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Q4. (Isaiah 10:1-2) Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor? What can we as Christians do to prevent this? What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities?

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Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor? Because we can.  The weak and poor are least lackly to read and to know the law.  They have the freedom to ignore the law.  Because the impact is not immediate, they rarely align their choices with the consequences of their choices.  Short-term and immediate gratification drives them.  They are too busy trying to survive.  The price is high as the laws passed because of their ignorance guarantees they will find it harder to survive.



What can we as Christians do to prevent this?  PRAY INCLUSIVELY.  Inform the public.  Encourage people to get involved in the laws of the land.




What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities? Same as above.  When appropriate, aid them without creating dependence.



The poor and weak do not  know who there are  in CHRIST   and they accept everything.Lack of knowledge leads  oppression and abuse, finally destruction.We SHOULD PREVENT THIS BY PRAYING for them , for GOD's grace  and favour to come upon them.They should accept JESUS as their personal Savour, who will save and set them free from oppression. The poor in our community should be educated,to have knowledge ,to  know where they can get help. Our first help comes from JESUS, they should lift theirveyes to HIM .Psalm 121. They should be taught how to do talents to avoid depedence


Do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Love God above all things and persons first and love our neighbor as we love our selves.  


Sounds easy and doable. However, how many people actually know what love is? How many people are willing to actually love, which requires and demands self sacrifice? Unfortunately not many.


Jesus asks his disciples/apostles, 'when the Son of man returns will he find faith on earth?'


Unfortunately I comfortably can say that when our Lord returns He will find very little if any faith on earth.


Without faith, there is no hope, without hope, love grows cold, without these only despair remains. Where despair is prevalent evil abounds, injustice becomes common place, and zeal for hate rages to ever greater depths of depravity.   


  • so we can have power and control - perhaps fear is also a factor at times.

View all people as someone God loves.

Notice them, "see" them and count them as valuable. I also agree with others on this forum - help and love but not in such a way that a dependence is created. That is just another form of oppression.


Why do humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and the poor?

Because our society lives by a different moral compass than Christians do. Bluntly put, ungodly people oppress the poor and weak just because they can and they can gain from doing so. It is a complete lack of morality.

In our society, the weak are despised and taken advantage of. At the very least, they are ignored and left to fend for themselves.

Our society says "Survival of the Fittest". Christians say, "When we are weak, we are strong." Our moral law is to be humble, esteeming others over ourselves. We care for the needy, the weak, the outcast and the despised. In contrast, the world will use them for unjust purposes and for personal gain. Secular society says they are of no value, no purpose and costly. Christians say everyone has value in the eyes of God, they have an identity in Christ and are born with purpose. We choose to see and cultivate and teach them who they really are! We know we are to care for those less fortunate with genuine love and caring. If we do it for the least of these, we have done it for Christ.

What can we as Christians do?

Stand for what we believe. Be the voice that cries for justice. The hands that care on a personal level. Be the one who practices our faith and what we profess to believe. Raise the ones you know that the world labels as having no value. Come alongside them. Help them find their identity in Christ and their God given purpose. Teach the Word. Tell the truth. Stand against injustice. You may be just one...but just one with God on your side is mighty!!!


Laws are passed to oppress the weak and poor for the love of power or they fear that they will be overpowered and they know that the weak cannot do much about it.


We can pray for our rulers and also live in love and harmony in the community in which we are in, love everybody equally despite of their social status, race, color, religion or wealth.


Some laws are pass that seems to consider the weak, the poor and the oppress to be a step below human.


We as christian can come out of our comfort zone get involved and make a stand for them.


In additional to praying for them we can educate them and assist in providing them with food, clothing and shelter. JESUS is the Way, the Truth and the Light.

On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2013 at 9:52 PM, Pastor Ralph said:


Q4. (Isaiah 10:1-2) Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor? What can we as Christians do to prevent this? What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities?


a.  Fallen nature wants to feel POWERFUL, and what better way than to suppress and put the foot on the of the weak and powerless? (Jesus compared the unbelievers as Goats! (They are always jockeying and fighting to be the leader and to get on the highest place of advantage)

b.  We can pray for our leaders who make and implement those laws, and we can and MUST vote for good and honest leaders, before that privilege is taken from us.

c.  We can reach out and give and serve in areas where we feel led and we can and must speak out on behalf of those who have no voice (especially for the unborn who cannot speak). We are His voice, His hands and His feet in this world, to spread the good news that He came to seek and to save the lost, the fallen, "who so ever" sees their need and will come to Him.


Q4. (Isaiah 10:1-2) Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor?


