masika Posted June 26, 2008 Report Posted June 26, 2008 Q5. (Revelation 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? What is sweet? Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? The bitter is that the, judgment of those who do not believe in God will be real, and there will be no escape. The sweeter is that, those who will persevere to the end, will inherent eternal kingdom of God. We tended to reject the word of God when it is preached, and follow our own ways which pleases our eyes. This will lead us into destruction. May God help us to Obey His word and do as it says. Quote
randall greene Posted October 27, 2008 Report Posted October 27, 2008 The bitterness is the fact that many people will reject the Lord and be snt to the lake of fire. The sweetness is the faact that all of the saints will be saved and redeemed by God. Quote
smurf1948 Posted January 5, 2009 Report Posted January 5, 2009 Q5. (Rev 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? What is sweet? Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? The massive destruction and death of the plagues. What is sweet? The saved ones because they will be with God. There will be no more tears,hunger or thirst. God will be our light. Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? Its hard for our simple minds to grasp what we can't see,feel or touch. Quote
Delivered Posted July 1, 2009 Report Posted July 1, 2009 Q5. (Revelation 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? What is bitter is God Quote
alpha1 Posted September 4, 2009 Report Posted September 4, 2009 The realization that God and Jesus will win in the end, that evil will be banished forever is sweet. It is human nature to reject what we do not understand, and has been for all time. Even in scientific circles, a new discovery, theory, etc. is usually rejected and ridiculed when first announced. It often takes years for a new idea to be accepted. Quote
royk Posted October 15, 2009 Report Posted October 15, 2009 Q5. (Rev 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? What is sweet? Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? In thinking about the sadness of those who are already lost and dead, for me this is not bitterness. The evidence of God is so clear to me that I'm simply very sad that they can't see it or didn't see it if they are dead. God loves us all, He will call to them, perhaps through me/us even to the last second of life. For me there is nothing bitter about this, just sadness. And it is why I often cry while I sing "Hear us from Heaven" for I fear so many will be lost forever. So we must take action and we must pray for them as much as we can. Pray for God and the Holy Spirit to "open the blind eyes, unlock the deaf ears... we are His people... Crying out in Desperation" We all have freedom of choice, so where is the bitterness. I don't see it anywhere. As God sees people choosing to move away, and reject Him, despite what He does to warn them/us, He can decide to harden their hearts again Him, to help them keep their choice. Some enlightened say it is all sweet, since it is from Him, intended to bring us closer to Him; some sad things are hard to take in life, but they are usually things we mush learn to accept and adapt to, and to wait upon the Lord for Him plan and will to take hold of us. It is all good. Praise God. Quote
Commissioned Posted February 24, 2010 Report Posted February 24, 2010 Q5. (Rev 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? What is sweet? Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? The bitterness in Revelation 6 - 10 is knowing that in spite of the opportunities given to people to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, there will still be many who would have rejected Him and will face a judgment. The sweet news is that we who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord will be protected from the judgment to come and together we will worship our God around His throne. Quote
ritad Posted March 3, 2010 Report Posted March 3, 2010 Q5. (Rev 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? What is sweet? Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? The terrible suffering and destruction is bitter as the unbelievers still do not accept the Lord. The protection of God's people and promises of what is coming is sweet. Quote
hanks Posted April 23, 2010 Report Posted April 23, 2010 Q5. (Revelation 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? What is sweet? Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? It is bitter to read about the multitude who will reject the Lord. It is bitter to read about the divine judgment to be brought on these unbelievers. It is bitter to read of the impending eternal doom of all these who reject the Saviour. It is sweet to read of the triumph of God over Satan. It is sweet to read of the time when the wrongs of earth will all be made right. It is sweet to read about the grace of God and its many precious promises that belong to believers. It is sweet to know where we will be spending eternity. Perhaps it is not so hard to understand, but rather that we do not want to understand, as it exposes all our sins. God Bless. Quote
l.a. Posted August 27, 2010 Report Posted August 27, 2010 Q5. (Rev 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? What is sweet? Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? It is bitter to face that so much of the earth is doomed to destruction. God's angels, who believe in God's greatness wholeheartedly, do not seem happy with our relaxed attitudes towards sin. We see they're wrath towards mankind's heinous behavior. It is just that they carry out these judgements on the earth; they are meant to lead us to repentance. It is sweet to know that God has already given us a Savior and we already have redemption. God, in His mercy, has given us a way back to Him and the opportunity to experience a life in His kingdom of peace and righeousness forever! Quote
