Pastor Ralph Posted August 2, 2013 Report Posted August 2, 2013 Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God’s people to be “a light to the nations”? In what ways are you “letting your light shine”? How well do you represent God’s covenant in your everyday life? Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted October 19, 2013 Report Posted October 19, 2013 (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God's people to be "a light to the nations"? We must lead the nations to Jesus. We must show them the way to salvation and further to eternal life. People must see this in our everyday life and in our teaching and conduct. In what ways are you "letting your light shine"? Numerous ways but still not enough How well do you represent God's covenant in your everyday life? I am not even impacting my nation to any extend, what about nations? I have very far to go Quote
angelbaby Posted October 20, 2013 Report Posted October 20, 2013 Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God's people to be "a light to the nations"? Gods chosen people i.e the “ church :” those who he has separated out" will have to live exemplary lives to show what Christs life was like and how they are to follow Christ....they should show the way to Jesus like a lamp shows the way to the feet In what ways are you "letting your light shine"? Some of the deeds are Looking after the needy, feeding the poor, clothing those who are without clothes, visiting the sick etc and this should be done with out show and ostentation.. in giving the secrecy has to be maintained so that even left hand doesnt know what right hand has done. How well do you represent God's covenant in your everyday life? What I do is really insignificant but to help others I will tell some things Try to feed the hungry when they come to my doorstep. Attend the ‘‘Feeding of the poor programme” in the church and “help” Proclaim the Gospel to anyone who has time to listen to the" salvation news." Distribute Johns gospel;, new testament etc Give the old clothes in orphagnage, Visit Destitiute homes, old age homes and help provide their needs I sing Praises to the Lord even in Public functions. Sponsor 2 poor children for education, food, medecines, clean and safe drinking water Forgive others when they wrong me. Try not to react when someone irritates me...the holy Spirit has worked and reduced my anger Never pride myself with the open announcemmnet of my talents, Always “ Rejoice “ whatever the situation and try to spread the Joy of the Lord around me . I always direct a Christmas play and invite unbelievers to see the Nativity of Jesus. yet I have far to go in the fields of Humility, Submission, Self Denial, and more vigorous Gospel proclammation, more intense quiet time with the Lord with Prayer and Praise and Deeper Meditation on the Word of God by which my life will be better aligned with the role of covenant people. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted October 20, 2013 Report Posted October 20, 2013 What does it mean for God's people to be "a light to the nations"? "To open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness." (42:6b-7) In what ways are you "letting your light shine"? SHARING MY JOY WITH ALL PEOPLE WHO MAKE EYE CONTACT. WHEN ENGAGED IN CONVERSATIONS AND ASKED THE REASON FOR MY JOY; I RESPOND THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD. How well do you represent God's covenant in your everyday life? IT IS A CONSTANT AND CONSISTENT PART OF ME, BY CHOICE AND CHANCE. Quote
charisbarak Posted October 20, 2013 Report Posted October 20, 2013 We have to carry the gospel to the nations, the good news--the light! We need to help others see the light--Jesus! I am trying daily to make more of Jesus and less of myself. I have as my ministry the teaching of 3rd graders on Sunday and a couple of Bible studies in nursing homes. I pray I will live in a way that glorifies Jesus. Quote
royk Posted October 21, 2013 Report Posted October 21, 2013 Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God's people to be "a light to the nations"? In what ways are you "letting your light shine"? How well do you represent God's covenant in your everyday life? “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand.I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles,7 to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. One always wants to give more as God touches us deeper. His light shines far above all others. Anything else is from the deceivers. Breath HIM, feel HIM, let HIM lead us in all interactions with all people. In Jesus name! Quote
Guitar Jim Posted October 21, 2013 Report Posted October 21, 2013 Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God’s people to be “a light to the nations”? We're the only Bible most non-Christians will ever read, as the old saying goes. If we want to evangelize the world we have to live in such a way as to cause people to want what we've got. We have to live upright righteous lives in an ungodly world. We set the example. You can preach all you want but in the long run it's actions that speak louder than words. Forgiving wrongs done to us, helping people with no expectation of a recriprocal action, telling the truth, not gossipping, and other Christian values will light the way for those seeking a better way than they currently live. In what ways are you “letting your light shine”? I live in very humble circumstances and have a limited witness. But I try my best, with God's help to live an upright life. I fail often, as we all do from time to time, but I ask God's forgiveness and help. I work in the entertainment industry as a musician. In the midst of drunks and people of little or no morals, I try to uphold the way Jesus would have me live. I never touch alcohol and that doesn't go unnoticed either. I try to watch my tongue as well. People notice it when you don't join in the coarse talk that goes on in places where I play. How well do you represent God’s covenant in your everyday life? Not very well. I have limited contact with others. Just the circumstances of where and how I live. I trust in God to provide me with what I need to live, while at the same time working hard to try and make it happen. But I keep in mind that if the Lord is not with the builders they build in vain. Quote