I believe pride and greed to be the root causes of unjust laws. Christianity has as one of its core principles the command to look after the vulnerable, the widows and orphans, the lame and the blind, etc. John the Baptist told the greedy pharisees that whoever has two shirts should give one to the man who has none, whoever has an abunbdance of food should share it. That kind of thinking flies in the face of the Me Me Me generation. "I worked hard for what I've got and I don't want to share it with those less fortunate. Let them go out and get a job" . . . Sound familiar? "There's work out there if you really want to do it" . . . Tell that to someone who's just been laid off along with a hundred others.


I'm Australian. Here we have two sides of politics, Left Wing, that looks after those who are vulnerable (well, at least they're supposed to and they try harder than the other side of politics do) . . . and Right Wing, that looks after big business and the rich. Their agenda is to ensure the rich stay in charge of the rest of the population. The Right Wing parties have won power in the recent federal election and are already running the show in most states. The pendulum swings back and forth, as I imagine it does in most democratic countries.

After a period of Left Wing control, the proud and greedy business owners and the proud and greedy rich people who support them . . . as well as the aspirational people who want to become rich so they can live out their proud and greedy dreams, pull out all the stops to have their Right Wing parties take control. Once this happens God help you if you're vulnerable. If you're a pensioner, unemployed, sick, old, a student, a worker on low wages, a casual employee, etc, you have to be looking over your shoulder constantly because time after time the Right Wing government will be looking for ways to oppress you. In my state an extreme Right Wing government is in charge and just yesterday they closed heaps of schools. They've sacked tens of thousands of public servants which means that there are no longer enough people in the state's employ to handle the paperwork necessary to run it, there are no longer enough nurses to tend the sick in state run hospitals, there are no longer enough teachers for the number of students in our schools, there are not enough emergency services workers to cope with natural disasters, etc.  Even the people who voted them into power are shocked at how many workers have lost their jobs. They didn't expect that the government they just had to have would turn on everyone as viciously as it has. Of course the rich are rubbing their hands together at the thought of their tax dollars not being spent as much on the poor as they used to be and are waiting for the tax cuts the savings will usher in. Like I said, pride and greed are behind it.




What can we as Christians do to prevent this?


Not much . . . apart from not voting for a party that you KNOW will oppress vulnerable people. I for one am outraged at the portrayal of the Right Wing parties both here and in coutries like America as being much more "Christian" than the Left Wing parties. Like they rule by Divine right or something, with God on their side. How can they be on God's side when they enact laws and policies that are in direct opposition to His ways? Conversely the Left Wing side of politics are traditionally seen as one step away from outright communism! At least they try a lot harder to do the right thing by the underpriveledged. Chistianity and politics don't mix, but we need to consider our vote when we realize what the Right Wing people will do to those who don't vote for them!




What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities?


Donate to charities that help them, donate to the local Churches, there are a few ways to help. Volunteer if you can.





Q4. (Isaiah 10:1-2) Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor? What can we as Christians do to prevent this? What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities?


Why do we do it?  It seems to me there is something in the human psyche that feels good when it causes misery on others.  It is in our sin nature I believe.  And we enjoy the feeling of importance and power that we get when we oppress others.

To prevent this we need to pray for those who don't know our Lord and to do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

We can give them the gift of a smile, put a tender hand on their shoulder as we need when we are weak or poor. And do unto them as we would have others do unto us.


God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Isaiah 10:1-2
Q). Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor?
A). Humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor because we spend more time 'playing' god rather than 'obeying' God.
Q). What can we as Christians do to prevent this?
A). Do unto others as we would have others do unto us.
Q). What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities?
A). Obey the second greatest commandment which is to love our neighbors in word and deed. (1 John 3:18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.)


Q4. (Isaiah 10:1-2)

Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor?

What can we, as Christians, do to prevent this?

What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities?

We oppress the weak and the poor because they are easy targets and do not have the resources defend themselves. Nearly all legislation passed, here in my country, that has been devised to help the poor has hurt the poor. Governments are made up of godless people who only have their own interests and pockets in mind. They have no concern for the poor and weak of their country. Lawlessness abounds. The justice system is manipulated by the politicians, for their own gain. So we have a similar situation today where the people who are expected to be models of righteousness and guardians of justice are so corrupt – woe to them! We will always have the poor with us but as Christians we are obligated to help them in as many ways as possible. We have to accept responsibility for what we do for the poor. 





  1. If we are not under God’s grace we either forget that it was a sin to oppress the weak and poor or knowingly do it for the sake of our own benefits.
  2. We have to pray on it and be conscious enough that it is a serious problem.


3. 1Cor 6


19 What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.


- We are not of our selves we are God’s and everything we have is God’s. From this point of view it is MUST that we have to help the poor.


Q4. (Isaiah 10:1-2) Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor? Because the heart of man is continually wicked, humans that do not seek after God and His righteousness are the humans that could easily bring oppression to others, and not even be aware of doing wrong.

