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Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

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The 144,000 represents all the tribes of of the children of Israel.

It was said "Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.


He will take care of those that belong to him.

Shows they belong to God and protects them from any harm


What do we learn about God?

That God is all-powerful, His power brings everything under His control

What is this suppose to do for the 144,000?

Save them from God's wrath

:o We learn that God will keep the seal from being opened until His people are safe. The number 144,000 is an arbitrary number and does not mean only that many will be saved. The seal identifies believers and protects them while they ares tillon earth. God is long suffering, holding His punishment until all have had a chance to be saved.

Doesn't the 144,000 represent the remnant, that is, a small group of the faithful who are left after the separation of wheat from chaff? I have always been taught that this remnant was Jewish, but, spiritually, it speaks of God's way of working in the world and can be extended to any race or group if they are the faithful ones who are left standing after trials. The faithful become the "chosen ones," or the small, leftover remnant.

God always asked His people to winnow the troops down to a small number so that there is no doubt about who is responsible for the victory (Gideon, David and Goliath, Elijah and the altar, etc.) I want to be a part of the remnant, not the majority.

It seems to me that the "remnant" is the same idea as Jesus' teaching to reject the wide road and choose the narrow path that leads to salvation (Matt. 7.13-14). Few will choose the narrow road. God help me to choose wisely at each fork of my daily walk.



The seal is the King's impremature that protects all those who display it. In a democratic society, that concept is hard to grasp, but a simple example is the Notary Public's seal which marks a document as official. It promises something. It authenticates.

In my Bible study, we are studying faith and the Hebrews 11 definition "the assurance of things hoped for". Our teacher encouraged us to see the "assurance" as the title deed (the official document) of things that don't yet exist (in the natural).

To me, that's a similar idea. The seal is the protection of the Sovereign and proclaims that something is real (title deed) that may or may not yet be delivered. But the "hope" is not meant to be "something we yearn to come true some day," but rather "the thing we put our absolute trust in."

A vulgar example of the seal is the idea of tatooing slaves, like branding cattle, to show ownership. There is no doubt to whom they belong. The owner can claim the slave or the cow merely on the basis of the seal. The seal also protects in that no one else can claim ownership under penalty of law.



This seal is to protect those God has sealed during the tribulation. This shows God's concern for His elect--His followers. When we trust completely in Him, He protects and encourages us!


Thank you for asking to read

Ezekiel 9.

"The pure of heart will see God"

"The Lord is my shepherd, He prepares

a table for me"

The evil one does his best works in the


God is big I am little.

Be with God always.

Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God?

He then will send out His wrath on all starting with the elders who were before the temple and recompense their deeds on their own head but God does not want to send His wrath on the earth till His servants; those who sigh and cry over all the abominations have been sealed.

What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000?

Protect them from being killed and remaining with God forever.


What do we learn about God in Revelation 7 1-4 and Ezekial 9? Our God will protect his chosen people. The chosen are the obedient. They are the ones who detest evil and make no excuses for evil. Judgement begins at the house of God with those responsable for teaching the flock. In the final judgement, there will be no excuses and no mercy on the disobedient and nonrepentant. As we learned in chapter 1, the Word of God will drown out all the "i think" And what we think will no longer be heard. Amen.


The church is a complete and fullfilled number. The seal in Ezekiel was actually placed on the forehead. Those in Ezekiel live through the tragedy of being conquered. Those sealed in John's vision live through but are not exempted from, the trying times that are coming. They are protected by the Lamb.

Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

We confirm what we already know - that God is all powerful and sovereign and is ever faithful to His promises to his chilren. The seal will protect the children of God but also (I think) make a public proclaimation of who they are.



We learn that God is a protector of His people. God has power over all the earth. God holds back the four winds of judgement until His people are marked as His. The 144,00 is the 12 tribes of Isreal. It also symbolize completeness. All God's followers will be brought safetly to Him, no one will be overlooked or forgotten. God seals these believers, they are protected from spiritual harm.