hanks Posted October 22, 2013 Report Posted October 22, 2013 Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God's people to be "a light to the nations"? In what ways are you "letting your light shine"? How well do you represent God's covenant in your everyday life? We are to proclaim the Gospel so that blind eyes are opened to the truth, and hardened hearts softened and freed from their bondage to sin. Jesus is the source of our light and as good Christians we are to reflect His light – to have this light shine for Him. This light should display our good works to the glory of our Father in heaven. Quote
RD35 Posted October 22, 2013 Report Posted October 22, 2013 For God’s people to be a light to the nation’s means, God’s people live in such a way that we become an example to this dark world. Through the light of our right living, people will be able to see their wrong deeds and be ashamed, thus they will leave the dark world and follow God’s people. By God’s grace I am trying to live a life pleasing to him according to his word and his commandments. I try to tell about Jesus when someone comes hurt and need His light, listen to the troubled, try my best to forgive all those who have hurt me and live in love with them, try to put up with difficult people, share my things, sing for the lord etc. The Lord knows my ways, though I am trying my best to do well in representing God’s covenant in my daily life, I am better than what I was long ago by His grace, I still falter and fall, but the tender shepherd always lifts me and puts me in right paths again. Quote
antonate Posted October 22, 2013 Report Posted October 22, 2013 God's people first of need to submit and accpet the Lordship of Jesus Christ over their lives. when we confess with our mouth and beleive in our heart that Jesus is Lord we are saved. with His saving grace we need to daily spend time at the Lord's feet and allow his light of his presence to shine on our soul, spirit and body. Jesus is the light of the world. when we follow Jesus and obey his commands his light shines in us and we become a light to the nations. i try to focus on jesus each day and get my strength from him to obey his word in my day to day situations. As i praise and thank him, align my life to his teachings he gives me the grace to let his light that is in me to shine. without him i am nothing but with him i can do all things! i rely on God's love and mercy for me each day to live a life pleasing to him. There are times where i falter but the Holy Spirit of God shows me where i have faltered. i humble myself before my God again ask his pardon and represent him to others through my words and deeds. Quote
JanMary Posted October 22, 2013 Report Posted October 22, 2013 On 8/1/2013 at 10:15 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God’s people to be “a light to the nations”? As He lives inside me I'm to allow His glorious love to shine through me as I live out my days. We are called to be Light Bearers...His ambassadors of truth in a dark and dying world. In what ways are you “letting your light shine”? However He leads, be it praying with others, praying for others, sharing the gospel, extending the grace and mercy He gives freely to me, encouraging and supporting, sometimes keeping my mouth shut, (not responding in my flesh!), assisting when I can, letting His joy show through laughter and fun, weeping with others who are hurting. How well do you represent God’s covenant in your everyday life? Only He would know how to answer that, but He also knows my heart's desire is to represent Him well. I want everyone to come to know my lovely Lord. I prayed as a fairly new believer, asking Him to do whatever is necessary in my life to ensure that I'm not ashamed when I meet Him face to face...that the crown I offer Him will be full of precious stones of His doing through me, rather than a pile of ashes from wood, hay and stubble of self effort. He has taken me through at lot, and He uses it to encourage others, almost daily! Quote
Squirt Posted October 22, 2013 Report Posted October 22, 2013 Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God's people to be "a light to the nations"? When God brought the people out of Egypt and into the promised land, He intended that they would be His representatives to all the nations. Other peoples were to see the Israelites and want what they had spiritually. As His representatives to the other nations, they would show through their lives how to live in the will of God, how to worship Him. In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus used the same metaphor Isaiah used: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” As believers, we are His witnesses regarding His death, resurrection, and ascension. When Jesus said, “send the laborers into the harvest” He meant us. We are to tell others about Jesus and His saving grace. We are to demonstrate the resurrected life through our daily attitudes and activities.In what ways are you "letting your light shine"? I witness to others of God’s grace toward me; encourage those who are not yet committed to the Lord; show love to all people I encounter each day, helping others whenever I can–whether financially or physically. I try, with the Lord’s help, to live each day in the fruit of the Spirit. How well do you represent God's covenant in your everyday life? I need improvement. I tend to be a bit shy, so there are times when I miss opportunities because I didn’t speak or act soon enough. In showing love and kindness and compassion and gentleness and patience to others, I am stronger. Quote
