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Q2. A Stumbling Stone

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Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a “stumbling stone” and “a trap and a snare”? In what way are people broken in this stumbling? Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? 


Either we surrender our will to God and trust in Him or we end up stumbling over Him.   When I disregard God's direction for my life and things don't work out the way I thought they would it creates an awareness in me that I need God.  I need His direction and counsel.  So, stumbling can cause an awareness in a person that they need God's involvement in their life.


I think there a basic awareness in people that they need God.  However, there is the battle between self-will and God's will for our lives.  God might be almighty and righteous, but he loves his creation.  So, many people want God in their lives, but also want to live the way they want to live.  So this causes tension within a person.  There is also the conviction of the Holy Spirit to do things according to God's direction or way.  When we resist this conviction it causes unrest and stumbling over God.  We were created to have a relationship with God.  God is interested in us.   God is trying to get our attention.  There is a battle with satan over the minds of men and women.  The battle for influence.  God is a mighty force because He is creator.  No one can really ignore God.  A person can resist, deny, and run, but it will always cause unrest in the human soul and cause people to stumble over God.  Because God is here.



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Yahweh is a stumbling stone and a trap and snare for those who do not love him and they disobey his word.

people stumble and break when they do not walk in the ways of Yahweh. The hearts of people become hard and stubborn to follow the living God and they stumble and fall into darkness.


people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous beacause there is no true love for God in their hearts for him. Since there is no love for the Almighty God they do not seek his righteous ways in their lives because the ways of the world become more easy and comfortable to follow than to follow God's holy word. There is no fear of God niether people fear the consequence of sin. It becomes difficult to accept Jesus as the Son of God and live a life imitating Christ and his values.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Question 2.2 Stumbling Stone

There are two possibilities for the interpretation of the 'stone' from v.14. The stone can a sanctuary for as 1 Peter 2.6 says “ ...and he who believes in him shall not be put to shame.” The cross was a stumbling block for those who refuse to believe. If one is completely rational like the ancient Athenians who refused to believe Paul in Acts 17 or like the rational thinkers of the Modern Age than the cross and Jesus are a stumbling block. But those who believe in a sense of trusting and true relationship with Jesus than the living stone becomes a sanctuary and a salvation.

The reason people stumble is probably because of self. When we put self first we tend to ignore others, both God and our fellow people. We are told to love God and our neighbour as our self. We cannot love god whom we have not seen. \if we don't love our neighbour who we have seen. This twofold love triangle is vital to our spiritual life. \if we do not care for others we cannot care for the \lord for He said “in as much as you have done it unto the least of these, my children you have done it unto me.” (Matt. 25:40)

Yahweh is a stumbling stone for the people because of their selfishness and their lack of concern for others who are less fortunate in life. Jesus is concerned about the hungry; he fed the multitude, he was concerned for the lame and sick; he healed them, he was concerned for the sinner; he forgave them. Jesus called for freedom from oppression – physically , emotionally and spiritually. \Yahweh in Isaiah , is also concerned about these. Chapter 5 has five oracles starting with ' ah' (or Woe in the NJKV) . These five denounce in justice of most every kind and clearly set out the \lord's position on gluttony, extravagant spending on self, lies, those who call evil good, those wish in their own eyes who become their own stumbling stone before \Yahweh. In these days God calls for justice and righteousenes. God does not want us to stumble but we become so caught up in self, in unrighteousness and in justice that we fail to walk in his way.

We have just read in Isaiah 5 of the greatness, magnitude, and glory of the Lord Yahweh that we can expect this magnificence to be capable of all things, with him all things are ;possible. This child born to us will have many attributes --- wonderful counsellor, mighty God, everlasting father , prince of peace. These tell us that the child is Christ the \messiah , the son of God.


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I think that the way that Yahweh is a “stumbling stone” and “a trap and snare” is because He has put in us the intuition to do things that are right. One of the things that we have is a place in our hearts for Him. Therefore if we aren’t doing what He wants us to do our conscience will bug us until we change our ways.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Yahweh(and His Messiah Jesus) is a "stumbling stone" and "a trap and snare" in the sense that we either put our trust in the Lord or else we will stumble over Him.

People are broken in this stumbling by refusing to surrender to the Lord and by not placing their trust in Him.

People stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed because of the sin nature. People rebel at being told what to do. They prefer the freedom to do as they please without the consequences.