What can we as Christians do to prevent this? Christians must be careful that they remain "FAITHFUL" to God and not rebel against God's laws, one of them being not to oppress the poor.

What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities? This question borders on a thin line for me, for I believe our government has placed laws in place that oppress the poor by not helping them, to help themselves, God teaches us - if one wants to eat, let them work - God knows that idleness leads to destruction, if for no other reason than to be self demeaning, humans are oppressed when they are offered no other way to get out of their situation, but to rely on the government.


If Christians really want to help the poor and the weak, then we must help them to help themselves, we can be there to offer advice, be a shoulder to rely on, and at times help them out in ways that the Holy Spirit leads us in, being aware there are charlatans out there, that look at the church as another easy hand.




Q4. (Isaiah 10:1-2) Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor?
    A failure to understand the will of God, or to care.   Man is flawed, corrupt, and it is only when we obey the will of the Lord that our actions follow our words.   In this country, we tend to point to others and say “they’re the corrupt ones” and a loud, vicious, slanderous battle ensues that divides and conquers, with the victor being Evil.  

 What can we as Christians do to prevent this?
    Prayer is our first line of defense:  Prayer for those who are suffering oppression, for those who lead the nation, for those who uphold justice, for those who devote their lives to helping others.  And we can support programs that help the weak and poor, with our hands, with our voices, and with our finances.

What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities?
    Again, pray first and follow the leading of the Lord.  You can support the organizations that work with them, that already have established infrastructure.  Volunteer your time, and support them with your money.


Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.



Q4. (Isaiah 10:1-2) Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor? What can we as Christians do to prevent this? What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities?



The laws are passed to protect the selfish interest of those that pass such laws.



Christians need to rise up and publicly, in the church, in our communities, in government to condemn such laws.


Christians especially those  in high authority should campaign for reforms in their ministries in line with godly values in our communities, ministries and government..


Oppressive laws are passed because the love of Gos is not in the hearts of our leaders. Instead greedy and/or fear rule. Oppressors see groups of people who look, think, and live differently from them, and are uncertain. So instead of seeking God's will, they bound them in unfair laws and keep them in control ( or under their thumbs).

Christians need to first recognize the issue and not ignore it. Seeking God's will through prayer is next step, and then act in whatever way Jesus did (or would).

We mostly feed, advocate, care for, fellowship, and role model the love of Christ.


 4 Why do humans make laws to oppress the weak and poor?    

   i)      Humans are basically selfish in all aspects of life ; they have pride of life  and ego and the lusts of the flesh for which they wish to exploit everyone and anyone in whatever way they can  and whenever they can… which has led the world into the present state….we can say this is the dominace of Satan the prince of Darkness.

      ii)       Also there is a  dependency that prevails that aggravates the oppression

      iii)       No fear of God… if they do have some amount of respect for their Gods  they  feel they can appease God  with their “Works”  They have a balancing system and for every wrong  they try to cover up with good deeds.

      iv)       Christians on the other hand will behave in this manner only if they have abandoned God as a Refuge and do not live a life as a person priviledged to know God (children of God)  and who do not obey the Lords command to “Love one another as I have loved you “------..in which case they are no different from unbelievers..

When one is self centred  and power seeking then these types of laws are framed.B)         What can we as Christians do to prevent this?


            i)        Ignorance is not bliss in this situation.....If every individual in the world is educated and made able to earn a livelihood then the situation of dominance and oppression may reduce..  As a Christian community we have opened schools all over the world for this reason.

           ii)      The caste system is integral in Indian community and as Christians we can strive to abolish the caste system wherever we see it. and advocate  dignity of labour.

           iii)       Opportunity has to be given to all without bias….on ones merit and not nepotism.

          iv)       “Love our brothers”:  be witnesses for Christ so that the other communities of the world learn a life of sacrifice and love 

          v)         Christians should try to bond with each other in regions and facilitate the upliftment of the down trodden….this is being done on  a large footing by the missionaries and charitable christen organizations

         vi)          Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ which will transform humanity and remove oppression

        vii)         Pray for a revival of the church so that godly people will dominate the ungodly..PRAYER WORKS MIRACLES.



c)     What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities?


i)              Helping them to earn a living …start rehabitataion programs , cottage industries, vocational training, adult literacy programs  ( for those who have missed school in their childhood)

ii)             Open agencies for job opportunities after a thorough police verification.

iii)            Teach them the love of God so that they do not cheat or embarrass the persons who try to help them in life…instill values in them..very important ..many times I have tried to help and have been cheated .

iv)           Develop community living  with a common fund and common goals so that all will benefit from each others work and food..

v)            Teach them basic skills to sustain themselves anywhere …

vi)           Seek the hand of the government to bring to task anyone who has acted unlawfully such as police, moneylenders, employers, so that they get their basic rights.

vii)          Money is the root of all evil …freeze anyones account if they are not accountable for their behavior…Ha! Ha! Ha! …all injustice will disappear as everyone loves their money


1.  We who are strong, well to do and self-sufficient want keep the poor and weak - poor and weak.  We do not want them to invade our part of society and so degrading us.  So we make laws that keep the poor out of sight and neglected.


