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Q1. (Isaiah 28) How are we humans able to justify and deceive ourselves so easily? Why do we hold onto lies that guide our lives? Why do people stumble over Christ, the tested foundation stone, and his righteous standards? How can we help people come to the truth? What is the alternative if they don’t, according to Isaiah 28:21?



We hear only what we want to hear in order to justify our actions in pursue of our desires.  Our selfishness blinds us and that blindness makes it easy to deceive ourselves.  We hold on to lies because they justify the way we live our lives.  We create a kind of fantasy world that justifies our life styles.  Right or wrong. 


So many stumble over Jesus Christ because He rocks their world and they cannot handle it.  Truth often scares people, so they hide in denial and more lies.  It is easier to run and hide rather than stand, confront, deal with, and change.


We can help people come to the truth by living the truth and by being open and honest about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the sin nature of man.   Pointing people to the truth that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Light is found in Christ. Freedom is found in Christ.


Changing your life or any part of it is always rough because we get comfortable in our life and the things we do.  Coming to the truth can be a real slap in the face.  But, we need it or we will destroy our ourselves for eternity.

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Q1. (Isaiah 28) How are we humans able to justify and deceive ourselves so easily? Why do we hold onto lies that guide our lives? Why do people stumble over Christ, the tested foundation stone, and his righteous standards? How can we help people come to the truth? What is the alternative if they don’t, according to Isaiah 28:21?


We hear only what we want to hear in order to justify our actions in pursue of our desires.  Our selfishness blinds us and that blindness makes it easy to deceive ourselves.  We hold on to lies because they justify the way we live our lives.  We create a kind of fantasy world that justifies our life styles.  Right or wrong. 


So many stumble over Jesus Christ because He rocks their world and they cannot handle it.  Truth often scares people, so they hide in denial and more lies.  It is easier to run and hide rather than stand, confront, deal with, and change.


We can help people come to the truth by living the truth and by being open and honest about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the sin nature of man.   Pointing people to the truth that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Light is found in Christ. Freedom is found in Christ.


Changing your life or any part of it is always rough because we get comfortable in our life and the things we do.  Coming to the truth can be a real slap in the face.  But, we need it or we will destroy our ourselves for eternity.


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  • 11 months later...

1)We justify our actions often because we dont realise we are in a spiritual battle over all our actions,and fall foul of the voice of sin,with empty promises &falsehood of our culture,tempting us with false ways to peace,happiness in his disguised way with scheming lies.


b)We dont always make decisions we make on basis of Christ firm foundation,, and are in denial about the influence satan has in our thinking and actions.We deceive ourselves dont want to admit we are sinners&need to confess need Christ’s help at all times


.c)People stumble over Christ and his righteous standards, truth often comes against what we think,when they dont trust.Jesus truth.&his instructions of how to live.



d)showing them love&using an appropriate word of scripture at right time to free them.


e)they face God’s judgement &wrath.

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  • 7 months later...

Humans never really believe that there is a dark side of anything. They are constantly telling themselves that everything is going to be okay. We want to believe that we can do everything for ourselves. We do not want to have to trust anyone else. we need to help people by holding bible study classes. We need to encourage people to allow Christ into their lives. We can show them how people who turn their backs on God end up. We need to gently but firmly let them know the chaos that can and will happen.

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  • 8 months later...


Q1. (Isaiah 28) How are we humans able to justify and deceive ourselves so easily? Why do we hold onto lies that guide our lives? Why do people stumble over Christ, the tested foundation stone, and his righteous standards? How can we help people come to the truth? What is the alternative if they don’t, according to Isaiah 28:21?


We persist in being stubbornly unteachable and remain i bondage instead of being freed by the freedom the Word of God brings.  We hold on to lies when we are comfortable with what the lies do for us.  People stumble over Christ, the tested foundation stone, and His righteous standards because they love sin and do not want to give it up.  These people can olny be helped by sharing with them the Word of God and allow the Sirit of God to deal with them.  If the do not turn from their sinniing ways The LORD will come as he did against the Philistines at Mount Perazim and against the Amorites at Gibeon. He will come to do a strange thing; he will come to do an unusual deed.  He will give the opportunities before turning them over to a reprobate mind.

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  • 4 years later...

Q1. (Isaiah 28) How are we humans able to justify and deceive ourselves so easily? Man see's the revelry of the earth and allows himself to partake in ungodly ways, not realising the inevitable destruction of man without God's rule and guidance.

Why do we hold onto lies that guide our lives? By believing what we want and justifying our actions as being ok when there not.

Why do people stumble over Christ, the tested foundation stone, and his righteous standards? By allowing our unrighteousness to guide us in our actions and ignoring the ways of our Lord.

