Alexander Mengistu Posted September 15, 2013 Report Posted September 15, 2013 Ans. to Q#5: When he senses the presence of GOD Isaiah was so frightened and ashamed of his sinfulness. The seraphim cleansed Isaiah by touching his lip with live coal. This shows how God is willing to forgive our sins. Then God was searching for someone to be sent from heavens as a coworker. Isaiah response for that question was positive. After being forgiven from our sins as a Christian our respond to Gods call is always positive because we remember who we had been and it is a privilege for us to work with God. Surely, I say YES. “Here am I. Send me.” Quote Posted September 16, 2013 Report Posted September 16, 2013 What is Isaiah's reaction to the vision? After seeing the vision Isaiah is overcome by his own sense of smallness, unworthiness and sinfulness. How does God deal with Isaiah's fear? God deals with Isaiah's fear by allowing a Seraph to touch his lips with a coal taking away his guilt and atoning for his sin. What question follows Isaiah's cleasing? Isaiah asked how long. What is Isaiah's response to Gods question? Isaiah said here am I ; send me. What is your response when you sense God calling you? when I sense God is calling me my response will be to go. Quote
NancyinBelize Posted September 16, 2013 Report Posted September 16, 2013 Again Ivory Eagle answered just as I would have, so I won't repeat it. I'll just add this: Pastor Wilson said This isn't about you and your limited time. This is about your God and his gracious willingness to use you in his great purposes during your lifetime.. amen. I'm a missionary of 8 years and people commend me for giving, my house, my car, my extended family...etc. and I never had much of a response except to say that if they listen, God is calling them too. But this comment from Pastor Wilson is much better and so true. Thank you. Our church sings the song mentioned in its melancholy minor key. I would live to see it sung jubilantly...somehow. Quote
Craig Posted September 16, 2013 Report Posted September 16, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 6:5-8) What is Isaiah’s reaction to the vision? How does God deal with Isaiah’s fear? What question follows Isaiah’s cleansing? What is Isaiah’s response to God’s question? What is your response when you sense God calling you? After seeing the vision Isaiah's reaction was one of fear for his life. He confessed being a sinful man with filthy lips who lives among people with filthy lips. Otherwise he was a sinful man who lives among sinful people not worthy to be in the presence of God. However, God forgives him of his sin and guilt and cleanses him from that sin and guilt. After this takes place Isaiah hears God asking the question: "Whom shall I send as messenger to the people? Who will go for us." Isaiah's response was "Here I am. Send me." When I sense God calling me I say send me. Quote
GoRaysXD Posted September 16, 2013 Report Posted September 16, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 6:5-8) What is Isaiah’s reaction to the vision? How does God deal with Isaiah’s fear? What question follows Isaiah’s cleansing? What is Isaiah’s response to God’s question? What is your response when you sense God calling you? After seeing the vision Isaiah's reaction was one of fear for his life. He confessed being a sinful man with filthy lips who lives among people with filthy lips. Otherwise he was a sinful man who lives among sinful people not worthy to be in the presence of God. However, God forgives him of his sin and guilt and cleanses him from that sin and guilt. After this takes place Isaiah hears God asking the question: "Whom shall I send as messenger to the people? Who will go for us." Isaiah's response was "Here I am. Send me." My response to God calling me would be, Yes. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted September 16, 2013 Report Posted September 16, 2013 Isaiah's reaction to the vision is to overcome with his own smallness, unworthiness an sinfulness. He considered himself "undone" by his experience. He has a sense of fear. God does not consider Isaiah's sinfulness as a barrier though. He forgives and takes a live coal from the altar and touches Isaiah's lips. God declares Isaiah's guilt and sin are cleansed. God has a mission purpose for Isaiah. Afterwards, the voice of God asks, "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?" Isaiah's response was "Here I am! Send me!" Thank you for including the song Here I Am Lord. I was called out of a church once to go to another by that song. I had no idea why and didn't have much information about the other church. Later, I found out there was a great need to establish Bible Studies there and I was called to do that. God had a purpose for me to be sent out and though I have since been sent elsewhere, I have never regretted singing along and being willing to "go'! I still often sing that song. It is beautiful! Quote
