for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Savior, Jesus the Messiah, to purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous to do good works by illuminating what the power of Christ's glory can do in the heart of man. (1Tit 2:11-14)

This to me is "CHRISTS GLORY."

How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers?

It should be terrifying to all people.

If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory?

It would be like hell


He will return with His Heavenly Host, His glory will be our joy to meet Him in the air.

The unbelievers will run and hide among rocks and in caves, asking the rocks to fall on them to get away from JESUS' presence. FEAR-FEAR.

To be excluded forever from His glory is eternal punishment.

"outer darkness" describes hell as a lonely, dark cold place and eternal separation from the Lord.


Christ the Son of God's glory is awesome and majestic. When the glory of Christ falls it would be something marvellous which cannot be explained in human words.

It will certainly be terrifying to the unbelievers because they might not be able to withstand the blazing fire of Christ.

Excluding from this glory is just eternal fire of hell and total darkness .

Outer darkness is you are out into permanent darkness and you cannot enter anymore into the glorious light of Jesus Christ. You are OUT in the DARK and cannot be IN the LIGHT.


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) How might you describe Christ’s glory? How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers? If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory? In what ways is the phrase “outer darkness” a helpful description of hell?

I don't think I can describe God's glory! Words come like indescribable, awesome, overwhelming, magnificent majesty, but I don't think there are earthly words to describe God's glory!

This glory will be terrifying to unbelievers because it will be such an overwhelming truth of God's majesty and sovereignty, unbelievers will know instantly all they scoffed at was true and they will try to hide from the punishment they know will be coming. No longer will they be deceived, but it will be too late for them.

To be excluded from God's glory would be torment! It would be like crying out for the one thing you need the most, and knowing it will never be yours. That the chance you had to have it was given, but you refused it and now it's too late. It's gone forever. It would be complete anguish!

Outer darkness describes hell because unbelievers are outside the city of light. The new Jerusalem will be lit by God Himself and we, as believers, will be living in His light. Outside the gates will be those who chose darkness (sin) here on Earth and they won't have any part in the light of Heaven either. They chose darkness and will live in darkness for eternity.


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) How might you describe Christ’s glory?

"The city has no need of the sun nor the moon to give light to it; for the splendor and radiance, (glory), of God illuminate it, and the lamb is its lamp." (Rev 21:23) I think of His glory like lightning streaking across the black sky....all power and majesty and brilliance, and radiance, almost blinding to human eyes. Comparing it to the brightest form of light we see, would be like comparing the difference between lightning and a lightning bug, as Mark Twain once said. (although he was talking about something else, but I've always liked that)

How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers?

The Apostle John, who knew and loved Jesus and walked with Him while He was on earth, "fell at His feet as if dead" when He saw Jesus in all His glory on the Isle of Patmos.(Rev 1:17) I can only imagine what an unbeliever will do, other than faint or have a heart attack from sheer terror!

If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory?

It would be sheer torment and hell! The worst kind of self imposed punishment, because one is there by choice!

In what ways is the phrase “outer darkness” a helpful description of hell?

Outer darkness, is shut away from all source of Light. Every kind of evil, and the source of all Evil will reign there in that utter blackness, with no escape and no hope of ever being released. It makes me shudder to think of it!


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 1:9)

How might you describe Christ's glory?

How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers?

If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory?

In what ways is the phrase "outer darkness" a helpful description of hell?

Christ’s glory refers to His divine majesty, greatness, shining moral brightness, and splendour. He revealed this divine glory while here on earth but it was partially hidden by His human flesh. A glimpse of His glory was shown at the transfiguration when, “There He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light” (Matthew 17:2). As the Son of God, He has a special glory and an unrivaled, unparalleled, and unrepeatable place of honour. For unbelievers His glory will be terrifying. When Jesus returns all will be exposed by the sheer glory of Christ and there will be no place to hide. Separation from the Lord's presence and glory is the ultimate punishment. For unbelievers it will be an eternity of darkness - well described as “outer darkness” meaning absolute total eternal darkness, and total eternal separation. In contrast, when we receive our resuurection bodies, we will be like Him and reflect His brightness; His glory will be seen shining in us.


(2 Thessalonians 1:9) How might you describe Christ’s glory?

As a man, I don't have an answer for that question. How do you decribe something you can't completely understand; how can the created describe the creator?

How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers?

John 10:14 I am the good sheppard; i know my sheep and my sheep know me

Because He will be so visually spectacular they won't be able to stand before Him; combined with not knowing Him or being known; they will sense His impending judgement on them; a terrifying experience beyond description.

If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory?

To know that what you thought was a lie is true, a tremendous sense of loss, realization of having missed out on one of the greatest event the world has ever known... self loathing, anger, fear, darkness, dread, despair, lonliness...

In what ways is the phrase “outer darkness” a helpful description of hell?

