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Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentiles? Many people with REGENERATED hearts will come from all nations and will say, 'come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the God of Jacob, to learn to walk in His paths'. God will send His Son to redeem the world.


About God's plan for the Jews? God's prophecy for the Jews is that they one day, in the latter days, the final period of history, is when we will see the ideal Messianic future and Zion will be established as the chief mountain.  Daniel 2:44 which tells us about a kingdom which God will set up that never shall be destroyed and will break in pieces and consume the world kingdoms of the prophecy and shall stand forever. It also harmonizes with the depiction of Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:16).


About spiritual hunger? If you seek me with all your HEART, you will find me.


About peace? This will be possible only when the Prince of Peace, the Messiah of Israel comes and sets up His Kingdom of Peace.




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God's rule will be established over all the earth. All evil, injustice, and rebellion directed against God and His law will be put down, and righteousness will reign. All nations, Jews and Gentiles, will worship and serve tehe Lord. This prophecy reflects God's final purpose for Israel and the human race; it is fulfilled in Jesus Christ Himself, who executes justice and righteousness upon the earth. All people, both the lost and the saved, need to hear God's truth proclaimed from the lips of those anointed by the Holy Spirit and committed to the righteousness of God's ways. The kingdom of God is evident when conflict and violence end, and it is always characterized by peace.


Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentiles? About God's plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace? 


It is remarkable that Isaiah predicted that God's message of salvation included the Gentiles and all of the world.  (Not just the jews, the chosen people?) I can imagine the jews were not thrilled to hear this.  But it is brilliant.  God is not exclusive, he loves all people.  What a tremendous, merciful, loving  God we serve.


I've heard jokes about Catholics, or Baptists or _________(insert denomination here)  being shocked to see other people in Heaven.   The Jews during Isaiah's time would have balked at the idea of those "horrible Assyrians"in Heaven....NEVER!


Isaiah's message is God's vision for the world.  "When it is perfect... this is what it will look like:

everyone will hunger for God's word, there will be peace among nations and people, everyone will flock to worship God, Jerusalem will be revered as the place God's Law is taught."


Did the jews think that this vision was "perfect"?  maybe not...maybe they wanted all of the enemies wiped out so they could  reign supreme,.but in God's vision of perfection, He reigns supreme and ALL of the people would be saved, Jews, Gentiles, and even heathen Assyrians. Praise God!  There is no  one like him!  There is no other God with this vision that is inclusive and based on peace and righteousness, mercy and forgiveness.


God’s plan for his people is to teach them to follow God’s ways. He plans to teach everyone, Jew and Gentile, how to life as Jesus instructs us in the New Testament. If nations will follow God and his teachings then peace will reign throughout the world. These verses seem to prophesize the coming of Jesus who will, through his teachings, teach everyone how to walk in the light of the Lord.




What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Jew?


This prophecy reveal a universal belief in yahweh, Spiritual Hunger and peace to Judah and Jerusalem.


What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentile?


God's plan for the gentile is that he will judge between nations, and will render decisions for many people; and they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, and never again will they learn war. 


Prophecy about Spiritual Hunger?


There is a widespread hunger for God's word and way. The People are now seeking, to learn from the true God--- and to obey him, so that we may walk in his paths (2;3b).


Prophecy about peace?


Yahweh is looked to as the High King whose justice is sought to settle disputes. War becomes a thing of the past and peace reign to such an extent that people turn their weapons into farm implements, since they will never be needed again.




Many people from all nation will come to seek and worship God. The Jews will walk in the light of the Lord. Many will have a Spirtual hunger for God's word and will come to worship Him  and obey His word and walk in His Path.


Peace will be everlasting. God will settle disputes between nations. War materials will be turned into machines to produce food.


Through the Messiah, God opens up His plan of salvation to the Gentiles (world's population) and they will gladly come. Everyone will recognize Christ as king and their ONLY source of salvation.

For the Jews, salvation is also open to those who hear and follow.

All who seek and turn to the one true God, will experience a spiritual satisfaction. They will hear and obey

Christ's teachings.

The Messiah will usher in a time where He will judge and reign justly and righteously, even so much that war is no longer an option for men.



-God has planned for gentiles to be saved. Verse 2 and 3 says...all nations shall flow to it ; ...let us go to the house of the God of Jacob. In the new testament Paul become an apostle to the gentiles.


There shall be a revival which will bring them back to worship Yahweh the true God


As the mountain of the Lord is exalted high. People's minds will open up to the truth. The will want to hear every now and again the word of God- spiritual hunger.


Our Lord is the prince of peace and us people embrace the truth from the word of God, God will release peace in their hearts and they will start having peace one with another.


I wondered if this is a picture of the remnant of each nation called out by God. Now every nation does truly seek God, at least a remnant of each nation. That remnant will have traded it's desire to conquer with the sword for the spoil in for the desire to reap the harvest at hand. 


