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Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16) Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline? What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline? What is the result of neglect of church discipline?

  • 2 months later...

Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline?

We want to be people pleasers, instead of searching the will of God

Also many of us have a fixation on numbers and are scared if we discipline someone, they might not come again. Instead we scare many more off with the idea that people at church will always ask for money.

What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline?

God discipline us all the time, we have to discipline sometimes as well. If we do it firmly but with love, we can help people to find God's will, help them to move closer to god, and become a servant and not a free loafer.

What is the result of neglect of church discipline?

No discipline, in any area of our spiritual life


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16) Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline?

Fear, intimidation, not wanting to "hurt feelings", backlash, losing numbers if some are offended, wanting to be liked rather than respected.

What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline?

Growth and maturity in the body! Setting a good example! A healthy church! Strong leadership! Respect for those in authority. Satan's work is hindered, strongholds are torn down, and problems are dealt with rather than being "swept under the rug."

What is the result of neglect of church discipline?

Jesus said "a little leaven spoils the whole lump". A little sin, disorder, gossip, divisiveness, spreads until the entire church is affected. As others see lack of discipline, the "flesh" will follow whatever it can get by with! Satan gains a stronghold to divide the church, discourage the pastor, and to destroy the sheep!


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16) Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline? What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline? What is the result of neglect of church discipline?

We have become pansies in a sense. And tolerance is the word of the day and politically correct. I do think you have to be very careful in discipline as to who does it and how. I remember in one church the people who were the most well thought of were the ones who I thought were very lax in moral and ethical standards. They were gossipers, people pleasers, lovers of selves and not of God and certainly not of those outside of their circle. One lady in there mentioned church discipline and I wondered if she thought she should be the one to criticize anyone. Her conversation was not kind and I think I rather shuddered at the thought.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16) Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline? What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline? What is the result of neglect of church discipline?


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16) Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline? What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline? What is the result of neglect of church discipline?

Churches avoid exercising any church discipline because people will get offended and might leave the church. Overall, most western churches are watered down fellowships.

Appropriate application of church discipline would have great results if it was given to born again Christians. You cannot discipline church attenders. Because discipline is spiritual, the non-spiritual won't get it and leave the church -- church bouncers.

No church discipline creates an environment where anything goes and Biblical teachings take a seat on the way back row.


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16) Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline? What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline? What is the result of neglect of church discipline?

Some churches avoid discipline among members because they are afraid of losing members, income for the church and just in general offending anyone. They have taken the Gospel of "love" too far and have turned to "tolerance" of all things omitting the true message of TRUTH in love, LOVE in truth!

Actually, I think the result of appropriate applications of church discipline result in truth in the church, humbleness among believers, a more loving atmosphere because people are disciplined, yet brought back into fellowship in humbleness and with a truly forgiving countenance. There is order and genuine discipleship/fellowship because those who really desire good and pure fellowship stay and those who are outright rebellious tend to leave in an atmosphere of accountability. This doesn't mean we don't have "sinners" in a church it means we recognize we are ALL sinners but desire to be changed, not just tolerate anything that keeps us in sin.

Neglect of discipline in a church result in chaos, fighting, rebelliousness, lack of following Biblical truths because everyone thinks they can do whatever is good in their own eyes. There are splits and fractions and working against each other because everyone is a law unto themselves. The truth and true Biblical teaching is lost because the church is caught up in solving all the problems within the church. It really ceases to have anything to do with the true Gospel anymore and becomes a meeting place for the rebellious....and it's sad that there really are churches that function that way today.


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16)

Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline?

What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline?

What is the result of neglect of church discipline?

Churches avoid exercising any form of discipline because they know if it is done they will loose church members, with the subsequent loss of income. There are so many other churches that will accept them with open arms. I feel, however, that the discipline should be firm and done in love – the person must not be treated with enmity. The whole object being to restoring that person to the Lord and to the church. This will eventually benefit both the church and the person. If allowed to continue unabated it can become a major disruptive cause in the church and do personal harm to the person as well.


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16) Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline?

I do not think it would be fair for us to compare our situations today with the Thessalonians in their time line; however, the principle does still stand today, as it did during their time.

The church is not to allow its MEMBERS the freedom of doing nothing but cause confusion and disorder to the body, for this brings glory to Satan.

This dishonorable behavior was not expectable back then, and it is not expectable today and should be shunned, stopped, by not giving to them membership or any kind of position that would allow them the opportunity to cause trouble.

If the trouble makers do not want to change or repent it is then that fellowshipping with them should be stopped - This is not done as a means to punish, but as a wakeup call.

God is a God to be feared and He wants order in the church and in His Temple, of which we are.

What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline, and what is the result of neglect of church discipline?

The results could largely depend on how church discipline was, or was not handled, however, no matter how it was handled - the end result lies with the PERSON.