Sank T Monius Posted September 17, 2013 Report Posted September 17, 2013 Isaiah 6:5-8Q). What is Isaiah's reaction to the vision?A). Isaiah reacted to the vision with great fear: "Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone;..." -Isaiah 6:5#Q). How does God deal with Isaiah's fear?A). Just as fire purifies, so a live coal from God's fire on the altar touches Isaiah's lips, and Yahweh declares that his sin and guilt are removed. The removing of sin and guilt also removes Isaiah's reasons for his fear.#Q). What question follows Isaiah's cleansing?A). Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? -Isaiah 6:8#Q). What is Isaiah's response to God's question?A). Then said I, Here am I; send me. -Isaiah 6:8#Q). What is your response when you sense God calling you?A). Usually fear and feeling inadequate to do what He calls me to do. Quote
shelteredunderhiswings Posted September 20, 2013 Report Posted September 20, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 6:5-8) What is Isaiah's reaction to the vision? Isaiah recognizes his own frailty and those of his people. Imagine seeing that vision and realizing that tis unclean lips were the same that were used to praise and worship God. That is why he felt undone. Sin separates us from God. It also convicts us and we actually see our blight in the true light of GOD’s holiness. How does God deal with Isaiah's fear? God sent the seraphim to him so that he could remove the iniquity and purge from his lips sin. A live coal from the altar of God is used to burn away sin. By removing his sin from his lips God also removes the fear from his heart. What question follows Isaiah's cleansing? In the cleansing Isaiah found courage even in the mist of God. The Lord needed to send someone to the people of Israel; Isaiah announced that he would go. What is Isaiah's response to God's question? “Here I am, send me”. God never forces a task even onto a prophet instead he challenges the fear that he once had. What is your response when you sense God calling you? Moses had his burning bush, Isaiah had a vision where he had to be cleansed by a live coal from the altar of God. God has different callings for everyone. Not everyone is called by the same way or method. Quote
antonate Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 Isaiah was fearful when he saw the holiness of God. He saw yahweh full of glory and majesty and he senses his unworthiness and unholiness in front of a majestic God. He becomes aware of his sin. God takes the live coal from the altar and the seraph touches the mouth of Isaiah and God purges away his sin and guilt and makes him clean and holy in his sight. Isaiah hears the voice of Yahweh-- Whom shall i send?and who will go for us?? The voice of Yahweh asking Isaiah as to who will speak to Israel on Yahweh's behalf. Isaiah's response is of love and obidience to Yahweh-- Hear I am , send me Lord. My response to God's calling initially may be a sense of fear and unworthiness to accomplish what he wants and to go where he wants me to. But i will go with the strength and courage of the Lord willingly fully putting my trust in God my strength and acheive his purposes completely relying on Him. Quote
angelbaby Posted September 24, 2013 Report Posted September 24, 2013 Q5. a) What is Isaiah’s reaction to the vision? When Yahweh reveals His Holiness, Might and Glory to Isaiah he feels overwhelmed with God’s majesty and begins to realize how unworthy he was to be in the presence of such an awesome God. He admits his sinfulness and realizes he is ruined.” b ) How does God deal with Isaiah’s fear? At once God sends a seraph to clean his unclean lips and take his guilt away No one had seen God’s glory , even Moses and so Isaiah’s reaction was an expression meaning “ I am a dead man”….”Unclean lips” indicate “unclean ,unholy, unsurrendered heart” i” in other words “OUR WORDS ARE SPOKESMEN OF OUR HEART’S CONDITION” c) What question follows Isaiah’s cleansing? After Isaiah repented of his sin and God cleansed him..God had work for Isaiah.. God asked ‘Whom shall I send ? “ “ Who will go for us “? God states His need for a representative to carry out His mission. d) What is Isaiah’s response to God’s question? Isaiah willingly volunteers his services and said ‘Here I am. Send me “ e) What is your response when you hear God calling you ? God is preparing me .I have surrendered myself to God’s will a long time ago but I have sensed God using me and preparing me in different ways saying “ Bloom where you are planted.” And I continue what I can…. like this BIBLE STUDY ON THE BOOK OF ISAIAH . It has a divine purpose in my life. How ? Where? When/ I do not know . Quote
Quinton Posted September 26, 2013 Report Posted September 26, 2013 becoming a instrument in the hand of Jesus is something some of us fear a lot and beacuse of that God will use the tool thats available unto Him. we need to avail ourselves unto God. Quote
