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Q4. (Isaiah 26:3-4) According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace? What happens when we get distracted from trusting in the Lord? Why is the Lord called the “Rock eternal”? 

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According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace? Leaning on Jesus



What happens when we get distracted from trusting in the Lord? We worry needlessly



Why is the Lord called the "Rock eternal"? The result is perfect peace because "the Rock eternal" anchors your life. He is solid. The weight of your burdens is light to him.




"You will keep in perfect peace[127] him whose mind[128] is steadfast, because he trusts in you. 
Trust in the LORD forever,for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal." (26:3-4)


Q4. (Isaiah 26:3-4) According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace? What happens when we get distracted from trusting in the Lord? Why is the Lord called the "Rock eternal"


We know the joy of feeling and living in this peace of the Lord, basking in His love. There is no comparison, nothing like it. This love is so good to have a hold on.


Jesus said, "remain in me"   so take a breath, think of Jesus as deeply as you can, and enjoy true peace, eternal peace. What a better rock to hold on to? There is none other than Jesus or Lord and Savior!



On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2013 at 10:01 PM, Pastor Ralph said:


Q4. (Isaiah 26:3-4) According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace? What happens when we get distracted from trusting in the Lord? Why is the Lord called the “Rock eternal”? 



a.  His promise is that when my mind is stayed on Him, is committed to Him, and my hope is confidently in Him, always, He will guard and keep me in His peace.

b.  When my eyes are no longer on Him due to the distraction, I give place to the things Satan would have me focus on, and I become either, afraid, worried, preoccupied with self, striving in the flesh to figure things out.....or all of those, and then confusion or feeling victimized, perplexed, or at times faint and without hope, depending on how long I stay distracted!

c.  He is the only solid ground...in which there is "no shadow of turning"....He never sinks, wavers or worries. He's never angry at me, or without the answer or encouragement I need. He never turns away, abandons, or neglects me. His every thought is toward me, and knows my every thought before I think it....and is absolutely faithful and trustworthy, and promises to "perfect that which concerns me"....and when I fail, "Underneath are His everlasting arms!"


The key to perfect peace is to put our complete trust in Jesus, to lean on him at all times.


When we get distracted from trusting in the Lord we get anxious and loose our peace.


The Lord is our solid ground on whom we can anchor.  He does not change or move, he is strong and our burdens are light to him.


Q4. (Isaiah 26:3-4)

According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace?

What happens when we get distracted from trusting in the Lord?

Why is the Lord called the "Rock eternal"? 

Complete trust in our Heavenly Father is the key to perfect peace. The peace of God is our mental attitude of complete tranquillity based on our relationship with God. We lose this peace as soon as we become distracted and move out of fellowship with God. We do not put our trust in Him and we do not acknowledge Him in everything we do. We can also have the peace with God which only comes when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. This we only receive when we respond by faith to Grace, and God then provides many blessings which result in great inner happiness. He is our Rock Eternal because He is firm like a Rock (fortress) and He is Eternal. “The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold (Psalm 18:2). He provides stability and security and His strength is eternal. 




Q4. (Isaiah 26:3-4) According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace? What happens when we get distracted from trusting in the Lord? Why is the Lord called the "Rock eternal"?



Jesus said it clearly, "remain in me, obey my commands...  your joy will be complete..."


its nice to think about disappearing and having our heavenly soul take every breath and step for us during the day so why not do it? Is it really as easy as breathing? Or is it the distractions that steal His Glory and Peace from us?


When we're distracted by the world, its a signal we are sinning or are about to sin. No other way to look at it. We must hold on to the Rick as best as we can; a great habit to get into, just as Jesus calle us to do it; then His next command "love eachother" is not as hard as we think


The key to perfect peace is leaning on Jesus. Keeping our eyes on Jesus and letting Him carry our burdens. We trust in Him in all things and in every circumstance.

