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Belief in the one true God will br universal. There will be no more belief in pagan gods, no more wars only peace and everyone on one accord, worshipping the one and only God almighty! What peace we will have when that great day come. This will be the greatest revival of all times.

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This passage I believe tells of future events in the conclusion of the Bible in the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ (last chapter of the New Testament)  where many of the Jews will come to Christ, starting with the 144,000 special ones that will witness to perhaps millions more.  It also point to a time when Jews and Gentiles will both as believers be united in Christ as well as sharing a glorious future with God in heaven.  Division will end with these groups and between them and God.  The new Jerusalem will become the focus of worship and splendor that God will create with perfect unity for all that truly love God and have trusted Christ as savior.    Both of these restored groups will hunger greatly after God in eternity and enjoy Him forever. 

  • 2 weeks later...

This reminds me of the chorus of a favorite  worship song. Perhaps you sing it too:


I see the Lord, seated on the throne, exalted
And the train of His robe, fills the temple with glory
And the whole earth is filled, and the whole earth is filled
And the whole earth is filled, with His glory





What the prophecy of the future Jerusalem tells us about God's plan for the Gentiles is, many nations will come to the temple to worship the Lord.

What this tells us about God's plans for the Jews is,they will finally worship the true God instead of following after idols.

What this prophecy tells us about spiritual hunger is, there will be a widespread hunger for God's word and way. The peoples will have a desire to learn from the true God and to obey Him.

What this tells us about peace is, nations will no longer go to war to settle their disputes. War will become a thing of the past. People will look to Yahweh,their High King to justly settle any conflicts that arise.

  • 2 months later...

This prophecy is telling us that the Gentiles future surrounds faith in God just as that of the Jews does. There's an every knee shall bow feel about the mountains. The mountain of the Lord's temple will be raised above all others.

The people will have a deep hunger for God. They will search ways to fill their desire for knowledge about His word and ways. There will be a major hunger but there will also be ways to quell it.

There will be great peace. War will become a forgotten thing. Even implements that are used as weapons will be altered to suit a more practical need.


This prophecy is telling us that the Gentiles future surrounds faith in God just as that of the Jews does. There's an every knee shall bow feel about the mountains. The mountain of the Lord's temple will be raised above all others.

The people will have a deep hunger for God. They will search ways to fill their desire for knowledge about His word and ways. There will be a major hunger but there will also be ways to quell it.

There will be great peace. War will become a forgotten thing. Even implements that are used as weapons will be altered to suit a more practical need.


This prophecy is telling us that the Gentiles future surrounds faith in God just as that of the Jews does. There's an every knee shall bow feel about the mountains. The mountain of the Lord's temple will be raised above all others.

The people will have a deep hunger for God. They will search ways to fill their desire for knowledge about His word and ways. There will be a major hunger but there will also be ways to quell it.

There will be great peace. War will become a forgotten thing. Even implements that are used as weapons will be altered to suit a more practical need.

  • 1 month later...

God has choosen Israel to bless the world and he is pointing to a time when people will lice in peace and recognize the trur God. People will long to learn his ways.

  • 2 months later...

God is after unity and relationship. "Many peoples will come and say." This is a message of hope for the gentiles. This offer to follow the path of the Lord is not withheld to other nations. 


"He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." I love the imagery painted through this verse.  It is a picture of closeness with God. There will be a spiritual vitality among the nations that will result in being so close with the Lord he will walk in his paths. This is awesome! 


I think there is powerful use of Hebrew poetry used in verse 4.  Peace is a vividly explained through the way Isaiah couples war weapons with farming tools. It communicates more powerfully than simply saying there will be peace.  

  • 2 months later...

2a)&b.Prophecy of future Jerusalem,describes a time of great spiritual revival,where all, both Jew&Gentiles in God’s plan, will come to know the one true God. There will be no more division&rebellion, between Jews&Gentiles,that they would each turn to the true God.The Lord Jesus Christ will sit on throne of David&have sovereignity over all nations. Galations 3:27-29 all baptised into Christ,have clothed yourself with Christ.There is neither Jew or gentile,slave or free,neither male nor female for you ate all one in Christ

c)There will be a time of spiritual hunger, out of Jerusalem will flow the word,the gospel will be preached to all nations,where people will change from their ways of worshipping different gods,living hyprocritically, to a general acknowledgement of the true God and his word, seeking to learn from him and live as instructed.

d)Disputes had been settled by wars,but now it will be a time of peace where God is looked to as higher than any other God, a king of justice,judging between nations and settling any disputes,so no place for wars & peace reigns, so there is no need for spears& swords.

  • 5 months later...

This prophesy tells us that there is a place in the future where all people no matter what their religion, race, ethnicity, or God they worship will matter because everyone will see the One True God.


There will be no more spiritual hunger because He will fill us with the knowledge we need.


Our lives will be peaceful because He will put an end to wars, disputes and everything that brings turmoil into our lives.


I can't wait until this time comes.

  • 4 months later...

I believe that this is a prediction for world peace. I believe that Gentiles are being welcomed into the fold of God. People are going to thirst for truth of the word and hunger for peace. There will be no need to prepare for war anymore. Spirituality will be the normal for all people.

  • 8 months later...


Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles? About God’s plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace? 


This prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us that God's plan of salvation includes the Gentiles.  Both Jews and Gentiles will have a hunger to know the one true God.  As the nations hunger to know the true God they will put down their war gears and study war no more, but instead study the Word of God.

