Pastor Ralph Posted August 2, 2013 Report Posted August 2, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a “stumbling stone” and “a trap and a snare”? In what way are people broken in this stumbling? Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? Quote
IvoryEagle Posted September 14, 2013 Report Posted September 14, 2013 In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a “stumbling stone” and “a trap and a snare”? God is our rock; when we have Him, we have everything. When this is recognized, he becomes our stepping stone to victory. When the stone is not used properly to step; we stumble over it. In what way are people broken in this stumbling? they will be snared and captured." (8:14b-15) Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? IGNORANCE & UNBELIEF. We just have to be sure, do we become snared and broken. Quote
Stan Posted September 14, 2013 Report Posted September 14, 2013 He is our stumbling block tripping us up when we do wrong.His Spirit convicts our man spirit. People are broken when they confess thet they are sinners and God is Holy and true.People Stumble when they try to go it on their own not acknowledging God and doing His will. Quote
Skinnykenny Posted September 15, 2013 Report Posted September 15, 2013 One of my favorite passages sums this up pretty well: Luke 8:16-18 "...16...17...18 Take heed therefore how you hear. For whosoever hath, to him shall be given: and whosoever hath not, that also which he thinkest he hath, shall be taken away from him. On the surface this doesn't some pleasant. Yet in truth, every believer has had much taken away from them, and in truth this has been a very good thing. For there was a time we might have though any number of evils were good. But through the grace of God all this useless baggage and sinfulness and weight of guilt and fear is taken away, and we in truth begin to see the actual divine light and love of God and begin to desire to share this same hope of loss of these burdens and heavy yokes in favor of God's light and easy yoke of liberty and freedom from the bondage of a sinful past and sinful world. Our minds begin to be renewed in the Truth Himself and our lives are restored to holiness and our faith is increased and our hope elevated upon seeking things above where our savior and our heavenly Father sit enthroned and victorious, so we willingly mortify our flesh and wills that they be trained in the ways of God alone. (Read - Colossians 3:1-5) Quote
talmid danny Posted September 15, 2013 Report Posted September 15, 2013 Unbelief in Yahshua is a stumbling stone for orthodox Jews. One can see how is has divided the Jewish people. Belief in Yahshua represents safety however unbelief results being broken into pieces Daniel 2:34 refers here, Yahshua is the stone. The trap and snare again alludes to those who do not believe in Yahshua.1 Peter 2 6-8 shows Yahshua as a stone of stumbling. People are broken as they will be overcome by their enemies in this case most probably Assyria. Some people harden their hearts to YHVH’s words and continue with their daily life of sin. Some people give up and feel they cannot please YHVH Tsidkenu and backslide as they are not willing to please YHVH or feel they are not righteous enough. Quote
humblejon Posted September 15, 2013 Report Posted September 15, 2013 As it is proclaimed in Hebrews 4: 12-13, God's word "is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword,piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account." (ESV version) One day we will be accountable to what we do and say and believe in. If we are blessed by God's grace ( as Stan points out) His Holy Spirit will convict us of our sin and rebellion, and leads us to repentance. A broken and contrite heart is what God wants. Yet some will remain hardened and continue to live their in opposition to God. God forbid but all who follow this path will find out too late on judgement day that they chose eternal destruction. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted September 16, 2013 Report Posted September 16, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a “stumbling stone” and “a trap and a snare”? People try to make God into a vending machine. They want a god who is there for them right or wrong. They want a god that will answer their prayers in the way they want them answered and that's all. They don't want to be submissive to God, they want God to be at their beck and call. So with that attitude, it's no wonder they stumble, no wonder they fail. We're here to serve God and not the other way around. To base your relationship with God in your terms and not His is to invite disappointment. In what way are people broken in this stumbling? They become so convinced that their way is the right way that when it all comes undone they lose the plot completely. Depression sets in and they lose all hope. The "God" they tried to keep in their pocket is suddenly found to be too big for that and it takes a calamity or personal loss or tragedy or whatever to finally realize they were going about it all wrong when it comes to a relationship with Almighty God. Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? People just want the "benefits" of being a Christian (or in the case of the people in Isaiah's time, Jews) without obeying God's rules. They want answered prayer and prosperity without toeing the line when it comes to their worship of God. They don't love God they just want to use God. It just doesn't work that way. Often it's a pride issue. We're told to walk humbly before our God. If your nose is in the air you WILL trip and stumble. Quote
Allan Posted September 16, 2013 Report Posted September 16, 2013 They become a stumbling block and a snare to those who do not place their trust in Yahweh(the Messiah) and do not surrender to God. They are broken by receiving the punishment from God for their disobedience from not following God. We stumble because we seek strength from other people who are not Christians instead of going to the Father for guidance and strength in order too be obedient follower of God. Also, because we feel that we can do it ourselves. Quote
