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Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God? How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us? What is the remedy? How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following “rules taught by men”? What is the danger of a rule-based faith? How does it differ from a love-based faith?

  • 2 months later...

Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God? YES!



How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us? WE WON'T STUDY THE WORD ENOUGH TO RECOGNIZE WE ARE OFF TRACK.






How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following "rules taught by men"?  THE BIBLE IS ALIGNED WITH MY WORDS, HEART, AND ACTIONS.




What is the danger of a rule-based faith? IT LEAVES NO ROOM FOR REPENTANCE OR GOD'S JUDGEMENT.



How does it differ from a love-based faith?  JESUS AND ALL HE REPRESENTS, IS PREEMPTIVE.



Without rules, codes, laws and discipline's there would be not sustainable society in existence. These are indeed important. Where the narrow minded and the spiritually stifled encounter problems is that they attach themselves to these rules, codes, disciplines of all sorts, including the reading of the Bible. They believe that these practices are indeed the whole of the method by which a person enters into a state of righteousness in the presence of the Lord. Not so.


Everything must be taken into proper and correct context, intent and proportion.


If a person is practicing disciplines as if these can save, then they are sorely in error.


If a person reads the Bible diligently but without correct instruction, knowledge or understanding, it will be their undoing.


Rules are important and useful. Codes are useful and important. Disciplines are useful and important. Laws are useful and important. Without these there would be no nation, state or Church.


Rather, we are to love the Lord with our entire mind, heart, body and soul love our neighbor as our selves and not neglect the laws, rules, codes and disciplines.


God has given His people rules, laws, codes, and disciplines for the express purpose of teaching and building up of His kingdom of priests, prophets and kings. To declare any of these as useless or worse is to declare God a liar. God's kingdom on earth is like His kingdom in heaven, it is ordered with rules, laws, codes and disciplines, if we do not learn how to be obedient here in this existence we will not know how to participate obediently in the next existence. Therefore no one with the correct and ordered mind or spirit will ever rail against rules, codes, laws or disciplines.


Everything must be in "correct" context, intent and proportion.


Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God?


Oh yeah! At the risk of denomination bashing . . . every priest who practiced paedophila, every homosexual priest, every preacher committing adultery, every crooked "Christian" businessman, every "Christian" biker using the access his club afforded him to sell drugs . . . No wonder the world at large calls Christians hypocrites.





How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us?


The greatest gift that God did ga'e us was to see ourselves as others see us . . Robbie Burns. We need to ask God often to examine our hearts, like the psalmist did.




What is the remedy?


We need to ask God often to examine our hearts, like the psalmist did. It also helps to start the day if you can with studying God's Word.




How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following “rules taught by men”?


Often we can't. Again, we need to keep focused on God's Word. If we do this the Holy Spirit will give us discernment and ***** our consciences if we're in error in what we practice in our religion.




What is the danger of a rule-based faith?


We can get caught up in a list of do's and don'ts that could take precedence over worshipping and serving God in the way He wants us to.




How does it differ from a love-based faith?


Love covers over a multitude of sins. That's not to say that as long as we love God and man that we can do whatever we like, as some interpret that to mean. If our faith is based on love for God we will get rid of bad habits and practices as the Holy Spirit sanctifies us.





Yes we often find religious people who follow the law and traditions of the religion but in their hearts they do not love God niether exhibit his true nature,


The way we love God and our neighbor can detect whether we are following a rellgion or we are living under the grace of God.

we need to come into the loving presence of God and allow God to search our hearts and minds! when we yearn to come into his presence and worship him we are able to see all the flaws in us and the grace of God will help us to build a intimate relationship with Jesus. we need to open ourselves and yield to the Holy Spirit of God who will guide our lives according to the word of God.


The way i behave, the ways i take and the life i lead shows whether i follow the rules of men rather than the ways of God guided by his Holy Spirit.


Rule based living leads to self righteousness and pride. Also the danger would that the person will not be Christ centered but self centered. Intimiate relationship with Jesus is not possible if people follow rules and laws and they fall way from the grace of God.


Love based living is possible when we love Jesus and because we love him we will also love him. when the love of Jesus fills us we are able to renounce sin and filled with his Holy Spirit.  the mighty love of God and the power of the Holy Spirit makes our life meaningful and purposeful . we are filled with love and peace of God and we are able to love others with the love of Christ and bring them to the knowlegde and love of God.


Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God? How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us? What is the remedy? How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following “rules taught by men”? What is the danger of a rule-based faith? How does it differ from a love-based faith?


It is necessary to follow God in spiriti and in truth; as we do it more amd more, we can see and feel others who are going through the motions. We have our own moments when we're going through the motions. So we can't judge someone else about this until we walk with them for some period of time.

Studying the word, praying, listening, being still, this is the way to acquiring love based faith. We know enough to feel the difference when we get there. Its not easy to completely avoid such "automatic-living" rather than "heart-living."


Q2. (Isaiah 29:13)

Q1.Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God?

Pseudo Aposilyptic Christian; one addicted to the “religion” and not walking the walk.

A great danger of religious people -- like you and me -- is that we tend to so institutionalize and systematize our religion that we no longer seek the Lord himself, but instead hold a cold orthodoxy.


Q2. How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us?

I get into fix, manage and control lead by pride.

Too often, our precious doctrines are not the teaching of scripture, but dogmatic interpretations -- "rules taught by men." Our hearts can be far from the Lord while we practice our religion with great fervor.(Jeremiah 17:9)


Q3. What is the remedy?

Faith in God; trust God; the Lord will come with his great wind and the enemies will disappear like blown chaff (28:2-6). When his people awake, their enemies will seem like only a bad dream. They will be gone (28:7-8).

Again and again, Jesus taught his disciples humility!


Q4. How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following "rules taught by men"? My Heart is far from the Lord while I practice religion without faith.  The fruits of the spirit become less. 


Q5. What is the danger of a rule-based faith?

Rule based doesn’t teach scripture.  Faith without works is dead.


Q6. How does it differ from a love-based faith?  Humility vs. pride.  Source-based and not self-based.  Altruistism – if faith without works is dead then willingness without action Is fantasy.

On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2013 at 10:04 PM, Pastor Ralph said:


Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God?

 Yes! I was that person! Religious, judgmental, pious....trying to work my way and to earn God's love.

 How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us?

 The Holy Spirit showed me that self effort and works of the flesh were driving me further away from God

 What is the remedy?

 The remedy was SURRENDER....to His love, His grace, His mercy, His sacrifice on the Cross, and to let Him live THROUGH me. (He showed me an empty glove...me....then His Holy Spirit filling the empty glove with Himself to live and work through my frail self to accomplish His purposes.

  How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following “rules taught by men”?

I felt "driven" by a slave driver,  rather than being led by my gentle Shepherd. I felt guilty...enough was never enough...how much would fill the "quota" to make me O.K.? The answer was in His sufficiency, not in my effort.

What is the danger of a rule-based faith?

The rules are always changing, like the mirage in the desert! And if we approach what we think is fulfilling the rules, then pride rears up and we can take any glory from the situation. Keeping the law breeds self righteousness and superiority, as well as insecurity, fear and guilt!

How does it differ from a love-based faith?

Grace covers all....my sin, my fear, my guilt from "not measuring up or missing the mark". REST and PEACE are the difference...I'm now free to ENJOY Him and to receive all of the goodness and love and favor He showers upon me. I am accepted in the beloved! I rejoice that the Father chose me and gave me to Jesus as His love gift. The Holy Spirit "courted" me and introduced me to Jesus. Jesus redeemed and dressed me in His robe of righteousness  and gave me back to the Father as His love gift. JOY is my lot now!


1. I have seen too many times over the years so-called christians and so-called pastors who  hearts were far from God.


If I may share this short story: Two years ago a person who worked for the same company (in a different department) where I worked, an ordined minister told me God has spoke to  told him to start a church in my home town. I provided a place for him and his family to stay when they were in town also, financial support. He and his wife was the "most religious" when they were in church. He was very quick to blame and embarrass people in the presence of all.


On occasion I would visited his department unannounced (I worked in quality controlled) and I would hear this man talking to his co-worker and the shameful words coming from his mouth was not God sent. I confronted him in private and told him I had heard him using un-biblical language when he wasn't aware I had enter his workplace. I handed him my bible and asked him to read James 3:9-10 (he began to shake very nervously).

James 3:9-10



This church folded soon after.