  • 11 months later...

Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentiles? About God's plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace?

God's plan of the future Jerusalem is universal, for Jew and for Gentile. Everyone is included. Everyone will seek out knowledge about God. Everyone will hunger for this knowledge. Peace will reign. Since the one true God is known everyone will go to Him for answers. There will be no need for "nations" or "war". 

  • 1 month later...
On 8/1/2013 at 11:43 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles? About God’s plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace? 


In the last days the Lord 's house will be established in the top of the mountains and all nations shall flow unto it.  He will judge between the nations and many shall he rebuke.  Nation will not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war any more.  He tells jacob to come and walk in the light of the lord.

  • 7 months later...

This is a glimpse of what God is going to do, it will mean a true personal relationship with God. how cool is that 

We shall love one another and everyone will know about what God has done, we will live in peace and harmony.

  • 1 year later...

This prophecy tells us that the Jews will no longer be the chosen people, that all men will come to be the people of God so long as they are obedient to his word.  The Jews at this time were chosen to show the way of what will be expected and to set an example for the world to follow. God taught his law to his people so that they could prepare the world to receive the one who will redeem all men back to him.  All men, Jews and Gentiles will be able to receive the word of God and be forgiven of sin and have the gift of eternal life.  The prophecy foretells of a time when there will be a hunger for the word of God and a peace will come so that their will be no more war and men will live together in peace and harmony.


The prophecy about the future Jerusalem is that all men will be able to have God's salvation, not just the Jews who were chosen to lead the world to Christ, but the Gentiles as well  will be include.  God has declared that he will be exalted and praised and worshipped whether man choose to believe or not.  And those of us who do believe will receive joy and peace that surpasses anything we know here on earth. There is a lot of imagery and suggestive words  but they all mean the same thing which is basic and simple, really. God is the ruler and King and He has prepared a place for his people in his kingdom where we shall reign with in in love peace and harmony.  All that is required of us to go where he sends us, do his will, love and worship Him and one another, trust and obey Him.  Honor Him as our Lord and Savoir, do his will, and not our own.

  • 2 months later...

WHAT DOES THIS PROPHECY OF THE FUTURE JERUSALEM TELL US ABOUT GOD'S PLAN FOR THE GENTILES? A great spiritual revival will sweep the Earth...and there will be a universal belief in God for the Jews as well as the Greek for all men.

WHAT DOES IT TELL US ABOUT HIS PLANS FOR THE JEWS? God's word will go out of Jerusalem...

ABOUT SPIRITUAL HUNGER? We will all  on one accord...seek, to learn from the one true God and to obey Him...to walk in His paths.

ABOUT PEACE? His justice which sits above every throne..will finally settle all disputes and war will cease to such an extent that people will war no more and they will turn their weapons of war to instruments of peace and prosperity.


  • 3 months later...
On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2013 at 9:43 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles? About God’s plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace? 


Q2a. The Latter Days....refers to the Millennial Reign, where Gentiles from all nations will come to Jerusalem where Jesus will reign from the Throne of David. His Word and instruction will go forth from Jerusalem to the nations. He will judge disputes, and bring order.

b. The Jews will walk in the light of the Lord! (Finally! What a great day that will be, when they recognize their Messiah at last and He is in His rightful place after thousands of years of darkness, and spiritual blindness.)

c. The spiritual hunger will draw the generations of peoples born during His reign to Jerusalem to be instructed in Truth, and to walk in His ways.

d. It will be a time of peace in the world (swords beaten into plowshares, spears into pruning hooks....farming and growing food, rather than fighting and killing. War will be over!

  • 11 months later...

Lord is declaring peace among the nations, that multitudes of people's (nations which includes the gentiles) will come to the Lord our Father, his is throne will be established forever and he will rule over all nations.

  • 2 months later...
On 8/1/2013 at 8:43 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles? About God’s plan for the Jews? About spiritual hunger? About peace? 


These verses show a loving and compassionate lord who will bring love and good things to a tired nation. They are being united again and not fighting against  God.

  • 2 years later...

1. What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God’s plan for the Gentiles?
I believe this is a vision of the future. After Yahshuas second coming, there will be a thirst for His word. Once where nations/people believed in other Gods they will no more. There will be a great hungry for the true word of God.

2. About God’s plan for the Jews?

There will no longer be a separation from the Jews and the gentiles. All will be welcome who hunger for Gods word. 

3. About spiritual hunger? About peace? 
There will be a huge awakening and people who didn’t once believe will no thirst for the living water of God. They will seek out His word and through that find it. Which will ring peace to anyone or nation who does.

  • 3 months later...

I'm taking this class because I don't know how to interpret or understand prophecies in the Old Testament including Isaiah.

In a less literal interpretation, this prophecy seems to point to a future time of a God-directed peace. 

Who, if anyone, is the contemporary "house of Jacob?" Jews in Jerusalem? Larger Judaism? Christians grafted onto the stock? I'm eager to find out in later "episodes" of Pastor Ralph's teaching.

  • 5 weeks later...

Jerusalem will prosper.it will be fulfilled in a spiritual sense through the coming of Christ and the foundation of God’s kingdom with God’s return.
God's instruction will go forth from Jerusalem; God will judge between the nations. The people will be transformed by this teaching. Isaiah is looking into the future.
Great blessings would be theirs if they would “hearken diligently unto the voice of” the Lord, “to observe and do all his commandments” 

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