GoRaysXD Posted November 6, 2013 Report Posted November 6, 2013 Q4. (Isaiah 31:1) Why do we tend to seek help from every source except the Lord? In what way is this similar to idolatry? People haven’t changed. Jesus recognized this tendency. What was the remedy he taught his disciples in Matthew 6:31-33? We seek help from every source except the Lord because we don't trust Him and don't wait upon Him. We dismiss Him. This is similar to idolatry in that we displace God with something or someone else. Which usually ends up with complications. Jesus taught his disciples not to worry about anything. Seek the Kingdom of God first and everything else will be provided by God. Focus on today because today is a full time job. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Quote
linda bass Posted November 18, 2013 Report Posted November 18, 2013 We tend to seek help from every source except the Lord because we are stubborn creatures trying to rely on our own self. Many times we come to God as a last resort when all other options have failed us. He should be the first one we come to whenever a need or problem arises. The way this is similar to idolatry is,we are putting our trust in some other solution to our problems rather than putting out trust in God to help us in our situation. The remedy Jesus taught His disciples in Matthew 6:31-33 is, don't worry about anything,but seek God's kingdom first. Then God will take care of one's needs. Quote
wifee Posted October 22, 2014 Report Posted October 22, 2014 4a)Our worldly self of pride deceives us into thinking we can put our trust in our own plans strength&resources, when under attack &momentary fears surface, and we forget to seek wisdom &power of the Lord. b)If we trust ourselves for answers to challenges,before asking God’s help ,we are worshipping self.Idolatary is worshupping other gods incl self before the Lord. c)Jesus reminded disciples &us, that we don’t need to worry about trouble, because the Lord knows our every need.As we prayerfully seek God&lay our burdens at his feet &trust him with small things first, our will becomes intune His will,we learn to be more content, and allow Him to use us as He wants Quote
JoanG Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 I feel that people only look on the outside of themselves for help during a crisis. They do not look within. They only look to what they can see. What they can physically touch becomes the ropes that they reach for. This can become idol worship. They will think more about material objects than the grace that God can give us when we need it. Jesus reinforced in Matthew 6:31-33 that God does provide for us. We just have to acknowledge our needs not wants and to lay them before God. Quote
Commissioned Posted February 21, 2016 Report Posted February 21, 2016 On 8/2/2013 at 5:05 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (Isaiah 31:1) Why do we tend to seek help from every source except the Lord? In what way is this similar to idolatry? People haven’t changed. Jesus recognized this tendency. What was the remedy he taught his disciples in Matthew 6:31-33? We tend to seek help from every source except the Lord because we are not living and expecting His involvement n our personal ives. The is similiar to idolatry in that it leaves God out and the dependency is on another. When Jesus recognized this tendency he taught his disciples in Matthew 6:31-34 not to worry about the material things that they would need to survive. He told them that our heavenly Father will see to it that those things are available when needed. Matthew 6:31-34 31Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ 32“For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 34“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Quote
Ray B Posted July 15, 2020 Report Posted July 15, 2020 Q4. (Isaiah 31:1) Why do we tend to seek help from every source except the Lord? It is our earthly thinking that leads me to other sources than God. In what way is this similar to idolatry? I am trusting and making others my source when I should be trusting in God. People haven't changed. Jesus recognized this tendency. What was the remedy he taught his disciples in Matthew 6:31-33? To seek first the kingdom of God. Quote
Krissi Posted April 24, 2023 Report Posted April 24, 2023 The Isaiah passage is clearly about war. It describes how men/women who are trapped in a warring situation should not rely on their government's plans, equipment and diplomacy to win or save them, but should continue to pray to the Lord for His salvation. Only God is able to rescue the godly during time of war. The passage also hints at the truth that nations come and go (or rise and fall if you have read Gibbon!), and that our faith in the Lord allows us to tap into a permanence and power that doesn't exist in political systems and configurations. God shields godly nations during wartime even perhaps rescuing them -- conversely, God lets ungodly nations fall, such as Assyria. == We tend to seek help from other sources because we don't know where to draw the line between our responsibility to work hard, be frugal and serve Him and His responsibility to provide for our needs, to which the Matthew passage speaks. Thus there's a biblical tension between bringing all our needs to Him and stepping out in faith. I do not think that the Christian life is necessarily one of passively waiting for God to act, at least not most of the time. I think God expects us to continually do what we can do at the same time that we pray and ask for His guidance. In my mind, at least, we should always be moving, busy and active ... as well as always be willing to change course, do something else or be guided into new circumstances. When does God expect me to solve my own problems and when does he expect me to wait, which means I’m to wait for Him to solve them for me? I don't have an answer to this. Too, we tend to seek help from other sources because waiting for His solution is both difficult and faith-trying. We wonder if we're supposed to be doing something other than waiting ... we wonder if God's voice was too soft for us to hear it with our faith-challenged ears. We question ourselves. Question God's willingness to intervene. Does God provide for our needs? I trust He does, but I also know that Christians have been martyred for their faith. Perhaps these martyrs were hoping until the moment of their deaths that God would miraculously save them by providing, as He did with Abraham's sacrifice of the ram instead of his son. Perhaps some Christians have died expecting God to provide. Died waiting ... There are times when we clearly have to turn to Him -- these are times of desperation and incapacity. What we're talking about here are the times when we choose to turn to Him, times of plenty and choice. We choose to believe and pray, not because we're desperate but because we want fellowship with Him. We bring up our little problems not because we can't solve them on our own, but because He's with us and is somehow involved in the tiny things of life. == This has nothing to do with idolatry. Quote
crissy464 Posted May 30, 2023 Report Posted May 30, 2023 It's easier to look elsewhere and quicker for help. We don't always get an answer right away If we seek help elsewhere it's like we don't trust or have faith and hope in God To have faith and trust in God Quote
Irmela Posted December 18, 2024 Report Posted December 18, 2024 Q4. (Isaiah 31:1) Why do we tend to seek help from every source except the Lord? I guess it is that one relies on that which looks or seems to be right. We are blinded to rely on man. There is no faith, it is "sight". To rely on the Lord is to exercise faith. In what way is this similar to idolatry? It is like trusting in whatever (riches, money, jobs or people) to get us out of our "trouble". That then becomes the idol, because we become frantic if it doesn't work out. People haven't changed. Jesus recognized this tendency. What was the remedy he taught his disciples in Matthew 6:31-33? To seek God's Kingdom first. His way of doing and being right. Quote
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