:) From what I understand, the 144,000 is literal Israel. God's dealing with Israel and the church is separate. The church never replaced God's plan over Israel. True, there will no longer Jew nor Gentile but that's when it comes to those who believed in Jesus Christ and received Him as their personal Lord and Savior and so now they belong to the church. But how about those who had not given their lives or received Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior? They are still Jews and Gentiles whom God is going to judge and in that from the 12 tribes of Israel 144,000 will be sealed. There are prophecies that should be interpreted literally and figuratively. Considering most of Israel's prophecy being fullfilled literally and so this is, as far as I am concerned.

From 7:1-4 we learn that God protects His servants who love Him with all their heart, mind and soul and are not willing to compromise their beliefs. As God is the God of love , He is also the God of wrath. God is faithful to His promise.

The seal marked on the foreheads of the 144,000 will serve as their protection against the wrath of God. Nobody can come near them or no harm will be given to them. Hallelujah!!!:)


Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

144,000... remnant, 12,000 members from each tribe, preserved people with the word in them; part of the lineage of the First Fruits.

we learn that God does bring Judgment upon all, but while this Storm is of Destruction He Seals/Protects those who are His Own in Obedience to Him.



We learn that God will protect those that belong to him. The seal shows they belong to God and his protection is upon them. They shall be saved from hell.


[From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000?] ;)


What do we learn about God?

What is this seal suppose to do...

We learn that He will stop, the very winds of the coming storm, to make sure that those, that are His, may be 'sealed' in, and protected first.

Just as God 'sealed' up the ark, with Noah and his family safely inside, so will our God place His seal upon all those that have believed on His Son. :lol:


One view = 144,000 represents perfection - the perfect number of redeemed (12x12x1000)

God has the ultimate authority over ALL creation. God puts a seal on the foreheads of all that love and honour him and we (I count myself among those) will be protected and saved from God's wrath. I am reminded of the words at my baptism when I was "sealed with the sign of the cross and marked as Christ's own forever." Halleluia! How much greater will be the seal that God himself puts on me!

The words from Ezekiel, "They think that the Lord has abandoned the land and that he doesn't see." God does not abandon us - ever. With all the evil in the world today we need to be reminded of this fact. God has not forgotten his people.

Blessings, Marilyn


What do we learn about God?

That He is just and mercyful to all the people and guarantees his protection to his followers.

What is the seal to do to the 144,000?

The seal is to protect them, and I think we all have had the seal placed on us - not something we can see, but a invisible seal that is spiritual - we have been given the Holy Spirit as God's guarantee to preserve us, that God is not finished with us yet and the seal placed on us can only be broken open by God at the day of redemption (Rev. 5:1-3)

God Bless



What do we learn about God from Ezekiel 9? One thing; even way back at the time of captivity in Babylon: God hated sin. God called for repentence. God slew those who didn't repent. That's why we're called 'Believers' because we believe what is written in The Bible; that the Bible is the Word of God. At the end time ... we pre-tribulation 'believers' will, as I understand it, be raptured, to be with Our Lord Jesus Christ. But, not all 'believers'. There will remain 144,000. These 144,000 God will protect. Satan nor his followers, nor God's bowls of wrath, will be able to harm them, until their work is accomplished.


In my reading and studies to look and see what I learn of God in Rev.7:1-4 and Ezekiel 9:,is that the fulfillment of the prophecy or the key word"end",or some say coming disaster will be in complete control,by God.As you read on and can truly see what will happen to the nonbelievers,I believe we have a very important roll in helping others who dont believe to lead them to salvation in knowing Jesus Christ.

What the seal of the Holy Spirit is supposed to do is ,as God places his own seal on his followers this identifies them as his own and guaranteeing his protection over their souls.Blessings Linda


The seal is the authentic indication that the "obedient" servents of the Lord will be protected. Kind of like the "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval." Obey God, defy the evil one, and you will be saved.

Praise God


We learn that God is the God of irresistable power. Nahum 1:3 says God is great in power and the Lord will by no means leave the quilty unpunished. In whirlwind and storm is His way and clouds are the dust of His feet. It goes on. No one can withstand His wrath.

The seal protects those who love Him and His law. Once again a demonstration of His mercy. Nahum 1:7 says the Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him.

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