How can we help people come to the truth? By sharing God's word with them.

What is the alternative if they don't, according to Isaiah 28:21? It is destruction that they will have, forgoing the experience of God's love.

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  • 2 years later...

People -- all people -- have a lens or worldview through which they look at reality. The cracking or even replacing of that lens is (almost) impossible without Christ. People work to maintain this lens because without it they are unstable and floating ... in a way, their lens is like an intellectual and emotional rock. I've known gay men, for instance, who look at everything through the lens of homosexuality and have blinded themselves to alternative ways of thinking. They say this about Christians, that we have blinded ourselves to their ways of thinking: "Narrow-minded" is the usual insult. The difference between us, is, of course, truth. Christianity is a true lens -- greenism, certain political POVs, or any of the sexual permutations are false.

This is why humans deceive themselves so quickly -- they don't allow themselves to think outside the narrow boundaries of their lens. They'd rather deceive themselves than leave the cloister of their lens.  Too, this is why humans tend to hold onto lies. All lies are outside the Christian lens. They construct elaborate edifices of thought -- Marxism, for example -- that structurally parallel Christianity, in some ways, without being true.

This is why it necessary for the Spirit's intervention. Without Him, no one could break through this impervious lens. The Spirit prompts people toward salvation, guiding and tugging. 

We can ask to be used by the Spirit in the work of salvation, to be an auxiliary, at best, for His work. That's the best we can do to bring people to Christ. We must understand that the bringing is His work alone. We may tell people about Christ, but unless the Spirit has proceeded us, tilling the soil of the mind and heart, our words will seem like empty deceptions. I pray for many people who are unbelievers, hoping my prayers are in His will, aligned with his purposes and acceptable to Him. 

Deceived people will continue on their path of deception unless the Spirit intervenes. They are destined for hell.

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  • 1 month later...


Q1. (Isaiah 28) How are we humans able to justify and deceive ourselves so easily?

By not having a relationship with God. Living in the here and now, thinking we can make our own decisions and that we have complete control over what we do, say and our actions. Living life based off of our emotions and feelings and being lead by them instead of God. We walk in the flesh with it leading and guiding us and not the Holy Spirit. 

Why do we hold onto lies that guide our lives?

We don’t know who we are, who our creator is and how He sees us. So we believe the lies the father of this world tells us.

Why do people stumble over Christ, the tested foundation stone, and his righteous standards?

We stumble over God because we don’t have a relationship with Him. Some people chose not to believe because they haven’t experienced His love, they think they’ve accomplished or done enough good deeds that they don’t need Him. 

How can we help people come to the truth?

By sharing our testimonies and the gospel with strangers and loved ones.


What is the alternative if they don’t, according to Isaiah 28:21?

Destruction and death.

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  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Isaiah 28) How are we humans able to justify and deceive ourselves so easily?

We humans are so good at justifying and deceiving ourselves. Like the people of Israel we feel we don't need God because we are doing fine on our own-Pride.  We are bombarded by messages to take care of ourselves, we deserve it, we can do it, we don't need anyone. Satan loves us to listen to these messages. Some people believe that the mercy of God will cover their willful disobedience.  "why would a loving God send anyone to hell?"

Why do we hold onto lies that guide our lives?

It is much easier and comfortable to go along with these lies, than to realize that we owe the God of creation our allegiance. 

Why do people stumble over Christ, the tested foundation stone, and his righteous standards?

There are many reasons people stumble on this: pride, selfishness, unbelief,  hardening of their heart. Another reason people stumble is they feel they must do something to be saved. It's too simple (but not easy) that we are saved just by our believe in Christ and His work on the Cross. 

How can we help people come to the truth?

To live as Jesus did to the best of our ability. To love our neighbors. To always be ready to give and answer to everyone who asks for a reason for our hope (1Peter 3:15)

What is the alternative if they don’t, according to Isaiah 28:21?

Those who reject Christ will go to hell. 


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  • 1 year later...

Q1.I think Satan helps us justify things and he deceives us into thinking we know best. We are a sinful people and we want things our way so we justify our action and deceive ourselves into thinking that what we are doing is acceptable, of course satan is delighted with us.

We stumble over Christ because we think we can manage very well on our own. We want to honour ourselves and not God. Many people just don’t see the need for God. Some just are too lazy and don’t realise the importance of God and what they are missing and that their complacency will have consequences.

We can help people by forming relationships with them and sharing the love of Jesus with them. We must share the message of the gospel and then leave the Spirit to do his work. We must pray that the Spirit will reveal Jesus to them. 
In Isaiah 28v21 the language is difficult to understand but it is a warning that God will bring about terror and destruction on those who have not honoured Him. 


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