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  • 9 months later...

2a)God when we have him is a rock from which we gain strength,peace and hope,from which e can step onto victory.When we don’t use stobe properly or we ignore his ways&guidance for us, we can stumble, be broken up by getting caught up in vices&dangers not good for us

.b)people get broken &tangled up e.g,by realising trusting in selves, material things or family alone doesn;t bring inner peace or strength,it only brings stress&misery.

c)Ignorance &unbelief.People’s inner sinful strive for independence from God,means they resist humbling themselves to almighty God &followin his ways,and persist in going their own way in rebellion.

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  • 4 months later...

I think Yahweh (and His Messiah Jesus) was a "stumbling stone" and "a trap and a snare" for the Israelites in that they did not believe in Him and so, were not attentive to His commands and warnings about disobeadience.  The OT prophets (and Jesus and the NT apostles) interrupted people's lives, their course of action, and their plans most unexpectedly.  God's message in these instances was always 'contrary' to the people's thoughts, warning them of their sins, and commanding them to obey God.


When the people refused to obey God,  they  stumbled over Him.  When God's wrath for their sins was full, He would punish them and they would fall and be broken - - - defeated by their enemies, occupied and oppressed and enslaved, or exiled from the land, or utterly destroyed/exterminated (as was the case with the Canaanites, Genesis 15:12-16).


I think that people stumble over God even though He is almighty and righteous and as our Creator, is sovereign over us and has the absolute right to command us to do what He says and demand our obedience, because they do not believe that He is the one true God above all gods, or that He is powerful enough to do what He says He will do, or that He has the right and the authority to tell us what to do, since they deny that He created us or anything else.

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  • 1 month later...

In this sense Yahweh is a stumbling stone, trap and snare because Ahaz knows God is the one true God but chooses to move forward without him and because of this both houses of Judah will be rejected and not protected by Yahweh.  It may seem like God is being mean but it was Ahaz's choice.


People today fall into this same situation, we know that God is real we know what he requires but we still make choices to trust other Gods, such as our own feelings, horoscopes, people who aren't true believers, we will look for ways to get the answers we want to have in any format that fits our need.  


When we step out from underneath Gods umbrella of protection we are on our own which usually causes us to stumble or completely fall down and then we wish would have listened.


It is very easy to confuse when our feelings make us feel like what we are doing is what God wants even though we know it goes against scripture.  We convince ourselves that since it came easy, or was more convenient that it was the answer God sent only to find out later that we moved to fast and could have done better if we would have waited.

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In this sense Yahweh is a stumbling stone, trap and snare because Ahaz knows God is the one true God but chooses to move forward without him and because of this both houses of Judah will be rejected and not protected by Yahweh.  It may seem like God is being mean but it was Ahaz's choice.


People today fall into this same situation, we know that God is real we know what he requires but we still make choices to trust other Gods, such as our own feelings, horoscopes, people who aren't true believers, we will look for ways to get the answers we want to have in any format that fits our need.  


When we step out from underneath Gods umbrella of protection we are on our own which usually causes us to stumble or completely fall down and then we wish would have listened.


It is very easy to confuse when our feelings make us feel like what we are doing is what God wants even though we know it goes against scripture.  We convince ourselves that since it came easy, or was more convenient that it was the answer God sent only to find out later that we moved to fast and could have done better if we would have waited.

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  • 4 months later...

God and Jesus can be a stumbling stone or a trap and a snare to those that are not true people. These are the ones that try to lie and take advantage of others. These are the ones that create their own worldly views that can crumble before their eyes. They think more of material objects than of heavenly objects. God does trap these people in their own lies. I feel that they get caught up in the weaves of their deceit. Their materialistic world can be gone in a minute and they are left with nothing. People refuse to trust in the Lord and to accept his path for them. They try to do it their own way. They honor money more than their fellow man. They put God on a back burner of their lives. They keep him locked in a small closet in their hearts to only allow him out when needed. These actions will cause God to lash out on them and to try to get them to wake up and repent.

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  • 8 months later...


Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a “stumbling stone” and “a trap and a snare”? In what way are people broken in this stumbling? Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? 


Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a “stumbling stone” and “a trap and a snare” because He is infallible, and His Word is innerrant.  Those who chose to disobey, be broken, do so at the risk of stumbling out of righteousness and in to a trap that can only be set freed by the truth of God's Word and believing in Him.

