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Judah was reared by God but the people of Judah have rebelled against their maker. They do not know their maker and are therefore worst than animals who know their owners and listen to their owners in obedience.


Christians will loose God's protection if they do not turn to their maker but continue in their rebelious ways.


God accused his people for oppressing the pooor and the widows and for showing no justice them. 


God cautions his people for being unreasonable and for not realising their poor satate and ultimate doom. He offers them forgivenss and restoration if they repent and return to Him.



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Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Cose hristians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?  In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?


Looking at the USA today there is an identity crisis amongst those who'd say thery are christians. There is far too much worldly influence inhibiting people from trying to get closer to God. Its about spending time, as would be the case for any relationship. Its about knowing deeply what would make God happy concerning the totality fo our thoughts and actions.


It is not reasonable today what is on TV or the internet that many spend so much time on, neglecting their God connection. For this there is no substitute; and it is a danger signal for our "American way." It is a good reason to pray for the deliverance of our country, and at this time ask God what we should do.


When I read this passage it makes me think of SOME children of privilege. They are given everything and their parents extol them and put them on pedestals, but instead of using their rank and privilege for good they squander it on worldly things of the flesh. They are only concerned about what can give them temporary happiness and not TRUE happiness. The kids (Judah) think that they are invincible because they are heirs of the King and will not have to suffer the consequences of their actions. But like human parents they can get to the point where they realize that they are not helping their children by bailing them out because they aren't learning how to live in this world and aren't prepared for the next. So God, like any loving parent gets to the point where he is tired and disgusted with the actions of his children and he knows that the only way for his children to grow is to let them suffer the consequences of their actions. These ungrateful children don't realize that if they would only sincerely apologize and change their ways that their Father has great things in store for them and that the past will be forgotten.


Just as Christians today keep sinning the same sin over and over again and try to repent by doing good works, or asking forgiveness but not being sincere enough to actually want to changes their ways and not having enough faith in the Father that he can and will wipe away those sins. The wages of sin are death we know that ... is it a physical death? A spiritual death? An Emotional death or could it be the worse death of all which is a separation from God?


 In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4?

Judah was confused about its identity in a sense that they knew they are the chosen people, God's people, created according to Gods image meaning not only physically but most of all psychologically and spiritually yet their lifestyle was opposite with that of God. They live in evil ways and not of God, they live in darkness not in light.


 What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion?

When Christians today suffer from identity confusion the result is that they will be back-sliding away from God, they will start to conform with the worldly standard, they will start to like and feel the ways and schemes of evil.


 What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? 

God accuses his people of being a murderer, of committing injustices,  for not safeguarding the widower and for ignoring the fatherless, 


 In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it  unreasonable? 

God argues that their behavior is unreasonable because the people wants to continue their rebellious life against God meaning not to live according to Gods will and plan yet they want that God will continue to prosper and bless them. They keep and continue praying and offering sacrifices to God yet they live in sinful life.


 What does God offer as an alternative?

God told His people that if they will repent and live their life according to His plan, THEY WILL BLESS THEM. But if not....THEY WILL DIE. 


In what way is Judah confused about it's identity according to verses 2-4 ?


God likened Judah to his sons, but they had broken his heart because they did not follow his ways.

They had become a sinful nation loaded with guilt, a brood of evil doers and children given to corruption! They had forsakened the Lord, they had spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on him. God also wanted a relationship with them so he could teach them his ways, but they refused.


What are the consequences when christians today suffer from such identity confusion?


They lose God's protection and if they refused to repent they will be lost ( separated from God forever).


What injustice does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?


Their hands were full of blood, their deeds were evil, they were doing wrong, they were'nt encouraging the oppressed, or defending the cause of the fatherless nor pleading the case of the widow.


Why were their behavior in verse 18-20 unreasonable?


Their behavior were unreasonable because God was willing to forgive them of their sins if they consented to reason with him by obeying him, but they resisted and rebelled against God.


What does God offer as an alternative?


God offers forgiveness and cleansing for their sins if they consented to obey him, but if they refused and rebeled they would be devoured by the sword.


The nation of Judah was given the temple worship and prophets, but they could not understand that the way they lived was the opposite of God's way.  They were God's people to please Him, but instead they only lived for themselves, the way of the nations around them.  Judah wanted to be called God's people, but by their behavior and hypocrisy, they portrayed a sinful nation.