2. We can detect this in ourselves if we are not taking time one-on-one and quiet time with God, but spending time in our self-righteousness. Demanding and telling others what they must do and the way we see them.


3. What is the remedy? Ask God for forgiveness and spend more time praying for guidance, and studing His word.


4. If we are not following the written word of God, then we are following "rules taught by man."


5. The danger of rule-based faith: Following man rule rather than God's rules.


6. How does this differ from loved -based faith? This is the way it is accept it or be lost. LOVE BASED- the word is taught in love from the Holy Bible.



" Heavenly father please forgive us for our sins and give us the will and strenght to follow you daily in the name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, Amen."


Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God? How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us? What is the remedy? How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following "rules taught by men"? What is the danger of a rule-based faith? How does it differ from a love-based faith?




We have a relationship with Christ if we are right with God.  If it is not vibrant and exciting then something has been put in place of Christ or over Christ.


Repent and come back to Christ.  Read the Word and pray.


It is lacking in substance.  Life comes from God, if we have not God we have not life.  We have only what dead men can offer.


It is dead and leads to slavery to rules of men and condemnation.


God is love and the work of the Holy Spirit is love (Romans 5:5).  It is vibrant and joyful.


God Bless!


Romans 15:13


Yes I have seen and I had been one too, but thanks to the Grace of God, He saved me.


When we do not feel the presence of God in our daily lives and when we do not see the fruit of the Spirit in our lives we know we are not in a relationship with God and our hearts are far from God and what we are doing is only religious duties.


True repentance, Prayer and meditating on the word of God will make us right before God.


When my practice of religion contradicts the Word of God then I know it is merely following rules taught by men.  I know I am rule based when there is no joy in my life, when I cannot forgive, when I cannot be a good neighbor and when the fruit of the Spirit is not seen in my life.


Rule based faith makes us pleasers of men, self righteous and proud people.  We will not have a close relationship with God and will fall in sin very easily and will not reach the destiny God has destined for us, that is Eternal life. 


Having a love based faith will make us humble and Christ Like.  It is not that we will not fail here, but every time we fail God will raise us up and make us victorious.  With this kind of faith we will be able to see the others just like Jesus saw them and so we will be able to love them and accept them.  I will be able to worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth and will have total freedom from sin.


Yes, I have seen and experienced religious people go through religious motions that had hearts far from God.

I can detect this in myself (and guard against it) by asking God to show me the true intentions of my heart. I, in and of myself, cannot see these things without God's help. The heart is deceitful. I need to be submitted to His "all knowing" to truly see "religion" in me. I have found He is faithful to show me daily areas of weakness in myself. It may be in a devotional, a Bible passage or a word from another that I will see these things. The important thing is though, to be in relationship with God everyday and to be open to the Holy Spirit. He really is gentle with us as we seek truth in these areas. I will also ask for wisdom to understand better and for the help of the Holy Spirit to change me from the inside out.

I can tell when practicing "religion" is following the rules of men because there will be a lack of the fruit of the Spirit. Rules of men control, cause fear, condemn and are often hypocritical. Legalism. The fruit of the Spirit is Christ like and practices truly following Christ's example from a willing heart. There truly is freedom when Christ sets you free! Christ in you will not strive, grumble, hate, be jealous or own anything because all things are truly done because we love to and the Holy Spirit gives peace to us in any situation. We recognize God is doing a work through us, so any "wrenches" thrown in are merely re-directions that we seek on. 

Dangers of rule based faith is falling into coldness, fear and condemnation. Rule based faith never treats all God's people equally nor does it recognize unity among us or the gifts God has placed in every individual. The church becomes all about perfection and sinners are denied access. (Though the "rule makers" are saturated in their own sin and can't even see it in themselves). The ones who make the rules, trod on those who are to follow the rules (and find it impossible) and all the while the makers of the rules grow in their own arrogance and sin banding together to encourage each other in their own sin. There ends up being a lack of grace or no grace and Jesus and salvation soon disappear and thus the church succumbs to FALSE religion and has strayed from the truth of the Gospel altogether!

Love based faith, is centered on Christ and grace and believers respond positively to truth because we are freed from condemnation by the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We will follow the truth because we truly embraced the goodness of the truth and the love of God who cares for us. We DESIRE to follow the One who has loved us and saved us. We grieve if we sin against Him because we truly respect Him and we recognize our own sinful state. Our hearts are seriously changed not just modified from one rule to another out of fear and guilt.