Delivered Posted October 23, 2013 Report Posted October 23, 2013 Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God's people to be "a light to the nations"? (Matthew 5:13-16) After the manner of the rabbis, Yeshua, (Jesus) seated himself and he began to teach his Jewish disciples the importance of being salt and light to the earth. Jewish believers are salt, (Num 18:19) All the heave offerings of the holy things, which the children of Israel offer unto the LORD, have I given thee, and thy sons and thy daughters with thee, by a statute for ever: it is a covenant of salt for ever before the LORD unto thee and to thy seed with thee. Not only are the Jewish believers to be "salt"- to preserve - be faithful, so are the Gentile people, they who believe in the Messiah of Israel. They are to be a light, (Pro 4:18) But the path of the just, righteous, is as the shining light, that shines’ more and more unto the perfect day. All believers are to be salt, “faithful” and a continuous "light" that shines on the world that of "righteousness". Quote
Lion of Grace Posted October 23, 2013 Report Posted October 23, 2013 For God's people to be a light to the nations means to carry the Gospel to others. Not in just words either, but by actions. We are to preach and demonstrate salvation and God's grace so the eyes of the blind may be opened to truth. Then those who are captive to sin and deception will be freed from the prison of darkness they are in and will walk into the marvelous light of love and grace. I let my light shine in my family by speaking and demonstrating truth to them. I need to show them what Godly reactions are and teach wisdom and discernment so they are better prepared for living Godly lives in a sinful world. I have done this not only for my sons and daughter but now for my grandchildren. I am a light by leading Bible studies and also by speaking truth into small groups and to those I mentor. I have been a light to the homeless and the hopeless and the weak by taking them into my home to live there, restoring hope through Jesus into their lives. I have encouraged them to continue on and overcome in their circumstances and have tried to be an example of unconditional love through their trials and setbacks. I have chosen to volunteer in areas that cares for the poor and have given of my time to support charities that will help the hopeless, the poor and the outcast. I was also called to take a young man into my home for a year. He was from an atheist family and God sure opened doors to demonstrate the Gospel to Him! He was baptized though sadly the other family members rejected Jesus. Most of all though, I am a light in how I treat people on the most mundane days of my life. Being helpful, serving others and easing another's burden are all ways I shine my light. Visiting the elderly or doing yard work for them. Helping at church doing the things no one "wants" to do. Caring for my family because there is joy in it though it may be repeated jobs over and over. Laundry, cooking, cleaning. Our joy in those things are a great witness of unconditional love, the love of Jesus. I think we have forgotten that even in the mundane parts of our lives we can be shining a great light. It doesn't have to be spectacular things though God will surely give us those things to do to! How well do I do? I grow everyday and ask God to show me other ways to shine my light that will represent this covenant relationship with Him. Some days I'm attuned to Him, some days, sadly I miss the mark, but always He is faithful to help me grow! Quote
wjcargile Posted October 24, 2013 Report Posted October 24, 2013 1. We must be the people to open the eyes of those who do not know our God, and His love and grace. We must lead them to our Lord JESUS CHRIST. 2. Each day is a new day, through His Love, walking to please our Lord. 3. I represent His covenant by tell others what God have done, and is doing for me. He will do the same for them if they put their faith and trust in Him. " Through it all I have learn to trust in Him." Quote
Jen Posted October 24, 2013 Report Posted October 24, 2013 (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God's people to be "a light to the nations"? In what ways are you "letting your light shine"? How well do you represent God's covenant in your everyday life? By Our love for Him and our good works we are a testimony (light) that He is.Even when we don't realize it or think we are not I believe many people see something in us that they don't have. By letting Him work through me and being faithful in every situation. When I fall I repent and get up. I have a lot of work to do as usual. I remember the words of Susanna Wesley "Perfection is God's attribute, sincerity is mine". For all of us who feel sometimes discouraged. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
haar Posted October 24, 2013 Report Posted October 24, 2013 Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God's people to be "a light to the nations"? In what ways are you "letting your light shine"? How well do you represent God's covenant in your everyday life? To be "light to the nations" means God's people should let their conduct reflect Christ's character of love, joy, peace, patience... etc - the fruit of the Spirit, so that non- Christians will be attracted to Him. I must confess that I need to do better than I have in letting my light shine. So help God. Quote
