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Q3. (Isaiah 25:7) Why does the promise that “he will swallow up death forever” provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones? When we contemplate our own death? What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes?


  • 1 month later...

(Isaiah 25:7) Why does the promise that "he will swallow up death forever" provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones? THEY ARE GOING TO A BETTER PLACE, IF THEY SERVED GOD BEFORE THEY DIED.


When we contemplate our own death? EXPECT VICTORY ON THE OTHER SIDE



What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes? VICTORY



Q3. (Isaiah 25:7) Why does the promise that "he will swallow up death forever" provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones? When we contemplate our own death? What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes?


We have small thoughts compared to God, but at some moment He will end the notion of time. He will declare eternity to reversible and woe to those who are not believers.


Our job is to be used as empty vessels so that more might be saved than lost at the end time.


I long to die now to Christ, to be one used in such a way. Praise God for emptying me, more and more each day.


What we don't understand and even fear is what is really the best for us, to go into God's arms trusting what ever He has planned for us.



Q3. (Isaiah 25:7) Why does the promise that “he will swallow up death forever” provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones? When we contemplate our own death? What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes?


a.  In the death of my brother in July, it comforts me to have the assurance that he's with the Lord...his suffering is over, and he's living out the eternal life which began several years ago when he received Jesus as his Lord and savior. There will be no second death for him! When those we love die and whose salvation is in question, we only have the hope that they died believing in Him and just didn't tell us.


b.  I have the promise and assurance of Eternal life with my Lord...so there is no fear about death.....only the joy of seeing Him face to Face. (Now He sees me Face to face. :))


c.  Abundant and eternal life, glorious freedom from bondage, sickness, fear, loneliness, lack, replaced with unspeakable JOY forever and ever in His Presence! We will be here on earth for the 1,000 year reign with Christ, in our new glorified bodies, received when we were raptured!  "EVEN SO, COME LORD JESUS!"


  • Because death is a seperation that seems permanent. The hope of having death swallowed up means a reunion.

That it (death) is not forever. That this life is not "it."

Once again - something beyond my understanding but something I long for - home.


Q3. (Isaiah 25:7) Why does the promise that "he will swallow up death forever" provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones?
    If the loved ones are saved, we are comforted because they will rise again to eternal life.  Every tear will be wiped away.  There will be no sorrow, no pain.  They will have joy and peace and love and be face to face with the Lord.    

When we contemplate our own death? What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes?

Psalm 23:4-6  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.  5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.  6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

John 14:1-3  “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."



Q3. (Isaiah 25:7)

Why does the promise that "he will swallow up death forever" provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones?

When we contemplate our own death?

What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes?

Christ’s death and resurrection defeated death and it is no longer a source of fear, because there is life beyond the grave. We know that every person must die, but death is not the end; instead, it is the just the beginning. It is this promise that comforts me with the death of a loved one. When it comes to my own death, I feel exactly the same. One of my favourite verses is Philippians 1:21 where Paul states, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain”. What can be better than spending eternity with Jesus? When Christ comes there will be no more death, no more illnesses, no more pain, no more tears, no more mourning, no more separation from loved ones, and no more sin. This certainty of future prosperity and joy should be an encouragement for all of us to put our trust in the Lord and not lose heart.




When a loved one dies we grieve with the thought that we will never be able to have this person with us anymore, we also think of their suffering and grieve.  But the thought that God will destroy death brings us comfort, that if our loved one’s had accepted Jesus we may see them in a better place.


With this promise in our hearts, we will not even be worried about our death because we know we will go to a place of rejoicing where there will be no sorrow or pain.


When Christ comes back we will see the wonderful promise of his resurrection.  We will see victory over death


Our loved ones death, there will be no more death, nor pains and suffering we have in this life.


When CHRIST returns we will experience a transformation from this life to a life eternal with CHRIST JESUS.


The promise that "He will swallow up death forever" provides us comfort when we grieve the death of a loved one because we know that those loved ones who die before us have died in Christ and they share in Christ's victory over death. He died so we may live!