Ans. to Q#2:

  1. Gentiles will start to know, believe and have hope on only one way, which is God’s.
  2. The same is true for Jews; they will walk in the light of the Lord.
  3. 2:3 tells us that the Gentiles themselves will be eager to go to the house of God, this clearly shows the spiritual hunger.
  4. 2:4 tells as that there shall be no war and all live in peace.

Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles? I am reminded of the city on a hill where the light of God shines for the world to see. I have notice that "the mountain of the Lord's house" is singular while the mountains and hills are plural. The one mountain maybe is the one temple of God and the mountains and hills are the different churches thought the world. So when you go to church you are going to a small representation of his temple. We will always long to go to the actual temple of the Lord found in Jerusalem. God will gather up his church to one place.


About God’s plan for the Jews? It is interesting that the words WAYS and PATH are used because he would use them more profoundly in Isaiah 40:3 and Matthew 3:3. Jesus used those same words. "I am the way.....John 14:6 In other words God would provide a specific way to him. A path that would be lighted by the messiah himself.


About spiritual hunger? It is interesting that many people shall go and say to one another let us go. First that they are not ashamed to go to God(repentance) and that they want to go. They long or desire to go and worship God. They will go with those who believe as they do. No one wants to worship God alone.



About peace? Interesting that after he rebukes them they themselves turn weapons of war into instruments of growing crops. They are recycling their weapons for tools of honest labor. "Neither shall they learn war any more" When I was in the army I had to train a lot in warfare. What I am seeing is that there will be no need for an army, no need to train men to fight or go off to war. No military schools or places that teach how to defend yourself when there will be peace.


Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentiles? About God's plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace?


One day when Yahwey’s kingdom will be set up here on earth,  Jerusalem will be the place where people will go to learn the ways of Yahwey.  They will learn His Torah (Law VS 3) ‘the law, and the word of the LORD’  and everyone Jew and Gentile alike will live in unity. There will be no more war and no-one will try to rule over another because there will be One Who rules over all in the House of the God of Jacob. Everyone will yearn for His truth and His Way. 


Unless we make a decision to walk in His Light and His way, what good are we?  We are a people with-out a light. His pure doctrine will be taught from Zion and there will be no other doctrine to contradict the Living Word.  Many people shall go and say, ‘Come’ and they will go to hear about what is being spoken from Zion.


We know that this prophecy has not yet occurred because the nations have not yet learned to live this way and they are still using weapons of war and not the tools that would be used in a vineyard or a garden or tools used to clear land in order to plant a new vineyard,  His…


His Kingdom will be set up and His way shall be the only way.  His Kingdom has not yet been set up. When it is,  all nations will live in unity because the King will rule with a rod of purest steel that does not allow for bending. The world will never go to war again and all will be at peace. :)




The prophecy tell us that the Gentiles will be accepted into the fold and the God of Judah, Yahweh, will be acknowledge as their King and He will be the only true God.  There will be peace in the nations and the people will seek God and obey Him.  They will walk in the path of righteousness and they will be called the children of God.


Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentiles? About God's plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace? 


Jesus will be seated upon the throne of David and rule the nations at long last. And all will desire to know the one true God at long last.  When Christ rules there will be peace at long last.

Thank you Jesus!


God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles? About God’s plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace?


God's plan for the Gentiles is to acknowledge and recognize Him universally.   To have a relationship with Him.  People from all over the world will come to Jerusalem to worship God.   All nations worshipping God together including the Jews.


God will teach all the world His ways in order to walk in His paths.  He will settle international disputes and there will be no more fighting and war among the nations of the world.  The peoples of the world will live in peace with each other and God.


Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles? About God’s plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace? 



God's plan for the Gentiles is to acknowledge and recognize Him universally.   To have a relationship with Him.  People from all over the world will come to Jerusalem to worship God.   All nations worshipping God together including the Jews.


God will teach all the world His ways in order to walk in His paths.  He will settle international disputes and there will be no more fighting and war among the nations of the world.  The peoples of the world will live in peace with each other and God.




Isaiah 2:1-5
Q). What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentiles?
A). The gentiles will worship the true God Yahweh. There shall be universal belief in Yahweh (2:2). Whereas each nation previously had its own god (2:5), now there is a general acknowledgement of the true God, signified by the elevation of his temple.
Q). About God's plan for the Jews?
A). There will be a general acknowledgement of the true God, signified by the elevation of his temple.
Q). About spiritual hunger?
A). Spiritual hunger (2:3). There is a widespread hunger for God's word and way. The peoples are now seeking to learn from the true God -- and to obey him, "so that we may walk in his paths" (2:3b).
Q). About peace?
A). Peace (2:4). Previously, disputes between nations were settled by war, the strongest nation forcing its will on the others. But now, Yahweh is looked to as the high king whose justice is sought to settle disputes. War becomes a thing of the past, and peace reigns to such an extent that people turn their weapons into farm implements, since they will never be needed again.


Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentiles? About God's plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace?


It tells us that the Gentiles and the Jews will be united under God and that we will have thrown off the shackles of our rebellious ways (“He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths”).  And the peace will be everlasting -- no more need for the implements of war.


We will all be same to our Almighty Father no matter where we are from;either we are Gentiles or Jews. When we are in the presence of our God, He wiil be our God: we will hunger to know Him more and his word: and peace will be in our presence since satan is no more... Aleluia..


We will all be same to our Almighty Father no matter where we are from;either we are Gentiles or Jews. When we are in the presence of our God, He wiil be our God: we will hunger to know Him more and his word: and peace will be in our presence since satan is no more... Aleluia..


God's temple will be established in Jerusalem and it will be the chief temple where all nations will come to worship God.

Gentiles will come to God's temple and worship him and learn of his ways and also get an understanding of God's ways. Jews also will together will Gentiles seek God's ways.


 Both jews and gentiles will hunger to worship the living God and yearn for his word which will help them to walk in peace and unity instead of settling disputes through wars.





This prophecy tells us that God is going to accept everybody that believes in Him. He will be the only God there is. So the plans for the Jews are also the same that they will also believe in the One that can save them. We will all be feed and we will no longer be spiritually hungry and that God is going to resolve all disputes and we will no longer have any enemies. What a glorious day that will be.




Q2   a   What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles? 

The prophecy of the future generation tells us that according to Gods plan

i)               The Gentiles would acknowledge Yahweh as the true God.

ii)             That they were seeking to learn from the true God of Jacob

B)     About God’s plan for the Jews?

For the Jews it speaks of a spiritual revival and they would return  from  different parts of the world back to the mountain of the LORD in Jerusalem and would worship the  LORD..The Jews in Judah were following eastern religions, divination and were behaving like pagan nations full of greed, Idolatry and desire for war…all this as a result of the influence of Assyria. There would be forgiveness and cleansing of the REMNANT.

c)       About spiritual hunger?

There would be a widespread hunger for God’s Word and Way. People would be seeking the true God  to learn from Him and obey Him and walk in His paths.


 d)      About Peace?              Regarding Peace it informs us that wars between nations would end.  All disputes would be settled by YAHWEH LORD  whose justice would be acknowledged by all nations. The people would modify their weapons of war to implements of farming  as they were convinced of future peace.


HI all

 What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentiles? About God's plan for the Jews?


In the last days-the Day of the Lord-in the acceptable year of the Lord 'there is no Jew or Greek, there is neither slave nor free, their is neither male or female; for you are all one Christ.'(Galatians 3:28)   God is willing to forgive, scarlet shall become snow. If  you are willing and obedient is a reference to v16b  ';Stop doing wrong, learn to seek justice, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed, defend the fatherless and plead the case of the widow'. This is very similar to Jesus' Nazareth Declaration of Luke 4:16-18. This God's plan for the Jews, this is God's plan for the gentiles, this is God's plan for us. We are all one, the rich and the poor and we must love our neighbour as ourselves and treat them as we would treat ourselves and we will all stream to the mountain of God shouting songs of Joy "Hallelujah hallelujah". At that time spiritual hunger will be satisfied and swords will be pounded to plows.




To my brothers and sisters in Christ living in Pakistan and Nigeria and Syria In these difficult days,  may this prophesy from the Lord encourage you and comfort you as you endure this time of testing and persecution unto death.  There is hope in Christ!  Some day when God says the time is right, all war and fighting for any reason will end and peace will reign under Jesus as King.   For now we must endure faithful to Jesus, remembering and reminding one another that He is coming again as King and all will be good then.  Until then, may God strengthen your faith in Jesus, may God give you the power and trust in Him that you need to endure whatever horrors you face, and may you remember that God loves you and is sovereign over all.    I love you and I pray for you.


This prophesy is very encouraging to me.  In today's world, we know that people will not all agree that the God of Israel is the one true God or that they should worship and obey Him because His ways are the righteous ones, but God says it will happen ... some day. Then, all people, Jews and Gentiles from all nations, no matter what god they believe in today, will believe in the God of Israel, the Triune God in One:   God the Father,  Jesus Christ the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit,  and will worship Him and revere Him and obey Him.   Then, we will agape-love one another and each will give up his rights and desires for himself to look out for the interests of the others.  We will no longer be enemies and we will seek to resolve any disputes Jesus' way - with repentance and forgiveness,  not vengeance or war.  Praise the Lord.  I eagerly look forward to that day.

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