When we get distracted from trusting in the Lord, we tend to dwell on what is wrong, or what we fear, or what is seemingly out of control. When we do that, we can easily fall into despair or we can start to trust in our own solutions and devices and that's never good. 

The Lord being called the "Rock Eternal" means He is the Rock of Ages. He is our refuge now and throughout all eternity. He is the rock on which the church and every believer is built. On Christ the solid rock I'll stand! He that trusts in the Lord has a refuge in the world and in the world to come!


The key to perfect peace is our complete trust in God and keeping our minds focused on Jesus all the time!

when we get distracted from trusting the Lord we end up trusting in our own strength and trusting in mortal men. This can make room for the enemy to steal kill and destroy and be robbed of abundant life that Jesus has promised us.

The Lord is strong and mighty and he is with us forever. He says to us -- I am with you always. To those who put their trust in God and stand firm in his presence he becomes a strong deliverer and he surrounds them with his protection and might!  As the word of God says in Psalm 125- those who trust in the Lord are like mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem , so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore.


Q4. (Isaiah 26:3-4) According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace?
    The key to perfect peace is to trust in the Lord, to have a steadfast purpose or frame of mind with our thoughts fixed on the Lord, trusting totally in Him.   
    Matthew Henry Commentary (concise) says about perfect peace:  Thou wilt keep him in peace; in perfect peace, inward peace, outward peace, peace with God, peace of conscience, peace at all times, in all events.

    Several things that came to mind as I studied these verses.  One is John 3:14-15  “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”  

    When Moses prayed for the  deliverance of the people from poisonous snakes, the LORD told Moses to construct a bronze snake and attach it to a pole and place it where the people could see it.  Anyone who looked up to that sign on the pole when they were bitten and trusted that their obedience to the LORD’s command through Moses would heal them would be saved.  But if they did not look up to it, they would die.  And in these verses, John has told us that we should look to Jesus; look to the One who was lifted up for us, for our salvation, and keep our thoughts on Him.  

    Our trust and obedience and peace with the Lord threaten Satan and he attacks us at any weak point we have.  There are many times when Satan tries to uses our past failures against us by whispering that we aren’t really forgiven, or attacking our faith in other ways.  If he can shake our trust or diminish our witness for Jesus, he has succeeded.   And if our trust is shaken, we become vulnerable to his lies.  When this happens to me, I go to the cross where I am vividly reminded of all that He did for me.  I tell the Lord what I'm feeling.  I thank Him for taking away all my sins and giving me  His righteousness, and I leave with Him the troubled thoughts and burdens. 

    The second thing that came to mind as I studied these verses was something that our pastor said one Sunday morning.  He held his hand in front of his face (almost touching his nose) and said “God is this close!”  Can you know that God is that close and not think of Him, not love Him and trust Him?

What happens when we get distracted from trusting in the Lord?
    Without trust we lose our peace; we lose our communion with God.  We begin to doubt ourselves and sometimes even our beliefs.   The blessings that come from complete trust and obedience are God-sized; what we get from trusting in ourselves and our own efforts is ultimate failure.  “Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.”  (Psalm 1:1)

Why is the Lord called the "Rock eternal"?
    He is our everlasting strength, our refuge and fortress, the Rock on which we stand.  On our own we have no strength, but when we walk with the Lord and do His will, he provides the strength we need for any task.  He never runs out of strength, nor does He ever stint in the giving of it when we ask Him.  He never changes.  He is faithful.  “He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber.”  (Psalm 121:3)



All believers are those who through faith choose to learn and come to know God more perfectly in their lives. The virtue spoken by the prophet Isaiah is the theological virtue of hope. The faithful indeed have hope in God for they through faith choose obedience to Him and to His law, His commandments and to His testimony, they in essence become the offspring of God, for they chose to listen, learn and imitate those faithful whom taught them these truths virtuously in faith, hope and charity. A few examples follow: St. Matthew 9:2, St. Luke 23:39-43, 1Corinthians 4:14-16, St. James 5:13-20, 1 St. John 5:10-21, Apocalypse 12:17.