It implies that there is an inner light, another place that is the opposite of where you are now; but you are not there and can never get there.


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) How might you describe Christ’s glory? How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers? If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory? In what ways is the phrase “outer darkness” a helpful description of hell?

I would describe Christ's glory as an overwhelming powerfull brillance that overwhelms everything else and will be terrifying those who don't know him and are not prepared for the second advent of the Christ.

To be excluded forever from the glory of God would seem to mean to exist in spiritual and physical darkness. An outer darkness apart from God and the all the blessings and life that go with Him is beyond my imagination.


Christ glory can be described as his illuminated dazzling splendour.

To the unbelievers, the dazzling splemour will be like the welding arc that blinds the eye and thus turns them away.

Heanven defintely involves sharing in the glory of the Lord because the bible says we will be like him. Thus I hope to share in that glory even right from here on earth like Moses' face used to shine when stayed in the presence of God.

Since Christ and his glory will not be in hell thus it is correct to describe hell as "outer darkness". The Bible further said in heaven there wont be sun and moon to provide the lights of the day and night because the glory of God will illuminate every where (except hell ofcourse).


When Christ comes, he will come with a light and glory of such intensity than sinners cannot look upon him or stand before him. It will be like trying to look directly into a huge, blinding arc-light.

People who are in sin and unbelivers will not be able to stand before this glory.

To be excluded from God’s glory will be a terrible state, eternal suffering and fire’s of hell.

Outer darkness would be a place without light and terribly lonely.


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 1:9)

How might you describe Christ's glory?

Christ's glory is a condition of extra brilliance, shineness, brightness.

How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers?

His glory will be terrifying to unbeleivers as they will not be able to look at Him as his brightness will be blinding for them.

If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory?

It will be terrifying to see excluded from Jesus forever and also from the relatives who are with Him.

In what ways is the phrase "outer darkness" a helpful description of hell?

It is just the opposite of "glory"; no light; that is how hell is.


Christ's glory can be described to bright shining sun. As we are not able to see directly at the sun because of its brilliance and heat with our eyes in the same way Christ's glory is so bright and shining we are not able to withstand it.

Christ's glory will only create fear in sinners and there is boldness and courage left to gaze at his glory.

It is unimaginable to be excluded from God's glory and it only brings thoughts of sorrow, fear , sadness and helplessness.

Outer darkness would be a place of seperation. A place of no hope, groping in dark forever.


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) How might you describe Christ’s glory?

Well for starters, it's going to be far more than just bright light. I reckon it'll saturate everything. God made the world and everything in it and I think when the time comes for Christ to return He'll not only be blazingly bright, but his glory will permeate everything and everyone. That, to the believers will be magnificent. To the rest of mankind . . . unimaginably overwhelmingly horrific.

How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers?

Christ's glory is partly due to His holiness. When He comes and His glory goes out to the whole world, the Christians will rejoice and in fact be transformed in the blink of an eye into Heavenly bodies and meet Jesus in the air. That same glory that will be the ultimate experience for believers will, because I believe it will also permeate unbelievers and at the same time convict and condemn them, be the worst imaginable experience for them. That lines up with the prophecies mentioned in our study. They will indeed seek refuge in the ground, the rocks, and the caves . . . anywhere to escape the terrifying light of God's presence and it's accompanying wrath.

If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory?

Utterly miserable. Probably those in that situation will never be able to stop thinking about what they've missed out on. And don't think things outside God's presence will continue like they do these days on earth. Even in it's fallen state the world is still blessed by God's presence and sovereign rule. Once that is withdrawn all that will be left is devastation. There'll be the New Jerusalem with God and Jesus there giving light and glory to all. Then there'll be the outer darkness, bereft of God's presence.

In what ways is the phrase “outer darkness” a helpful description of hell?

It's hard these days to picture hell. We see so many movies, cartoons, etc, where Satan is on the throne ruling with an iron fist and torturing sinners day an night. That isn't the case. Right now Satan has power and rules his demons and has significant control over world events. That's temporary. In the final judgement God will strip him of every last vestige of power and prestige. Satan will in fact be tortured more than any sinner. God will punish Satan worse than anyone else. He'll be forever in the fire that cannot be quenched. Is the outer darkness hell, or is hell reserved for Satan and his demons and the anti-christ? Is the outer darkness where the condemned will exist for eternity outside God's presence in gloom and eternal despair? The Bible has that much prophecy concerning hell and the condition of sinners after death that it's a bit confusing.

Thankfully we may never know for sure. God will wipe away every tear in Heaven and we simply won't care. If He didn't do that we'd be forever lamenting the loss of unsaved loved ones from this life.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) How might you describe Christ’s glory?

Christ’s glory is His majesty, splendor, which will be awesome and breathtaking.

How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers?