When we contemplate our own death, the same promise holds true. We will die in our flesh, but we will be resurrected into new life.

"We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep with Him. When Christ comes, we who are still alive will be gathered up to meet the Lord in the air and we will be with the Lord forever." 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

"And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning, or crying, or pain for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4.


The promise that he will swallow death forever makes us rejoice in our hearts that God has triumphed over death and given us victory of eternal life. This promise gives us the assurance that our loved ones who have died in christ are there in heaven close to Jesus and they are living in a wonderful place with our Lord Jesus Christ. It gives us peace and comfort to know that our loved ones who have believed in Christ are not lost in death but they are in heaven enjoying God's presence


when we contemplate our own death we know we are going to a beautiful place called heaven and we are ever enjoying God's presence and the miseries and sufferings of this earth are gone forever!


when Christ comes we will expereince victory over sin and sickness, sorrow and pain and he will rescue us from all evil and wickedness and we will be able to expereince his peace and freedom when he rules and reigns as King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!


Q3. (Isaiah 25:7) Why does the promise that "he will swallow up death forever" provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones? When we contemplate our own death? What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes?


The death of a love one i s a transition from mortality to the immortality. The death in Christ will rise first and those living will be caught up up with the Lord Jesus Christ when He comes. All the departed ones in Christ and the raptured ones will live together with Him to die no more. This then should comfort us.


The resurrected redeemed ones and the raptured righteous ones will live in perfect peace and joy with the Lord and death will have no more power on the redeemed ones because the power of death has been destroyed forever. 


Q3. (Isaiah 25:7) Why does the promise that “he will swallow up death forever” provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones?


If our loved ones knew Christ in this life, we'll certainly see them again when all things are made new.




When we contemplate our own death?


Well I try not to think about that a lot, but it is a comfort to know that when I die I'll go to be with Christ, which as Paul says is far better than anything in this life.




What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes?


According to so many Scriptures it'd be too hard to list them all, when Christ comes, if we're still alive at the time we'll be changed in the blink of an eye into our Heavenly bodies and meet Him face to face. If we've died in this life, we'll go to be with Him in the next. We get our Heavenly body after we die. The second coming changes everything. We look forward to Jesus coming again and the golden age that His coming will usher.





.Death is no a permanent enemy

.There is hope beyond the grave as

saints are resurrected.

.No more afflictions.


.Whereas the first death is Gods appointment- Hebrews9:27, We can escape the second death by living Holy lives so as to have to have part in the first resurrection -Revel 20:6


. No more disgrace

. A new order of life.

. Life abundantly

. Everlasting life with God.


Q3. (Isaiah 25:7) Why does the promise that "he will swallow up death forever" provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones?

It means we will be transported from this earthly existence and live with the Lord forever and there will be a life without sorrow , tears, pain or sickness.... only joy will abound.

When we contemplate our own death? What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes?

We will experience Christ’s power and its defeat over the grave ..all our disgrace will be changed to a victorious living..

Actually we will be so glad to see Jesus Christ when he returns as He has promised to take us with Him to a place of Eternal Life where

we will meet all our loved ones who have gone before ..His coming is awaited with great expectations..that the earth will be conquered when He comes this SECOND time as a Ruller, a Conqueror and King and His Peace which passes all human. understanding will prevail.HALLELUJAH


  1. Question 3  (Isaiah 25:7)
    1. Why does the promise that "he will swallow up death forever" provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones?
      1. To be honest I didn’t come to God so I could see my departed loved ones. I came because of the contrast between God's HOLINESS and my fallen nature.

  2. When we contemplate our own death?
    1. HE is able to redeem.

What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes?
  1. IF we are saved – Life.


Death of a loved one is dreadful but we are not hopelessly thrown in despair because those who believe and trust in Jesus will be saved from the Second Death at Judgement Day. Better yet, those remaining alive at Christ's second coming will never experience death but will be transformed , with all the saints before us, into our resurrected bodies and we will FOREVER commune with God in a personal, intimate relationship.

