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I have seen many people going through all the motions but they had very hard hearts. They actually refused to listen to people. They only thought about the money aspect. We need to know what is in our hearts. We need to know what it in our hearts and souls. We need to be honest with ourselves. I know that I have a personal relationship with God and Jesus. I don't feel that the rules of many are as important as my friendship with Jesus. Rules only keep people trapped in a cage. There is no free will or free thinking or free feeling. When we are able to put our whole being into our relationships we are more fulfilled personally. we are committed to a true relationship with that person. We have the ultimate of relationships at that point. And when we hit that point with God and Jesus, we are able to say that we really love, honor and respect them for who they really are.

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  • 8 months later...


Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God? How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us? What is the remedy? How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following “rules taught by men”? What is the danger of a rule-based faith? How does it differ from a love-based faith?


I've seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God.  We can detect this in ourselves if it applies to us when we find ourselves following the traditions of man and not in true worship unto God. The remedy for this is to repent and do as Jesus told the woman at the well.  Jesus told her te Father is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. We can you tell if our practice of religion is merely following “rules taught by men” by examining our heart and sensing God's presence in the midst. The danger of a rule-based faith is that it restricts you to man made traditions.  This differs from a love-based faith in that there is liberty to worship as the spirit gives grace.

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  • 7 years later...

The church fought over certain rules for millennia for a reason -- those rules were important. Theology and practice were delimited and purified by people who actually died to keep the church pure. Not all rules are bad, and a rule-based faith is a faith that doesn't veer off into weirdness and apostacy.

Having said this, if one's faith is more concerned with rules than  having the heart of God, it is obviously dead. Still, to juxtapose rules-based and love-based faith is to put forth a false dichotomy -- we need rules/order/limitations as well as heart/passion/feelings.



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  • 2 months later...

Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God?
Yes, I have.

How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us? When we are just sitting in the church, going through the motions but not really mentally there. Not taking time out of your schedule to spend alone with God and His word. Thinking that attending church is enough.

What is the remedy? To spend more time alone with God in His word. To meditate on what the scriptures  learned while reading the word or those taught while in church. To draw near to Him. To pray for more understanding and intimacy with God.

How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following “rules taught by men”? How you respond in times of trouble. Do your lean on Him first and foremost or do you lean to your own understanding. Can you praise Him even when things don’t look like there working out for your good, knowing that He’s got you no matter what. An that He moves in His timing and not ours. 

What is the danger of a rule-based faith?
Pride which leads to sin. Rule based faith is lead off what the church’s traditions are or the leaders of the church’s rules are. It’s man made.

How does it differ from a love-based faith? Love for God and following His commandments. Not what the leaders of the church have decided is right and wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (Isaiah 29:13) Have you ever seen a religious person go through all the religious motions, but whose heart is far from God?

Unfortunately, there are whole so-called "Christian organizations" that teach rule following instead of teaching that we need a relationship with Jesus. This can even happen in gospel teaching churches where some members believe that as long as they put their time in on Sunday's they will be ok. Somehow they hear the message each Sunday but it doesn't effect their lives.  

How can we detect this in ourselves if it applies to us?

Am I spending time each day with Jesus. 

What is the remedy?

To spend time with God, in prayer. Read the Bible to get to know Him better. Worship Him. 

How can you tell if your practice of religion is merely following “rules taught by men”?

In our busy world we can easily let our church attendance, devotions etc become just good habits. It is important to spend time and effort with our relationship to Jesus. 

What is the danger of a rule-based faith? How does it differ from a love-based faith?

Because we can not follow the rules perfectly, which is the requirement rule-based faith gets us nowhere. Love-based faith is all about building a relationship with Jesus and letting God lead you through this life. 

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  • 1 year later...

Q2.Unfortunately yes, more than once.

We need to be constantly examining ourselves for pride, lack of Bible study, making excuses not to go to prayer meetings, and possibly slipping into sin. If our Christian life is full of rituals, but little or no time spent in personal praise, adoration and conversation with the Lord in our private space. Then we are in trouble. We need to come to God in repentance and humility and ask His help to re establish our personal relationship with Him. Then we need to put aside private time to spend meditating on Him and His word. 
A religion that is based on man made rules is just ritual, it does not bring praise and adoration to God. This is because there is no love , or relationship present. It is merely carrying out rituals, which mean nothing to God. In fact it is offensive to Him. Now there rules and commandments laid down by God . These we keep and obey because we love God and wish to honour Him. 

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