1. The key to perfect peace is: "Trusting God with all our hearts,soul and mind".

2. When we get distracted from trusting in the Lord: We no longer have a peace of mind. Resulting in doubts, anxiety and lost of sleep when things go wrong in our lives.

3. The Lord is called the "Rock Eternal" because He is there for us, He never changes and He is the God of this universe.

" Heavenly Father you are our 'Rock Eternal' thank you for always being there for us in the name of JESUS CHRIST our Lord, Amen.


Q4. (Isaiah 26:3-4) According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace?


Trusting in God is the key to perfect peace. We have to "let go and let God" have his way.




What happens when we get distracted from trusting in the Lord?


We try to run our own lives our way and start thinking God doesn't really know what we need as well as we ourselves know it. We take on the responsibility of worrying about our future and sometimes take extraordinary steps to shore up what we hope will be enough to see us through. I'm more guilty than most of doing that.




Why is the Lord called the “Rock eternal”?


God never changes. He is the same yesterday today and forever. God can be relied upon no matter what.



26:3-4) According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace?


When you let go of all your burdens and cares and cast them on the Lord and LEAN ON HIM  for everyting, trusting in Him as your only resourse, strength , advisor, guide, snf constantly looking ONLY  to him for help and deliverance in life then you will have perfect peace ..the key therefore is perfect/complete Trust in the lord Jesus Christ.


 What happens when we get distracted from trusting in the Lord?


When we get distracted from trusting in the Lord we will surely die...the Israelites had the “type” in the wilderness when they were bitten by the poisonous snakes they were told to look up to the Bronze serpent which was lifted up on the pole and those who looked survived the poisonous bite those who did not died......so also we are to LOOK TO JESUS WHO WAS LIFTED UP ON THE CROSS FOR  THE POISON  OF OUR  SINS  and we shall have life.otherwise DEATH AND DAMNATION...CONDEMNATION.

TRIVIAL OUTCOMES  of not trusting in Him are anxiety, fear, overconfidence in self, looking to other solutions, indulging in worldly pleasures etc   all lead to death...only the Lord is your stregth and life.



 Why is the Lord called the "Rock eternal"?

 The Lord is compared to a large stone / Rock which anchors a ship ...we are to cast all the burdens we have upon him...he will be able to bear it no matter what the weight...he can bear all the weight whatever and for all times till the end of the earth...

Living life inevitably brings us into conditions akin to a horrible pit......when we yearn to stand on a Rock  a sure foundation, a secure footing...the parable of the wise man building his house upon a rock also illustrates that Jesus Christ is the ROCK ...THE STABILITY WE NEED IN LIFE. FOR ALL TIMES WHATEVER THE SITUATION....


In the 1800s, Edward Mote wrote a powerful hymn titled The Solid Rock: 

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name
On Christ the solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand






  1. Question 4  (Isaiah 26:3-4)

    1. According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace?

      1. A Mind that is steadfast in trusting the Lord.

  2. What happens when we get distracted from trusting in the Lord?

    1. We stopping being steadfast.

Why is the Lord called the "Rock eternal"?

  1. Because HE is steadfast.


Those who fully depend and trust in God will experience perfect peace and joy. Most of us, however, get distracted by worldly concerns. As a result, most live in conflict and anxiety because we fixed our eyes away from God's care. He is dependable forever and will never forsake His children.


What a fellowship, what a joy divine,

Leaning on the everlasting arms;

What a blessedness, what a peace is mine,

Leaning on the everlasting arms.


Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms;

Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.

Oh, how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,

Leaning on the everlasting arms;

Oh, how bright the path grows from day to day,

Leaning on the everlasting arms.

What have I to dread, what have I to fear,

Leaning on the everlasting arms?

I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,

Leaning on the everlasting arms.