Q3. (Isaiah 25:7) Why does the promise that "he will swallow up death forever" provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones, and when we contemplate our own death?  
To those who lost loved ones who "HEARD" and "RESPONDED" to the knock and chose to walk through the door Christ opened to them "GREAT COMFORT" will follow - for in the grieving period they will still be able to rejoice, for they know that death has been swallowed up, and one day their loved one will be resurrected unto life of joy and peace where we will live together forever.
Death to a believer is no terror but is gain.
This is a difficult question to answer but “TRUTH” must be faced - However, for those who are grieving at the loss of loved ones who chose "NOT TO" hear and respond to Christ knocking at their door - "NO COMFORT" is felt in their period of grieving, they know one day their loved one will be resurrected, but to that of great mourning and pain, for they chose not to go through the door that swallowed up death and destruction.
What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes?
All of us will die, and all of us will be resurrected, but not all of us will be changed from death to life everlasting with the Lord, for the "REMNANT" of faithful believers are the one's death has swallowed up, and in its place "VICTORY" was found.


  • 2 weeks later...

--No more death = no more tears!

We will go to be with Him.

I will be resurrected, get a glorified body & live with Jesus and Christian bros & sisters.


Q3. (Isaiah 25:7) Why does the promise that “he will swallow up death forever” provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones? When we contemplate our own death? What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes?


There is much hope and comfort knowing that despite biological breakdown and physical death of our earthly bodies that in Jesus Christ there is resurrection and eternal life with God and with others we love that acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah and claim his promises.


As I contemplate my own death I have no fear knowing that in Jesus Christ I will live.  I claim Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior.  In Him I have life everlasting.  I pray that my love ones do the same and have the same comfort and hope.


If Jesus comes before we die we will experience a transformation from the corruptible to the glorified body.



Q3. (Isaiah 25:7) Why does the promise that “he will swallow up death forever” provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones? When we contemplate our own death? What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes?


There is much hope and comfort knowing that despite biological breakdown and physical death of our earthly bodies that in Jesus Christ there is resurrection and eternal life with God and with others we love that acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah and claim his promises.


As I contemplate my own death I have no fear knowing that in Jesus Christ I will live.  I claim Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior.  In Him I have life everlasting.  I pray that my love ones do the same and have the same comfort and hope.


If Jesus comes before we die we will experience a transformation from the corruptible to the glorified body.


  • 2 weeks later...
Question 4.3
The comfort is provided by the message that god in ‘swallowing up death’ swallows up all in perfection in life that has been experienced and wipes the slate clean with the cleansing blood of Christ.  This promise of the covenant in Abraham and Jesus is so bountiful and gracious that we can obtain relief of pain , we still experience loss but it is now manageable.  
When we die we are greeted by Jesus for he is standing waiting for us by the right hand of god.  For we read in Acts 7:55 that Stephen “saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God”.  Regardless of death, when and where, Jesus is standing at the right hand of God and waiting anxiously for us to come.  





The promise that “he will swallow up death forever” provides comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones because we know that we will be seeing them later. We know that we are going to change from this temporary body that gets sick and dies to an everlasting body which nothing can hurt it.



  • 3 weeks later...

Why does the promise that “he will swallow up death forever” provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones? When we contemplate our own death? What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes?


This promise brings the comfort in knowing that one day we will be with the Lord.  There will be no more sorrow.  The Lord will wipe away the tears from our eyes.  I have no fear of death because I know I am living my life to please the Lord.  When He comes back again, those that die in the Lord will leave that old physical body and be with the Lord.


The reason the  promise  "he will swallow up death forever" provides comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones is that assures us we will be reunited with those who have gone before us in death.

When we contemplate our own death,this promise comforts us by assuring us we will be reunited with family who has previously passed on and that we will be with Jesus forever.

What we will experience instead of death when Christ comes is everlasting life and eternal fellowship. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain.

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