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Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?  In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?

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The People of Judah don't know how they were in God. It is the same today we don't know who we are in Christ Jesus. We are the loved sons of the creator of the world. If we could just truly understand this we could live with the faith and love of Christ  and truly be Christ like. But we do have identity confusion and we live week and powerless lives that can be effected by the powers of darkness..


The people of Judah didn't understand who God is.  They had forgotten all that He had done for them in the past and they no longer feared him.  They did not trust Him.  He was no longer Almighty in their eyes, and they turned to the visible things in their lives as a sort of touchstone.  Their worship was empty words.  When we lose sight of God, we pile things around us to define who we think we are, to give us worth in the eyes of others.  And when that doesn't work, we reach out for the gods of others.   God accuses His people of having blood on their hands, of impurity, of doing evil, of injustice, oppression, and failing to defend the rights of the fatherless and widows.. They have chosen death and adversity over life and prosperity. They have chosen sin over purity, bad over good, idols over God, curse and death over life and blessings. 

But even in their rebellion, God longed for their return to Him.  If only they would  willingly obey Him, He would wash away their sins and bless them once again with His favor.





1a) Judah does not remember who they belong to. They do not know "home". They have forgotten their place of "rest."


1b) People today wander and search - living in confusion. In our quest we often make desperate choices that end up hurting ourselves.


1c) Possible murder / evil deeds. Also - by God saying what they should do, He implys what they are not doing. So, a community with alot of injustice, oppression and children and widows who are suffering.


1d) The choice given seems clear. Their behavior now is harming them and causing destruction.


1e) I read it as physical and spiritual blessing. (Prosperity, fullfilment, contenment)


In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4?  


They have rebelled against God..They have forsaken the LORD.they have spurnd] the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on him."



What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? Confusion about the basics like gender, marriage, lawfulness, drugs, etc.


What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? 


" Your hands are full of blood; "not doing right! not seeking justice, ignoring the oppressed, the fatherless, and the widow."



In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable."  Why is it unreasonable?


They are oblivious to their state and the consequences:  "Be reasonable! says the Lord. You don't understand the terrible state you are in. I am willing to forgive and cleanse you, but if you rebel, your future will be terrible indeed."



What does God offer as an alternative?  Repentance:  19 If you are willing and obedient,

you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.'
For the mouth of the LORD has spoken." (1:18-20)


1a. God reared his children to obey His commands and statutes and they rebelled and became wicked.

1b. the consequences are being out of right relationship with God. Will not have prayers answered

as God will turn His back on them. Much of what is happening today to America.

1c. Injustices are doing evil and being unjust. Not taking care of the widows and orphans, etc.

1d. Unreasonable as they continue doing their own thing instead of what God wants them doing. Living

the opposite of how God wants them to live.

1e. God's alternative is forgiveness and a chance to receive His blessings again by reaping the benefits

of the land.


Judah is confused about their identity in that they don't know God as their Lord or who they are in him.they don't know who they are or who's they are.The consequences for Christians today who have this same identity confusion is that we live defeated lives.We can't experience God's best.The injustice that God accuses his people of is evildoing.they won't help the down and out they won't cloth or provide for those in need.God argues that their behavior is unreasonable because they are rebellious defiant and disobedient.God offers to forgive them if they are willing to receive His forgiveness by repenting and being obedient.


Each respondent has given good answers. I tend to agree or like Ivory's the best. However, I would also add abortion to the list of grave and terrible evils as a sign or indication of a societies depravity.


God gave the Hebrews and the world His light. The world has willfully chosen lightlessness i.e. darkness. This of course requires an "act of the will." Therefore what we witness in the scriptures and in our own society is an active willfulness of disobedience, not only against natural law but against God personally.


As the Hebrews declared through word and deed "I will not serve", so too we witness the same today not only in the world, but even worse within the various faith-based homes and communities where people have indeed at one point or another declared themselves Christian whether Catholic or Protestant.


Just as we witness the Hebrews were indeed religious, so too today there are many who are religious today, but they have supplanted God and His Church with their own notions of what religion is all about. They have incorporated personal preferences, politics and their own conveniences into their brand of religion, thereby befouling God's true religion. In their hearts and minds and deeds they say good is bad and bad is good.  