Christians today want to live with all the pleasures of the world, but be know as followers of God.  That will not work.  We must seek Jesus and follow His example in how to live each day and how to please our God for creating us.


Firs they had hands full of blood and needed to wash their hands.  Next they were to take evil deeds out of God's sight - stop doing wrong and do what is right -seek justice - encourage the oppressed - defend the cause of the fatherless - and plead the case of the widow.


God, who is love, offered them forgiveness, but they kept up their rebellion and followed the world.


God offered life, free from sin - from the burning red of sin to the brilliant white of wool.


They forgot the Lord and that they were particularly identified with him.

If people today do not identify with the Lord, they are apt to be drawn away by false leaders.

They people were very religious but were not keeping the law and it's basics--love.

They're not being reasonable when they choose to follow men rather than God.  Rebellion leads to discipline.

God wants them to repent!


Q1a) Like the spoiled child, the children of God have forgotten who it is that gives them the blessings they have. They have been given freedom and choice. They have been blessed with the things of their hearts but have forgotten whom it was that gave it to them.  In turn, they have chosen to turn their backs on God’s way and do it their own way.  Like a toddler who is continuously told no… but must cont. to try.  So are Gods people of this day trying to do it their way instead of accepting the fact that they are sons and daughters of the King of the Universe who will show them the way in all things, if obedient. Instead, God the Father says his children must be punished for disobedience...


Q1b) Christ’s children have stopped having a relationship with him.  They are confused because they have forgotten whose child they are and who’s name they carry.  Instead, they value the trends, the crowds, and the flow of the social norms. They have forgotten what the Lord instructs us to do and value the doctrine of man above God.  Watering down (diluting) Gods instructions regarding 1) keeping him first 2) keeping his name Sacred  3) keeping the Sabbath 4) honoring your mother and father 5) not stealing 6) not lying 7) not ******* 8) not killing 9) not envying 10) Not making any other images to bow down to….   We have many images we bow down to today:  Our money, our televisions, our sports, our children, our home, our careers, and our position in life.  We value these things more than God.  If we didn’t than we would invest more time learning about him and trusting that he is our one true love that has come to save us.  He is our Hero.  We would pray (talk to God) and read our bibles (listen to God).  We would have a Relationship.  But people don’t see that because they are Serving Self… instead of God.   They have compromised the Word of God to fit into their Social Genre.  They are blind and cannot see this. 


Q1c) God says that his children have “blood on their hands”.  I believe that this is because they are living like the world.  No different. They have forsaken His Commands.  Because of their lack of regard for the Word of God… the people of God have ensured the eternal damnation of many whom they could have saved.  But their ways were corrupt and he says unclean and evil, unjust, oppressing to the poor and needy.  (The opposite of love)


Q1d) The ungodly ways of the people are unreasonable because they do not reflect the image of God.  Their reflection is of themselves.  The children of God should stop their wrong way and choose to do what the Father instructs so that the Father can bless and fellowship with the child and continue to show them the way and bless them…. So that God could show his true nature through “love”.   God promises that he will cancel the debt and make our slate clean, he will make us White as Snow!  He is our parent and wants to shower us with his love and blessing.  He wants us to be the best at everything.  He has a plan for us…   We have a choice: Turn from our ways and receive his blessing and “eat the good of the land”.   If we don't turn from our sinful ways "we will be devoured by the sword". 


Judah is confused about it's identity in that they had become so rebellious they had even forgotten who their Father was! They had become a sinful nation, a people loaded with guilt, a brood of evildoers and children given to corruption. They had become so encased in sin, they had ultimately turned their backs on God and had forsaken Him.

Christians today suffering this same identity crisis become the same kind of people. They wander so far into sin that they eventually forget about God altogether. They begin to walk in darkness and get lost. When we do this, God often allows us to come to an end of ourselves and when we crash and burn, He starts our purification process to turn us back to Him, to have us acknowledge we need Him and to bring us back to doing things HIS way. He draws us back into obedience to Him.

In verses 15-17, God accuses His people of having hands full of blood and doing evil things. They need to stop doing wrong and do good. They had stopped seeking true justice for widows and orphans and were putting up with those who hurt others. This was unreasonable behavior because God had required His people to do these things with pure hearts. They were practicing empty "religion" but not following what God would desire. Their religion had become self righteous and selfish.

