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Q3. The Unfruitful Vineyard

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The vintner's vision for the vineyard was for it to be prosperous, healthy and bare good fruit. He went to great ends and had labor to produce and accomplish his mission. He cleared the soil of rocks and built a watch tower. That's a lot of work in itself. But when the crop came in, it yielded bad fruit.

As a result of this, the vintner says he will let dissolution and distraction come about the vineyard.

This parable is talking about Judah and their consequences for not following God.  

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3a)A vineyard that has good soil,with lush,fruitful,good fruit,rich harvest crop.

B) prepared the land,clearing it of all that hinders growth ;surrounded it with hedge &wall to protect the vines from animals,plant with choice vines;have winepress ready to press grapes

c)the grapes were bad

d) because of bad fruit Pharisees &Saducees in Jesus NT time where should have been good crop-the injustice &unrighteousness of Judah &house of Israel -they were exposed to destructive forces.He would stop pruning &cultivating.so land becoming desolate

e)This parable speaks of God’s care for Israel. Because of His peoples constant rebellion&sinfulnessm,despite all he has done for them.He declares judgement on them. Message to us we must repent,seek the Lord&his ways, otherwise our future is dark,

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  • 9 months later...

The vintner took all precautions to have the best possible crop from his vines. He prepared the land and bought the best vines to start with. The crop came in and all the grapes were bad. The vintner said that he was going to let the animals destroy his hand work and he will let it go to waste. If the people of Israel do not turn from their evil ways, God will allow their enemies to come in and destroy them. He will allow them to be taken prisoner and slaves.

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  • 8 months later...


Q3. (Isaiah 5:1-6) What was the vintner’s vision for the vineyard? What did he do to accomplish his vision? What happened when the crop came in? What did the vintner say he would do with the vineyard? What does this parable mean?


The vintner’s vision for the vineyard was a choice area where the soil was fertile, good irrigation system.  Every thing in place for a bountiful harvest. Unfortunately, at harvest time he looked for a crop of good grapes, but it yielded only bad fruit.   With the unexpected bad crop the vintner said he would take away the hedge from around it vineyard and it will be destroyed.  No longer will he protect it as he had done in the past.  This parable tell us as servants of God, we are under His protection and He furnishes us with the resources necessary for ministry.  When we abuse what He has given to us and bear no fruit or evil continuously, God will take away the resources.

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  • 3 years later...


WHAT DID HE DO TO ACCOMPLISH HIS VISION? cleared the land, surrounded it with a thick hedge and made the soil ready.

WHAT HAPPENED WHEN THE CROP CAME IN? It yielded only Bad fruit.

WHAT DID THE VINTNER SAY HE WOULD DO WITH THE VINEYARD? Take away it's hedge, break down it's walls, make it a wasteland and command the clouds not to rain on it.

WHAT DOES THIS PARABLE MEAN?At first I thought of my own life...how faithful God has been to raise me up in Him, love me and care for me..and all I yield is fruitlessness..ever learning never growing...yikes!!! but God is coming back soon.... and he wants us to produce GOOD FRUIT!!! WHat are we doing with the much more of JESUS!!!!!

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  • 3 months later...
On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2013 at 9:45 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Isaiah 5:1-6) What was the vintner’s vision for the vineyard? What did he do to accomplish his vision? What happened when the crop came in? What did the vintner say he would do with the vineyard? What does this parable mean?


Q3a: He envisioned the vineyard to be very fruitful.

b. He dug, trenched the ground to hold water, removed the  stones and planted with choicest vines, built a tower and hewed our a wine press, then looked for it to yield grapes. (Prepared in advance providing everything necessary for His vision to be fulfilled)

c. It provided "wild" uncultivated grapes...a worthless crop.

d. He said He would remove its' hedge of protection, break down its' wall, lay it waste, no longer prune or cultivate it, and command the clouds to stop raining upon it. (He left it to deteriorate and wither and to fall into ruin.)

e. The parable is what He envisioned and desired for His people Israel, that they grow and thrive in His love and care and become "fruitful" in their lives and in their faith and walk with Him. He provided everything for them to enable them to fulfill His desire for them....but they "would not." There is no accommodation possible for "free will"....which is left to the choice of each individual. So He removed His blessing and favor and they would go into captivity and mourning as a consequence for their rebellion and disobedience....and hopefully would repent and return to Him.

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  • 11 months later...

Q3. (Isaiah 5:1-6) What was the vintner's vision for the vineyard? To clear the fields and have a place of order and cleanliness. 

What did he do to accomplish his vision? The Lord built a hedge of protection to keep the enemy forces out of the vineyard.

What happened when the crop came in? The crop was full of bitter fruit, unrighteousness and evil deeds.

What did the vintner say he would do with the vineyard? The Lord said he would remove his hedge of protection allowing the enemy to come into the vineyard. What does this parable mean? This allowed outside pagan countries to invade and overcome the Israelites.

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What was the vintner's vision for the vineyard? A vineyard that was cleared and well kept, planted with the choicest vines, to produce sweet grapes.

What did he do to accomplish his vision? He removed the stones, tilled the soil and planted choice vines.

What happened when the crop came in? The grapes were bitter!

What did the vintner say he would do with the vineyard? He will tear down the hedges and break down the walls, let animals trample in it, letting become a wild place. The vines will not be pruned, the ground unhoed, the place will be overgrown with briers and thorns. No rain is to fall on the land, says the Lord almighty.

