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Q4. (Isaiah 6:1-4) Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah? In what ways does this vision reveal God’s majesty? What do we learn about Yahweh from the serphaim’s chant?


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Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah? To send the message and the image of power.  Challenge at your own peril.



In what ways does this vision reveal God's majesty? No one can control fire and light BUT GOD!  His presence in the form of light and fire demonstrate the TOTALITY OF HIS POWER.



What do we learn about Yahweh from the serphaim's chant?  They recognized the undisputed TRUTH; GOD IS ALL OF THAT AND WORTHY TO BE PRAISED.



The vision given reveals that God is the Creator of all that is "see and unseen" "known and unknown," "heaven and earth." All of Creation owns its existence to Him alone and give Him thanks, praise and glory for His goodness, beauty and truth, which without nothing would exist.  


Isaiah is a learned and holy man (then and today), he understood courtly heraldry, courtly customs, gestures, postures, when in the presence of royalty, and because of this he recognized divine royalty when he saw it and he acknowledged his sinfulness especially in the presence of his divine King and God.


As the vision progressed Isaiah understood that he had been cleansed/purged and chosen by his divine King and God. 


Isaiah then willingly gave his "fiat" declaring to God "Let it be so," "Send me." "I shall go." When one thinks about it for just a moment, who else could fill the bill as well as Isaiah? At that moment in human history, probably no one else. Plus, Isaiah knew many leaders and walked and talked with many others and even perhaps had in previous times had an audience with the king maybe even more than once or even more than a few times. Though these elitists, priests, scribes, prophets, nobles and royalty would not be pleased with his message, Isaiah would know how to handle himself and proclaim the "Word" of God clearly and confidently even when the message fell on deaf ears and hardened hearts.


Q4. (Isaiah 6:1-4) Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah? In what ways does this vision reveal God’s majesty? What do we learn about Yahweh from the serphaim’s chant?


How could God not reveal how powerful He was/is, after all He is just and would not trick us.


But do we as humans really know what Holy means? or how much it means?


Everything that breaths should magnify and praise the Lord [Psalm 150]


We arfe all connected to this majestic loving God; time to reflect seriously how to get closer, how to trust more, how to let go and let GOD

On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2013 at 9:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said:


Q4. (Isaiah 6:1-4) Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah? In what ways does this vision reveal God’s majesty? What do we learn about Yahweh from the serphaim’s chant?


a.  Isaiah was grieving the King's death. The Lord had revealed the "woe's" coming upon Israel for their evil ways, and His anger (v25). These were  also Isaiah's friends and neighbors with whom he dwelled. He was downcast and unprepared to be sent out as "God's voice to the people." Now God not only revealed "I AM" to Isaiah in might and power and holiness,  He revealed Isaiah to Isaiah (I am undone, I am a man of unclean lips) Isaiah could now go forth in that authority and anointing with revelation knowledge of the God he was representing to the people, and in total dependence upon Him, now that he "saw who he is" in relation to God.

b.  Isaiah was taken into the supernatural realm where God reigns in power, might, holiness, majesty, glory and honor, high  above all of His creation. He saw the Glory, felt the foundations shaking, and heard the sounds of worship and awe accorded to Whom alone is worthy of praise.

c.  God is Holy, and is the Lord of hosts, and the whole earth is full of His glory! 


 Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah?

So as to confirm and strengthen more Isaiah belief in His creator. To give him knowledge and idea how a mighty God can reveal himself to Godly people like himself.


 In what ways does this vision reveal God’s majesty?

By showing to prophet Isaiah that He is the omni-potent, omni-present and omniscient God.


 What do we learn about Yahweh from the serphaim’s chant?

That Gods glory is anywhere and everywhere in this universe.





Though Isaiah was dedicated to God, the task that would be his would test his strength and heart.  The people were sinners, but they were still Isaiah’s people.  Just as the Apostle Paul was shown things in heaven that he could never speak about, Isaiah was commissioned in an emphatic way.  There could be no room for doubt in Isaiah’s mind, no wavering in his belief, when he gave the word of God to the people.  

In what ways does this vision reveal God’s majesty?  

It shows Him high and lifted up, and His presence fills everything.  The seraphim give Him honor and glory as they continually proclaim His holiness from one to another, while their eyes are covered to protect them from the awesome, blinding glory of the LORD.  As they call, the foundations of the doorways shake and the temple is filled with smoke.   When the LORD visited Moses in the Tent of Meeting in the wilderness, and again when the temple in Jerusalem was completed and the LORD entered the Holy of Holies, the place was filled with smoke too.

What do we learn about Yahweh from the seraphim’s chant?
    A three-fold repetition was a sign of great weight and the seraphim’s chant emphasized Yahweh’s purity, His ultimate holiness above everything.  His glory is limitless.  His presence, everywhere.  His power, almighty.