God's alternative was for them to see the terrible state they were in and to repent, receive forgiveness and allow God to cleanse them from their sins and begin again with Him in obedience to His commands.


Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4?

It takes commitment, patience, and consistency, in order for an ox and a donkey to be trained, and it is in that period of training that they learn to put their trust in the authority of the owner, the one who nourishes and takes care of them, how sad it is to hear Isaiah summon heaven and earth as witness against Israel, a nation God established, through patience and consistency He nourished and brought them up as His children, training them, setting down standards for them to follow and to live by, disciplining them when their lives DID NOT display their identity is to The Holy One of Israel, even with the disciplining hand of God, they continued to go the way of the Gentile's, instead of being an obedient and loving family, they were once again "INDENTIFIED" with that of sin, "SIN" that is looked upon by God as incomprehensible and inexcusable, as Judah was found quilt of "REBELLING" against the authority of the Father, the Exalted God in heaven.

What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? The consequences are the same for all those who come under the authority of The Holy One of Israel; God never changes, so this revelation is still relevant for His people today.

What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? The injustice they are being accused of is that of having rebelling hearts full of "HYPOCRACY", how dare such an arrogant, overfed, unconcerned people come and worship at God's appointed Times, believing this would display to others they are in relationship with God, not understanding they are not in fellowship with the Almighty, therefore in their "RELIGIOUSITY" they assume they are sending up to God that of a sweet aroma.

It goes to show how DISOBEDIENCE can begin the blinding process of not understanding what God requires of us, how they dare turn their backs to God and then with open hands think God will continue to nourish and answer their prayers, while they make a mockery of all God trained them to be, God is weary of hearing them.

In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable? It is unreasonable because they "CHOSE" to behave in such a manner.  We must each and every day "CHOOSE" today whom we will "SERVE"

What does God offer as an alternative? The purpose of this prophecy is to open blind eyes while yet there is still time - God is not compromising with Judah, he is making a point, you must "CEASE TO DO EVIL" and "LEARN TO DO GOOD".

We must remember, Sodom was judged in part because she did not help the poor and needy, for their concerns stemmed from a heart of self centeredness and not that of others, and now Judah is being called by the name of Sodom and Gomorrah, although the sins of Judah are like scarlet they have a CHOICE to make ----"IF" you are "WILLING" to be "OBEDIENT" and will "REPENT" of your overall attitude of pride, those sins will be made white as snow.


I have to wonder, if God judged Sodom and Gomorrah for these things, how can the United States possible escape like judgment?  


Judah had received God's covenant, His law, His temple, and His manhy promises, yet they lived sinful

lives, disregarded that covenant, and failed to acknowledge God as the source of their salvation and

blessing. The consequences for Christians today are the same. They would sufferf God's judgment.

God accuses His people of a life of persistent wickedness. In this case, God charged the people with

perverting his laws in order to practice violent injustice toward innocent victims. The people were defiled by their sin and the uncleanness of their sacrifices. Seeking justice means upholding God's standards of fairness and advancing the rights of the oppressed, orphans, and widows, those who are weak and marginalized in society. It is unreasonable because they have turned from God, not obeying God. He offered full forgiveness if they would only repent, put away evil, strive to do good, and obey His word. Those who refuse God's mercy and choose instead to cling rebelliously to their own ways will be destroyed.


"In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4?"


They have forgotten they are children of God, or perhaps they are aware that they are children of God, but are in open rebellion to Him.


Verse 3 referring to the ox and the donkey seem to imply that Judah has forgotten that they have an owner and a master, or don't understand what that really means (in other words, how they should relate to God the Father).  Verse 4 implies more of an open rebellion, referring to forsaking and despising.


"What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion?"


I think we often forget that we are children of God.  Perhaps this is colored more by my experience, not growing up in a home where God was discussed & where we only went to church at Christmas & Easter (if even then), but I think we tend to think we're on our own down here, and we celebrate our individuality & all that we humans have accomplished (for instance, the triumphs of science & the scientific method).  But when we run up against our limitations, and all of our flaws, and the evil that exists in the world, we forget about God, and we forget to trust God.  This leads to anxiety, despair and hopelessness.  We need to remember that God is good, He is all powerful, and we are His.


"What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?"


