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Why did God command Isaiah to go naked for three years? What was its meaning?

1.  He was demonstrating the humiliation that Egypt was going to the experiemce at the hands of Assyria.


What effect did this acted prophecy have on Judah’s foreign policy?

2.  Egypt cannot be relied on for help.


If you were Isaiah, would you have obeyed God?

3.  I think I would have obeyed.  I would have the faith to know that God would not ask us to do anythibg wrong, 



  1. As an indication that the lord is against Egypt and Cush
  2. 'Just as my servant Isaiah has gone stripped and barefoot for three years, as a sign and portent against Egypt and Cush, 4 so the king of Assyria will lead away stripped and barefoot the Egyptian captives and Cushite exiles, young and old, with buttocks bared -- to Egypt's shame.'" (20:2-4)
  3. Judha did not reply on the Egypt
  4. Yes




Question 3-2

The fertile Crescent is anchored at one end by Egypt and at the other by Mesopotamian nations that were in ascendance at any given time. Between these powers were the smaller independent nations like Syria, Judah and Israel. In the Seventh century Assyria spread its influence across the area and upon conquering territory the captured slaves would be forced to walk back to Assyria naked; thus showing their defeat and vulnerability before the King of Assyria. Thus God called upon Isaiah to go naked for three years to impress upon the people their vulnerability and they will ask “See, this is what has happened to those in whom we hoped and to whom we fled for help and deliverance from the King of Assyria! And we how shall we escape?” The only way to escape was to put their faith and trust in the God of Israel. Today our situation is much similar- instead of Assyria being the threat our threat is much more subtle. It is the god of commercialism that we must fight against and we also must put their faith and trust in the God of Israel and his son Jesus.

When Judah was threatened by Israel and Syria, She should listen to Isaiah's plea and put her trust in Yahweh alone. The king, however, would not put his faith and trust in Yahweh and made a disastrous deal with Assyria.

I would not have had the courage of Isaiah, to walk naked for three years.



God commanded Isaiah to go naked for three years so show the people around him that the Lord was going to lead Egypt away captive naked. This is one time that Judah did act in the right direction and did not make an alliance with Egypt.


Now whether or not I have obeyed God is a question I would also have to ask myself. That would have been a tough thing to do. I just hope that I would have the faith to do so.



  • 4 weeks later...

God commanded isaiah to go naked for 3 years because it was a reminder to Judah not to rely on Egypt.

The meaning was that Assyria would attack Egypt,carrying off captives who would be stripped of their clothing.

The effect this acted prophecy had on Judah's foreign policy was that at first Israel wouldn't Egypt in their rebellion against Assyria. However eventually they would turn to Egypt for help rather than rely on the Lord for deliverance.

If I were Isaiah,not sure if I would obey God on this matter or not. Can't imagine going naked for 3 years especially in a hot desert climate. I would probably have to pray to have the faith to be obedient to His will and to know His purpose for  the acted prophecy.

  • 10 months later...

2a)God commanded Isaiah to be naked for 3yrs,as a shocking memorable sign &warning to Hezekiah,not to form an alliance with Egypt&Cush.When prisoners taken away in captivity,often conquering nation stripped them as a sign they had been totally conquered

b)God asked prophets to act out what He wanted to tell the peopleProphecy meant Judah should trust in God and not in Egypt or Judah’s own strength,when in fear of the Assyrian attackers. Egypt would not keep its promises to give Judah military help,and the Assyrian armies of King Sennacherib(705-681BC) would be victorious over Egyptian forces,causing naked prisoners of war from Egypt/Ethiopia to flee north to be resettled in other lands.

c)Judah’s King Hezekiah did not join in Sargon’s rebellion against Assyria&so in 711 Judah had not suffered reprisals.Prophecy should have warned Judah not to trust in foreign alliances to protect them,However later in 701 Judah had joined in the rebellion against Assyria and suffered an invasion by Assyria,who conquered all her fortified cities except Jerusalem.

d)It would have seemed unusual request,but I hope so.

  • 8 months later...

For three years, God wanted Judah to realize that they could not trust Egypt to keep its promise. This was to let them see how their lives would be in the future if they turned themselves form God's will again. God was trying to give them an in your face reminder every day. For once Judah actually listened to the will of God and things turned out okay for them. I believe that I would have had enough faith to actually do that as well.  I strongly believe that God does not ask you to do something that he is not ready to help you accomplish.

  • 8 months later...


Q2. (Isaiah 20) Why did God command Isaiah to go naked for three years? What was its meaning? What effect did this acted prophecy have on Judah’s foreign policy? If you were Isaiah, would you have obeyed God?


God commanded Isaiah to go naked for three years  to be a constant reminder to Judah not to rely on Egypt, that Assyria will attack Egypt and carry off captives, who were often stripped just as Isaiah was.  Judah chose not to ally with Eqypt, but eventually was invaded by the Assyrians.  If I were Isaiah, yes I would have obeyed God.