Coming from possible well to do parents, Isaiah knew what the rich did and how God was going to judge them.  So I believe that Isaiah needed some reassurance of the "justice" of God.  Seeing God's power and strength gave Isaiah the courage to answer God's question, "Who will go for us?", by saying, "I will".


I believe that people think of "majesty" as all the finery of Kings.  But when it comes to God's Majesty, we can only see the "unseen".  His Holiness - His purity - His justice - His righteousness - His strength. God is greater than anyone!


God, Yahweh, is Holy, Pure, Always Right -- God is mighty, commanding myriads of angels.  He speaks and things happen -- God is known by what He has created, all of nature, the universe, every living thing.


He was revealed as the Holy King of all creation so Isaiah could see Him in His glorious station!

He was the focal point in the whole vision.

Yahweh was holy, glorious, mighty and worthy of adoration.


Q4. (Isaiah 6:1-4)

Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah?

In what ways does this vision reveal God's majesty?

What do we learn about Yahweh from the seraphim’s chant?

Yahweh revealed Himself to Isaiah so that the prophet could warn the nation of Israel about their total depravity. They had become so corrupt, defiant, and disobedient and desperately needed to change their ways and humbly come to the Lord in repentance. Each symbol in the vision revealed God’s majesty. The throne, the lofty position, and the full robe, together with the seraphim’s chant, all reinforced His sovereignty over all the world, and its rulers, nations, and people. From the seraphim’s chant we get a glimpse of the supreme and complete holiness of our Heavenly Father. They also proclaimed the fact that His glory fills the earth and at the same time announced His purity and perfection in this world.




Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah?

1.  Isaiah was God's messenger to his people.  His task was to telll to the people, who believed they were blessed, that God was going to destroy them because of their disobedience. 


In what ways does this vision reveal God’s majesty?

2.  He sat on a throne and the temple was filled with his glory.  Angles hovered about him and sang.


What do we learn about Yahweh from the serphaim’s chant?

3. That God is Holy, Almighty and His creations exhibits his Glory.



Isaiah was a man of God and God wanted him to take his message to the nation of Israel.


In Isaiah's vision the Lord, seated in grandeur, high above all others. The King is so massive in relation to the room size that the edge or train of his royal robe fills the entire throne room.  The Lord is flanked by seraphs, winged creatures.  The seraphim are calling out to each other, reciting again and again qualities of the King whom they serve.  The temple was filled with the glory of the Lord.


From the Seraphim’s chant we learn that Yahweh is Holy, Yahweh is mighty and Yahweh’s creations exhibit His Glory.


( Isaiah 6:1-4) Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah?


God revealed himself this way to Isaiah because this was his response to the sins of Judah specifically.


In what way does this vision reveal God's majesty?


God's majesty was revealed in this vision as he was seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train filled the temple.


What do we learn about Yahweh from the Serphaims?


We learned that God was Holy, Mighty and creation exibits his glory.






Q4. (Isaiah 6:1-4)

Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah? From my perspective most of People at the time engaged in Agriculture ,therefore he spoke their language ..God can speak to anyone from an intellectual to a layman..


In what ways does this vision reveal God's majesty? He has pre-destined us to be a fruitful people who will do his wills...

What do we learn about Yahweh from the seraphim’s chant? I learn that God lives in praises ,when we praise him he reveals and shows our weak areas of our lives


Q4. (Isaiah 6:1-4) Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah?


Yahweh, God, desires to be known by us. He was about to send Isaiah on a prophetic mission to His chosen people and perhaps thought that giving Isaiah a look at Heavenly worship would be a good starting point. We often discuss Ezekiel's and Daniel's visions because they involve endtime prophecy and overlook Isaiah's visions. The apostle Paul was also taken up to Heaven in a vision but for whatever reason he declined to describe it.




In what ways does this vision reveal God’s majesty?


God's splendor filled the temple and His glory fills the earth. He was on His throne, high and exhalted.




What do we learn about Yahweh from the serphaim’s chant?


We learn that He is holy. The triple repetition suggest the ultimate in holiness. We learn that He is almighty. The mightiest of all. We learn that the earth is filled with His glory. The things He has created reflect His glory.


Yahweh demonstrated his power, His Might and His Glory.

His majesty was revealed: He is the creator of this universe and He fills the whole earth and heaven.

The Lord God is Almighty and we must serve and praise Him.


Isaiah saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted. I think God was revealing Himself to Isaiah as He did because He wanted to be seen in all His glory. High. Exalted. Holy. Majestic. Filling the entire place. His glory is His character, His perfection, His power. He showed Isaiah just WHO He is. Mighty in majesty! I don't think there are human words to fully describe God's majesty.