  • As opposed to pattering themselves after God - doing things and living in such a way as to be recognized as children of God - they have rebelled against God and as a result of such they have no resemblance to God.
  • Christians today who live in such a fashion confuse those they are supposed to be witnessing to. Anytime and every time your testimony and lifestyle conflict - confusion results. The consequences of such is a distancing from God as opposed to becoming more intimate with Him and more like Him.
  • They seem to only be going through the motions as opposed to having any genuineness about their walk with God. They have a form of godliness but deny the power there of - they are more concerned about having a religious front than about have a relationship with God.
  • As an alternative God offers them forgiveness for genuine repentance.



In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4?

1.  They were sinning and didn't care.  They turned against God. 


What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion?

2.  They are pretty much the same as back in the days of Judah.  They sin and have no respect for God.  We cave in to the things of the world such as drugs, homosexuality, murder etc.


What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? 

3.  God accuses his people of their hands full of blood.  They are full of evil.


In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it unreasonable?

4.  They are in a bad state and don't even realize it.  The reasonable thing to do would be to turn back to him.  He is willing to forgive. 


What does God offer as an alternative?
5.  All the sin that they are committing, He is willing to forgive.  All they have to do is be willing and obedient.



     Based on the above definition Judah failed to be who they were or supposed to be as far as God who through Abraham who begat them is concerned.Something else started shifting              them towards different life styles (probably influenced by Assyrians) which are in conflict with what /how they should conduct themselves .This is obvious as per God assessment on               Judah on Isaiah 1 verse 4 ("Ah, sinful nation, a people loaded with guilt, a brood of evildoers, children given to corruption! They have forsaken the LORD. they have spurned the Holy                 One of Israel and turned their backs on him.")


  • What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? 


         Prayer life,ministries,love and other services in church becomes cold and sometimes die.We start to embrace what was once strange to us selfishness,fornication,contentions e.tc


  • What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?


         Oppressing weak people,not taking care of widows and orphans .


  • In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?


          People were conducting themselves without referring to their Identity(who they were in him) ,but God is calling them to reason with him ,so they know exactly how severe is the                           damage within them ..So that  he cleanses them

On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2013 at 9:42 PM, Pastor Ralph said:


Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?  In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?


a. God had created sons, to be great and exalted, to worship Him and to be His people, holy and separate from the nations around them.  They rebelled and broke away from Him, alienated and sinful, yet demanding His blessing.

b. Rebellious Christians spend time in wilderness living, having turned away from intimacy with their Lord, living confused and compromised lives, wasting time and are useless to the Kingdom of God until they repent and return to their Father.

c. Praying much, but with blood on their hands, evil doing, promoting injustice, oppressing others, especially the orphans and widows.

d. They wanted His blessing and favor while living apart from Him in sin and rebellion, and to turn a blind eye on their evil ways. He offered them cleansing and restored sonship with Him when/ if they would repent and live in obedience.


Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20)

In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4?

What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion?

What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? 

In verses 18-20 God argues that their behaviour is "unreasonable."

Why is it unreasonable?

What does God offer as an alternative?

Judah as a nation have forsaken the Lord and have turned their backs on Him. They have become a defiant and disobedient nation who rebel against the Lord. They even fail to show any natural gratitude and devotion, towards Him, that could even be expected of an ox or donkey!

Here we have a warning to Christians living in today’s world. As long as we continue to sin, we cut ourselves off from our Heavenly Father. We isolate ourselves from Him and thereby expose ourselves to the evil of this world. Only by turning to our Lord Jesus and confessing our sins can we restore our relationship with Him.

God accuses them of being a nation of hypocrites - nothing but a bunch of deceivers. Their problem is spiritual apostasy – their hearts are in rebellion against God. Their actions are not sincere. They come into His presence as if they are really genuine, and then go through the motions of offering sacrifices, but these have no meaning. Their sacrifices are but mere rituals. They continue to live in sin and their faith is not honest and is totally worthless.

God tells them their behaviour is unreasonable because if they should continue in their sinful ways, war and destruction await them.

As an alternative God has told them to cleanse themselves through repentance and the forsaking of evil. They must practice righteousness and social justice. 




ITheir think that they like us when times are good we forget to be thankful to God

We get complacent and when.time are hard we think we can get through on ouw own never givingg God the credit.Never calling on the one who is our provider.

Judah is the same they forget get who to call on and give thanks to.

They forsake the poor the homeless and the oppressed.This is unreasonable because.

Have witnessed the goodness of God.The alternative is to seek God admit they need Him.


They have lost their identity as children of God.  As a result they are weighed down in their iniquities.  Their iniquities were different from the iniquities that weigh us down but the application is evident.  I can claim to be a Christian but in my heart am I truly a follower of Jesus Christ? Are my iniquities weighing me down?  Verses 18 to 20 provide the solution to our sin problem.