Jen Posted September 16, 2013 Report Posted September 16, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a "stumbling stone" and "a trap and a snare"? In what way are people broken in this stumbling? Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? Jesus is our Rock. The only rock for salvation upon which we may cling. If we reject He becomes a stumbling stone and a trap and a snare. If we reject God's offer of salvation the rock will fall on us and judge us. We will not stand before God on our own merits. People are totally rebellious to Almighty God. And totally corrupt and don't even see it! God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
wjcargile Posted September 16, 2013 Report Posted September 16, 2013 The Lord and His Son Jesus becomes a "Stumbling Stone" when we do not place our full trust in Him or use Him as a stepping Stone to help us in every circumstance. We are broken when do not look for strength in Him and go our own way, resulting in losing the battle. We stumble over a rightous God when we refuse to obey Him and do not fully surrender to His Will. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted September 16, 2013 Report Posted September 16, 2013 Yahweh can be a stumbling stone, a trap and a snare because we must either trust in or surrender to God or we will stumble over Him. Either we find our strength in Him or He will break us until we do. Either we find our salvation and righteousness in Him or He will show us our attempts at self righteousness and works are nothing but stumbling blocks to true faith. People are broke in this stumbling by failing continually, falling and coming to an end of ourselves. Then we are more willing to look up, cry out and accept the truths He is teaching us. People stumble over God because they either, don't know Him well and haven't learned to trust Him or they become impatient waiting on Him and move forward trusting in their own devices. This shows itself in our own pride and rebellion. Also, I think today, even Christians have removed "fear of the Lord" and respect of Who God is from their view of God. Isaiah fell down before Him and cried "Woe is me!" We fail to approach God in reverence today. This is sadly lacking and a result of "feel good" religion, false teaching and disrespect. Quote
hanks Posted September 17, 2013 Report Posted September 17, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a "stumbling stone" and "a trap and a snare"? In what way are people broken in this stumbling? Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? The Lord will be a sanctuary, a shelter, and a safe place for those who believe in Him and also for those who put their trust in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. However, for unbelievers He will be the means of destruction. 1 Peter 2:8 reads, "A stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall." They stumble because they disobey the message - which is also what they were destined for”. Jesus can be a stone that will make unbelievers stumble and a rock that will make them fall. On the other hand if we are in Christ, we become new creations, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17), and we progress in the Christian life. Becoming more and more like our Saviour. People stumble because they consciously choose to disobey God and the Word. All who refuse to bow to the Lord Jesus Christ will stumble. Their hearts are hardened, “The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:14)”. Quote
JanMary Posted September 17, 2013 Report Posted September 17, 2013 On 8/2/2013 at 4:50 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a “stumbling stone” and “a trap and a snare”? In what way are people broken in this stumbling? Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? a. He is a trap and a snare to all who believe their own works and "righteousness" are sufficient to achieve God's acceptance and eternal life. b. They prefer to go their own way, live by their own rules and opinions, ignoring God's only way (His Son's sacrifice and death on the cross for their sins) and end up in hell by "doing it their way". c. A headline in today's newspaper says it all: "The Bible is the enemy of science". To admit that God is Almighty, Righteous and must be obeyed, requires that they be accountable to Him, subject to Him and His Word...and the pride of life ensnares them, keeping them in bondage to self. Quote
Alexander Mengistu Posted September 17, 2013 Report Posted September 17, 2013 #2 Of course for those who do their will; God’s way seems to be like a trap. “..They will fall and be broken; they will be snared and captured." 8:15b “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” 55:9. God knows about our life more than we do. Therefore we have to obey God. Quote
parkerslope Posted September 17, 2013 Report Posted September 17, 2013 In what sense is Yahweh (and His Messiah Jesus) a "stumbling stone" and "a trap and a snare"? God has given us the truth and we have slipped away from it, knowing only what the world knows. So God puts out His truth and we don't want to accept it because it will embarrass us, and make us feel guilty. We do not want the feelings of guilt, so we continue with other gods. In what way are people broken in this stumbling? The knowledge of truth will hit people and make them think about what they should do. When we stumble, we sin in disobedience and are snared by that sin by the works of the Devil. Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed. People do not like others telling them what to believe and do. Especially God, who cannot be seen, who is right in everything He does. We just are stubborn. We like independence. Quote