Q2. (Isaiah 29:13)

Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God?

How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us?

What is the remedy?

How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following "rules taught by men"?

What is the danger of a rule-based faith?

How does it differ from a love-based faith?

Yes, quite often. With so many churches either adding or deleting from the Word of God, there is the danger of man-made rules and errors to creep in. There are many who are years and years in the faith and yet still ignorant of the Word. And this ignorance has provided a void for the devil to fill the Christians heart with false theology. I just pray that it does not happen to me. I know that as a believer I must walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. I have to acknowledge Him in everything I do and in so doing remain in communion with Him. Prevention is better than cure – so it is to be occupied with Christ, knowing that when occupied with Jesus - the flesh or self-life is dead. It is a constant battle between my sin nature and my divine nature I received when born again. I know that if led by the Holy Spirit, I’m not following man made rules. All true believers are led by the Holy Spirit and do not depend on self-effort. In a loved-based faith I feel myself growing and hopefully displaying improvements in my life for others to see – namely in my love for others, as well as patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness towards others. I must always realise that I am a sinner saved by Grace!




Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God?

    Yes.  I am sorry to say that I have.  

 How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us?

    If you’re just going through the motions, your fellowship with the Lord will be distant or non-existent.  Your prayer life will be cold and you’ll ‘work’ at religion, getting your satisfaction from being seen to be religious and seeking praise for your works.

    One way to detect this is by noticing who you talk about when you talk about your faith: are you eager to talk about Jesus or more eager to talk about yourself?  If your conversation is about what you do, how you serve, how much you give, how worthy you are, how much better you are than someone else, then you are, figuratively speaking, praying on the street corner to be seen.   

 What is the remedy?

    Go to the Lord.  Confess your sins and ask for His guidance.  Spend time in prayer and in reading the Word of God.   

How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following "rules taught by men"?

    If your practice is only rules taught by men, it will not line up with the word of God.  The Bible is the book of knowledge for Christians.  You will have no spark, no witness, no daily fellowship with the Lord.  Your daily walk will be opposite to that of one who has the fruit of the Spirit–love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

    When you use rules taught by men, you will be trying to live according to law rather than by the Spirit and you will fail.  

What is the danger of a rule-based faith? How does it differ from a love-based faith?

    A rule-based faith is mechanical.  It is going through the motions, following the manual, worrying about getting all the details right, but there’s no heart in it.  It is an intellectual exercise, looking down or out rather than up.  It is living according to the law.

    A love-based faith is sitting at the feet of Christ.  It is walking and talking with Him all day, aware of His presence.  We act, not because we have to but because we want to, not because of a rule book but because of love.    We are saved by grace through love that is totally unmerited.  And we live, not by works but by faith.




I have witnessed plenty of vain worship peers--individuals who use worship as a social status tool instead of praising and thanking God. I usually detect my own worship becoming vain if my intentions and motives are not aimed at glorifying God but obtaining my own recognition from men and/or purposes and will. I remedy that by going to God with a repentant heart, a humble spirit, and a wiling soul to be transformed back in communion with Him (like the clay finally allowing the potter to do His creative work).

We need to ask ourselves I'd any decision or policy made by church people is based on Christ's love or to serve the interest of someone or a group of people. If it was based on the love of Christ, then the outcome will bear the fruits of the Spirit, but if it was based on human rules the it will bear nothing but strife, resentment, bitterness, division, and envy.


Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God?

Yes . Many times we are distracted about some incident in our home  or some problem with a relative or a sons job or a commitemn twe are burdened with then Satan takes a foothold and we tend to sing with our lips but minds are focussed on our problems...we go through the prayers and every part of worship mechanically because we cannot give all of ourselves to God..many times we may just be sleepy from a late night but go to church our of a duty.

 How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us?

Yes  we can detect this the moment we are thinking of other things during prayer...far from the topic or person we are praying about ..our mind strays. We continuously keep thinking of earthly matters and prayer becomes empty.  

 What is the remedy?

It is difficult to shut off that matter from our minds..we need to spend some time in praying about that topic first ...leave it at the feet of Jesus and then only worship Him.