PASTOR D Posted September 4, 2010 Report Posted September 4, 2010 Q5. (Rev 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? What is sweet? Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? The thing is nobody wants to suffer or go through any ordeals - we wants things to always be alright. When things are trying and people yet refuse to turn to the only hope that there is - that being Jesus, the Hope of Glory, it is bitter to see then suffer such when there is a way out. . . It is sweat to see that in spite of the tribulation that is upon the earth during this time - those who will trust God are provides comfort and security. . . I would think that we sometimes reject what is hard to understand because so often what we perceive and being read is reality to us - however, on the other hand when we do what is necessary to understand what it really is we have the ability to not only see what is really is but know how to either function in spite of it - or change it to where we are able to function. . . Quote
Ramon Posted October 8, 2010 Report Posted October 8, 2010 Q5. (Revelation 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? What is sweet? Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? Answer: I think the most bitter part is found in Chapter 9,that despite all the signs,and destruction around them,the people still continue to worship the devil and are unrepentant: Rev 9:20-21-And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they fornication, nor of their thefts. This nature of man,their heart was so hardened,that God has given them up: Romans 1:28-32-28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. The sweetest thought will be on Chapter 7: Rev 7:9- After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; We are these great multitudes brithers and sisters..who hold on to the end,who believe and accepted Jesus as our personal Lrd and Saviour,who has cleanse us from all unrighteousness and IMPUTED IN US HIS OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS.The righteousness that HE CLOTHED US, as represented by the White Robes that John saw(Rev 7:14-And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.). And the WORD has come to pass,that He will never leave nor forsake us Quote
Ramon Posted October 8, 2010 Report Posted October 8, 2010 Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? We reject what is hard to understand,for we cannot beleive waht we dont understand. One of the most important part of Christianity is Beleiving.WE ARE BORN AGAIN/SAVE BECAUSE WE ASK GOD TO MAKE SAVE US..BUT RATHER BECAUSE WE BELEIVE GOD CAN AND WILL SAVE US..IN JESUS CHRIST NAME.. Understanding precedes beleiving.A lot of people reject the "Born Again" calling of our Lord Jesus in Joh chapter 3,because they thought Born again is some kind of religion,some kind of doctrines..instead of being a stage,and event of our life,that must come to pass,to have a personal relationship with our Lord. I'm quite offline here,but I think it is also a relevant topic... Quote
Barbara A. Lee Posted November 1, 2010 Report Posted November 1, 2010 Q5. (Rev 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? What is sweet? Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? The bitter part about this is that no matter how hard we try, some will not have their name in the Book of Life. The sweet part is that those who have their name in the Book, will be worshipping and praising God. And we will be the ones that rule with God for eternity.I think it is the unknown that ishard for some to understand. We have a hard enough time to undestand what we know to be the truth let alone what we don't. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted January 21, 2011 Report Posted January 21, 2011 The bitter in 6-10 is that there will be complete destruction for those who will not accept salvation. In reading through this, it is reminding me that people really need to fear the Lord as well as know His love for them. We can't be a people that "play" religion acting like God doesn't see what we are really doing, while on the outside we "look" religious". Our devotion is to be doers of the Word and be guarded against the world and all the compromises it offers. We can not justify our actions when they are wrong! The scenes of destruction in Revelation should make us stop and really examine this. It is with deep sadness I read of the destruction of those who turned their back on God. Knowing the outcome and that they will never know Him or live with Him. It's beyond sad knowing they traded it all for such insignificant things in the world. So temporal! The sweet though, is that we who have believed and are being transformed, can read of the hope we have in Christ. The protection we will receive and even though we may be persecuted and suffer, we know the outcome for us is one of joy and life. Our God has not forgotten us now, nor will He then, and into eternity. So this is sweetness. Though for a time even in the sweet, we will experience bitter. Not in God's wrath, but at the hands of evil. Why do we reject what is hard for us to understand? Human pride I think. If we don't understand what God is doing or saying, we measure that to what we know. Only, we don't know much....even the most learned. So we need to walk closely day to day with the one Who does know....EVERYTHING....and accept in trust even when we don't understand. But, for many, there is a lack of trust in the tendency can be to strike out on our own or justify what we do. As we walk with Him more and more, we experience peace even in troubled times because we know Him to be faithful....even beyond anything we could ask for or imagine! Quote
dlite80 Posted February 21, 2011 Report Posted February 21, 2011 Bitter- plagues, destruction, the wrath of God poured out, judgment of the unrepentant. Sweet-promises of those who have come out of the tribulation and protection from the great judgment. God will wipe away all our tears and we will dwell in His presence forever! We tend to reject what doesn Quote
tammie7 Posted June 5, 2011 Report Posted June 5, 2011 Q5. (Rev 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? What is sweet? Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? The bitterness is to see people that knowns that God is sending his judgement and they will not repent, also the pladges and and the jugdement that will come to the earth. The sweetness is the promises that God give us the one that stay true to his promises He will wipe our tears that unrightouness that christain have to faces. To be in front of the throne praise him. Quote