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  • 3 years later...
  • 1 year later...

Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a "stumbling stone" and "a trap and a snare"? If I am not walking in Gods truth and light I am walking in darkness, therefore I will trip and stumble. God will break me until I surrender to him and his ways.

In what way are people broken in this stumbling? Their spirit is broken and their lives are in ruin, they become slaves of dark forces.

Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? They want to do their own thing and not be in obedience to God his laws and his ways. They find themselves in situations and doing things they should never have been a party too.

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  • 2 years later...

(Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a “stumbling stone” and “a trap and a snare”?
Yahweh is our rock, we are to trust in Him and not the things or people around us. When we remove that trust and faith in Yahweh we stumble and fall. His word is the only truth, everything is temporary. Not having faith in Him sets you up to be trapped in darkness no longer having His light in you. Like being turned over to a reprobate mindset. 

In what way are people broken in this stumbling?
We become broken when we decide we no longer what to wait or follow Yahweh’s word. We think we can handle life’s situations better and that we’ll receive the outcome we hope and desire. When we start thinking like this we stumble, if Yahweh isn’t in the planning and it doesn’t line up with His word. Whatever your doing will not work out, you will stumble and it’s through His grace that we can turn back to Him. Repent and be forgiven. As long as we don’t die in our sin. He created us, so we need His guidance and direction in our life.

Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? 
Disobedience, being lead by our flesh. Not having our own relationship with Yahweh. Not knowing His word and having love for the things of this world. We know that darkness is of this world and light and darkness don’t mix. 

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  • 3 months later...

I just read a few of the comments above and was struck by the idea that God can be a stumbling block for Christians. Perhaps He can, I'm not sure.  The passage can also be interpreted as God being a stumbling block for non-believers. He can be a trap, snare, and stumbling block that leads unbelievers to be captured and snared -- for believers, in contrast, God is liberty.

Recently I was talking to a young man who had seemed to be on the top of the world. He was living with his pretty girlfriend, was making boatloads of money and had the sort of prestige that a young man would crave. But then it was taken away from him. Suddenly, his business imploded. He was broken. 

In his brokenness he talked to me, a woman old enough to be his mother.  Had he not been broken, he would have never listened to the words I spoke. I don't know if he's truly a believer, now, but think that the seed of faith that had been planted in him is being nurtured by the Spirit. His ethics have improved anyway.

He, now, is stumbling over a God that demands obedience. He wants to chart his own course, is fiercely independent and quite stubborn because he's  "snared" and "trapped."  Like so many strong-willed people, obedience to God is difficult for him.

I think he's typical of how God calls people to faith. They either submit or are broken -- will either be freed or entrapped.

It's binary. There are no other choices.

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  • 1 month later...

 In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a “stumbling stone” and “a trap and a snare”?

You either follow Yahweh and "He will make your paths straight " or try fighting against Him which is impossible and will make life difficult, like stumbling over rocks. 

In what way are people broken in this stumbling?

I think God will break people in any way that might bring them back to Him. 

Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? 

They don't know Him. They don't believe He is who He say's He is. They have made a god in their mind that is much weaker than God all Mighty who is capable of doing what He say's He is going to do. 

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  • 10 months later...

Pride vs humility. Responding to Jesus requires us to acknowledge our failure and inadequacy. We confuse our value with our ability to perform. God does not. He knows our inabilities and provides a solution while affirming our value. That is hard for our pride to accept and for those who can not submit, Jesus becomes a stumbling block. We can't get around it, over it, or ignore it. That which can save us becomes that which condemns us, only because we can't accept it.

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  • 3 months later...

Q2. If we walk with God and obey Him, we are on the right path, and we will not fall. If we resist God and follow our own ways , we may be fine for a while but we are heading into darkness and we will stumble and fall. The more we resist and turn away the more we will fall. God will give opportunities to turn to Him but it is up to the individual whether they turn in repentance or follow their own corrupt ways.

People want to be in charge of their own lives, thinking they can do things better. They do not realise or understand fully the Holiness of God, and how vital it is for us to obey Him daily. They don’t take seriously the fact that their eternity is at stake. But God is faithful He will give opportunity for repentance, because He created us and loves us and longs to be in relationship with each of us. 

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