He accuses his people of forgetting about the needs of the disadvantaged -- the fatherless, the widows.  Again, this may be influenced by my experiences, but it seems to me that God’s children had been leading selfish lives, looking only to themselves, and not to others.


“In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is ‘unreasonable.’ Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?”

It’s unreasonable because God’s children have forgotten their place in the grand scheme of things -- they are (and we are) His children, His creation -- in other words, we are His.  God offers to be reasonable about this -- if we accept our place & if we’re willing and obedient, he’ll provide for us -- we’ll eat the best of the land.  Only God can make a promise like that, & deliver on it.  And I think, like any good father, he outlines what will happen if we continue in our rebellious ways -- we’ll get the smackdown. :) 


Judah is confused about their own idenity as childern of God. They turned their backs on God and chose to do evil rather than do what is good in our Father sight.


The consequences christian suffer today from such idenity confusions: Going along with what is against God's word, example, we seems to be living again in the days of sodom and Gomorrah where many christian/churches seems confused and doesn't see any thing wrong with gay marriage, adultery and sex outside of marriage.


God accused his people of bloody hands, not encouraging the oppressed and not defending the rights of fatherless and widows.


Their behaviors are unreasonable because they were disobendient and rebel against the Lord.


God asked them to come and reason with Him and he will cleans them of their sins.


Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?�In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?


They forgot about God and Who He is and therefore forgot who they were.  They were the people of the living God, not some pagan idol they would appease.  They looked at being religious instead of being separated from the world and separated unto God.  I have seen the same from Christains today.  They do the rituals of religion or the motions of being a christain but forgot their first love and church becomes a ritual of going there but not living for God or having a vibrant relationship with Him.  God accuses his people of doing evel deeds and wants them to repent and turn back to Him.  So if they turn back to Him, He promices to bless their land and them. 

Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentiles? About God's plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace?


God's plan for the Gentile nations is that they too will know the true and living God and want to learn His ways.  The center influence will be Jerusalem and His people the Jews.  there will be a spirtual hunger for God's word in a time of "true" world peace created and sustained by God. 




It seems to me that Israel in this chapter is being called on the carpet. They have forgotten that they have the most high God as their Lord and Master. They have been provided for, set apart and it has been revealed to them. So they are a knowledgeable, blessed people that the Creator of all things has set aside, saying "these are mine".  But poor Israel has a lateral view. They stopped even looking up. God says that they don't even consider what the the ox and donkey know. 


As Christians today, I would say for myself, I too have seasons of forgetfulness, but God forbid that I walk long that way. I would spend days, just as any other Christian,with wasted moments serving idols, and marking days, and my borders would be just as weak as Israel's here in Isaiah. Weakened borders around my family, spiritual walk and the work that God has called me to.


God accuses Israel of all sorts of things, but the thing that most stands out to me is this statement, "bring no more futile sacrifices, in vs. 13 of Chapter 1. In vs. 11 it is said " To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to Me?"... "I do not delight in the blood of bulls, or of the lambs or goats." It is something that I needed to hear again, and it said to me, "where is your heart, Cat? These things were so that you would look at your heart in alignment with Me and My Heart". Oh yeah! It is unreasonable for me with so much at my disposal,(grace, mercy, a direct line to the Creator of all things) to rely on ordinances, pass times in place of worship, and miss the garden of that grace that is available to me.


Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor, Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow.


Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?


Judah forgot who made them!  Today we remember the name of Ford and Wright but we forgot Who made us.  We have dissed our Maker!  Unbelievable!  The only word I can think of for people is obtuse.  He had to go to the heavens and earth to get an audience.  Has He not made Himself plain and clear who He is from the beginning.  When Christians "suffer" from such identity crisis  it is willful ignorance and are rebuked by the dumbest of animals and suffer from God's withdrawal of His Hand of protection.  The people are unjust and merciless in their dealings with others and will experience the same in God's dealings with them.  Their unreasonable behavior is pure rebellion against a just, merciful, holy God.  The one and only God.

The alternative is to humble themselves before the very God they have shunned, confess their sin, turn from their wicked ways and ask for HIs forgiveness. He in turn will make them whiter than snow.  What wondrous God is this?  When we go around trying to be better than others He  who is pure and Holy will forgive us who won't easily forgive others.  Is even the word obtuse an accurate description of us?  Is there even a word invented that accurately describes the unregenerate human heart.