Isn't it amazing how many songs are based on this theme of trusting Jesus to carry us through the hard times? Yet it is hard to do. Some of the problem in actually staying in God's peace instead of getting anxious and resolving the aproblem or just fretting about it. Jesus isn't like a trick pony that does what the ringleader asks with the click of a finger. Jesus walks with us like the cloud in the desert walked with the Hebrew people. Jesus is here but we want him to DO SOMETHING to relieve our stress or pain. All we have to do to find that peace in the storm is "fix our eyes on him"... Like Peter when he stepped out of the boat.

Unfortunately most of us, and me most certainly, are more like Peter when he was walking on water and then ....looked away from the Lord. My fear, my desire to fix the problem ASAP, my nature is to do something instead of "lean" on Jesus. That does not mean the best corse of action is to never do anything.....but rather trust Jesus, look to him, seek an answer in his face. AND refuse to panic or give into fear. All of this is a good lesson for me.


Q4. (Isaiah 26:3-4) According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace? The key to perfect peace is as described in these verses as prophesied to Israel, the key to perfect peace comes from "TRUSTING" in the God of Israel to do what he says he will do, faith that God who banished Israel and driven them out because of their former sins and times will restore them as a nation to the favor of God - this is the perfect peace that we Gentiles may also have as we put our "TRUST" in the saving grace and mercy of God's Son, because we are saved by "FAITH" - not just any faith, but a "TRUSTING" faith seen in Abraham as he in "PERFECT PEACE" brought his son to the altar of his God, the LORD JEHOVAH.


Why the Lord is called the "Rock eternal"? The "LORD JEHOVAH" - the God of Israel is called the "Rock" because He is unchangeable, true, and strong, and because he keeps his promises is why I am able to find, and be in perfect peace, for the "LORD JEHOVAH" is what my faith stands on, it is because of Him that I have placed my hope on "GOD'S ROCK" His Son -- Faith believing - what the "FATHER" said the "SON" will do in my life, is true, He will bring to me "ETERNAL LIFE"




Q4. (Isaiah 26:3-4) According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace? What happens when we get distracted from trusting in the Lord? Why is the Lord called the "Rock eternal"? 


The key to perfect peace is Jesus. He cares for us and has asked to cast our burdens unto Him.

When we get distracted from trusting the Lord, we loose our peace and furthermore, we fail to solve the problem that has become our challenge.

He is call the "Rock eternal because we can lean on Him and be fully insured and protected 




Q4. (Isaiah 26:3-4) According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace? What happens when we get distracted from trusting in the Lord? Why is the Lord called the "Rock eternal"? 


The key to perfect peace is Jesus. He cares for us and has asked to cast our burdens unto Him.

When we get distracted from trusting the Lord, we loose our peace and furthermore, we fail to solve the problem that has become our challenge.

He is call the "Rock eternal because we can lean on Him and be fully insured and protected 




The key to perfect peace is to have our mind stayed on Him.

When we get distracted, we fall and end up carrying our own burdens, weighing us down.

The Lord is the Rock--we can lean on Him. trust Him and know that He is faithful!


Q4. (Isaiah 26:3-4) According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace? What happens when we get distracted from trusting in the Lord? Why is the Lord called the “Rock eternal”? 



Trusting in God is the key to perfect peace.  When we get distracted from trusting in the Lord oftentimes the spirit of gloom, doom, and angst possesses us.  The Lord is called the Rock eternal because He never changes and His ways are always right, true and life-giving.


You can built your house on the Rock eternal because it always stands firm despite the myriad conditions around it.


Q4. (Isaiah 26:3-4) According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace? What happens when we get distracted from trusting in the Lord? Why is the Lord called the “Rock eternal”? 



Trusting in God is the key to perfect peace.  When we get distracted from trusting in the Lord oftentimes the spirit of gloom, doom, and angst possesses us.  The Lord is called the Rock eternal because He never changes and His ways are always right, true and life-giving.


You can built your house on the Rock eternal because it always stands firm despite the myriad conditions around it.


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