WinstonY Posted September 29, 2013 Report Posted September 29, 2013 Isaiah upon being faced with the reality of God is overcome by a sense of his own insignificance before God. Isaiah is also struck with his own sinfulness, his unrighteousness before God. He like all of us are ungodly and do not deserve the mantle of righteousness in which God clothes us through Jesus. We also should be so struck. With the reality of God as we stand in the presence of the God who created, who creates and who is creating. When we see the work of the creator, the earth in all its beauty, the waters, and the skies, all speak of God's wonders and still many are unable to conceive of a God that creates. We cannot all expect to have such a call, like Isaiah or Moses but still we can see in creation, in our lives something of the revelation of God to His people. The covenant given to us is too good to be true. God deals with Isaiah's fear by baptizing him with fire, the fire from the life call. We too are baptized by the fire of the Holy Spirit poured out in full force on Pentecost through the work of Jesus Christ. Alas, my response is inadequate. I do not answer, Here I am. WinstonY Quote
Old Jerry Posted October 1, 2013 Report Posted October 1, 2013 Isaiah’s reaction to the vision is that of being an unclean man and that he should not have looked on to the Lord. But since he did then he will surely die. God deals with fear by telling him that since he has repented of his sins then he is clean. So God touched his lips with some burning coal. After Isaiah’s cleansing then the Lord asked who He could send and Isaiah responded by saying that he should send him. I hope that I am responding in the same way that Isaiah responded. Quote
van Posted October 9, 2013 Report Posted October 9, 2013 Isaiah is overcome by his own sense of smallness, unworthiness, and sinfulness. I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the Lord Almighty. God sent His Angel touch his mouth with a hot coal from the altar of God and his guilt was taken away, and his sin was atoned for. Seldom had anyone had such a vision of Yahweh and lived to tell the tale. Even Moses was shielded so he did not see a full vision of Yahweh. Isaiah felt his own total sinfulness and uncleanness that he didn't want to be in God presence. One thing I do know and is what goes into the mouth doesn't caise the sin, but what comes out does! Quote
Jen Posted October 10, 2013 Report Posted October 10, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 6:5-8) What is Isaiah's reaction to the vision? How does God deal with Isaiah's fear? What question follows Isaiah's cleansing? What is Isaiah's response to God's question? What is your response when you sense God calling you? He recognized his sin. Next to God's Holiness it would have been impossible to see yourself and your uncleaness. God cleansed Isaiah with a hot coal. The question "Who will go for us?" Isaiah said I will go. Sometimes after the trials of the last years I feel tired and I need to pray that at the time God will give me the willing spirit I long to have. God Bless! Jen Jude 21 Quote
servant for Christ Posted October 12, 2013 Report Posted October 12, 2013 Isaiah's reaction was he instantly realized his own imperfection and uncleanness, especially with respect to his speech. He also recognized the consequences of seeing God face to face and was frightened. God then cleansed his mouth and his heart and made him fit to remain in His presence as a servant and prophet of the Holy One of Israel. Only God can furnish the purity that He demands. The question that follows is " whom shall I send?" Isaiah's response was " here I am, send me". He was so overcome by the grace of God in cleansing him that he willingly committed himself to a lifetime of ministry. My response is " here I am Lord, send me." Quote
jeannethebean Posted October 20, 2013 Report Posted October 20, 2013 Whenever I feel close to God, I am convicted of the Holy Spirit of something in me I can change with Gods help. Every time! and 1st John 1:9 ensures me If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Whenever I feel really close to God I am ALWAYS convicted of my own sin. Thank God that He disciplines those He loves! When I seek Him with my whole heart He promises that He will make Himself known to me. In His majesty I am humbled as was Isaiah. Praise God for that sense of a humble inadequacy in my own flesh. Because of the work of Calvary, He has to forgive me when I repent of any sin His Spirit reveals. Jesus paid the ransom! Then, as I abide in His love for me He purifies me from unrighteousness. It's a daily walk. ' Quote
linda bass Posted October 21, 2013 Report Posted October 21, 2013 Isaiah's reaction to the vision is to declare himself a "man of unclean lips." In the midst of God's holiness, Isaiah is ovecome by a sense of his own worthlessness and sinfulness. God deals with Isaiah's fear by a seraph touch his lips a hot coal from the altar. With this action Isaiah's guilt was taken away and his sins atoned for. The question following Isaiah's cleansing is the Lord asking, "Whom shall I send?" or " Who will go for us?" Isaiah's response to God's question is to reply, "Here I am. Send me!" Have to confess I haven't always been obedient when I have sensed God calling me to do something. I am learning to be more obedient of His will for my life. Quote
