Damary Alembi Posted September 6, 2017 Report Posted September 6, 2017 Q1. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3) In what way were the Thessalonians confused? They were confused about the eschatology, the study of the last Days. Someone had spread false teaching that Christ had already come in a letter claiming to be from Paul. Someone had brought them a message that a message … purportedly from Paul … to the effect that Christ had already come, and that somehow they must have missed the rapture! What is the order of Christ's coming in relation to the revealing of the Antichrist? The antichrist must come first. Christ will come only after the appearance of the Antichrist. “Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction, Paul explained.” Quote
Reuben Posted December 7, 2021 Report Posted December 7, 2021 Q1. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3) In what way were the Thessalonians confused? What is the order of Christ’s coming in relation to the revealing of the Antichrist? The Thessalonians were confused thinking Jesus has already returned and that they were not "gathered" , and were left abandoned by the Lord. Paul states that there will be a falling away, meaning a false gospel , or rebellion against God first , and then there will be someone that will appear to be from God, as he will have marvels and wonders that will deceive people, but he will think he is God, and will give the impression falsely to many that he is God and will take his position where God should be and this will be the final deception before the Lord returns, to sort him out. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted June 4, 2023 Report Posted June 4, 2023 They were disturbed greatly because they thought they missed the Rapture. The Thessalonians were concerned as a result of either pretended revelations, false teachings and a pretended letter from Apostle Paul. These new converts came out mystery religions that were characterized by such confusions. The Thessalonians were just beginning on the road to mature Christianity. First, there will be the apostasy. This is the great apostasy during the 7 years of tribulation...after the Rapture and the 2nd Coming of Christ. Second, the Antichrist comes to full power over the 10 kingdoms inside the old Roman Empire during Daniel's 70th week. When the hinderer of lawlessness, the Church of God has been removed from the earth. than the Antichrist will be revealed. Quote
Krissi Posted November 25, 2023 Report Posted November 25, 2023 The Thessalonians had been convinced that they had missed Jesus's second visitation to the earth by a false prophet or letter-writer. They didn't know what to believe. On the one hand, they had the false letter from a false Christian (or a confused one) -- on the other hand, they had Paul's comforting words that they had not missed the Second Coming. I wonder how they dealt with these confusing, conflicting ways of looking at things. We tend to think that Paul's words automatically settled the issue, but maybe they remained confused. In his brief discussion of the anti-Christ, Paul clearly states that the anti-Christ will come before Christ returns. He will reign during a time when people are crude, unlettered, hostile to God and immoral (sounds like today, huh?). The anti-Christ seems, in the biblical description, to be a political leader, perhaps a globalist/internationalist. Since Christ won't come until the anti-Christ is in power, many find it tempting to speculate on who the anti-Christ could be! It's sorta like a Christian parlor game. Quote
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