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To me this prophecy speaks of the time after the second coming of Christ Jesus. All people will seek the Yahweh and they will all live together in peace.


"No more divisions; we are all the same.  The plan is the same for Gentile and Jew.  We will  all hunger for God and His Word, Peace will be pervasive!!  Like a prepackaged meal where you only need to add water; "just add God." Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow."


What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentiles?  Jeremiah 29:11 says it all


About God's plan for the Jews?


About spiritual hunger?


About peace?  


For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to promise. Galatians 3:27-29


Even "now on earth as it is in heaven," the true believers in faith through obedience to God's will in Jesus the Christ are living the very image and likeness of God the Father. The truly faithful and obedient to God are indeed allowing the Holy Spirit to renew their minds and soften their hearts that they will be receptive of the holy Seed i.e. the "Word" of God and all that this entails which includes correct religion and rituals given to us by the divine will of God the Father in fulfillment of the entirety of the OT through Jesus the Christ in His NT. 



For everyone will know about the true God.

Their will be a widespread hunger for God's word an His way and seek His way and obey Him and desire to walk in His ways.

Disputes were settled by war and the strongest nation pushed their beliefs and ways on the captured nation. But the time will come when Yahweh, the High

King will settle disputes and we will no longer need weapons for war.


That all people will come to know the one true God, Jews and Gentiles

That there will be a widespread huger for God's word and that the people are seeking the one true God and their desire to obey and walk in His ways.

Disputes were settled by wars and the strongest pushed their laws and ways on those captured. But now the King will rule and He will settle disputes and there will be no need for weapons anymore.


For me the prophesy speaks of reconciliation i.e.the works of salvation for both Jews and Gentiles.  For God is the father of all, both jews and gentiles.  Basic observation of the shift in the society indicated that there is more hunger for spiritual awareness and this is good start.  The peace spoken of here is simply the peace obtain through salvation.  For only in christ, there is no war or hearing of war. In addition, Christ himself is king of peace and such, anyone that is truly in Christ have peace.


Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5)

What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentiles?

About God's plan for the Jews?

About spiritual hunger?

About peace?

Jerusalem will be established as the religious and political capital of the world. The Lord Jesus Christ will sit on the throne of David and will have sovereignty over all the nations.

The Gentile nations will make pilgrimages to Israel for worship and divine instruction.

As for God’s plan for the Jews – we have the glorious prospect of Christ’s Kingdom calling the people of Judah to immediate repentance. His chosen people will minister the Word to the rest of the world.

About spiritual hunger – out of Jerusalem will flow the Word. The Gospel will be preached to all nations - there will be a widespread hunger for God’s Word.

About peace – there will be peace as our Lord will arbitrate international problems and settle disputes among the people. As a result there will be universal disarmament. 




God’s plan includes all the nations and all the people of the earth.  His plan always included the Gentiles.  When the Jews turned away from God and turned to idolatry, they were no longer fit to be the example of God’s Kingdom to the Gentiles as God intended.   But God's plans are never thwarted. He made a way for the Gentiles. 

The Jews will return to Him from their idol worship.   These are His chosen, covenant people;  He will not forsake their remnant.

About spiritual hunger?   A revival!   From all the nations, people will turn away from their idols and come to Zion to worship the One True God  and to learn.  Spiritual hunger will be strong, prevailing, energizing the people.

There will be real peace; peace between people, between nations, between predators and prey of all kinds.  It will be a literal kingdom of righteousness and peace.



This prophecy tells us that people from all nations will stream to Jerusalem recognizing the one true God.  All nations , Gentiles and Jews alike will worship together.  there will be tremendous desire for spiritual truth, a yearning for it.  There will be no more war, people will live at peace with one another.  I think this must refer to after the second coming of Christ.  It provides much needed hope for the future.

On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2013 at 9:43 PM, Pastor Ralph said:


Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles? About God’s plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace? 


a. This prophecy tells us that Jerusalem and the worship of Messiah Jesus will include the Gentiles.

b. This same prophecy tells us that the Jews and Gentiles will be united in oneness...in the corporate worship of the One True God and Savior, Jesus Christ. (By this time in history, the Jews will have discovered that Jesus has always been their Messiah)

c.  The desire to come to Jerusalem to worship will be driven by spiritual hunger, .. ..that "He may teach us His ways and that we may walk in His paths."

d.  Nations will live at peace with one another...Turning "spears into pruning hooks"  to produce food rather than to kill and make war. Jesus will decide disputes, rather than wars being fought to settle differences.  "Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!"


What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles?

1.  In the last days the mountain of the Lords temple will be established. 


About God’s plan for the Jews?

2.  All will worship together, Jews and Gentiles


About spiritual hunger?

3.  Widespread of hunger for God's word. 


About peace? 
4.  No more wars, peace will reign.


 I didn't see it at first. I thought that "all nations" meant all other nations outside the Jews - so Gentiles. But all the text says is "all nations". There is simply no distinction betweeen Jew and Gentile.


People will seek Him and desire His ways.


 "World peace" will only happen then.