The angels declared He is "Holy" and sacred. Holiness is present in His justice and righteousness, in His His love and compassion and in His unique presence with His people. They also refer to Him as "mighty". ALL mighty. No one His equal. Very powerful. Not one to come against. The last reference is to God's "glory". To be weighty, honorable, impressive and worthy of respect. God's glory possesses "the beauty of His holiness."

We can somewhat grasp these attributes of God....but not fully. That's why we fall on our knees in awe and are given to praise. There is nothing and no one like Him!


Q4. (Isaiah 6:1-4) Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah? In what ways does this vision reveal God's majesty? What do we learn about Yahweh from the serphaim's chant?



To reveal to Isaiah that he is awesome, majestic, splendid, holy, mighty, powerful- a God of war and great (so unimaginably big!)


From the angelic chant, our God is holy and mighty.


Q4. (Isaiah 6:1-4) Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah?


King Uzziah was a great and wise king and yet he had a tragic end to his life, and now Israel will be facing great tragedies, with woes and judgment coming to God's inheritance, to Israel; The King who sits on the throne of judgment has spoken, He will not send rain to His people whose hearts are filled with the plague of disobedience, who deliberately sin against Him.


I believe Yahweh revealed himself in this way, and at this time, in order to strengthen Isaiah's "FAITH", not only did Isaiah's eyes see, but his heart understood, The LORD God of Israel, there is no God like you, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keeps covenant and mercy with your servants that walk before thee with all their heart.


Isaiah knows the promises of God and His covenant of mercy, that when heaven is shut up, and there is no rain because they have sinned against Him; if they would pray toward this place, and will "TURN FROM THEIR SIN" when God afflicts them, and confess God’s name, saying, We have sinned, and have done perversely, we have committed wickedness, but with all our HEARTS and SOUL we return to you God of Israel, it is then in the mercy of the King who sits on the throne in heaven, that He will forgive the sin of his servants, and of the people of Israel, and will teach them the good way wherein they should walk, and will give rain upon their land, which God has given to Israel, to His people for an inheritance.

In what ways does this vision reveal God's majesty? God is sitting upon a throne that is occupied only by an exalted King, one holding that of  royal rank, dignity, authority, and power, a throne that is high and lifted up, exceeding all other thrones that his train so filled the temple displaying, it is He who is all "POWERFUL".

What do we learn about Yahweh from the serphaim's chant? The seraphim are worshipping as they cry Holy, Holy, Holy, to the LORD of hosts; to say the word holy twice in Hebrew is to describe someone as "most holy" but they crying holy three times, intensifying their worship to the One who is high and lifted up, giving worship only to the One at the "HIGHEST LEVEL" - to the One whose glory fills the whole earth.



Hello folks,



The way that God reveals Himself to Israel is wonderful, there is a pattern of worship to God.

The perfect worship involves holiness, respect and honor for that which is eternal.

Ans. to Q#4:

  1. Before declaring His plan to the people of Israelites God wants to show his character.
  2. “…I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.” 6:1
  3. God is Holy, Mighty and creature exhibits his glory.




God needed to make a statement by exposing Isaiah to His presence of true perfection, power, and holiness. AfterGod revealedHimself, Isaiah naturally is humbled and exhibits a repentive heart. Thus God cleanses him from hid "unclean" lips. God wanted Isaiah to personally experience this so he can effectively proclaim to the nation of Israel of their deep need of repentence and cleansing.

What a magnificent, perfect, and over struck wonderful God we worship. Although He can at any time destroy us, God reveals his glory love and mercy!!


Q4. (Isaiah 6:1-4) Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah?  The primary reason was that King Uzziah in his heart he lifted himself up and tried to go into the temple to burn incense to God.  He would become a leper until his death. God wanted to show Isaiah why King Uzziah was unworthy to offer incense to him. 2 Chronicles 26:16-23 We often ask the question" why would you do this to your servant?" In seeing God's holiness even Isaiah realized he was a man with unclean lips.


In what ways does this vision reveal God's majesty? In seeing that the seraphims had to cover there face and feet tells you that even the heavenly creatures that dwell before God must hide themselves from this Glory and majesty. Even the servants have to hide themselves from his presence.



What do we learn about Yahweh from the serphaim's chant? God is a Holy God and that he is Lord over all creation. "The whole earth is full of his glory" I take this as in everything that was made by God we see his handy work and his purpose.  The earth does not possess the sum of his glory but that there is glory found and much more then we can see or imagine.


Amen Ivory Eagle. I agree. My addition to this conversation: God is commanding Isaiah to proclaim his judgement on Judah. If any old Joe tells you what will happen in the future we take it with a grain of salt. God let Isaiah see this peek of Heaven to affirm for Isaiah that it is the I AM who sends him. It is the creator, redeemer, beginning and end who is proclaiming the future. In treet terms, God is showing Isaiah his "cred". What a magnificent vision! I praise God that it is all true.

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