What does this parable mean? This parable speaks of the good things that Lord has done for man, removing his enemies (in mind, body, soul and spirit). God prepared a safe place for his children to flourish, that might live in the Lords righteousness, but the Israelites lived impure live's, ignoring God (disowning him) and choosing worship other Gods. In doing so God grew tired of their evil ways and removed his hedge of protection, allowing other pagan nations to invade and conquer the Israelites.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/1/2013 at 8:45 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Isaiah 5:1-6) What was the vintner’s vision for the vineyard? What did he do to accomplish his vision? What happened when the crop came in? What did the vintner say he would do with the vineyard? What does this parable mean?



he readies the grounds of the vineyard by cultivating the soil and removing the stones, building of the watch tower and wine press, plant the vines so all that's left is to see if the garden yields good fruit. The vineyard yielded bad fruit and God was extremely upset. He gave Israel every chance to be fruitful, but they would not listen, so he took it all from them.


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  • 2 years later...


What was the vintner’s vision for the vineyard?

Gods vision for the vineyard was that it would be the most fruitful vineyard. It would be looked upon by nations that would be amazed at how blessed and fruitful it was. All would know who planted it and who it belonged to.

What did he do to accomplish his vision?

He chose His people out of many nations. Only the best for Him. Planted them in a promised land full of milk and honey. Built a tower around His vineyard so it would be protected and even put it on a hill so all could look upon its glory.

Whathappened when the crop came in?

It yield no fruit, it was worthless. It went against Him and His word. Thought it didn’t need His guidance,

What did the vintner sayhe would do with the vineyard?

God has turned His people over to themselves. There was no good found in them, they ha stunted to wickedness and violence. He took away the rain so they could yield no crops. They were turned over to oppression.

What does this parable mean?

God had chosen a nation of people set apart from all other nations to be his own. He provided everything they would need to survive, giving them a promised land. Yet they turned away from Him, turned away from His word. An started doing things their way, wicked and deceitful things. So He turned them over to themselves, to a reprobate mindset. An He sent all the other nations after them. To be their oppressors, in hopes that they would soon remember Him. An turn back to His ways, His grace and mercy.

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  • 3 months later...

1.  The vintner's vision was one of fruitfulness -- harvests of lovely fruit.

2.  To accomplish this vision, the vintner first had to establish a vineyard. Interestingly, the first thing he did was till the soil and remove stones. The could refer to how God uses suffering (tilling the soil) to remove the stones of sin/weakness within us. Only after the stones were removed and the soil was soft and pliable did he plant the vines. And then, he built a watchtower. He watched over his vineyard, protecting it from whatever harms vineyards (fire, pests, destructive people).

3.  In spite of his efforts, when the vines were ripe, the fruit on them was terrible. He was patient. He waited for fruit which could have taken a few years. And then, the disappointment of having terrible fruit must have been overwhelming. Perhaps this is how God sees most of us, as being tended to carefully but still producing insignificant and poor-tasting harvests.

4.  Because the fruit was terrible and presumably would never improve, God took away the hedge or wall he had placed around it. He never mentioned the hedge in earlier passages -- perhaps it was a typical and expected way of protecting a vineyard? For us, it means that God no longer protects us when we don't produce the quantity and quality of fruit He expects.

5.  God also destroys the vineyard. He makes it suffer drought. He refuses to prune it until it's overgrown. And, He lets other plants of a painful variety grow among the vines.

6.  This may not reference individuals as much as nations. It brings to mind the apostacy and evil in my own government. It warns Christians of the suffering they'll have to endure because of the evil policies pursued by government that has caused bad fruit to thrive and weeds to grow up to harm Christians.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The vintner is the Lord and the vineyards are God’s people in Judah. The Lord expects justice and righteousness. But the people of Israel respond with violence and bloodshed. They broke God’s laws.
The crop only brings wild grapes.
His vision is to destroy the vineyard. He looked for good fruit He dug it up. He tore the walls down. 
The most important lesson we learn from the wild grapes of the Lord’s disappointing vineyard is that God is serious about sin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Vintner's (God) expected the vineyard to "bring forth good grapes".  He did all He could for the vineyard to be productive. He dug it up and cleared out the stones, planted the best vine. The crop was all "wild (sour) grapes. 

He will take away it's hedge (protection) and it shall be burned. And break down it's wall and it shall be trampled down. He  will lay it waste. It will receive no rain. 

Vs. 7 says the vineyard is the house of Israel and Judah. He gave them all they needed but they sinned against Him. 

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  • 10 months later...

The underlying message of the passage is: God is always faithful in moulding and leading Judah and the house of Israel and also us the Children ofGod, to be his fruitful generation and to yield good fruits. But the result was opposite, yielded bitter fruits. In his anger and fury he spelt out that he will lay it waste. The bitter fruit is oppression and cry resulting out of unrighteousness of Judah and Gods people. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The garden provided for the very best garden possible. Hechose the best soil, built a protective hedge around it, and look forward to abundant crops. But all that garden produced was bitter fruit so he was going to remove all protection from the area.

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  • 3 months later...

Q3. The vineyard owner worked hard to do everything right to prepare his place for a good crop of grapes. He made sure also that it had protection by growing a hedge around it , and he had a wall built around it also. He also built a watchtower and a wine press. Everything was ready to grow a good crop. He could do nothing more. However the fruit turned out to be bad, not as expected at all. 
In his disappointment the owner decided to break down the wall, and allow it to grow into a wasteland full of briers and thorns. 
These verses tell us about God’s attitude towards The Israelites, how He has chosen them and set them apart to Himself. He has done everything He could do for them, and yet they reject Him and disobey Him and totally turn away from him. So now God is taking His blessings away and leaving them to their own devices. 

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