Both the Jews and the Gentiles will generally acknowledge the True God.


There will be widespread hunger for Gods word and ways.  People will turn away form pagan gods and their idols and only seek to learn from the True God and obey Him.


There will be no wars and no disputes between nations.  Stronger nations will not force its will on others.  Yahweh will be looked up on by all people as the high king for justice and to settle disputes.  War will become a thing of the past and peace will reigns to such an extent that people will turn their war weapons to farm implements, since they will never be needed again.


This will be a time of peace. The nations will come to Jerusalem in peace and not war. Their weapons of war swords and spears will be transformed into articles for farming or for peace and usefulness. The Gentiles will come into Jerusalem to learn the Torah the instruction of YHVH. If we compare this to Daniel 2:44 this will be YHVH’s kingdom that will last forever. All of us will be judged by the word of YHVH. Righteousness will be a feature of the new kingdom.

The Jews will live in the light of YHVH they will finally realise that Yahshua is the true Messiah. Our spiritual hunger will be nourished by the Torah




Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles? About God’s plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace?


The second coming fo Christ Jesus is symbolized by the new Jerusalem being the attraction to everyone. Such a beautiful thing, all will go to it like a magnet. Nothing can compare to the joy of knowing and getting close to Jesus. With enough reflection this creates a spiritula hunger in the moment; the deeper the concentraiton, the deeper the hunger that can only be satisfied y Him. Oh what a joy devine, leaning on the everlasting arms!


 What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles?

It says that in the last days,  Gods temple or Jesus temple will stand-out over other gods place. People from all walks of life, from different places will come to Him.


 About God’s plan for the Jews?

Gentiles and Jews will be one in worshiping the true God.


 About spiritual hunger?

There will be a true and widespread spiritual hunger from every hearth of men. They will seek what has been missing in their spiritual life which happens to be the personal relationship with the Lord God Almighty.


 About peace?

At last, there will also be a genuine peace in the hearts and mind of everyone. Hatreds and anger will have no place in man's life.








Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentiles? About God's plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace? 


God will cause a hunger for revival amongs the nations including the gentiles and a returning to one God intead of the different gods worhiped by the geintile nations.


War will cease as God reigns among the nations bringing divine peace from above which is  no achieved by war.


As regards God's people, He will purge them of their sin and restore them back to Him again.




Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles?


It tells us that in the future God will establish His temple as the place where many people will go to learn God's laws and ways. It tells us that there will be universal worhip of God by everyone. God will be a benevelent judge and bring about peace.




About God’s plan for the Jews?


It kind of implies that the Jews will be at the forefront, setting an example for the rest of the nations to follow. Verse 5 is an exhortation to walk in the light of the Lord. That verse is meant for the present and not the future. God wants the people of Israel and Judah to walk in His light NOW, to start getting things right now.




About spiritual hunger?


God will bring about a real hunger and desire in the world's people for knowledge of His ways and submission to His will.




About peace?


The peace God will bring to bear will be so complete that weapons of war will be abolished and made into useful tools for a peaceful life. God's peace will be so complete that the nations will no longer train for war.




For Jews and Gentiles alike, they will all know God.

They'll all have a spiritual hunger for the Word and wish to obey Him.

With Christ as the head, there will be no need for war and peace will reign.


Hello folks,


In verse 1 the prophecy is directed to Judah and Jerusalem.
In verses 2-3 it is possible to observe that the promises are extended nations. (No more divisions).

In verse 3 Tell us about the recognition of the nations to the God of Jacob. God of Jacob, has the meaning "The God of the patriarchs, the same God".

The ultimate goal of God's people to live in peace, no war, no divisions -  Jeremiah 29 :11.








That at the judgement seat there will be no difference in Jew or gentile. We will all be the same if covered by the blood of Christ Jesus.


Isaiah 2:1-5 tells us that in the last days, the Gentiles as well as the Jews will stream to the mountain of the Lord. It will have been established as chief among the mountains and many nations will say, "Let us go to the mountain of the Lord....He will teach us His ways so we can walk in His paths." 

Everyone will be fed by Him, united in Him  and have peace in Him, for He Himself will judge between the nations and settle disputes for many people. Nations will no longer take up swords against other nations anymore for they will ALL walk in the light of the Lord.

Wow! Amazing! Praise God!


Isaiah 2:1-5, What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles? About God’s plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace? 


I believe verse 2:1-5 is giving us a peek into what we will see in the "last days" of the world before he comes back to Judge it.   It shall come to pass that the mountain of the Lord's House (Christianity: Jesus Christ as the savior) shall be firmly established (a revival in the world) and shall be exalted above the hills (all other religions) and all nations shall flow to it (people from all faiths shall convert to Christianity). 


From out of Zion (from the Jewish religion) shall go forth the law and instruction , and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem (Jews will have a spiritual hunger for seeking the truth of Jesus).  He will reveal himself to his chosen. 


And He shall judge between the nations and shall decide for many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. (The hearts of people from all over the world will surrender their lives to Jesus because he will open their eyes).  Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more (Godly Peace will be established on the earth). 




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