God Bless!


Romans 15:13 


Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?

In what way is Judah confused about its identity according to verses 2-4? My understanding is that sin naturally corrupted Judah (its occupants) to the point that they forgot who brought them up in the first place. This is far beyond a rebellious teen, what he is saying is "Your iniquities has clouded your vision so you don't see who or what you are." He reminds them this in "they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger"


What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? When we sin our vision is obscured which makes us powerless to overcome sin. In Christ we have power to overcome sin but only when we repent and realize it is the power of GOD and not ourselves. Sometimes we believe that we are sin instead of believing that we sin. If you believe that you are the sum total of every act that is done against GOD then you will live like nothing you can do can ever erase those acts. Christ already paid for your rebellious acts so why do we still carry our burdens on our shoulders. To often we believe we are the sin instead of the saint who occasionally sins.


What injustices does God accuse his people of the verses 15-17? God is saying the hands that you used for sinning is the same hands you used for praying. Its like asking a Chef who just finish working on a garden outside to go inside and make a dinner without washing his hands. Dirt and whatever he was working on in the garden will contaminate the dinner. Would you eat a fine dinner knowing that the Chef never washed his hands before making that dinner? God saw their unwashed hands and heart.


In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable? It is unreasonable because sin removes your reasoning ability. Think of Eve in the garden think who she could have asked for help. Instead she reasoned that" And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took the fruit thereof, and did eat." Gen 3:6 In her reasoning she believed that if it is good, if it is pleasant to the eyes and if causes you to desire to be wise the this little sin is OK. So to her, having that fruit was worth the penalty of death. Not until they were removed from the garden did they feel the ramifications of there actions.


What does God offer as an alternative? The alternative is the act of repentance. Repentance for me is an acknowledge my sins before God. That Christ is the only one that can remove the burden of sin. That his blood washes my sins or cleanses my sins from me. Now my sins are separated from me. God has always separated Israel's sins from Israel. Israel has to repent and acknowledge that sin in order for it to be removed. That is something that only God can remove from his people.



Ans. to Q#1:

  1. How it is possible for sons of God to not knowing and not obeying their master.
  2. And the consequence at our current time is that; obviously people will start obeying to satanic thoughts.
  3. And as a result God will not be on our side.
  4. Your sin makes me so reasonable to judge on you says God, but if you hear my voice I shall bless you.




Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4?


 I seem to see something I have never seen or heard before.  God is speaking to the children through the mouth of the prophet and even though He doesn’t refer to Himself as ‘Father’, He refers to them as His children.  The problem may be that they have not recognized Him as their Father, nor have they picked up on the fact that He refers to them as His children.  It makes a difference in how a child acts when they are raised by a step father or a birth father.


 There is just something there that feels different, as if they are not part of the family somehow and the child can feel it.  They see Him as the God, the Holy One of Israel; the LORD that they have been following. They have been doing everything they have been doing to appease a god, rather than a daddy whose attention every child desperately craves. Children do have a way of rebelling even against their own birthparents, so in reality, what they are doing is pretty common because of sin nature born into humanity because of the sin of our first parent’s disobedience. (Adam & Eve)


 This goes on to prove that the sacrifices that they were giving were not going to cleanse them of their sin because even after offering perhaps a sin offering,  they were continuing to go against Torah in their hearts.


What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion?


I believe that the reason that folks are suffering an identity crisis now is because they too have gone away from the very same Torah and The Way that God has prescribed in Torah, His Teachings. We have allowed man to tell us that the Sabbath has been done away with and changed God’s law from Sabbath worship to first day worship and remembrance. The roman church openly admits it too.  It began way back then when the Jewish nation was ruled under the Roman Empire.


 This is where I believe everyone began to get way off course. They accepted the rule and the change and forsook God and His way.  Ergo, this is consequently how the feasts of the Lord were done away with too. Man has already thought to change God’s times and His laws as a result of the rule under the Roman Empire.  But the word ‘think’ is the dividing factor.  Nothing has changed and it never will because God doesn’t go back on His word. It was man who went away from His will in the times of Isaiah and it is still man who has continued to do so allowing man to ‘think’ they are a god unto themselves and ruling their own life,  without regard to what God has prescribed as the way to righteousness and holy living under His Teachings and prescribed way of communal living in His Kingdom.


What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?