van Posted April 20, 2013 Report Posted April 20, 2013 The bitterness is for those who have a chance at the tribulation to repent and don't. The sweet is Christ church which He is coming back for because He loves His church, the faithful ones of Christ. I believe we reject what is hard for us to understand because of the punishment that God will bring upon mankind. We tend to see God as loving and kind, not mean enough to send you to hell. But what some don't understand is God gives us a chance all the way before your life ends to repent and if you don't it's not His fault but your own fault. God gives us a choice and the choice you make will determine where you will spend eternity. Quote
tgandy Posted May 11, 2013 Report Posted May 11, 2013 Revelation is our wake up call. My calling as a future Pastor was 'tell my people the time is growing near. Repent!' It is hard for me to believe there are people in this world who do not believe. I know it from my travels, but it is still hard for me a believer to know that not everyone will go to Heaven. He gives us every chance to repent and follow, but....Sometimes we find what we cannot touch, see, hear, or feel tangibably does not exist. However, once given a drink of that sweet grace one only wants more! Quote
rn_flobow Posted May 30, 2013 Report Posted May 30, 2013 It is very "bitter" to think of all the things that will happen to humans who refuse to turn towards the Light of God. Sometimes, in our human forms it is so much "easier" to turn towards others and think of their ways as God's ways.....We lose track of GOD and who GOD really is.......That is bitter to me......That one can take the ways of the world and at first they might taste "sweet" in the mouth but by the time one has really consumed them throughout their body, these ways taste "bitter". It is a bitter lesson to learn how much humans who are "in sin" must go through now and during the coming days per these chapters in Revelation. What is sweet to me is knowing that there is "honey in the rock".....REAL honey in the rock......the kind that truly soothes the bitterness that can be found in the world through the sweetness of  Christ Jesus. Our loads are heavy but we are told in scripture to take Christ's load on our shoulders for it is easier than the load of sin that we carry on our shoulders. When Christ was crucified there were Roman soldiers who stood around his cross. Is it possible some of them believed even then and turned away from the blackness of sin which would cover the earth? The sign of the dark cloud is gone now but the darkness of sin remains. This sin must be cleansed and removed from our Earth and that brings agony for those who will not turn to Christ so that they can be made new creatures by being washed clean before these events occur. For those who have been an active part of sin and "by their fruits you will know them" and refuse to turn from their sins just like the Soldiers who crucified Jesus and did not repent the cleansing will be horrible indeed. Maybe when Christ "wipes our tears" dry, gone from our spirits will be the "thoughts" of those who did not make it to heaven. I don't know that but I can see how that could be possible. Thanks for asking such "thought provoking" questions. Quote
JoanG Posted February 5, 2015 Report Posted February 5, 2015 I feel that all the trials and tribulations are going to be very hard on a lot of people. I understand that a lot of people have turned theirs hearts from God and that they havre never really believed in Jesus. I know there is a lot of corruption in the world and I understand that the judgement must take place. Â People havre a chancer to be protectedc from all of these things. They just have to be reborn again. They have to accept Jesus into their hearts. There is hope if people are only willing to repent and accept. Â It is easier to reject ideas than to try to understand things. People do not want to learn about new ideas. They want to stay where it is safe for them. They want to stay where they feel that they have control of their lives. They do not want to have faith that someone will actually take care of them. Quote
Old Jerry Posted June 9, 2016 Report Posted June 9, 2016 The thing that is bitter is that most of the earth will be destroyed. But the thing that is sweet is that we will be protected. If we can’t understand it then we can’t believe in what it is saying. We just have to take it on faith. Quote
wifee Posted June 12, 2018 Report Posted June 12, 2018 5a)It’s bitter&hard for us to understand, that although God wanted all to be saved, there will be some who don’t accept Jesus as Lord, that will perish instead of choosing life in Him. b)It is sweet to know accepting Jesus that we have the Lambs protection during the end times. God has got us covered through His amazing grace : )?. c)I think we tend to reject what we find difficult and don’t like to hear or read. Quote
Cathrine Brougam Posted April 20, 2022 Report Posted April 20, 2022 On 10/10/2003 at 12:24 AM, Julie said: Q5. (Rev 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? The destruction of the souls whom never repented. What is sweet? The coming, of the Lamb, the Lambs protection doing this time of trial. Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? For it's not what we want to hear. I have been taught through man, that we would be taken up, will not have to endure the tribulation, but if you read the Bible you will find that some of us are here doing this time, (if the 144,000 are the church) it is a testing of faith, but we will not be harmed and in the end will reign with Christ. Hi Julie, the 144,000 are not the church. We are not the first fruits. Quote
Migueltom Posted December 9, 2024 Report Posted December 9, 2024 Acknowledging your spiritual gifts leads to a journey of purpose, focus, and authentic relationships. [url=]Techniques to integrate Christian gifts to serve your community[/url] Have you sometimes asked, "How can I identify my spiritual talents?" If so, you are not alone. Many individuals sense an urge to uncover the distinctive traits that influence their calling. The good news is that signs frequently indicate these abilities if you are aware where to focus. Start by observing your inherent abilities. Are you a great advisor who helps others feel understood? This may be a clue of the gift of compassion. Can you see you are naturally inclined to leading or guiding others? These may suggest the strengths of guidance or insight. [url=]Individual study[/url] a0_bf7a Quote
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