Commissioned Posted February 6, 2016 Report Posted February 6, 2016 Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative? Judah's demonstration of rebelliousness against God is a sign of their confusion about their identity as children of God, the chosen ones. Today when Christians suffer from such confusion they too rebel against God and live wicked lives. God accuses His people of being sinful; bloody hands is indicative of murderers. God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable" because they were the chosen one and as such God wants to forgive them and give them the best of the land. God would bless them if they would repent and turn from their wicked ways. Quote
Lionwolf Posted February 6, 2017 Report Posted February 6, 2017 Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17?�In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative? Judah has forgotten God, forgotten they are God's people. The consequences today of forgetting God are much the same as what happened to Judah. We become secular and worship worldly things. We lose the gift Jesus gives us. God states Judah's hands are full of blood, they commit evil deeds. The people resist and rebel against God. This not reasonable because it leads nowhere. God says they would have the best of everything if they would just turn to him. Quote
Laura l Loyd Posted March 27, 2017 Report Posted March 27, 2017 On 8/1/2013 at 11:42 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative? They had rebelled, they did not know or consider their maker. We have the same pruises and sores and they cannot be healed. God will turn his back on us and will not hear our prayer. He wants us to wash our hands and become clean, to put away our evil thoughts and doings. To flee evil and learn to do good. he wants to reason together that though our sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow if we love him and forever give thought and thanks to God for his son.. He said if we refuse to do good that we shall be devoured. Quote
cinamary Posted November 6, 2017 Report Posted November 6, 2017 The people did not recognize God, they knew intellectually, but not with their hearts. This hardness of heart affected how they viewed God and in many ways they became religious following rules and regulations without the true relationship of knowing God. that is why thy did what their flesh tempted or decided to do. they did not know any better. When we forget our personal relationship with God we aire doing evil, since that is a outcome of not being close to God. I believe many people don't understand that. when you are not obedient your hands are full of blood. God is going to make a way for as people to come to him even though they are evil in their hearts. Its about being willing and obedient but that is something that is difficult for everyone since we all want to do things our own way. God is going to save his creation and those who are willing and want to know him by sending our Lord Jesus to be a sacrifice once and for all!!! Quote
Paula Price Posted December 1, 2018 Report Posted December 1, 2018 Judah is confused about who is it's master, it's father, it's maker, it's God. It has become a sinful nation filled with iniquity and evildoers and they have forsaken the Lord their God. The wages of sin is death to all generations who do not obey the word of God and obey his commandments. God accuses them of not taking care of the fatherless and the innocent and the needs of his people as he has instructed them to do. it is unreasonable for Judah to expect anything from God when they have not kept his commandments and they are living in sin. As an alternative God offers to forgive their sins if they repent and pray for forgiveness and become obedient to his word again. He will then restore them and they can eat the good of the land. Quote
Paula Price Posted December 3, 2018 Report Posted December 3, 2018 God says that Judah is confused of their identity because they sin and serve someone other than the God to whom they belong. All animals obey their masters and do the masters will except Judah. The things that Judah are doing is not of God. They are disobedient to the will of God who chose them to be his people and his followers. The consequences for Christians today are the same when they do not walk in the word of God. We are separated from Him and death is our punishment. God accuses them of vain worship, of praying and offering sacrifices and prayers to Him for an offering that they do not deserve, for they do not keep his commandments of loving and caring for one another. They pray and ask of God without obedience. They continue in their sin afterward. That is vain worship. God offers his mercy and grace of forgiveness if they would repent and turn back to him and serve him with obedience and do his will. Quote
Paula Price Posted December 3, 2018 Report Posted December 3, 2018 It is unreasonable to expect anything from God if were are not obeying his commandments. His promises are to those who accept him and love him and keep his commandments. To his people who serve him and do his will who love him and worship him, anything we ask of him he has promised to give. When we serve him he protects us and provides for us. That is his promise to us. Quote Posted February 4, 2019 Report Posted February 4, 2019 In what way is Judah Confused about it's Identity? God has raised them up to have his Character, to be like him, but they do not follow in his ways, but are wicked and rebellious. Living completely contrary to what God taught them...They are wrong and think they are right. What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? We walk in confusion, thinking we are something that we're not, and being lead astray.. We walk in fear because we have lost God's protection from our rebellion. All this leads to our ruin. What injustices does God accuse his people of in Verses 15-17 ? God accuses His people of Hypocrisy and Religion w/out obedience to God's word, and conformity to His values..which is an abomination In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is unreasonable. Why is it unreasonable? Their behavior is unreasonable because they won't listen to wisdom from wise consel..which is wicked, because they know it's right , but refuse to follow.What does God offer as an alternative? God offers them turn from their waywardness, because they are in a terrible state. Quote