humblejon Posted October 27, 2013 Report Posted October 27, 2013 The mind of Christ and the Spirit of Godneeds to be evident in our talk, actions, and deeds. We are to display something better what God offers that the world can not--love, mercy, kindness, uprightness, and peace. Only through the strength of God can I be a light or his representative. I am continuously calling on God's Holy Spirit to guide me to think and relate to others like Christ would. Quote
WinstonY Posted November 15, 2013 Report Posted November 15, 2013 Question 7.3 The term 'God's people' can have two possibilities , a. Israel and b. the church. It seems that Israel of our day has not been a light to the people outside of the covenant family of Israel itself. The people of Palestine are oppressed and held in semi-slavery. The church also in many ways has failed in its obligation to be a light to the world. In the 5th gospel and in Jesus' message there is a clear voice speaking out for justice for all the world's oppressed. We hear the words of Isaiah "I will keep you and make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness".(42:6b-7) From the notes we read "of course, the Messiah himself is a great light and deliverer but his people are to follow in his footsteps and carry out his mission". This mission really has two aspects. One is to physically heal the blind, free the captives and the prisoners. those who are in dungeons and sit in darkness. The second aspect of this charge in 42:6b-7 is a proclamation of the good news that Jesus brought to the people in his Nazareth declaration (Luke 4:16-18) to open the eyes of the blind, to free captives and to release those in darkness can be read into the meaning of the poet Isaiah. I personally attempt to visit the sick, those in prisons and nursing homes , and I have come to love the Lord and my neighbor as myself. I will not know until I go to meet Jesus who is standing , waiting for me at the right hand of God. In that great day I will be clothed in a coat of righteousness provided by my Lord. Quote
Craig Posted November 18, 2013 Report Posted November 18, 2013 Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God’s people to be “a light to the nations”? In what ways are you “letting your light shine”? How well do you represent God’s covenant in your everyday life? It means to live and operate in this world according to God's precepts and statues so that our actions would glory God and bring others through our actions into a saving relationship with God. I strive to implement God's Word into all aspects of my life that I might honor and glorify God on a daily basis. I also share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others as often as opportunities present itself. Quote
GoRaysXD Posted November 18, 2013 Report Posted November 18, 2013 Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God’s people to be “a light to the nations”? In what ways are you “letting your light shine”? How well do you represent God’s covenant in your everyday life? So that our actions would glorify God and bring others through our actions into a saving relationship with God. I'm always nice and kind to people, being uplifting and always giving my friends encouraging words, and always try to be a helping hand to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Quote
Old Jerry Posted November 20, 2013 Report Posted November 20, 2013 The meaning for God’s people to be “a light to the nations” is that we should be doing the things that make God proud of us. We should be helping other, watching our tongue, and loving those who dislike us. I think that I am doing well to represent God’s covenant in my daily life. I know I stumble once in a while especially when something gets under my skin and the things I say aren’t exactly what I should be saying or acting. Quote
JoanG Posted July 24, 2015 Report Posted July 24, 2015 To be a light to the nation means that we set an example for others. We need to teach people how to live a life that is filled with love. we need to share all that we have with others that are less fortunate. We need to share the talents that God has given us. We need to work for the greater good of everyone. I feel that I am helping everyone that God puts in front of me. I try to live in the examples of Christ. I am working very hard to turn my life around. Quote
Commissioned Posted February 27, 2016 Report Posted February 27, 2016 Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God’s people to be “a light to the nations”? In what ways are you “letting your light shine”? How well do you represent God’s covenant in your everyday life? To be “a light to the nations,” God's people must show the world the love and purity of God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son. It is only when we live in righteousness and holiness that our light shines. Those around us will tell that we've been with Jesus by our love. The light that we bring to the world is the perfect love of God, agape love, that impels us to teach all men the way to the cross. Quote
Ray B Posted July 27, 2020 Report Posted July 27, 2020 Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God's people to be "a light to the nations"? To live right and well, to a light unto the nations bringing people into the kingdom of God. In what ways are you "letting your light shine"? By revealing the Lord Jesus to those that I meet, acting in the Lord's grace and mercy toward my fellow man and woman. How well do you represent God's covenant in your everyday life? By worshiping God alone, I live as best I can by his laws and decrees. Quote
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