They are raising up what they believe to be holy  hands but He is not seeing them.  Unless a man repent, God cannot hear our prayers. We cannot stay in or continue in sin if we expect Him to hear us. We must repent and turn away from sin.


Job 27:8-9 For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soul? Will God hear his cry when trouble cometh upon him?


We are supposed to bring forth fruit and that fruit is to remain if we expect Him to listen and fulfill our prayers.


And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. 1st John 3:22


I think this is why Yah so loved King David because whenever David committed a sin, he would repent and not do that again. I find this verse kind of interesting too because it specifically says that we receive what we ask ‘BECAUSE WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS’, yet people pick on me often because I do keep and do His commandments and then am accused  that I am doing them to get something but hey…. that is what the scripture tells us.


And we gotta remember too that the Lord heard the prayers of Elijah when that young boy died. Yah heard his prayers and that young boy was given life again. If Elijah had not been a righteous seeking fella, following Torah,  would that have happened? James said it was the prayer of the faith that saves the sick.

So I am sure that we can intercede for folks and Yah will hear our prayers. I usually just begin my prayer with Father, I stand in the gap and come to You on behalf of so and so and go from there. I pray for His mercy and favor to be upon the one whom I am standing in the gap for. If they are walking in sin,  He would not be able to hear their cries for help until they repent and turn from their transgression against His law. The Bible clearly defines and describes to us what sin is:  1st John 3:4 ¶ Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.  God only wrote one law so when a person has committed a sin, they are in violation of His Torah,  His Teachings according to what the brother of Yahushua wrote. (James)


 In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable?


Because they had been fulfilling their obligation of sacrifice but they had the blood on their hands.  The blood was never dispensed across their hearts. They were not willing to eat the good of the land and because of this; their enemies had come in and devoured their land. (Vs. 7) They were not satisfied with what they had so they went astray looking for what they thought per say, to be a better field to graze in.  (Pagan fields)  They would eat the fruit of their own doings (Iniquity) just as the righteous eat the fruit of their doings (Obedience to learning the righteous ways of Yahwey). If Yahushua is the vine from the original root and we are the branches, we ought to go into His vineyard and begin working there so that we can come out the same way that John the Baptist did, by the way of righteousness. 


Matthew 21:28-32 ¶ But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard. He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went. And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not. Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him.


What does God offer as an alternative?


He calls them to repentance. (The gospel)


Judah is the chosen of all nations by God yet they have turned their back on their Father and has caused His heart to grieve.  A righteous God with children who continue to sin because they don’t understand who their Father is.

They turn back to their unrighteous ways and cause themselves to push further away from God.  In other words they finds themselves bound by the cares of the world. 

Because of their rebellion they are full of (violence, murder, ritual uncleanness, sacrifices etc.) stains from sinful attitudes.  Christians should have the love of God within them that is why He encourages them to “learn to do good, seek justice, rescue the oppressed and defend the orphans and plead for the widow”.

They are unreasonable because they argue defending their behavior.  God gives an alternative to their bloody hand.  They can turn from their sinful ways by being obedient to the Father and in doing so they shall be as white as snow to symbolize purity as the Father. 



Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?  In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?


Answer: The prophesy of Isaiah concerning God’s spoken word about Judah whom He loved and protected. Judah broke God’s covenant of obedience due to their rebelliousness and wicked ways, Judah disregarded the Ordinances of God as their Heavenly Father and lived in ways displeasing to Yahweh. God was forsaken by His children, whom He brought out of bondage to glorious liberty. Judah though knows God by name but disregarded His Holiness as their Heavenly Father and that they are His children.

In Judah’s act of wickedness and rebelliousness, Isaiah prophesied against Judah as:

1.    Sinful nation

2.    A Nation laden with guilt and iniquity

3.    Brood of evildoers

4.    Children who are corrupters of upright heart and are given to corruption.

5.    Forsaken the Lord

6.    Provoked the Lord (The Holy One of Israel) with their acts of disobedience

7.    They turned away backward – backsliders


The consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion is to backslide and engross in the same manner as Judah, they will lose God’s protection and identity as God’s Children and Ambassadors for Christ. Therefore they will be oppressed, burdened, enslaved to their lost, and destitute of God’s ordinances.


