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To know that not all will accept Jesus. Knowing at the beginning of eternity we will be with Jesus, never to be separated from him again. We will hurt for the ones that will not accept Jesus as the son of God.


There will be no more time to chose Christ as a Savior. There weill be loved ones that have not made the right choice and they shall be left behind.

The sweet is this is the beginning of eternity to reign with Jesus. No sorry, no pain, hurt and temptation shall be gone forever. Praise the Lord.

It shall be over we will be with Jesus forver and ever.

It causes us pain to think of those that will not except Jesus. Being a child of God it is hard for us to understand why anyone would not want to serve him for who he is in us and too us. Holy is his name forever.


God intended for all to be saved and it is so sad that God's way is so very easy and there will be those that do not accept. Losing one life is a sad thing, when they could have chosen life.

It is hard to understand, but this will begin the time of our reign with Jesus and our sorrow and mounring will flee away. We will come with singing unto Zion!

Our job on earth today should have be to tell all we meet with a passion as if Jesus will come today!



Q5. (Rev 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10?

The destruction of the souls whom never repented.

What is sweet?

The coming, of the Lamb, the Lambs protection doing this time of trial.

Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand?

For it's not what we want to hear. I have been taught through man, that we would be taken up, will not have to endure the tribulation, but if you read the Bible you will

find that some of us are here doing this time, (if the 144,000 are the church) it is a testing of faith, but we will not be harmed and in the end will reign with Christ.

Q5. (Rev 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? What is sweet? Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand?

My opinion is that the bitterness is because so many will choose to trust in themselves. :( Also our own guilt from having not sufficiently carried The Message of Salvation by Jesus Christ alone. :( The sweetness is that by His Grace and Faith, I have trusted and belong to God. :rolleyes:


I believe it is bitter because it is judgement. There is terrible suffering and eternal damnation for thosewho do not repent. It is sweet when first taken in because we love the Word as believers but becomes bitter when we realize that there are those for whom the unthinkable awaits. If we have even the slightest inkling of eternity we cannot rejoice in this judgement.

I love you all.

God Bless



What was most bitter for me in this passage was the silence in Heaven. I can't even imagine what that would be like. Speaks to how serious the opening of the 7th seal is.

Time is running out for the people of the earth. We need to heed the warnings of Revelation and turn away from sin and turn to God.

What was most sweet was God's seal on the righteous and his protection of the redeemed.

It is easier to reject what is hard to understand and do nothing about it. It is hard work trying to dig deeper and discern the hidden meanings through prayer, searching the Word of God and taking part in courses like this one, but the rewards are priceless.

Blessings, Marilyn


There will be a judgement, a just one. The church might suffer in the flesh but we are protected in the spirit. The church is in God's hand and He is a protector of His people. It is so sweet because we are heirs with Christ. We have eternal life. It is bitter in that all will not have eternal life but eternal death. We reject what is hard for us to understand because the unknown scares us. We need to trust God at His word, He knows all things, and faith is believing what we can't see or touch.

Keep the faith and endure until the end.


The judgement is devastating and shows us we should be trying to save souls for Jesus to protect them from terrible things. Jesus will protect his own, but our prayers will also help deliver the world and history. We need not fear what we don't understand as we are Gods people, he does dwell with us, and does wipe away all tears.

Q5. (Rev 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? What is sweet? Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand?

What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10?

The bitterness is that the opportunity for repentance will be gone and some will be lost forever.

What is sweet?

All those who believe in Jesus will be protected and saved and live with Him forever and ever.

Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand?

Because it takes work to understand and can be painful if we do. Something


What is bitter about what I have read in Rev.6 thru 10,I would say when the universal judgment comes.The people who dont know Jesus Christ as their Savior,and the acknowledgement of their sins that need to be confessed before God.

What is sweet,Gods truth will prevail,all prophecy will soon be fulfilled.No more sorrow,no more tears.Gods word is sweet to us because it brings encouragement.

We tend to reject what is hard for us to understand because we are human"made flesh"..a person will push aside what we do not understand.Some people fear the unknown.But yet we must want to understand,before we can reach the full depth of what God wants to freely give us through his love .Its kind of like,you have to open up the wrapper before you can taste the candy.Blessings Linda :rolleyes:


Revelations 6 through 10.

The destruction of God's own creation is bitter to the core

God's faithfulness for His children and His only Son

that is so sweet.

We reject what is hard to understand because we have

a close mind, aiming towards the world and not towards

our Lord Jesus Christ.

