Pastor Ralph Posted August 2, 2013 Report Posted August 2, 2013 Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God’s will and God’s word? How does this differ from the ruler in 14:12-17? What is the best way to humble oneself before the Lord? Quote
IvoryEagle Posted September 21, 2013 Report Posted September 21, 2013 Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? PRIDE TO THE POINT OF COMPARING HIMSELF TO GOD. What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? It mimicks representation of Satan's rebellion against God and fall from heaven. Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God's will and God's word? NEVER INTENTIONALLY! How does this differ from the ruler in 14:12-17? I KNOW GOD IS ALL OF THAT AND MORE! I am simply a tool in His hand and I never forget that! What is the best way to humble oneself before the Lord? STAY IN PRAYER AND SEEK TO DO HIS WILL! ACKNOWLEDGE HIM..Prov 3:4-6 "12 How you have fallen from heaven,O morning star,[101] son of the dawn!You have been cast down to the earth,you who once laid low the nations!13 You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven;I will raise my throne above the stars of God;I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.[102]14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;I will make myself like the Most High.'15 But you are brought down to the grave (Hebrew, Sheol)to the depths of the pit.16 Those who see you stare at you,they ponder your fate: 'Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble,17 the man who made the world a desert,who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?'" (14:12-17) Quote
Skinnykenny Posted September 21, 2013 Report Posted September 21, 2013 Yes, this ruler exalted himself not only above the pagan deities but also above the one true God. This no differently than many rulers throughout the ages and none more so than right now in this country. This prophecy reveals the characteristic's of all would be rulers throughout the ages who through great hubris and inordinate pride and who desires to elevate themselves to divine status, even above God. I do not know that I can say that I desired to elevate myself above God, but I certainly have desired my will above God's will. For as saint Paul declares ... 'I do what I do not want to do and don't do what I ought to do,'... Unfortunately this is the human condition called "concupiscence" which we must battle hourly. Thus, to be faithful to Jesus Christ, we must take up our cross daily, not put it aside, or drag it behind us, but carry it faithfully and this no matter how impossible it might seem and actually is, but faithfully carrying our cross daily and leaving the increase to God. When we know what and who we are, we will begin praying daily and often, obediently seeking holiness through the virtue of humility whereby we can stand righteous before our Creator and God. Soul of Christ make me holy, Body of Christ save me, Blood of Christ fill me with love, Water from Christ's side wash me, Good Jesus hear me. Within Your wounds hide me, Never let me be parted from you. From the evil enemy protect me. At the hour of my death call me, Tell me to come to You, That with all Your holy saints I may praise You, For all eternity. Amen. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted September 22, 2013 Report Posted September 22, 2013 Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? He was totally full of his own importance. Using hyperbole, he was exhalting himself above even God! No wonder he fell! What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? Not much. People search the Bible looking for clues regarding Satan. I believe there isn't much in the Bible concerning Satan for the simple reason that people will seek it out rather than the truths of God. In the same way as the Bible doesn't go into any details of how the pagans worshipped, apart from mentioning the human sacrifices that went on, there isn't much available data on Satan. The writers, inspired by God, purposely didn't write much about Satan in case people went the wrong way. When I was writing training manuals for powerlifting years ago I touched on how some training programs I'd tried didn't work. I didn't go into any details because I knew for sure that there'd be idiots who'd give them a go because they wouldn't take my word for it that they weren't productive. It's the same with the things of the Lord. Write about Satan and people will look harder for him than they will for God. It's human nature. The whole time God was establishing His Kingdom in Biblical times there was a Jewish mysticism movement, Kabalism, existing alongside Godly Jewish practice. Nowhere is it mentioned in the Bible, I believe, for the reason I outlined above. "Whatever you do, don't look over there" and what is the first thing you do? Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God’s will and God’s word? Nope! I wouldn't have the guts to do that! How does this differ from the ruler in 14:12-17? Pagan kings in the ancient world often sought the worship of their subjects. Even in Roman times the emperor was considered a god. What is the best way to humble oneself before the Lord? Always remember that He's the Lord Almighty . . . and you're a mote of dust in comparison. Even the most important person in the world is only important to people and not to the larger scheme of things. Company directors, presidents, even the pope, can all be replaced with little effort. We're here today and gone tomorrow. Read Ecclesiastes. Quote
