plethra Posted May 14, 2007 Report Posted May 14, 2007 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? They were brave, full of the Word, they loved not their lives unto death knowing that they have a greater reward, they were devoted. We all need all of these characteristics. I shudder to think how many christians are willing to die for Christ. Quote
JustJeff Posted August 26, 2007 Report Posted August 26, 2007 These two are true and faithful witnesses and their reward is eternity with our God. Quote
Bro Steven Posted December 1, 2007 Report Posted December 1, 2007 the two witnesses must have lived the life that was pleasing to God before they even enter in to heaven and the second time on erth they obeyed the lord and stood for him no matter what is happening to them. as far as their reward they recieved it before they became two witnesses as well as beening brought back to life and went back to the glory of the Lord. For us today we need to listen to the word of God and Do the Word of God!!!!! Quote
Linda Spilman Posted December 5, 2007 Report Posted December 5, 2007 Q.1 They are faithful - continuing to give their testimony until death. They have power ( vs. 6) and we are to acknowledge God's power in our lifes. Their reward is resurrection. Quote
mags Posted February 8, 2008 Report Posted February 8, 2008 The two witnesses are strong and brave. They are strong of mind and faith. Their faith is the most important thing and they stand firm tot hat in the face of persecution. They don't care what others think - they have the courage to be themselves and follow what God has called them to do - whatever the cost! And their reward is eternal - to sit before the throne of God and hear Him say - 'Well done good and faith servant with whom I am well pleased.' What an amazing reward. Quote
masika Posted July 14, 2008 Report Posted July 14, 2008 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? The 2 witnesses 1. Their activity brings several people to mind a. Zech 4:2,3, 11-14 - Zerubbabel & Joshua - Annointed ones - Comissioned & empowered by God b. 2 King 1:10-15 - Elijah - Captain and fifty ordered Elijah to Ahab - Fire from Heaven consumed them c. Exod 7-11 - Moses & plagues 2. Role of the 2 witnesses is prophetic a. They to warn the people to repent b. Like the prophets, they not popular c. God protect them long enough to fulfill mission d. In the end, rise from the dead, then 7th trumpet 3. Our role is at times prophetic a. Not that we receive visions and such b. But that we preach the word faithfully to the lost There is a reason we are called the Light of the world Quote
gideona Posted September 12, 2008 Report Posted September 12, 2008 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? They boldly carried out the Gospel and were determined to dstroy any one who tried o stop the. In addtion,t hey correctly used the authority that God had given them. Thus, they were given the reward of staying with their great King forever. Quote
randall greene Posted October 21, 2008 Report Posted October 21, 2008 The most inportant thing is that they are spreading Gods word. Second, they know that after a set time they will be killed by the antichrist but they keep on preaching. Their reward is to be at the throne of God. Quote
smurf1948 Posted January 16, 2009 Report Posted January 16, 2009 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? Faith and boldness in our commitment to Jesus christ. The reward is eternal salvation. Quote
Delivered Posted July 11, 2009 Report Posted July 11, 2009 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. The Two Witnesses seen in (Zec. 4:14) Are the two branches, two leaders who are chosen and are standing by the LORD of all the earth. What an honor! God gives to them supernatural Power, they are a special people, chosen by God for a special purpose, to be a witness, a martyr, wearing not clothing of white linen, but of sackcloth, a rough coarse material, clothing a prophet often wore as a symbol of mourning for the sins of the world, for judgment, God Quote
royk Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 Positive Characteristics - To have power and dominion over our enemies. Their Reward - Afther the 3 1/2 days the breath of life from God entered them and they ascended to heaven in a cloud and their enemies saw them. I would love to become very pure and become one of those witnesses, however it is clar that my faith like a child is far from walking on water!!i wonder how I'd really feel if God ended the times now and some or all of my loved relatives and family members were dead and I was still alive. would I bewg God to take me also? What would I do? These witnesses with super natural powers could make something like this happen, and selectively. I find myself singing "hear us from heaven" which is my equivalent way to "cry out in desparation" for the worldly-ness of our times leading us to moral distruction; so as for my being a non-prophet "prophet" ... if Alambama wins the 2009-2010 national football championship, then perhaps God is starting to show me something to prophesy on to others. Otherwise such personal insanity needs to be buffered into a more useful service to our savior. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? FOR ME This is clear, see purity of heart and mind and actions, ask God to show me how to get closer to Him, show me what to do and may He crush anything I try to do on my own that is not His will. Please help me to be still, oh Lord, that I might hear clearly what you wish me to do. Waht would be the reward I'd ask, that my 3 children all becomee bleievers befor thsi holicast would end their lives. Quote
royk Posted October 27, 2009 Report Posted October 27, 2009 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? It is always time to witness, when the mind goes too fast, what comes out in the mind and mouth may not be right; so we must be attentive to all things of a context, and then we can try to emulate the two witnesses, at our own level of faith. We might not be able to do what the witnesses could do, but still to do what God calls us to do is the important thing. Their reward was to go to heaven. Our reward would be to have peace and eternity NOW. Quote
alpha1 Posted January 3, 2010 Report Posted January 3, 2010 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? They were faithful and steadfast, continuing to proclaim the Truth, as should we. They did not fear the evil that grips the world. Quote
Commissioned Posted February 24, 2010 Report Posted February 24, 2010 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? The witnesses declare the glory and goodness of God, and represent the power of the Church in the earth. This is a final opportunity for the gospel to be preached in the earth. Even as they come to give a final plea for mankind to accept Christ as Savior, so should we, today, be about God's business preaching the word of God. Their reward is to be taken into heaven by a rapture. Quote
ritad Posted March 13, 2010 Report Posted March 13, 2010 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? They are true to the testimony of Jesus Christ. They are resurrected by the Breath of God and ascend to heaven. Quote