It is a good habit to  make prayer the first thing in the morning before the issues of the day enter into our minds and block the pure and god-ward thoughts..early morning our hearts are full of the beauty of the earth and the Creator of all we see.

 How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following "rules taught by men"?

When prayers become a formality and become totally “bland” i.e. repititive ..no new dimension , when we fail to appreciate God in all His wisdom and glory , when we fail to realise His power, His sacrificial love, his unparalleled care for us which not even a parent would do for his/her child...and when we only approach God for our shopping list and not to honour Him or give him love /respect and adoration for His blessings to us ...when we seek him only with a selfish interest.

When we are not joyful about our worship and emotional about our interacation with Him..then our practise of religion is merely superficial / of men.  


What is the danger of a rule-based faith? How does it differ from a love-based faith?

A rule based faith is one sided while a love based faith is two sided ...we love.... he gives us Joy. Ruled based we perform.... and go away with pride!



Isaiah 29:13
Q). Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God?
A). I cannot know another person's heart. But I believe that I've seen some people engage in religious activities while also practicing a bit of their own personal ungodly behaviors.
Q). How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us?
A). Paul suggests self-analysis in 2 Corinthians 13:5 "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves...". We ought to honestly check ourselves before we wreck ourselves.
Q). What is the remedy?
A). The remedy is to repent and ask God's forgiveness when we stray. It would be helpful if we commit to walking humbly before God in all circomstances.
Q). How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following "rules taught by men"?
A). When my practice is not backed up by scripture I am probably practicing rules taught by men
Q). What is the danger of a rule-based faith?
A). The danger is that we no longer seek the Lord himself, but instead hold a cold orthodoxy.
Q). How does it differ from a love-based faith?
A). A love-based faith produces the fruit of the spirit which cannot be manifested in a rule-based faith.

Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God?

I have seen religious people who will never miss a church service and yet think nothing of cheating on their taxes, I have heard many gossip about others with no concern of the hurt they may be causing, and yet will "NOT" miss going to prayer meeting. 


The church is full of hypocrites, and I do not mean imperfect people, a hypocrite is one who outwardly speaks one thing and inwardly is not what they speak.


How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us?

The Holy Spirit keeps me in line with His mighty sword, of which I am forever thankful.


How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following "rules taught by men"?

It is important we have rules to follow, however, when one holds the rules of man higher than that of God's laws displays a heart that is not in communion with God, therefore all the outward acts of being pious and religious is looked upon by God as deceitful above all things. 


What is the danger of a rule-based faith?

There is great danger of falling in the sin of "PRIDE" if the foundation of one’s faith is based on following rules and traditions of the church, having therefore a righteousness that pleases man and self.


How does it differ from a love-based faith?

Faith whose foundation is placed on the Messiah is faith that "LOVES" God's commandments to do them, it differs greatly because their faith is based on pleasing the Father rather that of man, a sweet aroma up to God.

Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God? How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us? What is the remedy? How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following "rules taught by men"? What is the danger of a rule-based faith? How does it differ from a love-based faith?


Yes, even some of us including myself. Forgive me Dear Lord Jesus Christ.


We can detect this if our character and actions are not in consonance with the Word of God nor pleasing to Him.


Whenever I notice this I immediately run to God in confession and repentance. This is the remedy I believe.


Rule –based faith is set on legalistic obedience of the word without a heart that is close and pleasing to God and without regard to mankind. Love- based faith on the other hand is based on pleasing God by being Christ-like and treating mankind as children of God that deserve the honour due to them




Yes, I have seen it in many cases.

Review why we are doing religious activities--make sure it is just not religious, but a heart relationship and fellowship with God.

Let God examine our motives.

The rules need to be replaced by an overwhelming desire to praise & glorify God with our actions and thoughts.

Legalism--a cold Christianity

God is at the center--we desire to obey Him more than anything else. We want our thoughts and actions to please and glorify Him.