JanMary Posted June 23, 2019 Report Posted June 23, 2019 On 8/1/2013 at 9:42 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative? 1. Judah has forgotten who their God and Father is.....preferring to forsake the One Who loves them, to live in sin, contempt, rebellion and hypocrisy, estranged from Him. (Praying vain prayers for help....while continuing in their corrupt practices.) 2. We can't serve two if a child of God forgets Who his Father is, that one will stray and live in and as the world lives, estranged from Him. (though God will never leave nor forsake His children, longing for and calling each one back home to Him.) The consequences are: removing oneself from His Blessing....a guilty conscience, making bad choices which have their own unique consequences, being a poor example to others who may be confused by this behavior and turn away from God. I liked this example I heard: Straying into a sinful lifestyle is like pounding nails into a board. Repentance and forgiveness will remove the nails, but the holes/scars are still there. (Hopefully painful enough to prevent another excursion into "the mud") 3. "Your hands are full of blood!" They chose to worship idols and participate in heathen practices, celebrating created things instead of their loving Creator. They forgot His admonition to seek justice, relieve the oppressed and to correct the oppressor, defend the fatherless and to plead for the widow. Their rebellion against the One Who chose and loves them is totally unreasonable...foolishness! He said the result would be that they will be devoured by the sword! (His protection removed) 5. He urges them to reconsider....and though their sins are as scarlet, He will forgive and wash them as white as wool. To come back under His "Wings" of protection, restoration, blessing, fellowship, forgiveness, help and guidance. Quote
Ray B Posted June 13, 2020 Report Posted June 13, 2020 2-4 The israelites abandon God as their master and Lord, they were sinful and corrupt. When we distance ourselves from God we become subjects of the world and remove our spiritual covering with our heavenly Father.God said the Israelites were hypocrites and had blood on their hands because of their injustices. 15-17 God reminded the Israelites of their evil deeds, their injustices and unwillingness to help the widows and oppressed. 18-20 Their behaviour is in direct opposition to God's will, law and ways. God gives them the chance to repent, change their ways, return to him and be saved from the impending travesty that is about to be upon them. Quote
Cheri Posted August 23, 2020 Report Posted August 23, 2020 On 8/1/2013 at 8:42 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative? They are like spoiled children who are brought up by people who will give them anything thing they want when they want it. They have found someone else to give them what they want and have turned their back on God. Quote
Dove81 Posted November 28, 2022 Report Posted November 28, 2022 1. In what way is Judah confused about itsidentity, according to verses 2-4? Judah has turned away from God. They have forgotten who they are and whose they are. They have started to think they can take care of themselves without help from God. An they only keep up with the festivities for show. An also because it gives them a false sense that they are worshiping God. Almost like the Bible verse James 1:23. They go through the motions of celebrating and hearing whatever word is spoken from God during the festivities yet doesn’t do what the word says. Making them like a person who looks at themselves in the mirror yet walks away forgetting what they look like. 2. What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? Confusion, that’s what the consequences are. Nothing goes right in their lives, they keep thinking it’ll get better yet it doesn’t. The more we continue in sin it eventually leads to death. 3. What injustices does God accuse His people of in verses 15-17? God accuses them of committing murder of innocent people, turning to evil ways and oppressing people. All things that Gods chosen people should be fighting against not participating in. These aren’t ways of God. 4. in verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is unreasonable. Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative? Their behavior is unreasonable because it leads to death. it’s not of God. God overs them life and one that’s more abundant. He offers them forgiveness through His son Jesus. An also lets them know if they decide to not take His offer deaths and destruction will follow. Quote
Krissi Posted March 25, 2023 Report Posted March 25, 2023 The children -- Judah -- have rebelled. They didn't passively look away from God, or forget their past, but actively "turned their backs on Him." I find it interesting that those who forsake/spurn/turn-back -- active verbs, all -- are punished not actively, but passively -- "given to corruption." God grieves what they have done but does not smite them with a lightning bolt, or something like that, but lets them suffer the natural consequences of their sin. In verses 15-17, God accuses them of murder (hands full of blood), of "doing wrong" and of NOT promoting justice, encouragement, defence and pleading just causes. People who are in this state of sin generally don't recognize the depth of their complicity unless it is shows to them by the miraculous, attracting grace of the Spirit. Secular people don't "reason" but belligerently and arrogantly defend their "lifestyle." God offers to cleanse them from their past, to make them pure again, but only if they give up their prior ways of life and thinking. This takes the Spirit's intervention. God is both the author and finisher of our salvation and sanctification. Quote