Isa 1:18-20 NKJV

(18) "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.

(19) If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land;

(20) But if you refuse and rebel, You shall be devoured by the sword"; For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.


The children of Isreal are much like children who rebel and think they are in charge of everything (i.e. their destinies, their lives, their religion, their world, etc.,), and have foresaken God.  They forgot abut oall the wonderous and merciful actions He had done since the days they were in bondage. 

Chrsitians today are seen today (and act much like the Isrealites) as hypocrtical and judgemental.  They act as though church is a exclusive social club, but offer little substance and/or relief to those people who are seeking God, needing help or sprirual guidance. People still seek God but reject "Christians" for some of these reasons.

God accuses His people of vain and empty worship, being evildoers, rejecting goodness and justice, and refusing to practice mercy on the unfortunate.

They have been "unreasonable" because they have distorted and/or denied their rightful position to God.  They arrogantly believe they are the "masters" and think they can manipulate God like some pagan god.  God offers to cleanse them of thier sins and wrong doings, but this must come to Him by intentionally repenting and turning away from their rebellious behavior.


Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4?

History shows that the Assyrian Empire was on the rise. YHVH was angry with the Judeans for they had abandonment worship of him and had an obsession with idolatry. Isaiah chapter 42 verse 8 refers. It’s interesting that YHVH uses the Heaven and the Earth as witnesses; hence the principle of two witnesses is at work here. Judah is confused as the people have fallen away. Their relationship with YHVH had become lukewarm or fallen away. A type in comparison with the church of Laodicea.

What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion?

We no longer become a set apart people we partake in what the world offers us. For example indecent behaviour, greed, not obeying the commandments of YHVH. This then leads to sin and back sliding. We become lukewarm in our relationship with YHVH as such we abandon righteousness.

What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17

As Judah began learning the ways of the pagans such as idol worship. They were insulting YHVH it is mentioned that when praying the hands were spread and the body was in a state of prostration this is an act similar to offering prayers to Ishtar. The people had lost the concept of righteousness they were meant to be priests. As such they were to act in an example of honour. The example of widows and orphans these were vulnerable members of society as such the people of Judah needed to act in a righteous manner.

In verses 18-20 God argues that their behaviour is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?
Scarlet and crimson are mentioned these are striking colours they portray sin while white symbolises purity. Judah is sinning this is why their behaviour in unreasonable. They have turned from righteousness to evil in the sight of YHVH. YHVH wants them to be obedient to him and not the pagan example. This is similar to revelation 3.20 Judah has to make an effort to be righteous if they do, their sins will be forgiven they need to repent. If they repent they will be forgiven.



Hello Everyone!!!
First of all, The people of Israel was unstable as his communion with God, once served God once no more.
The people of Israel were full of sin and wickedness, but God that is unlike anything we can imagine, offers an alternative to the people.
In verses 16-18 God shows to Israel's people the direction.
  16 - wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong, 
  17 - learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless,plead the case of the widow.
God bless you 




Judah is confused about its identity because they don't recognize God as their leader, father, protector.  When we fail to submit to God's leadership we wander aimlessly from one thing to the next without purpose or direction.  This results in frustration, anger, resentments and depression. 

The phrase "your hands are full of blood" means I believe, they have been responsible for killing people.  They are doing evil, which God cannot look upon.  They must repent from doing evil (things against God's plan) and start doing right ( following God's plan).  Specifically defending oppressed people, orphans and widows.

It's not reasonable to choose actions that lead to destruction.  The choice is clear if they (we) follow God they (we) will be under His care and protection, if they (we) don't death and destruction follows us.


Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4?


Unlike the farm animals Isaiah uses as an analogy, the people of Judah have rebelled against their true King, Almighty God, the Holy One of Israel. They have turned their backs on worshiping Him in the way He desires. They are pursuing their own destinies instead of living in obedience to God.




What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion?


When we forget we are bought with a price, the life-blood of Christ Himself, and go our own way, pursuing our own agenda, we are in danger of losing our seat at the table. so to speak. We shouldn't expect much in the way of answered prayer or help from God if we don't live according to His word.




What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? 


They'd been neglecting the poor and needy and had done nothing to help the oppressed. James, in the New Testament urges us to pursue true religion, to help widows and orphans and to keep from being polluted by the world. Seems not much had changed in all the time between the prophecies of Isaiah and Jesus' time on Earth!




In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it unreasonable?