God’s glory will be terrifying to unbelievers because Christ’s light and glory will be of such intensity that sinners or unbelievers will not be able to look upon Him or stand before Him.

Matthew 6:15-17 - "Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?” (Revelation 6:15-17)

If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory?

To be excluded forever from the glory of God forever means that there will much weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth for unbelievers shall burn forever in the lake of fire. (Matthew 24)

"Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see 'the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven' with power and great glory." (Matthew 24:30)

"The Son of Man is to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay everyone for what has been done." (Matthew 16:27)

In what ways is the phrase “outer darkness” a helpful description of hell?

“Outer darkness” is a helpful description of hell, because it describes the lake of fire, and eternal punishment and judgment.


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) How might you describe Christ’s glory? How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers? If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory? In what ways is the phrase “outer darkness” a helpful description of hell?

Christ's glory is awesome way beyond our infinate minds comprehension. To be continual excluded from Christ's love would be hell to never feel love or loved again would mean all Christ's miracles in my life would be taken away. I would not want to live. Outer darkness is closed mind and eyes to Christ's glory is hell.

  • 2 weeks later...

Christ's glory can be described as a shining light of radiant splendor.

His glory will be terrifying to unbelievers because they will be able to look upon Him. In fact,they will beg the mountains to fall on them so they won't have to be blinded by the light of Christ's glory.

It would be a terrible thing to be forever excluded from Christ's glory.The phase "outer darkness" is a helpful description of hell because it tells us without the shining light of Christ's glory,all there is is darkness or the absense of light.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q4. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) How might you describe Christ's glory? How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers? If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory? In what ways is the phrase "outer darkness" a helpful description of hell?


Brilliant light and peace.  We will not be able or want to take our eyes off it.


For unbelievers they will know it is the One they have rejected and will fear. It will be too terrible for words.


It will be death.


Alone and terrlble darkness.  Separated from the God of life, love and light.


Colossians 1:13 says "He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transfered us to the kingdom of His beloved Son".  Partially now and fully then.  Thank you Thank you Thank you, Lord!  We fall at your feet in worship and grateful love and adoration.  Let us pray for those in darkness to come to the God of life and light and love.


God Bless!


Romans 15: 13

  • 3 weeks later...

How might you describe Christ’s glory?

Christ will be coming in all glory, in awesome power, bright and shining with the whole world as His witnesses.


How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers?

It will be very terrifying for in an instant they will know that they will be facing the wrath of God and try to run to the mountains to hide between the rocks. The awesome Glory and Splendour of our Lord will be blinding and they will be scampering to get away.


If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory?

I can't quite imagine let alone describe how it would be to be excluded forever from the presence of the Lord. Being in the lake of fire without any respite alone is enough to terrify anyone. Add to that forever ! Just can't imagine


In what ways is the phrase “outer darkness” a helpful description of hell?

It does help to picture that hell will be a very dark place void of light. You will never know from where or which direction danger and suffering is going to come from. It will be totally unbearable.

  • 2 weeks later...

Christ’s glory is the light of the world this is to mean that we have peace with each other and we respect each other. This glory will be terrifying to unbelievers because they will know that they were the people that brought the problems into this world.


Heaven involves sharing this glory forever because there will be no more pain nor death so if you were to be excluded from this glory there would be a lot of pain and destruction.


The ways that the phrase “outer darkness” is helpful in description of hell is because in the dark you only go around in circles.



  • 2 months later...

Q4. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) How might you describe Christ’s glory? How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers? If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory? In what ways is the phrase “outer darkness” a helpful description of hell?          


Christ's glory is so beautiful and unimaginable that it is hard to describe. A blazing heavenly fire, a beautiful light beyond description and the power of all is with Him. His glory will be terrifying to see when He comes because the knowledge that was rejected has appeared and the unbelievers know their end has come. This is the living Christ that they rejected and now they know that are facing the ultimate rejection from Him to last for all eternity. Outer darkness is being out of the light of God and into a dark and black pit of hell where you are tormented day and night without hope.

  • 1 year later...

Q4. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) How might you describe Christ’s glory? How will his glory be terrifying to unbelievers? If heaven involves sharing this glory forever, what would it be like to be excluded forever from the glory? In what ways is the phrase “outer darkness” a helpful description of hell?


Jesus is described in these verses as coming in a blazing fire and accompanied by a band of angels. These are two ways that the bible writers describe the glory of the Lord. The blazing fire reminds one of the burning bush that burned but was not consumed. 


Separation from the Lord would bring a terrible loneliness, a feeling of emptiness and of great sadness. But how would a non believer feel??

  • 6 months later...

The glory of Christ is all empowering. There is an internal light that radiates into every pore of a person's being. The radiating light would be too much for an unbeliever. They would fear the intensity that pierces into them like a million knives. The outer darkness would somehow be a comfort to them. They will be able to hide their souls and hearts again.

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