The injustices God accuses his people of in vs 15 – 17 are:


1.    Their hands are full of blood – Murderers

2.    Wash and make yourselves clean - Uncleanliness

3.    Put away your evil deeds out of my sight - Covetousness

4.    Stop doing wrong -

5.    Learn to do right

6.    Seek justice

7.    Encourage the oppressed

8.    Defend the cause of the fatherless

9.    Plead the case of the widow.

Judah’s unreasonable behaviour:- Judah remained unwilling and disobedient towards God, but Isaiah declares God’s faithfulness and readiness to forgive Judah. God used His physical created heavenly and earthly things to demonstrate their pitiable situation, but declares His readiness to forgive, cleanse and restore, to set Judah at liberty if only they will turn back to Him and accept His provisions in holiness, “IF THEY ARE WILLING AND OBEDIENT”, He offers them the goodness of the land but if they continue in their rebellious and sinful life, calamity and disaster awaits Judah, therefore, Judah is to chose between obedience to God leading to God’s continued love, liberty and freedom, or rebelliousness and wickedness leading to judgement and condemnation.

God is calling Judah to obedience and Holy Protection and provision.  


Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20th) 

In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4?  From our reading, the people of Judah did not personally know God. 


What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? They have heard the prophets talks about God's love for them, but they do not really understand what that really mean.  And it is the same way in what I observe in today's society. 


What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?

God will not look our way if we don't listen and obey Him and His words.  He wants us to confess our wrongdoings and sins to Him only and not anyone or anything. He deserves this since He created us.


In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it unreasonable?  Our behavior is unreasonable because we don't obey Him and His commands.


What does God offer as an alternative. Our God has unconditional love for us if we truly in our heart confess truthfully and stop doing the sins we have done so many times.  As in Rev. 3:20 indicates that He is knocking at our door daily and waiting for each of us to willingly and truthfully opens the door for Him to enter our lives and makes us "white as snow".  He can forgive us only when we honestly accept Him as our personal Saviour.   He offers us salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.




Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?  In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?


Judah no longer recognizes the One who formed and brought them together as a people and nation.  They have turned their backs on God, the Holy One of Israel.  They have become corrupt and evil in their ways and in their religion.  In addition, they were loaded down by guilt because they knew better and knew what they were doing.


Like the people of Judah, Christians suffer guilt, depression, and dysfunction when they lose their identity with Jesus Christ and turn their back on Him. They lose their way and the peace that goes with The Way, The Truth, and The Life.  The fact, Christians who turn their backs on God know what they are doing too.


God accuses his people of practicing meaningless, sinful, and false religion.  Their religion was false because it was not true and genuine based and rooted in a love for God.  It was just religious ritual.  Sinful and unclean people going through the motions of religious ritual. It meant nothing to God.  In fact, it made Him sick.  Phoniness is never reasonable.


However, God told them if they repented and turned from their evil ways He would forgive them, make them clean, and restore their relationship from Him.


Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?  In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?



Judah no longer recognizes the One who formed and brought them together as a people and nation.  They have turned their backs on God, the Holy One of Israel.  They have become corrupt and evil in their ways and in their religion.  In addition, they were loaded down by guilt because they knew better and knew what they were doing.


Like the people of Judah, Christians suffer guilt, depression, and dysfunction when they lose their identity with Jesus Christ and turn their back on Him. They lose their way and the peace that goes with The Way, The Truth, and The Life.  The fact, Christians who turn their backs on God know what they are doing too.


God accuses his people of practicing meaningless, sinful, and false religion.  Their religion was false because it was not true and genuine based and rooted in a love for God.  It was just religious ritual.  Sinful and unclean people going through the motions of religious ritual. It meant nothing to God.  In fact, it made Him sick.  Phoniness is never reasonable.


However, God told them if they repented and turned from their evil ways He would forgive them, make them clean, and restore their relationship from Him.




Isaiah 1:2-20
Q). In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4?
A). They are confused about their own identity as children of Yahweh.
Q). What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion?
A).  They become worldly and carnal-minded. They become like children of the ruler of darkness rather than children of Yahweh. The consequences suffered are the penalties of their sinful ways.
Q). What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?
A). Broadly speaking, the injustices are disobedience to God's commands and not conforming to his values.
Q). In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative?
A). Their behavior is unreasonable because they don't understand the terrible state they are in. If they repent, God offers as and alternative the following promise: "18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:"

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