humblejon Posted September 22, 2013 Report Posted September 22, 2013 The ruler mentioned in Isaiah 14 is one who arrogantly and pridefully perceives himself as all-powerful and formidable. Thes thought finally permeates into his heart and projects a self-exaltive, god-like attitude. The rulers demeanor will most likely be haughtyand. pompous, and desires others to worship him. Scripture refers to Satan in similar situations in Revalation 13, 2Thessalonians 2: 4, and Jesus mentions Satan's fall in Luke 10: 18. When I walked in darkness, my ego feed off the sense of control and personal success. Although I did not exalt myself as ruler of the heavens and earth, I certainly lived as if my life was my kingdom. Praise God that Chirst revealed Himself to my soul that was convicted by the Holy Spirit. He opened my eyes to what God truly wants from us. Every time my circumstances do not go as I plan or desire, I think back and rejoice how God delivered me from my pride and worldly desires. I now seek out God's will and what direction He wants me to go. I no longer walk a path that will lead to death and destruction. Quote
Skinnykenny Posted September 22, 2013 Report Posted September 22, 2013 In the various readings and studies I have made of Neolithic man / societies, I have never found any that sought out Satan or any resemblance thereof. The practice of pantheism, animism, totemisms, paganism, et., of course, but this entirely out of ignorance. Yet even within these most ancient societies and religious rituals and beliefs there was a desire to be one with the cosmic powers that be. Where things go from ignorance to bad is when a man or society desires supremacy above these cosmic powers. Even in such times these men / people who exalted themselves were either feared or hated for they attempted to trample upon what was known at the time to be truth and exalt themselves over the deities and the peoples. Quote
hanks Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God's will and God's word? How does this differ from the ruler in 14:12-17? What is the best way to humble oneself before the Lord? These verses could be referring to Nebuchadnezzar, who defeated many nations and because of his great power must have thought himself godlike. His arrogance and pride led to his downfall. Isaiah describes the king’s arrival in Sheol (the world of the dead) where all his wealth, glory, and power have vanished. The “morning star” (Venus) suggests that the king’s glory did not last very long – the star shines but is soon swallowed up by the light of the sun. Since “Lucifer” is Latin for “morning star”, it was assumed Isaiah was also referring to Satan. I have been guilty of arrogance, of boasting, and of having a lower estimate of the ability and worth of others. This was more prevalent during my youth. I now know that this was in disobedience to Jesus’ command in John 13:34, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another”. Jesus preached and taught often about the need for humility, and the best way to humble oneself before the Lord is to become more and more like our Lord Jesus Christ. I do try to submit to His will and hand over control of my life to Jesus; acknowledging Him in every area of my life. It is by no means easy, but day by day chip away at my pride. I really try to live daily by one of my favourite verses: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Quote
Sank T Monius Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 Isaiah 14Q). What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17?A). The ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17 had a haughty attitude of heart#Q). What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan?A). There is no clear scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan.#Q). Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God's will and God's word?A). Yes#Q). How does this differ from the ruler in 14:12-17?A). I am not the ruler of a nation but, like the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17, pride has caused me to sometimes behave in ways that I regret.#Q). What is the best way to humble oneself before the Lord?A). I believe the best way to humble oneself before the Lord is to learn from Jesus when He washed the disciples' feet. We can, by God's grace, do something for someone else that we may normally detest (e.g. pick up and discard a paper towel on the floor in a public bathroom). When this type of task is done to honor God our humility has transcended from a feeling to an actual way of living. Being humble also suggests that we be thankful to God for an opportunity to be useful to our neighbors. Quote
Windcatcher Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 one of great pride and arrogance ? Yes - Whenever I do not do what He has asked me to do / when I sin It is pride and arrogance in me as well though I would not easily see them as that. Rather I would see "lessen" the harshness of pride and rebellion with words like weakness or fear. Or perhaps I would blame someone else. accept truth of my behavior, repent and yield - Do what He has asked. Quote