Be with God always my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.


What is bitter for me is the fact that so many people not willing to repent and believe will die in vain. By that I mean a good percentage of the earths population will be decimated only to be followed by the jugement from which they will be sent to hell, which is the second death and that is eternal separation from God, the source of all good. Plus all the people who choose to believe in those days will face severe persecution and millions will be put to death. Just the thought that all this has to happen and because of sin in the heart of mankind.

The sweet is that God has finally intervened in the most complete and final way his plan comes to fruition and we will be with our Lord and our God forever.

We reject sometimes because it means change. Even to change to way we think. Sometimes because we do not want to accept truth, pain, horror. Sometimes because we do not want to have anything interfere with our pride, or our ordered lives.Lets not forget sefishness.

:blink: God's Word is sweet to believers because it is full of encouragment for them but the coming judgement is a sour thought and everyone must go through it.

Sweet = God's Words and God's Love

We as human beings have a hard time with change espeically if we do not want to accept or acknowledge the truth, suffering, and horror. Judgement Day is coming and nothing or no one can stop it. Must put our lives in order if not have already done so and if we have not repented, must do so because if we wait when we are on our death beds it will be too late. I feel it is such a shame that when people go around doing cruel things to other people and not think twice about it but when their time comes and they know they are dying, they want to apologize then why wait when you know you are going to die? Why can't they apologize and make it right before something like that happens?


In Revelation 6-10 the judgements revealed are bitter. However, the promises kept to the faithful are sweet. We tend to reject what is hard for us to understand because we have been taught to accept what can be physically seen and proven. It is hard to fathom that God is why we are here and that he makes things they way they are.





The bitter sweet that is read in Revelations 6 thru 10 is the seal of the judgments on the people who are left behind. The sweetness is the scroll that while it is being eaten tastes like honey. Once the scoll hits the stomach it became bitter sweet. We don't want to try something new that we don't understand.


The bitterness is that with all of God's mercy, patience, and chastising, man still doesn't repent.

The sweet part is that God's people will be protected from the tribulation that has to take place. We will be with Jesus in heaven, just as He said.

We reject what we don't understand because we are uncomfortable with the unfamiliar. We rely on our understanding instead of the promises of God, and it would be hard to understand how God could go to such extremes to save us when we are so unworthy.


The bitter is that God does everything He can to get people to repent of their sins and accept Jesus-yet the majority remain unrepentant.

Also bitter is the fact that much of the earth will be devestated and destroyed during this time.

The sweet is being part of the great multitude in heaven singing and giving glory to God.

We reject what we don't understand because we fear the unknown.


That not matter what happens to some people they will

not turn to God, their bitterness is to deep.

It's not to late to respond and accept Christ, and if

you do you will recieve forgiveness, salvation & everlasting life.

  • 2 weeks later...


The red horse taking peace from the earth.

The black horse taking fair play from the earth.

The pale horse ridden by Death with hell following, with power to kill with the sword and with hunger, with death and the beasts of the earth.

Martyrdom and the season of waiting, and the expectation of further martyrs.

The great shakeup of heavens and earth that terrifies both high and low born.

The prospect of the four winds.

The results of the sounding of the trumpets one by one by the seven angels, including the five months tormenting of men by locusts, so that men should seek, but not find, death.

The lack of repentance of men, even in the face of all that devastation, ie the hardness of hearts.

The little book in the belly of John.


Jesus, conquering, upon the white horse.

The protected souls of the martyrs

The protection of the saved through the marking of the forehead on the saints, in each tribe, 12000.

Multitudes robed in white, waving palms, praising God, and the Lamb, with the angels responding in like manner.

Victory of those in white who serve God before His throne, day and night.

No more hunger and thirst, and the constant presence of the Lamb.

The golden censor filled with incense and the prayers of the saints.

The finishing/completion of the mystery of God at the end of time.

The taste of the little book in John's mouth.

Maybe we tend to reject what we cannot understand because we feel out of control and helpless. However the scripture says :D "When I am weak, You are strong."

  • 2 weeks later...

What is bitter in Rev 6-10?

In that mankind has rejected God; has rejected his free guft of salvation through jesus; has progressively become worse in his sinful condition, God now begins His judgments against man. Still, though givening enough latitude for man to repent.

What is sweet?

That God woth all His love still gives man an opportunity to repent and return to Him. How God protects those that love Him from the judgments that are to come. How He cares for those that have suffered greatly for Him.

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