Jen Posted November 6, 2013 Report Posted November 6, 2013 In my post I forgot to type the word not after to impossible. Oops. Makes a difference God Bless Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
leighlang1015 Posted January 22, 2014 Report Posted January 22, 2014 Speaking frankly, Isaiah flipped! If I go to a friend's home and they have an immaculately clean house; it only makes me that much more painfully aware of the state I left my house in. I believe it was the same for Isaiah. Standing in the face of predation, majesty and glory, he could feel his own iniquities beating down on him. The guilt must have been overwhelming. Instead of destroying Isaiah or some other harsh punishment, which he deserved, God cleansed Isaiah of this sin and removed the guilt. He forgave him. He the asks Isaiah, "Who will go for us." In other words, who will do my work? Who will carry my message? Isaiah accepts. When I hear a god calling me, a lot of the time I am driven by my flesh to panic just as Isaiah did. I'm not sure if I'm up to the task or good enough. Sometimes I'm called to do things I just don't want to do. Even still. I know that if i am called to it, my Father has already worked it out and I will be successful or taken ca of. Quote
Nick Posted May 23, 2014 Report Posted May 23, 2014 At the holy sight of the Lord, Isaiah is paralyzed with fear, and rightfully so because he sees that he is unclean in the presence of the perfect and pure Almighty. God response to Isaiah's fear is a wonderful picture of His response to our sin. He cleanses Isaiah, just as our sins have been atoned for through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Fear is removed and instead of condemnation the Lord calls up Isaiah into mission. Isaiah is filled with passion and says, "Here am I. Send me!" Can you blame him? I think after seeing the holy presence of the Lord, there would be nothing more noble, serving and adventurous than following him into mission. When I read this passage I'm reminded that God is calling all of us believers into mission as well. Honestly, I get fired up when I think about this. What an incredible call in which we get to lay down our own life to serve a perfect and loving God until the day he calls us home to be with him forever. Sign me up! I'm in! Quote
wifee Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 5a)Isaiah is overwhelmed by sense of his sinfulness his smallness and unworthiness and cry’s out to God in repentance. b)God doesn’t hold his sin against him,but instead atones for Isaiah’s sins,cleansing him of all guilt,removing his sin from him by touching his lips with the live coal,and prepares him for the task he has for him. c)God states his need for a representative to carryon his mission. d) Isaiah grateful for God’s cleansing,willingly volunteers himself. e)I hope to respond straightaway,and not delay too long testing it is God calling¬ me leading. Quote
JoanG Posted May 24, 2015 Report Posted May 24, 2015 Isaiah feels small and sinful. He feels that his life is over. That there is nothing left for him except to die. The angel followed God's instruction and purified Isaiah and his sins were forgiven. God then asked who is willing to do his work for him on earth. Isaiah immediately volunteered to be God's spokesperson. I feel that I am very open now to do what God needs me to do. I am very willing to accept his call. Quote
Commissioned Posted February 6, 2016 Report Posted February 6, 2016 Q5. (Isaiah 6:5-8) What is Isaiah’s reaction to the vision? How does God deal with Isaiah’s fear? What question follows Isaiah’s cleansing? What is Isaiah’s response to God’s question? What is your response when you sense God calling you? Isaiah reaction to the vision was as one who was fearful and felt greatly unworthy or sinful. God deals with this fear and feeling of sinfulness by purifying him; preparing him for his next assignment. Isaiah felt that he was now ready and volunteered himself to go on God's behalf. When I sense that God is calling me I delight to do His will. Quote
Ray B Posted June 14, 2020 Report Posted June 14, 2020 Q5. (Isaiah 6:5-8) What is Isaiah's reaction to the vision? That he is a sinner living amongst sinful people, that he is doomed. How does God deal with Isaiah's fear? God removes Isaiah's sin by cleansing his lips with the hot coal. What question follows Isaiah's cleansing? The Lord has a task and is looking for someone to go on his behalf. What is Isaiah's response to God's question? Here I am Lord, choose me, I will go for you, I will put your people on my heart. What is your response when you sense God calling you? My response is I first get confirmation from his spirit, I then move on his word and turn into an action on his behalf, for his kingdom glory and not my own. I fear God and choose to be obedient to him. Quote
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