haar Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God's will and God's word? How does this differ from the ruler in 14:12-17? What is the best way to humble oneself before the Lord? The attitude of heart in this passage is PRIDE and evil ambition to rise above everything else to be like God. . The passage probably refers to Satan because that was his boastful ambition that caused his downfall as he was hauled down from heaven by God. The passages that implies reference to Satan are (Luke 10:18) "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven" and 2 Thessalonians 2:4 I think I have held opinions in the past that were above that of God and His Word when I depended on my own judgement and ideas. The best way to humble oneself is to be sure that what you hear is clearly from God then seek His grace to obey Him Quote
JanMary Posted September 23, 2013 Report Posted September 23, 2013 On 8/1/2013 at 9:55 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God’s will and God’s word? How does this differ from the ruler in 14:12-17? What is the best way to humble oneself before the Lord? a. His attitude is one of unspeakable arrogance and pride....self glorification. b. In v. 12 "you have fallen from Heaven, You've been cut down to the ground". v. 13 "I will exalt my throne above the stars of God". v. 14 " I will make myself like the Most High." "You light bringer", is translated Lucifer in the Vulgate translation. Clearly this is not just a human being. I believe this also aptly refers to Sadam Hussein, the last "King" of Babylon, who believed and behaved as though he were a god..but was cut down to BELOW the earth, cowering in a filthy hole when he was captured. There is another "veiled" reference like this in Ez 28:13-18, You were in Eden, the garden of God, every precious stone was your covering, blameless until iniquity and guilt were found in you,.....I cast you out as a profane thing from the mountain of God"...etc, also referring to the King of Tyre. I believe both have double Satan and the Kings/ leaders mentioned. c. Yes, I'm sorry to say that I have. In the early days over something that I was determined to have/ do, I actually shook my fist at God and said "It would be just like you to try and stop me...I'm going!" d. It differs only in that I wasn't seeking a throne or to rule over people.....just over my own sorry will. e. When I came to my senses (what I wanted turned to ashes in my hands...thank you, Jesus!), I told the Lord how sorry I was, that He is always right, and I was wrong, and asked His forgiveness. Actually that experience served me well, in that as a new Christian, I saw how depraved the fallen nature is, and much I need a Savior every moment of every day! It's a delight in my old age to see how far we've come, walking together, with my will in submission to His All-Wise, All-Knowing, Loving care. Quote
Squirt Posted September 24, 2013 Report Posted September 24, 2013 The king of Babylon was filled with arrogance and declared that he would exalt himself above the gods. An indication that these verses could refer not only to the king of Babylon but also to Satan is in Isaiah 14:12 where it says “Shining morning star, how you have fallen from the heavens!” The name Lucifer means “morning star” and is an indication of how Satan tries to imitate Jesus who is “the Bright Morning Star.” (Rev. 22:16 HCSB) In both the KJV and NKJV translations of verse 12, "shining morning star" is given as "O Lucifer"Have I ever exalted my opinion and will over God’s will and God’s word? Yes, I have done so every time I’ve sinned. Psalm 51:4 (NIV) 4 Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight;so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge. My rebellion was through ignorance and worldliness and a failure to fear God. Satan’s rebellion was against God in the full, experiential knowledge of God and in the belief that he could actually be equal, in heaven, to God..What is the best way to humble oneself? Confess your hopelessness in your sinful nature and your poverty without His saving grace, pray for His grace and His will to be done, praise and thank Him for his mercy, and make Him Lord of your life. In 2 Chronicles, the LORD declares "If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.…” 2 Chronicles 7:13-15 Quote
Delivered Posted September 24, 2013 Report Posted September 24, 2013 Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? Pride is at the heart of the ruler, and it is in this pride that he exalts himself, believing his accomplishments are far above all others, even other gods as he speaks of his marvelous works, not understanding that when a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, superiority becomes rooted in the heart is the force that will bring him down, not understanding it is a humble man who brings honor. What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? 12 How you have fallen from heaven,O morning star, son of the dawn!You have been cast down to the earth,you who once laid low the nations!13 You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven;I will raise my throne above the stars of God;I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;I will make myself like the Most High.'15 But you are brought down to the grave (Hebrew, Sheol)to the depths of the pit.16 Those who see you stare at you,they ponder your fate: Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God's will and God's word? God forbid I should ever exalt my opinion, or lord my will over that of the God I love and adore, in those times I have stumbled it is in my awkwardness that I cry for forgiveness. Quote