2.  We can prevent this from happening if we just push to have laws that affect everyone the same.  And most of all push to have good moral laws.


3.  Jesus went about helping the poor and weak, healing and casting out demons.  We, Christians, need to make a priority of helping the poor and weak.  We were there!  So, God gives us everything, cannot we give what God has given us to those who have a need.


Q4. (Isaiah 10:1-2) Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor? What can we as Christians do to prevent this? What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities?


We humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor for some kind of personal gain.  The strong oppress the weak and poor to maintain their power position within society. 


We as Christians can aggressively defend and help eliminate the conditions that oppress the weak and poor within our society.  From supporting the right laws to helping the weak and poor on the field level.  Christians must be involved with removing the pressures and stress placed upon the weak and the poor.  This way is taught from Genesis through Revelation.  Jesus emphasized this in the Sermon on the Mount.  We are to take care of one another - to love your neighbor as yourself.



We can help the poor and weak in our communities by providing various services to them i.e., food, clothes, transportation assistance, and providing care in so many different areas.  Most importantly, they need to know they are loved and are valuable.  As Christians, we must provide grace to the poor and weak as God as provided grace to us in Jesus Christ.  Respond when the Spirit moves you help another or get involved in a Christian service organization.


There are all kinds of Christian service organizations and people in our neighborhood we can get involved with to live out our faith in both word and deed as Jesus taught.


Q4. (Isaiah 10:1-2) Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor? What can we as Christians do to prevent this? What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities?


We humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor for some kind of personal gain.  The strong oppress the weak and poor to maintain their power position within society. 


We as Christians can aggressively defend and help eliminate the conditions that oppress the weak and poor within our society.  From supporting the right laws to helping the weak and poor on the field level.  Christians must be involved with removing the pressures and stress placed upon the weak and the poor.  This way is taught from Genesis through Revelation.  Jesus emphasized this in the Sermon on the Mount.  We are to take care of one another - to love your neighbor as yourself.



We can help the poor and weak in our communities by providing various services to them i.e., food, clothes, transportation assistance, and providing care in so many different areas.  Most importantly, they need to know they are loved and are valuable.  As Christians, we must provide grace to the poor and weak as God as provided grace to us in Jesus Christ.  Respond when the Spirit moves you help another or get involved in a Christian service organization.


There are all kinds of Christian service organizations and people in our neighborhood we can get involved with to live out our faith in both word and deed as Jesus taught.




Human being pass laws where others have to follow and not they themselves. Laws are made by people so they can control, manipulate and  also thier personal motives are gained.. these laws in turn suppress and oppress the weaker people of the society. The strong show their power with the weak and keep the weak subdued under them so that they can rule over them and enjoy every benefit by the laws they make.

we as christians have to follow the teachings of Chirst and help the weak and poor by first teaching them the Gospel of Jesus chirst with love and compassion. As we show mercy, love and compassion and teach them the values of Christ we can also help them in their needs and show them the way to trust God and rise up from their poverty and enjoy the abundant life which Jesus has promised.when we love and care for them by helping them spiritually and as need arises materially they will also move and rise and receive the richness God has in store for them.



 (Isaiah 10:1-2) Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor?  I believe we tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and the poor because we see them as a burden that we as a society have to carry. If the weak and the poor could support themselves they would not be called weak or poor. We also place value on people that are strong(opposite of weak) and rich(opposite of poor). You can look at it like this, since you can not physically remove them in all cases you can remove what little power that they do have which is their voice, their ability to let their plight to be know.



What can we as Christians do to prevent this? Christians should always be a champion to the poor and weak not only in their communities but in their own homes. We should always make sure that laws are not oppressive to those who have less or are to feeble to take care of themselves. We should stand against laws that only benefit the rich and the strong because these laws are the oppressive laws.



What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities? We can volunteer within organizations that already support the poor and the weak in our communities. I am not just talking about just Thanksgiving and Christmas either. We can give clothes, food, money, and our time.



Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor?

1.  We believe that because we consider ourselves strong that this would make us look better and we want to hold on to the wealth.


What can we as Christians do to prevent this?

2.  Recongize that we are accountable to God for what we are doing.  Stay humble, for the weak and poor are God's children too.


What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities?
3.  We are to apply the Fruit of the Spirit.  Everyone deserves love, joy, kindness, etc.  Not only give finanical support to organizations to help the needed but we are to minister to them as well.  They need to know God loves them no matter what their situation may be. 

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