We must remember, we are all held to that of a higher standard

This was a great lesson and I hate to see it come to an end.


Some churches avoid church discipline because they do not want hurt the 'milk cows'of the church and thereby have their source of revenue fall.

If church discipline is properly administered in love, it will correct the problem that the discipline was meant to correct.

If on the other hand, a church fails to take the appropriate discipline to correct a problem, the church will tot away.


Some churches avoid church discipline because they do not want hurt the 'milk cows'of the church and thereby have their source of revenue fall.

If church discipline is properly administered in love, it will correct the problem that the discipline was meant to correct.

If on the other hand, a church fails to take the appropriate discipline to correct a problem, the church will tot away.


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16)

Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline?

Many church avoid exercising any church discipline because of the misunderstanding on what realy "love" is. They think because the church is supposed to be a community of love then discipline should not be exercised.

What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline?

The result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline is strengthening the church and making it grow by getting rid of negative behaviours.

What is the result of neglect of church discipline?

The result of neglect of church discipline is disorder in the church and failure for its growth.


I think the reasons churches do not discipline their members are many, including:

1) they think Jesus commanded us not to judge, and discipline requires judging that someone is acting inappropriately;

2) the person who needs to be disciplined is a family member or close friend of the pastor or an elder, or even the pastor or the elder himself;

3) the person who needs to be disciplined is a major financial contributor without whose contribution the church cannot pay its bills, and so, the pastor and elders are afraid of offending him with the result that he leaves the church;

4) disciplining one member will require disciplining many others, or they will be guilty of showing favoritism to some and discriminating against others;

5) they are afraid of a lawsuit that they will lose if they discipline a member who does not accept their judgment [This has happened at a church in the US where the leadership told the congregation not to associate with a particular member because of her sin and removed her from membership. She sued and won a large sum.]

Disciplining a church member is risky in today's world if the person being disciplined does not accept the discipline. That person will continue to cause trouble for the church.

However, if someone is acting sinfully in a way that is hurting the congregation and the church does not act to discipline that person, the harm to the church will grow and the congregation may split with a lot of hateful feelings and actions. So, I think that those who observe the misbehavior that is harming the church must pray and act to confront the sinner with mercy and forgiveness for a repentant sinner as their motive.

When someone in the congregation I attend is disciplined, I need to think about what I have observed in that person's behavior, what the accusation is, what the "punishment" is, and how the discipline is applied. I personally know of 3 cases of church discipline being applied to congregants within the last year:

---two cases involved couples divorcing but not for adultery; one spouse was excommunicated. I wondered why those two couples were disciplined but not the other couples who were recently divorced.

---one case involved a person asking whether the new age activities (visualizing, mantras, melding with the spirit, labyrinths) being introduced into the women's ministry were acceptable; she was told to stop asking questions.

So, think and pray and pray some more about everything that happens in the church!


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16) Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline?

There are probably many reasons; possibly that don't know it or understand it, so they fear it. They don't know the scripture that supports it, or how to apply it. Or there is disagreement among the congregation on discipline and how it should be applied. Maybe they fear they will lose part of the church if they discipline someone. It was a tough issue then and remains so today.

What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline?

It promote a healthy church, and addresses or removes what could potentially damage or cause severe problems in the future. Builds condidence in the church's leadership.

What is the result of neglect of church discipline?

The church could fail to grow and thrive and to be scripturally sound. I think that sin not dealt with leads to more sin. Others are misled when they see something wrong that is not handled properly, or even recognized as being wrong. They lose confidence in the leadership of the church, and may decide to move on to another church.


Many churches advoids exercising displine:

Because the church is more concerned about hurting lazy people feeling rather than discipline them and asking them to kindly leave if they do not change their behavior.

The proper result of a thoughful and appropiate discipline should change a person lazy habits, and regain their status in the community.

The lack of discipline will hurt the Spiritual Life of the church.


Some avoid discipline thinking they'll lose members. It may be they don't know how to discipline...

Results of discipline can be rescuing a brother, helping the body to work together smoothly & be more effective. Also, the brother receiving the discipline, has an opportunity to grow.

Results of none, churches can be divided and made ineffective.


Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16) Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline? What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline? What is the result of neglect of church discipline?

They refused to discipline and approach the ones who can-fear and members may riot or leave. The member would learn to work Some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies.Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat. And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.

Take special note of anyone who does not obey our instruction in this letter. Do not associate with them, in order that they may feel ashamed. Yet do not regard them as an enemy, but warn them as you would a fellow believer.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16) Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline?

In today's society of political correctness it just isn't done . . . to actually try and discipline someone in the church. After all, they go to Church of their own free will in our society. I think the eldership and the pastors would be afraid that the person or persons they were trying to discipline would just pack up and leave the church totally.

