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Q2. Seeing God's Greatness

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The first two sentences of Hezekiah’s prayer corresponds to the first sentenced of the Lord’s Prayer by acknowledging that He is the Lord of all and that He is in heaven. To acknowledge God and to know that He is watching after us is what our faith is all about. We know that God does answer prayers and He is the one that makes that happen.



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  • 1 year later...

2a)In the first 2 sentences Hezekiah is acknowledging and expressing the awesomeness of God, that He is not only God of Israel,referring to the remnant of God’s’ people but also God over all the kingdom’s of this world, He is saying he see’s God in a higher place than any earthly king,,referring to God enthroned between the cherubium. That his reign extends over every kingdom on earth, more powerul than the Assyrian’s and even satan. He see’s there is no limit to God’s power, he made the heavens and earth and can control all within them.

b)If we don’t fully grasp the awesome nature of God and his unlimited power, we limit the foundations &extent of our faith.If we acknowledge, believe and concentrate on who God is and His sacrifice for us in Jesus our faith will be strengthened

C) God wants us to know Him personally and believe in his unlimited power, love and grace.If we do,then we are more likely to ask him requests in faith, and have a greater expectation that He will answer prayers in line with His will, and God is more likely to answer our prayers.


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  • 7 months later...

They both give glory to God. They place him in heaven above all things. They are honoring his name and all the things that he has done with creation. To have faith means to believe in things that are unseen. We have never seen God on earth, however, we believe that he is the greatest and he can do anything. I believe that we need to have strong faith in order for God to answer our prayers. We need to believe that there is someone greater than us to answer our prayers. There has to be someone in control over all the earth. When we pray to God, we need to realize that we are giving power of our lives over to a higher authority. We need someone who is greater and more powerful than a human to help us.

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  • 7 months later...


Q2. (Isaiah 37:16) How do the first two sentences of Hezekiah’s prayer (verse 16) correspond to the first sentence of the Lord’s Prayer? How are they important to faith? How are they important to God answering the prayer? 


The first two sentences of Hezekiah’s prayer (verse 16) correspond to the first sentence of the Lord’s Prayer in that it recognizes that he is praying to the God whose thron is in  heaven and He is on his throne.  He continues by affirming that God alone is God and He is to be exalted as the God that is creator and sustainer over all the earth.  This opening sentence in prayer to God is important because we recognize God as He is, Sovereign; and we recognize that we are His servants.  As His servants God will take care of us.  So when we pray we have this confidence that He hears us and He will give us every good and perfect gift.

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  • 7 years later...

Comparison of the Lord's prayer and Hezekiah's prayer:

  1. Both Hezekiah and the lord's prayer begin by invoking God in a personal manner or as a father. 
  2. Both refer to heaven.
  3. Hezekiah references God's omnipotence and creative past, but not the Lord's prayer.
  4. The Lord's prayer speaks of God's holiness in His name.

A personal relationship with God while acknowledge that He is so much greater than we are -- "wholly other" -- is a bedrock condition of true faith. 

Many prayers do not start with this invocation and yet are answered. I do think these must be deeply seated beliefs, however, not to prod God to answer prayer which is selfish, but as an attitude of life in Him. 

I wonder, on a personal level, if some of my persistent prayers have not been answered because I don't acknowledge God's character and power as I should.

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  • 3 months later...

Q2. (Isaiah 37:16) How do the first two sentences of Hezekiah’s prayer (verse 16) correspond to the first sentence of the Lord’s Prayer?

They both address God first by addressing His Majesty. 


 How are they important to faith?

It is important to know who you are praying to. God answer's prayer according to faith not words used. 


How are they important to God answering the prayer? 

It is always good to address God with a reminder of Who He is, I don't think it weighs much into being answered or not.



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  • 1 year later...

Q2.Both sentences are prayers of faith and worship. A declaration of our faith and belief in God. They are important to faith because we must believe in God before we can get to know Him, to love Him and then to worship and adore Him. We cannot pray to a God we don’t know, or a God that we are unsure if He can answer our prayers.

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