Delivered Posted September 17, 2013 Report Posted September 17, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a "stumbling stone" and "a trap and a snare"? When Ahaz, Judah, and Israel rejected their God by choosing to be "DISOBEDIENT" to Him and his laws, it was then that God became a stumbling block to them, the same is true for his Messiah Jesus, if we who put our trust in the Messiah and choose "NOT TO" be obedient to His Father and his laws, the Messiah will be a stumbling stone and we will fall into the same "TRAP" of unbelief and the "SNARE" of sin as Judah did. Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? People stumble over God because they do not "FEAR GOD" - for the calling of God is for a holy people, a chosen generation that would show forth praises of Him. God Almighty calls his people to come out of sin so they would give glory to his Son and praises to Him; therefore, it is sad to say, but for many, they would rather go down the wide road that requires only an outward appearance of being religious, without the commitment of "OBEDIENCE" to God and his laws, a stumbling stone for sure. Quote
Sank T Monius Posted September 18, 2013 Report Posted September 18, 2013 Isaiah 8:14-15Q). In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a "stumbling stone" and "a trap and a snare"?A). We must either trust in or surrender to our God or we will stumble over him; either we find our strength in him or he will break us.#Q). In what way are people broken in this stumbling?A). They are broken of pride. Proverbs 16:18 says it best: "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."#Q). Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed?A). People stumble over God when they rely on their own strength (self-reliance). Quote
Squirt Posted September 18, 2013 Report Posted September 18, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a "stumbling stone" and "a trap and a snare"?The LORD (and His Messiah, Jesus) are a stumbling stone when people do not believe or trust in the LORD and they are shut out of a relationship with Him as a result. They become increasingly hardened to His will, spiritually blind and deaf. His Word becomes foolishness to them. Their rebellion leads them into ever deepening sin and eventual destruction as they rely on their own wisdom and their own work. In what way are people broken in this stumbling? Their lives are separated from the fellowship and grace of God. They reject what is good and follow what is sinful. Ahaz rejected God’s offer of a sign, and instead chose his own plans. He turned his back on God and opened his life to fear and deceit and bondage.Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? We think we have the answers and we don’t want to give control of our lives–either work or pleasure–to someone who might require us to do something we don’t want to do. We see a God of justice and might and retribution, a God of fire and plagues and war. What we often fail to see is the God of love and light and grace and truth and faithfulness. If we fail to understand all that Jesus did for us, then we go through life trying to cure ourselves of sin and failing, just as the Israelites failed to keep the Mosaic Law. Quote
angelbaby Posted September 18, 2013 Report Posted September 18, 2013 Q 2 (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a "stumbling stone" and "a trap and a snare"? 2 a)……Stumbling block = obstacle..Jesus became the obstacle in all areas for the people of Israel. Jesus was the purposely placed roadblock for those who thought they were on the path to righteousness. He was in their way but they couldn’t realize that He was the way. The standard of holiness set by him was a stumbling block / rock of offence. To many Christians the preaching of the Cross is foolishness, his doctrines and precepts offend them. To believers Jesus was a place of safety/ a sanctuary. This is a call to fear God / Yahweh. We are not to enter any confederacy with the world thinking that by doing so we will accomplish much more and achieve total freedom. Those who reject Christ will be lured into sin (snared) and thereby enter the worst type of slavery to sin (trapped by sin) Every device of Satan will lure Gods people to form a confederacy with the agents of Satan . This latter-day-Assyrian confederacy will be a fearful trap and will separate God’s people..Those who know and recognize it will “escape” the trap but a majority of Christians will be caught in it . In what way are people broken in this stumbling? They trip on the stone and fall and break their bones….When they reject Christ they will leave the right path and fall a prey to the devil and they will reach destruction..All those who persist in unbelief of the Gospel of Christ will be destroyed….they fall into other sins and then are punished and die and perish eternally. c) Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? The problem with many people and the Jews is the way in which they pursue righteousness. They want to do it their way not God’s way . They want to use Law as a way to obtain righteousness.but no one can fulfill the demands of the Law and they will remain sinners . Christ alone fulfilled the Law. Instead of seeing God’s righteousness by faith that Christ did it all; they stumble over works. People refuse to come to God by faith. Lack of faith prevents them from recognizing Jesus as the Messiah. They have an attitude problem. Instead of reigning in the rich blessings of Yahweh through Christ they consider Christ a hindrance on which they trip and fall to destruction or eternal peril. Quote
haar Posted September 18, 2013 Report Posted September 18, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a "stumbling stone" and "a trap and a snare"? In what way are people broken in this stumbling? Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? Yahweh is a stumbling stone and a snare in the sense that we either align with Him and go by His plans or be destroyed. He is a stumbling block and a snare in the sense that He abandons us to our enemy Satan and his his human agents that will destroy those who do not harken to His word. People stumble over a God that is our protector because of their rebellious human nature and also because they yield to Satan who tempts them into disobedience. Quote