Jen Posted September 24, 2013 Report Posted September 24, 2013 Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God's will and God's word? How does this differ from the ruler in 14:12-17? What is the best way to humble oneself before the Lord? Supreme arrogance Morning Star I hope not If I ever did it would have been out of ignorance and the ruler in chapter 14 was knowingly arrogant through and through. Confess my sin, remember the awful price Christ had to pay for my sin, read scripture, pray, pray, pray! God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
dmmelo9 Posted September 24, 2013 Report Posted September 24, 2013 Hello everyone, Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? 1 - The attitude was pride and arrogance. What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? 2 - Luke 10 : 18. Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God's will and God's word? 3 - When we are not obeying the Lord, we are exalting ourselves. How does this differ from the ruler in 14:12-17? 4 - I am a servant and God, It is the Almighty God. Creator and Denominator of all things. What is the best way to humble oneself before the Lord? 5 - The Bible says: Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. (1 Peter 5: 6). Quote
RD35 Posted September 24, 2013 Report Posted September 24, 2013 The ruler was very proud and arrogant towards God. He exalted himself to the position of God. "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven" (Luke 10:18). The most Holy God is my Lord and Master, although I have been proud and failed to listen to the will of God in my life, I may have never intentionally exalted myself over my God. I must always remain close to God in prayer and seek His will at all times. Read the word and meditate on it. Remember the mighty things God has done in my life which I could have never done in my own strength. Know that God’s plans for my life are the best and wait on him before taking and making any hasty decisions for myself. Quote
angelbaby Posted September 24, 2013 Report Posted September 24, 2013 Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? The ruler described by Isaiah was very arrogant and was exhalting himself to a position above the heavens , above the gods; above the Holy Mountain presumed to be the abode of the Gods. What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? Some Christian commentators and Jewish manuscripts made a reference to this passage as though it were referring to the fall of Satan but it is not directly mentioned as such in the scripture portion.. The King James version of the bible refers to the Morning star as Lucifer and his fall from heaven ..this rebellion is likened to the rebellion of Satan but not referring to him as such. Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God's will and God's word? Many times we sin and do not realize that God is in control we try to have our own way. How does this differ from the ruler in 14:12-17? This is pride of life when one attributes all ones skills and successes to oneself.... when we forget and do not realize it is the hand of the Soveriegn God …we do give thanks to God for these laurels which is different from the attitude of the ruler. what is the best way to humble oneself before the Lord? We can humble ourselves before God by always seeking His will for our lives and then we will know that whatever happens is then "God ordained" . Quote
Lion of Grace Posted September 24, 2013 Report Posted September 24, 2013 14:12-17 tells us that this ruler had an attitude of being like God Almighty and that he was "a god." " You told yourself, I will go up to the heavens. I will put my throne above God's stars. I will sit on the mountain of gods. I will be like the most high God." Scriptural evidence that this refers to satan is scant. The KJV translates "morning star" as satan and can be compared to Luke 10:18, "I saw satan fall like lightening from heaven," but this passage in Isaiah is a poetic expression describing someone falling from great political heights. This king was boasting that he would not only sit on the mountains of the (pagan) gods, but that he would be like the (true) most High God! Many kings in that era declared themselves "god" and the people revered them as such. Either way, describing satan or a king, the lesson is that those who exalt themselves as "god" or like God are the personification of evil. Satan fell from heaven because of this awful sin and this king had a great fall because there is NO ONE like God and never will be! Yes, in my early walk particularly, I put my own will over God's will and tapered my understanding of God's Word to what I wanted to hear. I've been rebellious and acted in ignorance lots of times. I distrusted what God's Word said and I've been corrected and disciplined by God. What I did not do is exalt myself as being like God. What I did do was seek Him more and more so I could have understanding. I learned the hard way many times, but I always knew God was WAY above and over me! I learned His character as sovereign and I learned to trust His Word as truth and good for me. The best way to humble oneself before God is in humility,face down, submit ourselves to Him, admitting He is King, all Majesty, He knows all, He is true and good and in all things He is trustworthy and then live our lives reflecting we really do know that about Him! Quote