  • 3 years later...

Isaiah was told to go naked for 3 years as a testimony to what was to happen if Judah relied on Egypt.

Judah chose to join in the rebellion and was conquered - stripped naked.

I honestly don't know if I have it in me to strip naked. I continue to grow daily with the hope of ultimately doing all things in God's glory.


  • 1 year later...

Q2. (Isaiah 20) Why did God command Isaiah to go naked for three years? As a symbol to the people of Judah. Assyria would often strip captives, so Isaiah’s nakedness was reflecting that.

What was its meaning? As a reminder to not partner with Egypt because it will be overthrown by Assyria.

What effect did this acted prophecy have on Judah’s foreign policy? No effect. Judah joined in the rebellion with Egypt against Assyria and was attacked and taken captive, all of Judah except Jerusalem.

If you were Isaiah, would you have obeyed God? I  would but it would require of me to go even deeper into my faith. It makes me realize that acting out faith like that forces upon one a mindset of faithfulness that perhaps cannot be reached without doing something extreme like that. I am left questioning the strength of my own faith now as I have never acted out in faith. I can barely get into a discussion about faith with non-believers, in fear that I might say the wrong thing or offend someone! 

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (Isaiah 20) Why did God command Isaiah to go naked for three years? It was a prophecy and sign to show what was going to happen to Egypt and Cush.

What was its meaning? It was to be a constant remind to Judah that it was not to rely on Egypt.

What effect did this acted prophecy have on Judah's foreign policy? His prophecy was heeded,Judah did not rely on Egypt and his prophecy regarding Egypt and Cush came to pass.

If you were Isaiah, would you have obeyed God? I probably would not have, I prayed for strength and boldness that I will act as Lord wishes me too.Isaiah was intimate with the Lord and obeyed the commands that the Lord gave him.

  • 2 years later...

Isaiah's nakedness was supposed to represent the stripped down history -- ending! -- of Judah had she deferred to Egypt. I do wonder if the people who saw him thought of this, however.

For awhile, Judah did restrain itself from joining lousy alliances, but in the end, Ashdod (a city in Judah, I believe) was overrun.  Although in the map that Pastor Ralph provided Ashdod is described as part of Philistia, it is closer to Judah than Israel. 

Would I go around naked if I thought God was commanding me to do so? I thought modesty was a virtue, no? God would have to be very persuasive and clear in this command as I would be convinced that I heard him wrongly. 

  • 3 months later...

 (Isaiah 20) Why did God command Isaiah to go naked for three years?

In Isaiah 20: 3-6 The Lord said that as Isaiah went naked  and barefoot for three years as a sign that the king of Assyria will lead away the captives of Egypt. So Judah should not put their hope in Egypt. 

What was its meaning? What effect did this acted prophecy have on Judah’s foreign policy?

Judah was looking to Egypt to save them. God told them this was pointless as the Egyptians would be led away in shame. 

If you were Isaiah, would you have obeyed God?

Boy this is a hard one. I want to always obey God, but I also can't see myself walking around naked. It is against the law here also so I probably wouldn't be able to do it 3 years. 

  • 8 months later...

The command to walk naked was a demonstration of the futility to trust in Egypt and Cush to protect from the Assyrian army. It was a constant reminder that the nation's only confidence should be in dependence on God. Israel chose to ignore God's word as demonstrated by Isaiah.

This would have been a tough and humbling act to follow.

  • 7 months later...

Q2. (Isaiah 20)

Why did God command Isaiah to go naked for three years?

What was its meaning?

What effect did this acted prophecy have on Judah's foreign policy?

If you were Isaiah, would you have obeyed God?

Isaiah was to become a walking parable to Israel (Judah), as a warning not to make an alliance with Egypt. He was to walk through the land to let them see first-hand, what would happen to Egypt.  Many would be carried away as captives, stripped as Isaiah was.  

It was a warning to Israel not to rely on Egypt and Ethiopia to help them fight against Assyria.  Neither Egypt nor Ethiopia had been able to stand against Assyria.  

Hezekiah did not join in with Egypt.  Later kings did and they then suffered a similar fate.  

A sobering thought, would I have gone around naked?  It truly is a tough question to answer sincerely.  I can only say, I do hope I would have.  I pray that by God's grace I will be obedient to what He requests me to do, and never say Him nay.

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (Isaiah 20)

  1. Why did God command Isaiah to go naked for three years? It was to be a visual prophetic warning.
  2. What was its meaning? That e was great danger in becoming slaves, captives by taking part in a war not their concern.
  3. What effect did this acted prophecy have on Judah’s foreign policy? It worked for a time. Apparently disreguarded after Hezikiah's reign.
  4. If you were Isaiah, would you have obeyed God?  The closer one joins their life with God and his design for your life, the less desire you have to chose your own path. I do not see disobedience as an option in life.

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