God hates rebellion. The attitude of the people in Isaiah's time, and indeed in our time, was that of rebellion against God. God actually appeals to them to be reasonable and to not resist His laws and His commands to live according to them. Living contrary to God's way is unreasonable because it leads to disaster. God actually warns them that they have a choice: Live right and enjoy life, or live wrong and be conquered by the sword!




What does God offer as an alternative?


God warns them that if they don't mend their ways they will be devoured by the sword.


Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4?

Judah is like a teenager who has been brought up in a good home yet strikes out on his own to discover the world forgetting what has been taught to them. Rebelling against authority.

 What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion?

They become isolated from God and his teachings.

What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?

  1. Their hands are full of blood,
  2.  They are doing evil things in the sight of God.

 In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?

Judah’s behavior is unreasonable because it goes against all that God wants for his people. God offers Judah the alternative to follow God’s ways which will result in the people will enjoy the good of the land, and will be blessed by God.




The People of Judah have forgotten God, who they are in God and what is their relationship with God.  They have forgotten all that God has done for them and therefore they are not living how God has wanted them to live and so they are in sin.


Today also many Christians are confused about their identity, that they are purchased and washed by the blood of Jesus and are children of God.  They have turned to their own ways and so in sin.  The consequences of such identity confusion are Christians will not serve the one true God.  They will turn their back to God and embrace sinful ways.


In verses 15:17 God accuses His people of hypocrisy.  Though they stretch out their hand in prayers their hands are like murderers, full of blood.  They have done wrong deeds and not done justice ot the fatherless and the widow.


The sins of the people of Judah are unreasonable to God.  They are living in way which is contrary to the way of God.  They are the hearers but not doers of the Word of God.  God offers them to reason it out with Him together and wash them as white as snow even when their sinful lives are as dark and striking like the colors scarlet and crimson.  Meaning, God is willing to forgive them completely if they turn their back from sin and towards God.


In what way are the people of Judah confused about their identity?

They don't know who their father is. Imagine having children who forgot who raised them, cared for them when they were sick, listened to then, provided for them. How could Judah forget? How distressing to God that must be! In 1:24 Isaiah reminds them , "the Lord is the Mighty One of Israel. The Lord is Supreme and rules over all"

What are the consequences of forgetting our identity in God's family?

We are on our own...without God's care and provision. We put our trust in something that has no power to really help us. Maybe it is independence, or logic, or some "wise person", or "common sense".

What injustices are they doing?

They are cheating in the marketplace (watering wine etc.), their officials are accepting bribes, they're killing people, they are neglecting the poor (particularly orphans and widows.) It's interesting that Isaiah says the people are "loaded down with guilt" yet it does not cause them to change...they continue sinning more and more.

As a pastor I see this happen alot. The grasp of sin, the habits and the neglect to Love God with all your heart, reserving love for God for Sunday morning only...causes so much guilt ....yet for some reason..it's easier to live with guilt than submitting to God's authority.

In verses18 -20 God argues that Judah's behavior is unreasonable. Why?

It seems unreasonable to continue with behaviors that result in harm to yourself (verses 5 -9). It's unreasonable to turn to other gods who are not able to help, when your loving Father repeats that if they obey He will provide and protect. He has proven himself forgiving and faithful...but they have forgotten him and turn to the god of self-reliance.


  1. IN WHAT WAY IS JUDAH CONFUSED ABOUT ITS IDENTITY ACCORDING TO VERSE 2-4 ? Judah has failed to recognize and appreciate the care God gives them. They are self indulgent.

WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES TODAY WHEN CHRISTIANS SUFFER FROM SUCH IDENTITY CONFUSION? When christians loose their identity, they loose Gods protection, cover. I can compare them with people who are immunosuppressed, they are invaded with all sorts of diseases. They become exposed.

WHAT INJUSTICES DOES GOD ACCUSE HIS PEOPLE OF Verses 15-17? (a ) Not defending the oppressed       ( B) Not caring for the fatherless ( c) Not pleading for the cases of the widows

IN Verses 18-20 GOD ARGUES THAT THEIR BEHAVIOUR IS UNREASONABLE. WHY IS IT UNREASONABLE?     I draw my reference from verses 5-6 Why should you be beaten anymore ? They already had been beaten and afflicted yet they persisted in rebellion.

WHAT DOES GOD OFFER AS AN ALTERNATIVE?  (a ) They wash and make themselves clean ( b)They reomve their evil deeds (c ) They learn to do the right thing.                            

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