dmmelo9 Posted September 19, 2013 Report Posted September 19, 2013 Hello, Jesus is our rock and his word our truth. At the moment that we do not agree with the God's word, this is a stumbling stone for us. God has a compromise with his word. Quote
NancyinBelize Posted September 21, 2013 Report Posted September 21, 2013 Ok's my take on this. Isaiah and the Psalms say that IF we trust in the Lord and depend on him, turn to him and worship him alone, he will be our jehovah Jireh, our protector and provider. Isaiah and the Psalms also say that if we choose to worship other Gods and not love God with our whole hearts (1st commandment), God will remove this hedge of protection and provision. This hedge of protection and provision is a rock, God is our Rock. But when we fail to worship, trust and love him, the wall of protection comes down and we find we are stumbling around trying to provide for ourselves and protect ourselves...stumbling over this wall of protection that God had put around us. Trapped and ensnared is a metaphor for not being able to find our way out of the situation. We make a decision and we are stuck not only with the consequences but what choices remain as a result of a poor decision. Ahaz chose to join hands with Assyia. After doing that and Assyria's destruction of Syria and Israel, Ahaz was stuck...with fewer choices and could not have a "do-over" at that point. Why do people stumble over a God that is righteous and wants to take care of them? That's exactly what God lamented."Israel why to you want to be beaten all of the time? "( Isaiah 1:5). It's foolish, stubborn, illogical, etc. BUT God gave us free will and allows us to choose. God has never been a God that forces His people to love him. He knows that is not love. So we have to choose to Love God. That means we have to choose to reject all other "loves" (self, idols, money, success, pride, independence, etc.) This is hard for most people to do. "They know that God's commands are right. They know that those who do evil things should die.But they continue to do those very things." (Romans 1:32) Quote
blezed Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a “stumbling stone” and “a trap and a snare”? 1. If we must either trust in or surrender to God or we will stumble. God's presence has endangered them. In what way are people broken in this stumbling? Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? 2. People are broken in this stumbling because they don't trust God. We have the tendancy to rely on our own strength. Also, we don't want to obey. Quote
shelteredunderhiswings Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a "stumbling stone" and "a trap and a snare"? That answer is answered by Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:22-23 The Jews require a sign and a crucified messiah is not the sign they were expecting. The messiah that Israel and Judah were waiting for was a conquering king. Jesus was crucified on a wooden cross as a criminal, rejected my the Jewish authorities. The cross was an instrument of death which killed the men who hung on it. The cross killed Jesus as it did the two thieves that hung their with him. The biggest difference is what would happen 3 days later. Our conquering King Jesus would conquer sin and death by his resurrection and his ascension. In what way are people broken in this stumbling? They are broken in their stumbling because they rejected the corner stone. That corner stone is Jesus who they rejected and it will be him who they will stand in front of to give an account of their lives when they die. They will see Jesus throughout the old testament but it will be too late. They try to be perfect by obeying every law and commandments but their hearts are far from God. Most people who reject Jesus will have to try to enter heaven on their own Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? I believe people stumble because we are human, weak and sinful. Human in that we fail, falter and always come up short. Weakness in many vices that ensnare us and makes us prisoners to them. Sinful in that we rebel and try to make it on our own and on our own terms. Sin makes us feel guilty because of its weight and the stain of it. We stumble because we walk in our own darkness and not the light that is God. We often forget that he must be obey in order to love him. Quote
Craig Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a “stumbling stone” and “a trap and a snare”? In what way are people broken in this stumbling? Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? Either we surrender our will to God and trust in Him or we end up stumbling over Him. When I disregard God's direction for my life and things don't work out the way I thought they would it creates an awareness in me that I need God. I need His direction and counsel. So, stumbling can cause an awareness in a person that they need God's involvement in their life. I think there a basic awareness in people that they need God. However, there is the battle between self-will and God's will for our lives. God might be almighty and righteous, but he loves his creation. So, many people want God in their lives, but also want to live the way they want to live. So this causes tension within a person. There is also the conviction of the Holy Spirit to do things according to God's direction or way. When we resist this conviction it causes unrest and stumbling over God. We were created to have a relationship with God. God is interested in us. God is trying to get our attention. There is a battle with satan over the minds of men and women. The battle for influence. God is a mighty force because He is creator. No one can really ignore God. A person can resist, deny, and run, but it will always cause unrest in the human soul and cause people to stumble over God. Because God is here. Quote
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