the prophet Posted April 17, 2010 Report Posted April 17, 2010 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? They are courageous; they don't back down from their responsibility of proclaiming the Lord's will and punishment for His enemies.Eventually they are attacked and killed by the beast. They may know this already, yet this does not frighten them or prevent them from completing their task of proclaiming God's word of truth to the world. They have the power to shut up the sky (as Elijah did versus wicked King Ahab and Queen Jezebel--for three years).They also have power to turn the water to blood (as Moses did in one of the plagues against Egypt). Their reward is the power they have and also the fact that after they are killed they, like Jesus, three (and a half, though, for them as opposed to three, for Jesus)days later are raised up and summoned back to Heaven--right in front of their enemies. It is like a proclamation of the power of God over even death. Quote
hanks Posted May 5, 2010 Report Posted May 5, 2010 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? Yes, strong and brave, but at the same time they are filled with the Spirit, and bear testimony to the truth. They also have supernatural powers. Their reward will be that they are raised from the dead and taken to heaven. Quote
l.a. Posted September 4, 2010 Report Posted September 4, 2010 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? These two witnesses do not hesitate to punish those who are not willing to repent and turn to God. They are given power and authority to do what is seen as necessary to bring repentance. They are faithful to God; though they are greatly persecuted. They give their lives for their testimony. They receive the greatest reward anyone can ever have; they are raised from the dead and taken up to heaven in the presence of their enemies.The scene will open some of their eyes and they will believe! Quote
PASTOR D Posted September 14, 2010 Report Posted September 14, 2010 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? Courage, strength, faithfulness, devotion to Christ and a mind to obey - commitment to a point of suffering and even death - and a willingness to glorify Christ. . . Their reward was their resurrection and eternal life in the presence of God. . . Quote
Ramon Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? Answer: Two witness to prophecy in sackcloth Quote
Lion of Grace Posted January 31, 2011 Report Posted January 31, 2011 The two witnesses showed strong character that we should emulate today. In the face of adversity, by the power of God, they prophesied for 1,260 days. We should also, continue to declare God's word in the face of persecution and in difficult circumstances. In testimony by mouth and in how we live our lives, not bending to worldly standards! We should like wise depend on the power of God to do so! It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that we can do all things and we should know HE is our strength and our fortress. In God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can have perseverance through everything! The two witnesses were given the power to devour their enemies by fire. We also, by the power of the Holy Spirit and by His Word, devour our enemies with truth. The witnesses were given authority over the Heavens and the Earth. We too are given authority and should use that authority against satan and his schemes here....especially through prayer. The two witnesses also prophesied in sackcloth and though I don't take that as we should literally witness in sackcloth, I do see that as symbolically representing, "in repentance and humbleness". We too, should be repentant and humble before God as we set out to be a witness for Him. The witnesses were permitted their "time of testimony" and then gave their lives up for Christ. We too, have a specific amount of time here to bring our testimony to others. We have a purpose. Do we use that time wisely? Would we be faithful even if it meant we were to die for our testimony about Christ? The reward the two witnesses were given was complete triumph over evil. Those who killed them rejoiced and gloated and partied over their seemingly defeat. But after 3 1/2 days, the breath of life from God enters them and they stand on their feet and terror strikes all who who see them. AWESOME! Death doesn't hold them! They triumph! How piddly the others look. How foolish! What a reward to be likened so much like their Savior whom they gave faithful testimony for! Then a voice from Heaven is saying to them, "Come up here." and away they go to Heaven while their enemies look on! Complete triumph! Through Christ! Oh happy day! We too will have triumph over death through Christ. He will reward us for our faithful testimony and we too are called to come up and be seated with Him! All for Christ! All through Christ! Oh let us be faithful and triumphant in Him! Quote
dlite80 Posted March 5, 2011 Report Posted March 5, 2011 The two faithful witnesses are given power by God to prophecy and stand strong in the delivery of their testimony of Jesus Christ. We must stand unwavering in our solid foundation of faith and belief in Jesus Christ, ever ready to give witness for our faith and our Lord. The wearing of sackcloth refers to their commitment, obedience, humility and service to the Lord. If anyone tries to harm them, their enemies will be destroyed by fire that proceeds from their mouth. They have power to stop rain from falling from heaven in the days of their prophecy, turning waters to blood, and striking the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire. God protects His own and has given the witnesses the power to destroy their enemies as well as performs signs and wonders! What this says to me is that God is all powerful, all knowing and ever present and He gives us the power to proclaim His Word to the nations. Therefore, we must not be afraid- just obedient and ever ready to do His will! Even though the beast kills these two witnesses, after three days their bodies are resurrected to life and ascend to God in heaven while their enemies stand around watching them ascend into majestic glory! Their reward for faithfully witnessing and standing strong on the testimony of Jesus Christ is eternal life with God! Praise God! Quote
tammie7 Posted June 5, 2011 Report Posted June 5, 2011 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? The two witness ELIJAH-the one that was us to show how he listen and did what god told that power that was given to him show that the the chruch and people of God can have the same strenghten. The reward was that he never saw death. MOSES- was the law he give the laws of God to us for we can go by also to the chruch. They reward was he know and communicate with God one on one. Quote
Marloes Posted June 17, 2012 Report Posted June 17, 2012 Q1. (11:3-12 ) Interpreters disagree upon the identity of the Two Witnesses, but they are certainly strong and brave. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? What is their reward? We shoud testify - like them - even if it results in death. Quote
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