parkerslope Posted September 24, 2013 Report Posted September 24, 2013 1. This ruler that Isaiah is talking about believed that he was all powerful, even to the place of exalting himself above any gods that his nation worshiped. 2. Earlier Isaiah spoke of a virgin giving birth to a son, applying this Isaiah's time also to Jesus. So why not apply this scripture to both Babylon and Satan. He was cast out of Heaven. 3. Most of the time, we want to exalt our opinion above that of God and other people. We want to feel important and have others follow us. 4. It is different in that I am not a leader of a nation and speak out loud for all to hear. 5. We must choose to obey God in humbleness, yielding to His way of doing things. We must choose to have patience with God and His plan. Quote
wjcargile Posted September 25, 2013 Report Posted September 25, 2013 The attitude of this ruler, in his heart and mind he was all powerful. The evidence that this indeed describe satan is: proud and greed are characteristics of satan, (13) he place himself equal with God. "I will make myself like the most high." Have I ever exalted my opionion and will over God's will and God's word? Yes, every time I was disobedient and tried to do it my way. I paid dearly for it. I never consider myself equal or above God. The best way to be humble before God is to obey Him and serve and praise Him continuously. Quote
antonate Posted September 26, 2013 Report Posted September 26, 2013 The attitude of the ruler described by Isaiah is.. the ruler is full of pride to exalt himself and take the place of the Lord God Almighty. the ruler is boastful, proud and does not feat God. Quote
antonate Posted September 26, 2013 Report Posted September 26, 2013 There are times when my opinion has differed from God's will and his word but when i come into his presence daily i have found that i am wrong asked his pardon and cleansed by the Blood of jesus christ submitted to his will and his word because i love him and choose to obey him at all times. the word of God says-- this is the one i esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word. this is the attitude we should have towards our God and this differs from the ruler's attitude in 14:12-17 i choose each day to acknowlege that God is my source of everything and seek to do everything that brings glory to His name through my thoughts ,words and deeds. spending time in God's presence and crucifying the sinful nature and obeying the voice of God's holy spirit keeps me humble in his presence. Quote
Craig Posted September 28, 2013 Report Posted September 28, 2013 Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God’s will and God’s word? How does this differ from the ruler in 14:12-17? What is the best way to humble oneself before the Lord? The heart of this ruler was arrogant and he proclaimed himself to be like the Most High -- God like. So, in actually, he conducted himself like his perception of God. He was mighty, powerful, and controlled the lives of many. Everything was about him and his glory. The glorification of self. The lack of acknowledgment of the One True God. Some Bible scholars link Luke 10:18 where Jesus said the following: "...I saw Satan fall from heaven like lighting!" with Isaiah 14:12-17and Ezekiel 28:12-19 in describing the fall of satan from heaven at some point in space and time. Yes. When I exercise my will and sometime selfishness I exalt my will over Gods. However, I do not proclaim myself above God or like God or God as the ruler in this passage of scripture does. The best way to humble yourself before the Lord is to daily study scripture, pray, exalt God in praise and worship, and to serve Him. Repenting of sins and submitting our wills to the will God also humbles us before God. Quote
GoRaysXD Posted September 28, 2013 Report Posted September 28, 2013 Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God’s will and God’s word? How does this differ from the ruler in 14:12-17? What is the best way to humble oneself before the Lord? The heart of this ruler was arrogant and he proclaimed himself to be like the Most High -- God like. So, in actually, he conducted himself like his perception of God. He was mighty, powerful, and controlled the lives of many. Everything was about him and his glory. The glorification of self. The lack of acknowledgment of the One True God. Some Bible scholars link Luke 10:18 where Jesus said the following: "...I saw Satan fall from heaven like lighting!" with Isaiah 14:12-17and Ezekiel 28:12-19 in describing the fall of satan from heaven at some point in space and time. Yes. When I exercise my will and sometime selfishness I exalt my will over Gods. However, I do not proclaim myself above God or like God or God as the ruler in this passage of scripture does. The best way to humble yourself before the Lord is to daily study scripture, pray, exalt God in praise and worship, and to serve Him. Repenting of sins and submitting our wills to the will God also humbles us before God. Quote
charisbarak Posted October 12, 2013 Report Posted October 12, 2013 Attitude of heart was pride. Jesus explained it in Luke 10:18 Sometimes I would, very immature, not realizing what sin it was! It really isn't different--it is sin! I may not have had the power he had, but I was still putting myself before God. If I humble myself, I agree with God what a sinner I am. Also that He deserves the honor & glory and praise Him. Seek His will and direction daily, never forgetting He is in control. Quote
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