  • 3 weeks later...
Question 5.2
It is rather hard to tell whether one has ever seen a religious person going through the motions or it is hard to perceive a person’s integrity without having access to their deepest thoughts and feelings.  The Pharisee in Luke 18: 9-14 prayed , no doubt, so noone except God could hear him.  It is God that will be the judge and we really have no need to know.  In fact even considering that someone is too religious and just going through the motions puts that one in the ‘too religious’ category.  
One can possibly detect this fault, this sin in ourselves when we say to ourselves am I not good in performing this task.  All credit should be given to the Lord.
If a religious practice does not follow the great commandment , ‘ Love the Lord your god with all your heart, your mind and also love your neighbout as yourself’, then this practice is probably merely following “rules taught by men”.
A rules based faith would not stress love your neighbour as yourself and hence would not support people at home and around the world who are oppressed, hungry and thirsty, the lame and the sick, the blind and the deaf, the widow and the orphan.  It is these ‘other’ that both the old and new testaments encourage us to help and to love just as we love ourselves.  We should only keep what we need for ourselves to survive and give all else of our possessions to the poor.  This what Jesus taught the rich young man who went away sorely grieved.
All ‘Christians’ religions are based on love for love is what Jesus taught in the Great Commandment and in his ministry in general.  On the cross he showed this love when he said “today you will be with me in paradise”.  




Yes, I have seen religious persons go through all the religious motions but you can tell that heart is far from God. You see that when you see what they are doing or the way that they talk. We can detect this in ourselves if we do the same thing. The remedy is to correct what you are doing.


You can tell if our practice of religion is merely following “rule taught by men” by looking in the bible to see if it is a correct practice. The problem with ruled-based faith is that you do the things required but never think about it. Love-based faith is always seeing if the other person is effected by what you are doing.




Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God? How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us? What is the remedy? How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following “rules taught by men”? What is the danger of a rule-based faith? How does it differ from a love-based faith?


Yes.  Our churches are full of people going through religious motions.   One way to detect only going through the motions is when there is no joy and delight in my faith and worship.  Without enthusiasm, joy, delight, and love for the Lord, then however I worship or serve is dead.  I am only going through the motions.  Others can see that deadness in me and I can see it in others.  The remedy is daily quiet time spent with the Lord in prayer, Bible study, personal praise and worship.  The remedy is to practice the daily presence of God in our lives.


When I follow rules and regulations I follow rules and regulations.  It is the rules and regulations that I have a relationship with and nothing else.  When I practice a love-based faith, my actions and behaviors are motivated by a love of God from the heart.  This is genuine and life giving.  This type of faith is full of joy, delight, and excitement.  Rules and regulations don't do that for anyone.  Love-based faith is grounded in a personal relationship with God through his Son Jesus Christ.


Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God? How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us? What is the remedy? How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following “rules taught by men”? What is the danger of a rule-based faith? How does it differ from a love-based faith?


Yes.  Our churches are full of people going through religious motions.   One way to detect only going through the motions is when there is no joy and delight in my faith and worship.  Without enthusiasm, joy, delight, and love for the Lord, then however I worship or serve is dead.  I am only going through the motions.  Others can see that deadness in me and I can see it in others.  The remedy is daily quiet time spent with the Lord in prayer, Bible study, personal praise and worship.  The remedy is to practice the daily presence of God in our lives.


When I follow rules and regulations I follow rules and regulations.  It is the rules and regulations that I have a relationship with and nothing else.  When I practice a love-based faith, my actions and behaviors are motivated by a love of God from the heart.  This is genuine and life giving.  This type of faith is full of joy, delight, and excitement.  Rules and regulations don't do that for anyone.  Love-based faith is grounded in a personal relationship with God through his Son Jesus Christ.



  • 11 months later...

2a)sadly yes

b)We can seek to watch ourselve,checking that we read the bible understand it’s context,and that our actions are appropriate and correct in the intent and proportion. e.g.don’t do x to make us feel good,or for others approval.Be accountable to other christians we trust,who can lovingly help put us right if our actions are too much us.

c)Being humble,and not arrogant in our views,have a teachable spirit, and being obedient to God’s commands on how to live.

d)If the religious practices we follow are not rooted in scripture, they must be actions taught by men not the instructions of daily living&worship found in the bible.

e)Rules are important to help us discern right from wrong, Scriptues contains commands on how to live, but Jesus showed us need to avoid a phariseical attude,we are commanded as part of our love for God, to love our neighbour as ourselves.The danger of a rule based faith, is that it’s focus is on carrying out certain actions to obey the rules, before showing compassion with people when responding to their needs,not allowing room for God to act.f)Love &compassion is not upper most in rule based faith


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