Also it would be difficult to administer any discipline of the kind Paul mentions in our passage in our culture. Apart from avoiding someone, what else is there that could be done?

Now an intervention is a different thing altogether. In such a case the pastor and or elders should and could take matters into their hands if a church member was doing something pretty bad.

What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline?

Harmony in the body of Christ would be restored and maintained. People whose behavior was out of step with the majority of the church would see the error of their ways . . . I'd hope.

What is the result of neglect of church discipline?

Neglecting church discipline would result in a congregation that did just as they pleased. A few would be doing everything that needed to be done and the rest would just stand or sit around and criticize it. The church as a body of believers could find themselves way out of the will of God.

  • 2 weeks later...

Every body is uncomfortable with discipline, so when church exercises discipline there is a risk of loosing numbers in the church. Sometimes to avoid these church leaders become people pleasers and fail to implement the will of God in the church. There is a fear that people might get hurt and that people might get offended.

Thoughtful and appropriated application of discipline will lead to healthy church groups. Truth will prevail among the members and there will be no pretence and talking at the back. The only aim of the church with disciplining is to get people more close to god and away from sin. Disciplining should be done lovingly yet firmly.

Church will not grow as a result of the neglect of discipline. There can be misunderstanding among members of the church.


Discipline is something most of us do not like. One of the quality of a believer should be discipline. Discipline calls for a strong character.

Now it depends on the leader of the church and the members whether they are disciplined or not. As the leader so the followers.

Most of the churches fail to implement discipline simply because they are people pleasing than God. They do not want to lose the members even if it meant to compromise on lot of truth specially the truth from the Word of God.

Thoughtful and appropriate application of discipline will surely help the Church to be strong mature and grow in Jesus Christ.

When discipline is negelcted gradually there will be disorder .choas and it will fall apart. People with visions for God are disciplined and will have to move on for God and not for man.


Discipline by itself makes a person to walk the narrow path and cannot follow the desires of the flesh. Churches do not exercise discipline because the leaders themselves may not live a disciplined life based on the Word of God and also the promptings of the Holy Spirit. futhermore the congregation may resist discipline and leaders do no want displease them in fear of losing numbers to their church and always in the business of pleasing people than God.

Thoughtful and appropriate application of discipline can give immense growth to the church and make way for the Lord to pour his anointing and blessings on the church as whole and such churches can be used mightily by the Lord to save souls.

when a church neglects discipline it can curtail the plans and purposes of God, it can lead into a compromised way of living and give an opening for the enemy to steal , kill and destroy and block God's abundant life on the leaders as well as the congregation.

  • 1 month later...

Exercising church discipline is a very tricky act to perform. We want the people to stay in touch with the church so that we can transform them. But if we discipline them to much they will go away and not get a chance to be transformed.


The result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline is a healthy church. It will grow but as it grows it will have other problems. But the neglect of a church discipline is one that is always complaining and the church is not healthy.



  • 1 year later...
Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16) Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline? What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline? What is the result of neglect of church discipline? 


 Many churches avoid exercising any church discipline because 1) they are afraid of hurting someone and 2) they feel that hurting someone or refusing someone is against Christian ethics.


Here are the guidelines given us in the New Testament:

  1. Care for your family members so they don't become dependent upon the church. If you have aged, infirm, or mentally-challenged family members, you take care of them. That's only right.
  2. Everybody who can is expected to do their share to make the family work. Each has different jobs and responsibilities, but each is important to the welfare of the whole.
  3. If a widow or orphan has no family who can take care of them, the congregation can take on that responsibility, but only for those who clearly are unable to take care of themselves. Otherwise, they're expected to remarry or get some kind of job to earn their keep.
  4. If members of the Christian community push these boundaries consistently and become dependent on others, they are to be identified, warned, and kept at a distance until they change their ways                                 The result of using these tactics will result in good discipline and a smooth running church. Hopefully our confrontation with the slackers will not cause abuse and everyone will have their hand on the plow.
  • 6 months later...

I believe that churches do not want to be judged as harsh or uncaring. They also so not want to be seen as the bad guys. They only sometimes care about the people that fill the pews on Sunday, than the souls that needs to be saved. However, when a church uses proper church discipline, the whole congregation can grow healthy and spiritually.

  • 2 years later...

Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16) Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline? Churches avoid exercising any church discipline because it is difficult to exercise in what is designed to be a community of love. Lack of discipline is not better.

What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline? It brings healing. When exercised lovingly, firmly, and consistently, it can have the effect of removing problems that otherwise stir up and discourage the fellowship.

What is the result of neglect of church discipline? The failure to exercise appropriate and timely discipline is one of the reasons that some of Christian communities become unhealthy and also stop growing.

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