crissy464 Posted April 25, 2023 Report Posted April 25, 2023 His children & the nation have completely rebelled against God. They have insulted him. How they grieve the heart of the Father! Christians today also rebel against God. He accuses the Christians of their behavior being annoying and unreasonable. He wants them to repent and change their ways Quote
Anna Rogers Posted May 2, 2023 Report Posted May 2, 2023 They are God's chosen people but they have turned away from him and continued to sin. When Christians turn away from God they need to repent and turn back to Him. God accuses them of doing evil, not seeking Justice,allowing ruthlessness, not defending orphans and widows. The sin is unreasonable because they are giving up the best of the land (blessings) and they will be devoured by the sword. Quote
Durai Posted March 17, 2024 Report Posted March 17, 2024 My thought is such : Judah failed miserably to recognize the fact that God has chosen them as his own Children and treasure. Ref. Exodus 19:4. They are so lost and gone backward, the Lord was saying they were going worse than an ox and an *** who knows their owner and master but did not even understand who they are and their privileged identity Quote
Bryan Posted March 30, 2024 Report Posted March 30, 2024 Israel are children who have rejected their father. Even animals recognize who provides for them. Because of their actions their relationship is broken and they are estranged from their loving father who cannot tolerate their actions. In today's world without God, we have lost our identity as children of God. Without God as our father and creator, our only reference point to truth is ourselves. II Corinthians 10 states that 'when they are measuring themselves by themselves they are without understanding...' Godm accuses them of evil deeds, injustice, oppression, and hands full of blood. Quote
Katy Posted July 16, 2024 Report Posted July 16, 2024 Q1. The Israelites, God’s own people have walked away from their relationship with Him. They have decided or evolved into doing there own thing and not looking to God and His ways. They are committing sin because they are not walking with the Spirit. When Christian’s today do not act as though they are Children of God, they loose their way. They backslide and start to sin. They are not interested in keeping God’s laws. In verses 15 - 17 we are told the Israelites are guilty of their hands being full of blood, they are doing evil deeds, not doing what is right, in particular they are not looking after the oppressed, the fatherless, and the widows in their area. The Israelites are being unreasonable because, despite their suffering they still decide to persist in turning their backs on God and not obeying Him. God is prepared and willing to take them back and forgive them if they would just turn to Him and sincerely repent of their wrong doing. Their God is offering them forgiveness of sin “ Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool.”v18. He is offering them all the good things that only He can provide for them. Eventually if they persevere they will spend eternity in His presence. Quote
Irmela Posted November 16, 2024 Report Posted November 16, 2024 Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable? What does God offer as an alternative? Judah has rebelled against Yahweh. They do not turn to Him for help. They do not "know" Him anymore as their God. (They do not recognize or treat Him as their God). They have forsaken Him and turned their backs on Him. "Christians" loose God's protection and get overcome or beaten up by oppressors or oppression. The consequence is self-destruction. These days you have the open gender confusion. God accuses them of hypocrisy. They are religious but not "righteous and just" in their works. They are not obedient to God's commands. They are not merciful to the oppressed and do not work right with the widows and orphans. Their deeds and actions are insincere. Religion is an abomination unless it represents obedience to God's commands and conformity to His values. Their behaviour is unreasonable because they do not see or understand the state that they are in. God offers them forgiveness if they are willing to repent and be obedient. If they are willing to stop doing wrong. He offers peace in the land instead of them being devoured by the sword and taken into captivity. Quote
George L Posted February 13 Report Posted February 13 Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? They do not recognize God as not only the Fater, but that their proper place is to be part of the family business. So they take their abilities for granted and pervert their ways. Turn their back on their very maker. What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? Separation from God’s purpose generates increasingly incense lessons until God choses to cease trying to turn you back toward Him. Life in cursed lands is a strong teacher. What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? Failing to Seek justice, relieve the oppressed, and correct the oppressor. Defend the fatherless, plead for the widow. Their blood, loss to the kingdom is on our hands. In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is “unreasonable.” They bypass doing Deuteronomy 1-15 attitude, heart driven mercy and grace creating acts with promises and performance and enter into curse territory. the latter verses bring the broken covenent curses upon them. Why is it unreasonable? What sane person would chose to walk down a pathway destined to be a curse to them. Unreasonable. Un-knowing or rebelliousness.. What does God offer as an alternative? Turn toward obedience, return to the family as did the Lost son when he came to his senses. Turn back To God’s plan and begin to observe acts worthy of blessings rather than cursings. Quote
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